.^1 - r it. wh*w,'Brady,, bHtl (jome- U» I ftnri- A- (Iftit, 'vitlv ft •; Snvce ':,'fc»!4). hfl- iJHfi. wriucrj' }&. Si'ioUlrt '.I-atiswftr 'U ff"I noi.ln ■ Wi'.'ii. ‘n,'A’UJi5r?.-- • ,. ' r',^ ,'Peg?>'' • i&wer:. Dew*. ;V.-hy.. not 'Bi.ve ■ ihC' a 'br\«K: 'Riul. .wf|tc‘li>m..(v;lV ' 'iv.ci^ y^‘ hnwom®’, ^ V 5fc.-\veftk :mv boy'Vit^nd-Vbl.ed' :ant^‘•■‘wl;.lIe•••hc 'Wiuj.i hci'P. ,hC' red - a dpccd/.' ."ftccldant; U) h'jj 'inR-' ftpp;.T{t(.us.‘- The. ^sig)H, c; •accldpn.i, diJiturb£s>..my. insn?- nakc Up; How' can-.’I clia;Rs64 ' - : -‘M swen - $iy. v^Uy Jio'i ?.ec‘7.ac,j nan; he nx?:; npcifl^n^f- .Tl;0-|, ;)>oya llkft ‘0 ^ox-’bui an wc- iiv love and 'flgJitiitg go lur.d and ■ . ’ I . Korth ■ V .ffolrigr' U, ‘t&S Ma Jjjliifl «ln» ’Mlv H'ashaw^ft l\on- ulfaU V 1 iflUciijd > 1/ fnloi • ’Of' >r)-'.wltr,-,Vjlj')6'u>\ gamii}- ancl -;cci’.ii£tvs;- -'Mls.f .-tJelfln .:\va'3„:f^iind ...nic ,^.jftIi;sp?ftvai,vftDrf^es'/tvnd.':v,‘ah •'prj^: s:n'Ci;. w.lt!] '.ft ,;;,Followir;;- UiB l}OU»v..-'bc «iiC3;s. i7ev.i -.ijiW'hjd ■Jnto,, ai8Vxiln- la/»^-:-r'o,5m‘\v!r.i'c lhff.,bQ?itc4r-sjr.'ed >tollKlitlt 0»M (i.r, miau'>lwl[ ol" plflyw(,.p, WhtcltrllJ: ptn r"‘- ■ 118 flunl? \ »t!nio»'rptii.v!d' ei# Wiec' _j— „ ftimjnniion lo I'bitfl -D:'., FdivrHi '".T'snv .f,) itoujh "?, taiUd Wto nalM'' » « '. -M^:ry Sue: -vD^n't, '^^0c^0BP,“^illVfl^ ",* HlC SlgU.Dl.-llCV'V.OlltnSJi,'- : •,.. ,1 M -I'TAS ^Jh A./ ’ J'l ini belQis r me‘ M 5vc r Sil™ BWic Do vtfu Itilow Wr ! ,• .'Mat-Jorii: '.Tamsuncr.'ii. Anmi^ --'Tynsr. .HjnslT^V.y- vPeoplG,^.,! Hhct'u •rrDXlo:..S»mp30J) . MIs^h) ; ' out two months ago my Kir] j a dalP wl"-' mr atid ns fhc '.' UR have torr.ak?.^ our sta- juo-i 1 ni-!-'» ■ Jny \Vrfln’''id,'*y dale, :*!ul v;mt to birk, niy vmti'; Itl me. 3l:f‘ •s ri! ccui; Ija'/k, bO wl.iit ni r;i 7 ' GObSlp, .suTi- Dear me. w>ll iiih, i: like yo;i tv.-o ought j inc-ei pirflllV- Say if this dw ‘i t en Boou. 1 uni goina: pub* the (rirl’.'' nnnip and addres.s, lake iL ■ s.iai'jpy vender where Bra;, .'.p^ni b.^’ OR- TIIK HALL OF FAME 'riv Wli:iaiii, BfewM'sr Bum. ••^y B ' Double , nos Conner, U'.' ‘ I,^rfips’ M I-. Mf'fTr.’ VVooftn^ C!irtir.p t.l; ar.fj Uravrjry, Dfst 'f;- > , •'t-i)a:t r:sr.'. ; Do;:c;i. Ampr.cdii 11; . ’P ' ; r\Tv Allrii. Brl?h;rf,l Boy. ; Reporting Editor. DU2;cil. | • Nlrhols, Most M^ej.1. i k- I?;-ac’. Bigger- Siippor'cr 'nK 6'ore rii!rj' Q Di5«ic;' "Do- VfJU know ,^YeJ' Bi'a.wioy: '>W&ndy who? ':.. , Dopie:,' "Wendyi wc-.cat? ■ . Impiiifont..MJuMnc5ii Man , ihejiv ■-''Hrrf*. Monday. •'lo• m,Pl’^6w'•wili bo.- Tfi^.sday, lijKl ^thc next' dav- Wcdwq.sdaj‘. .Thc\wh6lc n/«tk htflf gone and nothing/idopc. yet.”\ ■ • - . .^ ■•, Blniji "J gctt.T.-, i'.o.t ldc)i for -nj Go'' wj;Uq- tV.;oiV, .a- . Bdllpf;,Dob ceko. 0/ tee." D.f^rK'. cH'clai pl'an.i for on ^ ■ c'-’vr (^.,ir br mud‘1 by the c.l,in ?ln'or.; wn.f recently jp.inc nubKc by ihc head of the music n partni''n;. Dr. Smith 8nnbuncf*d on hu return from, eastern Vlr- Sflnti that ssvcral cnsagcjnen's h.ul hcon nvedo, and that k f.ir* rruchinj Lour would bo inade, R'*- por:^ Lhrii tlio inn w,'OUld #.inri on F;.bruar>' 23 >ind end Pbbruarv 2R, '.vci-r \ ai inert upon Dr, SmUll'.' nriival. t/poji ilin jippcarance ot Uio singers br/orr Uip .■^ludenl ^v)^y In a i^'ce-.ii u'..s-inbly, Pr>- SL.Trr miid^' publ’iu the PiHn.s fortr.iiiaied ,| dI\orce from hrr hiisbpi'd. - Ihft [ Tlif irniauvr sclirdulc of yro-lveiy Rry. -l.'rflel H. Noc.. pn I gram,', jncliid-' iHr /bDotUis : j chf»rgf^ of phvslcwl &baj>dqnment..; ry, 23. ;»i "fl^e Mac .suprnnc Court' dflnifd t the Elon' Dr, HuD.tcr; “I'would llkj't^Mc a .suit lhat. would flt-ine’.'*„- , ' Tailor; ■‘So^ vw'i^ld.. f." - ' Wife of Preacher Loses on Physical Charge in Divorce Najihvillc. Teuiv- ^‘'fb. Jl.—(VP' '-Mrs. Ellen M. ’Nor. or Mrniphi.'., ? j today-(lofcL her flaht to ybtniP «anlPv-.«.Tiiv ■dm-.- wJdbj jBi'mjnftUon' :Th2 .sw3'M:'Wr;rK'._/i*'f0ll0ft-fr;. , , .On ThuPKduy aiwfnoon;... . .Tunlor«.'-2a i _■. 'I'Twhftien. flobdri.':Klmbait,.',^v^^5 .Uir- ltT*h «ftrer •;rory-U>6, ''.?nihl,04-X / ^|tii \2‘ noM\is ..lo/'nia'Cii'eijll,■' MarMil 'TMtt ..wfiH,' lhu-‘ Fi'«lvHftiv4 \vl1o ^hot,,. thft liftll- lnlo; th.«'bftfiKC'C(5t01'-llJC .DtRhCll. -I-'rwhrnan',*corr-,'w!lft I) j)0nW: to. warned M’J-th fl pr:6e: inKOirli^, jv'f.^wcill' a> IS- 'to '.bp. li'ope,d ■•l.hR profjran'u-inny'.'bq’ pi 1 ijtui’c.’ .'Jhlm .liVimjjer idctl-'Wcff?/ rp •Ant whlcli wa* t on la.tL Cohcert overlurc 1 intermezJiO U) D, fpfcftttt nnd lvRii Pablcl .J^o, 3,,Knr Sh'jphord'.s ^ E\ Ndvl'n.' -' ,, nnd'Ki»iiballi 13c,-f> li.'N'it.w t t)ff.^ji'li»y.«rurnoorU'^‘ J * I.BprcK CIwlC^I ^ Hfcond., Oipnii: ^/ ^funton^k 34^ *hl|hv.'.i«»w XUn* ., ■; .■ bau;-u ( . ;.&5pWi, Mp.rih S.rOV^ - • ^'Towi'pojntff in .kJf'.gftinpfc'*' / V Scnlrtrk; 441' .runl0r«i'‘®lt 8op}v»»''' i"* 3:;p*r08h JHlghfAt'iiftorcrA KhnfjiVll.’flS.-^ ■ - '• ■ ■ V-. - M.’RKf, 17, ' * Clas*. in Nev England - pcan itook;!'a»i(j tbe. Oe?jBf*phy ^ cJnM„ar^ • now' In EngUnd _: .Mater, •> Womi^eV'IlWTJMy an4 Wa ters l^ijlcd ns guides. Ujis week, . . AirtopK:.ti)f ;plA'cos’ y(&llcd ' ,wr» .tljc, Si.1./A>'rotjie Valley,'NoVti $co- - jtia.-1W«U5tv'rti)4 tho fnmous-Gem-.• : DntUt: 'iWhut. Vtiil Ol-nillntfrio picnUctit River \,yji.lley. The yoii/waifL.jii your tboth?.". [u'lU 3eavc Boi(.oji for Vermont oii ■ NaQmrs£ecd;-^Ch'icolai.'f;‘’ '••' j'J?icsda3\. - r.;A,‘ Mflillland.- I.ioliiiii.. . : 'In G. pnch.' -lilcrty -, . - ,^>1,5, Pcuj-cr*. fPLf-BLOm BRIDE y\ eHARMlNS-ENStHBLE TOR THfe EARLV SPRING ,WEPPIH$-. "Ihe brid£sMaid;,pjctt, BEtOW, WCAR^>.P, ^mCWiV: • TUILE FROCK OVER A PINK ' SATIN $LIK^' Tliiirsdflv night, I- FrHiikUn, Friday I'ljfin h-^iiqufL in Suffolk, Sntuida, Hollann; H:jnday .inojmng n( 8uf- friik, dficriioon si/ South fJorfolK,- HHd Pimda.',' evmuig a: the Chri>i- lan Templr in • Ndrfolkf Monday night at, V^vrrly On Tucsc*! / the group wUJ return. The prograrns to be glvon will con.^lsi of both »3cred and se;u Mi>. KtPi prtitlon for a wtU of, ’ rrriior.nl M.s, Noe .started- h^r 1, • fight-jm- dl'orre fvoni Ihc dean 0/ St. Miir.v’s Episcopal cathedral Memphis, about a year agp In ^ , i,enjatloiinl JiPHVlng b^forr Chan* rf-ellor M- C, KfiCchum, of. Mem- ' phts. ft-ho deciled her saiu^ ^ic- circuit court of dppe'alfi atvl«lc*’' 1 6on uplwld Clwncelloi- KetchuifVC. IHEBRIM.XP- LEFi; WEARS WHITE' "CREPrWlIH KEACE : VCtKE ANCi'A PALE PINK; XIJEU-VEII.. BEOSSOMeAM ?ED TOR both" ‘ BOUQUETS'. i fl then there tlip man W8b ro r.ood that he kept his ti open to keep from iaylng -hlng wTong, MI8C J.LANEOt’K. lie In the dining hall v/ed-' y night, I overheard ;>n r - uig convrr.satlon betwf’rn two ns. Number I said. "If I fold •very hlntr I knoftf abo\a QIo- it should b»' enough u> .sliip (She m.foii' him). Num- : said, ".Well, whfi-t have you Diover beep doln*?” Whrf'*- slie tried to get as small a; lie In her chair. not known JUst why Bing 4i; whe^hor’ he was hnlf or—, but he does' faU ofT tKe :yin? to put his pants on, rowing organization on your us, Is the Mustachlo club. The ators of tbls great body arc 1 and Freete. Otliers show. Ign^ of tticr«as«d Interest In >Ian to put a' hair on every « Charlie Holmes and Geo^e Icr music bv chorus (luaitct. and. dcclsloii. .1 group of 12 selcctcd from all ’’ - the ilngers. InUnslv? work ha.' • .r )D alfeadv .stdried. and will contlniio’ Ot 1 OSSVUtlS until the tour starts. Ihe groujT' - . i*'! wiji prcb0rt)ly be accompanied mi i CaDtUlTCCl Ifl- iLlOn the trip Smith by Dr' and Mrs. L, B. One cold morning rcrcntly Mibs ^ Wulkt," came 4jito the iMaih room : and skid. "Why Ju.si look at ynu j big. hf‘flHhy-bo,vs hugging the radt- j ator.;, and-all the cold girls at their ; Special to Tlmes-Nc^f- Elon Co!l»gf, Feb, 13.- Af .Mrs. T. C. Amlck sat ir her llvlnp room and giauccd outride her wbidow. during the hcan'x^^nd Wednesday ofia.st week, .viie was at!riicTed by big o'possum. backte; In the sun,* A KISS ciss la a peculiar proposUlr-n. se to one, yet absolute bltsa 0. T^ small boy get« It for ■ig, the yourw man has to.He , and the old man’has lo buy 'he boy'” right, ‘Jie lovers ige. and the hypocrl'e'f fnask. y^jung girl, faith; to a mar- ”oman. hope: and to. the fild charit. 'guertw Cpopfcr: “Can you re- er trhen you proposed to me? «o overcome Ihit I couldn’t for kn ,hour.” i: "TTef^t was the happiest >f my Uf^' Kv.To^ay’s Altnanac: Foln’uayyJM OMbnl does ivqt uvetb s^Ms bi- 1735-SayaJtnaH, ; >Ceot^3. fljuittied. Exfte^/ iSQO'Snow hiTtaiiuM KUnida.RiU(MM^^ big cc'lwraUon.in. Caiifqwii*'. shine, and sulnglng to and fro upon a llnib, Ulgh up m A huge oak. in her (^ilcken yard., As slic ' tt'atchcd y.. rhydren passmg" from jwhool. too. w^cc O/tlracted and ran i In td th^ Amlck honxe. to ask per- Iriil&slon to climb the tree for the ■possum. A local boy, Clyde Gerrln? C-". was allowed the ptivUegc, and I aS he readied the Ibnb for .’the ■‘trophy.’’ he ra'ual)^- pjancfd Inio a squtrrers ne^j:, near by. that i swayed to *'nd fr in the »1nd and | t,o his .sAuprise. he discovered- an-, other-.«*>jO€Aum, even bigger 'han I the one hi was cilBjblng for. •. \ With tht assistance of Mfs Amlclc. both ’po«iims were ’'ap- tured. Young Oftrrtngef, threjp ohc to tlie gro»i“ '-‘'‘•w ^r»-' Amick '••'Id securely with a rake' climbed down dth the othet^ They dlvid^ the “game." Professor Steere Gives Hiecital on Organ for Sunday The ve^er service ^laat evening consist€d of-an organ recital pre* j aentcd by Frof^ssor Steere, Thf, m w rW-Aoys