5».3fONJ>'ATf VOLUME XI ^ MAROON AND GOLD \ P,ibU-i'iid I vwv Minilav DuHnf thfi Collcslalr >51!- Ijy Ite SW^clll* Of L«on College . , . , , . „ \ . for robllt ftOon must lie in tl»e haiid.s of the Kcportine, ,LdU*r | ■! nulin «Alir'r> Wllli \il irticl-A li>r rHDiifHUUii rnu.Tv ni- ».• **'v -- --; • -• , by l‘> tnt \I TtHir'.dJ.y. Artu-ics rrvcivcd trom »,n unKnoinn ^ourcc u.lj nnl !»' • , Slnlf ^ Gold orttre. flr‘1 floor. AUnmncc Buildln? ^^ ' i ^nristian.Cag'ers i ^'OfF.joo Long Tripr m Virginia Touri: ' /I thtvMd^y.- rboirnmg/ •Fobrun-ry'. 2iKt: I'lhjO B^oil cagGTS' Jolt: for tllfijl" •n.rif. I'Cam.c.'on, forcigxv .soir. Kd.iivr-lit-OJ'i.i'f .Niuna^iO};. -EdiU'.' fcdi (>.' {>ilkr clon"college, w. e;;:?j^QNi^i WHILE: OTIhERS si 5A 5l6ry.—3ou ba;r);, : ihouth. |spcctutoi;;^ro6e. ip their fret; fpn '■ Arclilfr. Walker, xhAt- rdPTi ft'cre 5n’\klnq; liamfA.Ufc >ef- ed. bijcau«c .... ‘SvTisHho wll* waa .itb^- •T|c,*boj/«-at, ee»>^ i.-provl^' lha tan .|X.^di;rtQ,5?^ Ic^. ^np; ,4epHra6edi>' Bra^Jdjy-^ ■jnlntis - fl'vblg •. lot--;- Wnt nil the- Armacosr:had ^the t}p; :,*iralgnt?*^j It The nr.^t.'gaitie \rhich the 'i'ls with Lvnchburg'* LynclibuFv:, Vn Tlie next teain ' wn'ich biKtlcd Lhe Eton five wns Bnclci^'^vftU'r nt Brldgewpter, I jSed .each .(3thbr?".ipr;‘J f (Jitj. Til.,' folM'-vlnc men ni'e • repfo.^^l't^ ^ge-t iL;:Jl3iup«> ofrth.LVftlrj-l;, np, , s.>uriiiR Eina on ihis-.tfipl. For- !tst xeUtei: :^Onlim‘iy:j.-.forn U,‘fwji UKDdS4.0"^e. l)a-^.e(I,il wards' L Tiick. 'Robert i^Illns, {sore). Lscorcfl ;raitf fti'St Smfrj- nnd Snil'h’ Centers* John-[ were ^bn^^>n, bitlausr/'Dirty son nncl> Curtis Qrif!ln, Guards.'* rheera Braddy; crniie !iiu'hc5. S;m-^5on. \V. •MonftV ancl j both sides'of thd-gyniv.: ^ f.utt-Jv a -tflp .t&. liitt; •L'-rv- -Cierk Hinton Roundtrc2 i .With bands- on ihelf. ktveri!i t«n; Uip-b'g.tt .over to'Lutr in.-: Uio iean\ on thl'j trip.' nervous' iftwi tOola th;:r—-stftiice." -.XlpjJcd. the ;■ oi ■ ■' ‘ —’tiio the-/, fifstr'ganj'.-i:?'-' ready ^ oound t^avip Mis(s)-Cellaneous -And Her Calumn; ’■•'liw'oiip in th6, ;alf t!)c BtfiJndlj);', "Tl.t^'nAI-'T'f Uic referee iVuVtiSc CAi\!C>bat« «nlf " I).- now ABOUT A RIDF.^ o.ing £.r'. hk's (o \rrr’tv vyu prin:- II' aiul chd nol ” .ir man • ' r..i' , .i.'irienly P,. ,1 f* -r’i nv r.t i.MP rlul. Thi-, ,t slig'nAh'C'f the referee t^ui'tlSc ^Ai\!C.; bat« n^-Xt .d i\\ty3' to be-fTln. ' Th» -che^t k'Adt>r;>.’•'the, Nedk^’’ iwltJi .much coftx)h5 ;*iid ^Warions,' the remainder• of .tii seated the cxc.lu-.:; crT.vo, Thy jUie Up Wfti} rfolib ■ft-as on!' rii.’ bill >TTil(5h into 'the -ui-, u'ltit.h , teaxi ■ j wnuld ffpt the (;p.‘ .. ’ - BoiincihU Braddy Uv'-'iind jvii.ip.t' ' rd !ilciu mncli tjinaund-■ ; ina Bob Aniiaf;sr-. wiio hV ' inkr 01- nllior'vj-j:*., vu-'i supposrd :o I piny (lie ccnlcr jwAltion for ll'.e I hopeful •‘Dirty N^ck’^." As I f.-, Hollaii.d went fJU’r ih? .ind he tt'oiild tnivr maif- i\ ^ cd :f Fl"frrro Dock. :;ad nni hud 10 i j!I tinu- ■>.): .n erc^i: ; pry B^oddv's b;';. lo-' c.ir t-f . . Dirty •S'ccl P6rwarc{~-LaUi6jh. , Fj^-Ti'Oi'd -.Baldys G\j trd-nGlovert. • S O'.iird—-Butch.’ Ccnter'-ArmaebBl'. . Greasy ’ Fin fonvard—'KfL l^'oj ward -A'rQhle. I Guard—E4ir^.: J Ciuard—Bivft. C^hrcr—fioliand. Score: Dirty Neck.^ Pinqprs (2Bk ;\:.a found- not • -1, •r:i- A I ■ 't: !,in.. ■ iI''.'"' 'ij'';>’ ■ r,-i 11-’ !ii 111' •. ;> I'l' ' ' ; r'-‘t ill' '►VmM 1'^ ■' ■ ' , ;.ii;u' i*’f -li'-:; -'i . ■;- !:■ tii’ ;iiu; I I'' |.;hiv IM - I :* -• I"-' Ill i\w- liiM I..;, 1.1- !.'-nlv ;r- 5b;.I la-A t:.- i'lii.ii-- U-,.;- Min Frid.n I nori.-'--i i)n; Do>' De- KiV' hail .! nt'W c.ir. IX»' and I l).-on rii*h)ntf •.:•.(■ .s^ine &ir\ jn .ii-i'-. 'ir.rl In; afrj.d l>e *\W \ n -v , p;o’'C 'oil mr r • ^ 1- I .an .'top hUn. DEI,. • ;i : -.v'^rn h f nad r.K •‘••'"i: vii'.Ul h(- • .s ... '.'i.v. >'u' y-v.ir.a UI-IOW. y ^ A. ;ii.i.-o:-.-t rio.-.'r.'t ;ir.'-;'’r.t d.>h - 1-'': a br'-ai: SOCIETY AT EL Mcn^b^r.'. nf tlie V W C. A., dent.*;, friend^' of tl son.sored a cafotoria .^npprr in !h^ and pe.oir from out Y W C. A lav; Saliirday niRhf rrceivpd tvnd enleru at 6' c'clork All >iuduiti> on tlic-al students a«f=lstf'd MinptJ.- ucre invaed, . * ' lag lind Scrvlnt'fgu Ml. vind Mr;- Sic^if' xvoie (i,n- Annie Ruth Chan n“r fiursti. nf Barbara and Pri, ^eek-cnd in Gi;rrn I’lUa Cl:a^^ a.id K;iiic Pierr-* hSnn* . ' dav rvrp.ins u\ \V>m, dornii'o';v ' n.i’v'.rs, Frcf'^e, C • Brav spr-.l ff-\crai :’vi f.>!k. L ’-vr RLW.xHn If H.ntf M.;lrr a-.:: '.nr .-^rson th** Sun* i- ...-.x-l di>n.iT ,. P i- lav.- a iniliiln'l' ”1' ii''"-''’"'’' .' .. ',1 i- ii -i 1- !!;■' a mi-iuua-’.' ,, :i;; I.n-An- i- -rir.;- No ■■hi'di-, . ..1; ...I'i-. Lo ;i (I'M - t.,rin2 - '-.‘n'- -.•v I •:,• __a:'.d ' -lii'.-nl" I'l'fiiM'''! • ' NV5t!l h.ir*!. G -I-ffU’ «I-b^ue Jl-.d '•'•’.i')''■• ..,'\l ^ u:iv.';.'-^avirv^ ;.t 1- nirlTly .r n-u^r ,’(!• ; '.'.M' \\\'.v !>•' v''''!*' .i.iri von-.in ma-, jitrml •.ca ' iirthi j- tI""' 'it-ivi'-' I' to liii-L ("n.- ivif inir.c back and 'Aork in iV-'.- v ..n!,- M 1^ '.vlinliv a nuiitcV "f in- voj-.- P^.UT’ annwiu-t-(t ,,, an,.. „:,l .'ai-.. ^.r o.n^- a, ;1.- claang ihc o^l^r da-.. Turk ;.penL ibc wc gliln.1. Va, I-atham and Wtlii oral days in OxfoJ Meghre .and Bwi grave Military acad (' ; ‘ II ' 1 i 1' f‘ • 'I I ‘ ’ -iii';|.l'- lirivi III, ". illv'.t a;o- ili-ciinil'>n t-r r I Mnfr;;i, WilkC' •J T Cl.nprll rcrvnrly'ina:!'' a ’.r.ji to Ni'’\ York, Thf T^u 2c: \ 1* 11 s-t-i;,-. rn- ‘rrTainrd gifr'is i:i tl’.f' V. ■>’. Ttir^day rveu'Hg Miss M.irgU'-'rtt'’ Cocper. M- Hnrold Ford ar.d Mr John Ha:n I'.rrin v r:? (hnno;- iruesi > a', ti,? weck*cnci‘'at 'Eion. Jfonie ri( M?-, Doio’h'.' Bfill^t Siif.- •* — d«.v Ofnh l-Iook'and t 1 *he geogi’aphy rfai.' Mr Nornvan Canirrfjn. of Ap^':, for an iinag)h/ir /and Mr. R. JQhnspr. Of l>uk-;. ^vrrr: uia world, Jh® M ' 9i.>'k*end gucvs* .of Mr, li-;r>:ld fwiU'glve .a. brtt*! s\ Ford. • plates visuied cach A Aciy d‘'li«htfui fej. uab t^iv’n: Dr. .S*mi|h’ r,^iurii,« . in the hom^ of Dr. and Mrs. L. F-. ^ jXijv^-Vyodhc'sdffy uig Snjifh Thar«day aftc rnoop . «*^d ; sueccASlul, cam^.ajflir evening. .\ large n’lmbcr of ctu'-t Va 1 . .iacluir cf'-'t