fc.ir.jWKo:' jjrewHtlt ?ri8Iij;Sf; WMperstul'8 ■: frjiftlmi'i ot leBUk-." fW owii 56*, ^Tft« tKp.5 .'Mfijf of; ■ ISa. ati-angcs,-itjiroxisifr- iBa t9ra :,of: ono typo ;w- Wlyi'lt .willv.aufriotsnl. ■Mu,lor-t’Imi'aot«y and ‘■hiHnJdJts!«‘tO''l!ecp'4t v owp usiuatiti^iisifs- clttla l)olosi!.rai' bee*.:’ fllolsnt ,aoVDtopn\eiit " ot to. ' HiX4fttlon :• .■Jljd ';, ully; .fUarctid' ffgRlusI; Wia'sd . wl)t>,.are liltcly ■ fectlotl. . 1i))der?tooc!» .Hmt • ■rfm^tuciijy, Jlciiisiiida ■' ■ I'ul’ uttiOiitloH;* mi.ulloa- until ■ tv has': tage-' of DliysJoal-dCT. ill ■ It. 15 safo to lum . larents-.'.,: ' iris ai'e avalla'oie^sU" Hi'e ot preraatuix'. ba- , Iblo „te> savp a large ■ libs'c .wJio are born.. . Infante admttted to )r ■ prom&ture bable.Sf were t>‘aft.5fci-rcd to P*». iQ ^)lay so ilo vith liijn. Cut n puz2lf> picrefi and can p»U li\eoi -io* I so as to form )iis. Tou may Inni the, ■rr >r you wi?b- • >oIullin -of lilt* prr*' Ti.e viher ses fhf» tlifVc piece* pove ihe base. ^ wniaee6pir,iiinH .mitw w oitn '.Ya^^jyvo mightf>^Ily';l?jeweay«t^?)?^^f DUl’ , , ■ ■f' -opiiiibn^ n ^Yay,yvo migfip ejysuyw.eimeqy'jiwiijMiip mpr8S8io;i sm Uhiii K L’ pape)''Of'.)«orB»toii0fttfmtcreats.', and ' woyfei aie.thos^.^vjio Say thftt'wa- , th} student eleitientf—tliat We tOQ Vfrcligal, that w«t ne#f?nn rwitifv Car^r Tnore to tb0se on our campu^ and emewhei'jj 9iMi;iQn3 are> «pber"9nd Rt^cjigthcncd Ijy cxpe^n- e»ce. i ■This, gentlQ-^eadi3i^:'is.i)lir'dilena^)Sf;riWharwpuld= yiiu* .As f.(if.aM/we,ave,tryinar';to T^lsftse-eye^ygody.a^niesEii tht'wa'i I ur»tnso«ftpi) ^ j Cliftjvdl^r. ivas lem 1“ «St?.vV5 'A»m kliM ftAftiweK SJS’.S’Sfcjl ‘ HnVSl^ fixoiAa :§ttturl4 Rifthl rclildsNwham th« ', '.i .' ■•*•'■" .Viw.'.u,. • «;«,VD'KIMU 1.U; ‘16C.QiV,b{ huggo-stigns, from its I'aadevs concel'mnsr either thOss , .the,; ,pape)T., which., -they-like,.-. orrconcejTiinc ■ Ihoae. Khiijh, they c^i$Wce. O.ur ideal is to make ‘'Tlio Mai 0011 and Gold’’a pu)jHoation which. -Will give toHli2 ■. HttidejitS’ of. Blon Cplleg-e. tlie .mcdl«rti o.f .self; exptieSaion ;\vhich i8 vitally .e8s.entiRl,.to. student, life,-arid at'thd same .time- lioldnip. those standards and ideals whjch wili:'iii,akc! ... ■: pur._(r61(ege._admired,:aiid loved-ijy people who'.bfecome' ac- ,. . 'qu.amted .with us.' ■.W'‘e- -realize th-at wcs ’have riioC' vet ob tained, t-liia.ideal; but.iWe ■8incerely.''hope that, with your help And,cooperatjpn, .each. iSsaB.^wj-l.l be- a step foEWard.' ^«mild»Nwh.nrtY;rwir»^ t.W;- domw^’RfQurSa-^' ■ • I Bt-ay fjfalojs Of A-« Xm -*te(rt i " W" 1 fonnleli wdfo, ,1*1,6, )?a«Dtt for hlf v A'’»W, two .tfpnthf iuddorilfohdnsls for C vlrt°y ^ **>. a^' I wondef whyKttOj has ;deold«4‘Iff go In busln«^^ > ^ P'i* ijuofn ml? "plfiy "Hvf d|le and. mnt- A TIP FOR COBBLERS If is prol^ablo thut-^meriftan .shoe factories arc C(Rurj- - ped toprcKlnco at lca.st.seven himdroH fifty million pair-! oC Khocs. and it is also-probable that, aonve'time in their his* 1.01 y, th^sQ ph’oips ^vill n^dd-■nien.ding'. , ■■ ' - '■ - Regardlc.ss 4 iW effect'upon indiistry" ip j;oneral, thus depFe.ssion ha.H certainly been a BtinVliltiS'to the shoe inendiiiff prolcfsioH, • In fact., '"if we , cot) d kef down-to rock bottom, we would probably find tiiat it. wMibrSught on by stock spe'ciilator.s and shoe, mendoi’a.' aiW rate' there is no. questioning the f&ct that the lW6i*'®&Vrofit^ If-*? co-ntinuanfe; for never before have men 'tiini'ed old shoes.. They didn’t look s.O gdod live j cais -ajfo, and we threw. theii\ back in-a, corner But ' Ks ^obd as new, and we arc pitllrhg-- • r have ju.^t .-had- them half-soled? T'?,f ,vn a half-.sole is better than nO sole at all m i.t ..■tin- hk I V’*" ‘^**e'the. uwfertaker, ho mihst fi’am hfs living: from adversity. , • .. ^'hc shii^ mender couJd add materially to his.fncomp’ hmy.c-vei.-it he would t-ecbgnize One'fact. The one ereat ‘lep^ession i.s that *f an all-night shoe '■';ervice*aml°t, ^ I Would maintain a bedtime call 'iQhasC' la .So 'Civpabloriof locltlng^aiid .ifnlooWng ■ the -"Yp-b'ei;- Mu ’! *'^'5' wlt\’ Va Dale h practicing mole ano:' iMwpeJ. nitislc- tbt.i.'sciii5.?t()j‘i-'..v.- f ... P easi.' notloo. .the .bulletlii board IjUrd Of .WjsS'Dorni fdi: iri- ^W^J'oWcyd.^hat Ndrana- ReU .^ad,.th^nt-. ver^'carpfmiy. ' ■ Elon >ipebatoi;s to F arc: ei Lenoir in Meeting in Marclk debating: team, fr J- “ "'hen' RJiyno pn -iUaroh-,-3i’(i.' The ouefy. for,; tile debate is '’ResolVed, Tliat- ■.^«^raraetf tee season for.- toth colleges; (t-1^ not possible • to ; e.Wni«'to the ThT^nh teami; Tne_ Rhynes Volild- j?em to have wpriihg.-ojy for.OTaje m;Dntli5, -Le noir Bbjno aWays btgliu i'auior ^.l^n gehefally.' waits ^tU, rather late to begin woA, lif t uoa^twjhat.both teains are ' working , ha;(l, honYirsr. and the “‘"“ .V?"".' debat« should iie «ri' el™. xS--Pf»^We In- lier chair. —L_^ , |K- tnolrri' 1ii SOCIAL NEWS ,. • Mnrnn Anflpr&on.. Billje HilJ I aucl Mildred Carr were.others who r Wt the campus for ^^ek-end via- Basketball Squad Off bn New Trip The Klon basketball squad icav«a today on a -t-hree-day trip on whieh they encounter Caiawba at Salisbury. Pavldsoh at David fon and i^iiolr-Rhyne at Hick ory. ’ ' • AiAnswer;? . tJear ine..' S((«, ■loOlts ;lUic 5:011.: two oushj »?»!ldcii;allyi- Say. it- tfij hatip.eij-.f.joon,. I,. anr eoini :Il5h.... tho-.igtls,' nam«;^ an? ,s« niak(jJii sii’appy,- - ( .. I -ivondfep.Vwhero Sra •!? I OR llIJ \i\u OF i ., Bsidr. wmiknijfteiggest^ .-p.cggy: ssjhi'Kst.. ,S:g«?* Grossci' ^iJa.-mcK -Connor. Best’ La ",,..L.; Moffitt, Woofl^g ,. .(31,7^! .and Btay/Jey,.-'B ;Ba.^keEoall .‘Jta-'.-fs. .,.-,' . ', ;Irla'- ' Dorset).;'Ainori' ,C,ha-mp, ■ Har.ycy AIIpb,! Brlshfoiit Ann.; F.1)C NiclTols and Kat'c P:ercc *«-c.-e {ta„er guests at the Jiom.- cf Mrs. 'h. f. Mltcholl in B'arll.ngton Seturday night. The quintet. Is after revenge tO' night beeauM of tlie huhilUalUls d’efeat they suffered ft-om Catawba earlier In the Seiaon. „ Tho aquad feels ctmfideOt. ^4f. iVIargueiite . Harris entertained on-the -.rip h:r friend, Miw ' VMar Pe?rK.n I of Macon N r fnr « ^ defeated such teams as macon, ». C„ for a few days. | Bridgewater and St.. Johns. . Constance Jones spejit the end with Frances DuRant m Bur iington. Dr. L. E. Snflth has rctur^ied! ! campus after a few day.\ ONOR- ROM STUbE?^S . ■ .Mr. Hi.rold Foi-d- vjtnl ,„... people thinl »cek-cnd at his home in Danilic. ginla' ReeJ lA "Jinny 1 of trivel ’*He vtllted Dover" DtT'l The foUowing student* who aver- ! on this trip. ‘ . a?®d 90 or Abov during the ••"past -. • semester were left out ot the list •• - ! last week‘by •'ilsake^ Vlr-1 Ester Cole 92.' Lou'tsc Thompson In a faint.” | &0, Borbara Chaae 90. /• The Reporting Etiitor; • ?'ayN}cHo)?..'-Most Modi or- Driig Siorf - • , ii^rfd' t^hcn, was' .that was so co6d that he •mouth-:open tp keep froj sorhcthing'WTong. ■ m^C/XLANiEOUl While, In iho dliijlig hi he^^. nightr.l overhearc ^resuJi^ co^iversatioarbet’ jJfcraonS.- ' NQmbci'. l, said, >' :j ou«l\Iuiow ab ver, lt'.shoul;l’,W:'enough 1^^.” (Sb* mcftSs' hlmh ) :r' 2. sa{d,.--'‘WeU, .What' ■} and Olover- bfceh doing?" upon sho- trted -,to. ge^^as.' In- lier chair. It s rcot lciioWn\ Just w does whether*- he v laslee or;^, but"he do« faj bed tryln> tftput hts pants. A rowlnjf organiaatjon campus Is- the Nfustachlo c .origlnaitoTs of this great I Mohai and Freeje. Other Ing j^Igns.^of increased' jnf tl>« plan to put .a hair ( Up are. Charjie Holmes aaij Perrj-,^ - . • • ’t K KISS » A 5155 i8 a.-perultar, pro No Use .to 'one,, yet. absolt to ■ **wo. 'The 81® all i^y ge nothing, th8 yoq:>g man hi fO» It. anii ths old man ha; l\' .The boy> rlgRt, *aic privilege, and the hypocr1‘e ^o a young glri; faith; to ried p’oman. hoper and to tnald, chafit. Marguerlte.Cooper: “Can member when you propoacd .Z,waa TO overcome that I spMk /or an,-hour.” ^’ord; "Ve«V It was the 1 hour of mx UfG."