PAGE TWO THE BURLINGTON. N. C,, DAILY TIMES-NEWS. MONDAY. FEBRUARY Z7. 133.3. MAROON uuii ifl m ra H m m mi Qi Qo aq iBgl@ iiAiju ® Si @ GOLD VOLUME XI. ELON COLLEGE, N. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1933. IVIAROONAND GOLD p,iBI|.h«l Ettn Mji'I.J' Uurlr, lb; C«II.H.le V«r bj Ibt SCafl of Elon Coliete nnl be pubil>hPd. jitaff omic—Maroon ^ GoW offlcr, «r»l Boor. Al»m»ncc Bulldinj R, K. Abcrnclhy Carl Key ..., Edilor-ln-Chlet .. Managing Editor . Reporting Edllo.' Ramsey Swam . - J, T. Chappell Margaret Bailey -- Alma Smith • STAFF ,., Editorir.l Wrii.’r Circulation Manager ... OfBce SecreUry Sienographe-' N r W S Oti; Bray Kelly White Sechrlest Fred MiUcr Alfred Nelson .•• SPORTS Spiiis Bdltr.r .... Charlie Holmes F O. Perkins Katie Plcrcc Doc LeKUes Barbara Chase F K A TURF .' Martha Anderson . .,. Feature Editor Marguerite Harris Sam Rimsey Bill Horton • typists .. Ester Cole Doris Milks — A WHOLESOME SIGN BASEBALL AT ELON SHAPING UP RAPIDLY Christians Have Full Season for Compe tition Ahead. Elon Is looking forward lo hav ing one of the greatest baseball tctma In yeara. We not only have such m»n bs A'jrmaihy, our cap tain and second baseman: Wa'cra. our veteran hiirler. and Clark, our hitting acc. and Chandler, who playa the position oC catcher as ell (u knocking home runs, but •e are also introducing such men n Latham. Glover. Tuck. Ltnlcy. Mulligan. Newsome and Wlllianis. Certainly with these men working together we shoi'ld have itltle trou ble in captuHng the eonferencc crowr. ^ , Coacii Wilker has ecen to It that the boys hnve plenty of time to work into shape, (or Ihls schedule simply hollars “Work. Teem, Work." March 11— A. C- C at Elon. April 5—Elon at Guilford. April 7—Delaware at Elon 'Bur lington). April 8—Elon at Duke. April 12—Elon at Daavldson^ April 13—Elon at High Point. April 18—Davidson at Elon April 21—High Point at Elon. April 22—Guilford at Elon Bur llngton) Washington Day Banquet Is Given By Literary Society Lhelr prcscncr. The .'ccoiid «pcHk''r. Mi» Elif.- abrth Bariif'y, extended greetings to thn old membcri' and told of the Iradltlon:^ ot Lhclr soclcly. Profes- ror B?iney, the oldest faculty mem ber of Ihr Cllo-Psykaleon society prr.sfnl gav^ b vory interesting talk 1'fnilsnl.^prefoot-flA eta eta shrela reminiscing ab;ut Cllo-Phykalcon of his day. He told of much strong er Mcletlis. societies of far great* er spirit than thoee of today.. Under the direction of Dean Walker, who has heretofore proven herself an artist In portraying the ap rlf. or such fcstlvola. the banquet iNjrd. n'rWident of the student bJdv. iha’l was bertiitlful with the colar T lachemi of red, grrcn and white, Ivy and red hotchets On Fcbrunry 31, .it 6 30 p. m . he Cllo-Psjkaleon Literary society and guest* with their cscorU were if-d Into th'- b/*»iitlfully decoratcd dniing hall of Elon CTllegr by D:;in Walker and Dr. H. K, Evcrsiill, a nfwly elected ni'*inber of the board of trustee. 8?atrd with Dean Walk- Pr,?ildeiit and Mi.s, I. E. Smlth, Mr. and Mrs. L, E .Carlton. Mr. Carlton a board member: Dean Hook. Profeisor and Mrs. Barney and Mlsj Prlicllla Chase. Presid ing at ll-.c guest tables were Mr. Thomaa Art^ur. president of the Cllo-Piykaleon; Mlv M;ibcl rctt, vice pre.rid'iit. and Mr, Huro’d Seated’ ttlth them were the mem- Ischei . . bers of the Cllo-Psykaleon Literary | cherry treei aoclety, and their alumni guest', MLss Ruth Covington and Mayderie Lambeth and those of the faculty who wer: lormer Cllo-P.'>lcaleoni. Mr. Thomas Arthur gave the open ing toast, welcoming the guesLt and visiting trustee* of the college. Pro- feasor and Mrs Barney, Dr, and Mrs, Powell. Profissor and Mrs. Martin and Mr. and Mr.s. Cannon who p;ere honoring the occasion with having been used aa the motlt throughout me evening The ban quet hall ai d drawing room were lighted throughout with long red and Willie tapers In silver candle holders. TTie crlnuon sweet peas and early splrea which formed the center plcces on the tables, were given as favors to everyone after the ban quet. Calendar College Mcnda). February Z^ 1:00 p- m.: Ministerial ing. 7;:iO p. m.; Cllo-l’sykalcon mrelinr- Tuesday, February 2* X:00 p. m-: Basketball — inullford vs. Elon, at Elon). Wednesday. March 1 10:00 a. m-: C!bapel. 7:30 p. ni.: Phllologlan mrrt- In*. 8:00 p. m.: B;k>kelball — llllth Point vs. Eton at High Point). Thunday. Marrli 2 l:Ofl p. m ; Maroon and Ccld stalT metllnf. Friday. March J 10:1)0 a, m.: Cliaprt. 7:00 p. ni.: Choir practice. Sunday, March S 10:00 a. m.: Sunday school. 11:00: morning Worship 6:15: Vespers. Monday. March 6 10:00 a. m.: Assembly. Elon Downs Guilford; Loses T o Lenoir-Rhyne Quintet Dcfeals Quftkeri by 45-40 Score But Drops De cision to Lenoir-Rhyne Invaders 41-3!; Askew, Tuck, Johnson Star Against Guilford. 1 pconomic depres-l April as—Oullford at Elon. The nation-wide and world-wide . thinkine ap''” 27-Lenoir Rhyne at Eion. ti crr»at deal of hard, straigni ininRinK-i .t wnn 5ion has catiscd a great deal oi truths and has brought wp mav have realized which, daring not sharpl'y enough ctchecl in our dmily. '>“* *"!' the fullest influence upon our lives. ^"^“totteJing and crashing of great flnancial mst.tut.ons l^.lch were Jormeriy regarded,as .mpregnaWc, the wellVdo peopre to the estate of hav. i‘n“g to struggle for the bare necessities of life; the count less multitudes of the unemployed, th of beeeara, hobos, and tremendous appa^^ f^auced to their mwerable condition thp_ialues of this earthly existence. May Catawb at Elon. May 11—Elon at Unolr Rhyne. May 12—Elon at Lenoir Rhyne. May 13—Elon at CaUwba, Tills schedule L' subject to chanje ^ any time. SOCIAL NEWS Cincinnati Minister Gives I ELON SUMMER Analysis Of Christ’s Faith i TERM REGULAR PART OF SCHOOL At the rcjular Sunday morning ■ of high mortility thelcs. service. February 19, the cJngro- n^onuthelstlc piiilosophy th4 Im- gatlon of the Elon connnuniiy human soul; church listened to a thoughtful and scholarly sermon by Dr. H, K- Eversull. of Cincinnati, a disting uished author, lecturer, and min ister of the Congregatlonallst de nomination Dr. Eversutl is of f'-r- ther Interest, to Elon in that lie has recently become a niemb"r of the collegc board of triute:*. Dr. EvcrsuHs sermon was a masterly anaiy-v''. of the Christi'iu religion fi'om the point of view of determining what about Christ ianity is unique among the reilj* lone and phllosphles of the worn, what gives to ChrlsUanlty it* uni versal appeal to manklnd- I A brilliant young Prencliman I Mid Dr. Evcrsull, once attempWi. ji.'.ipe's.ri’ srpsvt! r, e ‘“s moreover, he suffsred martyrdom because of his doctrines. Yet Soc rates founded no great world re ligion. even though he had a great many followers, among whom were Pl;»to and Aristotle- As s second llluatratlon of his point, the speak er reviewed the career of the great FYench thinker. Condorcet, »'ho> like Socratcs. suffered martyrdom b*caus« of the great doctrlnea he propounded. Vet Condorcet. great u was his influence on the tliought of all Europe, founded no great rell|lon. Talleyrand, then concluded ur. Eversull, must have been wrong: there musf be wmethln* els* alyut the religion of Jesus wmcn has caused It to bccome the one satisfactory religion. Thri some thing Is the Idea of vicarious at* nn^m^nt ihi* fact that Jesus suf- Work Done in Sum mer Counts Just as Regular Studies. The auinmc. aeaslon of Elon Col lege Is a constituent part of Its school year. Th* same courses and 1 ram credits are given as (or work of college grade. Credlta are given Isward the A, B. degree and to ward teachei certlAcation as ap proved by the State department ot education- The lummer session should appeal tc the following claases of candidates: Those who have just completed their high school work and wish The Elon quintet proved their Hghtlng ability by the hard and .',ieady gain to a successful flnlsh over the Quaker five at OulUord Collcgs on February 18. The Quakers started off at a good pace, but Elon was always clO'>e on their heels, tlelng the score twice. Tlie Elon boys took tlie lead att?r a 40-40 tie and ran up flve paints befsre the ftnal whistle, A/:kew scored 14 points for Elon and proved hla superior ability on the court. Tuck and Johnson look ed good as uAiial and each added 10 points to tl'elr quota. Flon ranks 6CK) with only Appa lachian and Lenolr-Rhyne with a ijctter flgure- OfT.^IDF. uort. According to the statistics ot the ; l.inolr-Rhynean. their team is Just about to grab the basketball con- texence crown. They have ■won seven games and lost four. The Elon cagers had won two games and lost two for the per centage of .&00 at the time these urday night, the eao shrdl etaoao statistics were Usued, but last Sat urday night, the Elonltes showed that they were far from being out cf the race by downing Guilford. This gives Elon three wins and two losses. With three more games to be played Elon has a very good chance for the crown. The Btudent Body has high hopes of having a Championship team thl« year—so team let’s see what yotj can do! The b.iskctbull Icum lx>i liat Friday night to Ui-- l.enoli Rh,\t)e qulnlet at Elon b,v the score of 41* Picked by many ot the dopi'- sters as winners the Christians could not srein to get koIdk, and a.t a result played one of the disappointing eamra o( th'' year The El'»n team sank bu'- (ew Arid goals ,anrt miu"r' mcrr than half cf their foul shot%. Sinip.'sOM wu\ the most consl.nlent phvrr cf the Elon cagers, for the jinL would not find an opening thot ’■Simp" wasn't covSrliJfi, Tuck alxo presence by rolling up eight points-thr; scorer for the Christians. 8u nmary, Klon (.Hi Unol- Rhvnr (III Tuck . . .-8i I ,11,. . ,f^„th Askew . ..rO( f dj, . . Lmi^ Johnson . .(8i c ift. , Siacoulck Simpson . .15) g 8i . Ovcrcash Hughes . .21 g (3) . . Hughes Biographic Notes Mis(s)-Cellaneous --And Her Column IBy RAM.SEY) Allen, llarvey Mebane Harvey attenvzed Burlington high school and graduated In 19^. He entered Eton in the fall of as a day student- Harvey has mad? great progress In academic llney and la a very promising stu* Dear MLsij; 1 wish you would do me a fa vor and explain the slang mean* ing of the "chlscl ” SLANG Answer: Ssy, that’s quite caay. Chisel ta the favorite way of sai* Ing "too timid," Nuw that mean? to hand a line to the "sugar" while Ondlng other enterlalnment- Chlseling on one la a rather bud Clime or It involve* the wc ot a good line plus the ability to k«ep the chlaeied two apart. Dear Mi$(jc There la a boy that eau at ’.h same Ubis that 1 do. i like him and would hke to attrsct his at tention Tell me an ea?y way to do this.