R H. Abcrnethy Carl Key H L. Armscost — Edilor-ln-ClUet , Managing Edllur Reporting E(Slto.‘ Rainscv Swam - - j. T. Chappe'l •• MargaJP*' Bailey Alma- Smith — Edilorlnl Wrlcjr CirculiUon Manager Offtt-c Secretary Sicnographe.' KuiU-“ TfiKiV Sechrlest SPORTS Fird MiHcr Alfred Nelson Sp^^;s Edit*' Charlie Holmes Season for Compe tition Ahead. Elon is lookhig forward to hav- uig one of the greatest baseball teams In years. We noi. oniy ha\c such men as A'jcrnathy. cur cap tain and second basemaiK Waters, veteran hurler. and Clail?, our hitting ace, and Chandlcj\ who plays the position of catcher as ell as knoclt'.ng home runs, but we are also Introducing such men utlmm. Olovtr, TucK, Llnto Mulligan, Newsome and WUliams. Certalnly with these men working tcaether we shoi'ld have Ititle trou ble in capturing the conference T O. Perkins Katie Pirrce .. Doc LeKltes ... Barbara Chase Martha Anderson Feature Edlloc ' Marguerite Harris Sam Ramsey Bill Horton typists Ester cole 1 CO It thill crown. Coach Walker has -- the boys have plenty of work into shape, for this ecl«dule simply hollars “Work, Team. "^M^rch 31- A- C. C. at Elou. April 5—Elon at Guilford. April 7—Delaware at Elon tBur- llngton). April Elon at Duke. April 12—Elon at Daavldson. April 13—Elon at High Polnl. April IS—Davidson at Elon, April 21—High Point at Elw. Anrll 22—Oullford at Elon (Bur- of truscee, beairu wun ui'nu «■*'»• er were Pr'sldent and Mrs L. E. Smith. Mr- and Mi.'s. b E .Carlton. Mr. Carlton a board memher; Dean Book. Pi'ofef.!or and Mrs. Barney nd Miss Priscilla Chase. Piesid* ine ai the guest tables were Mr. . ^ . Thomds Arthur, president of the Walker, who haa herctofor Clio-Psykaleon; Mls.s Mabel B-u* rctt, vice prc.'^idcnl- and Mr, Haro-d Ford, president of the student b;dv. S:atcd with them wrrc the mem ber.? of the Cllo-Psykftleon Literary society, and ihsir alumni gue^t;, Miss Ruth Covington and Mtiydc.-e Lambeth and those of the faculty who wer3 former Cllo-Psyisaleoris, Mr. Thomas Arthur gave the open- ine toast, welcoming the guesU and vUlting trustee* of the collegc, Pro- fecsor and Mrs. Birney. Dr. and Mrs. Powpll. Profr-uor and Mrs Martin and Mr and Mrs. Cannon who were hoiiorlne the occasion with reinUniaprefoot-fl4 eta eta ahreta remlnlaclng ab-.ut Clio-Phykaleon of his day- He told of much strong er aocietie.'^, societies of far great er spirit than those of today,. t'nder the direction of Dean proven hovseil an artist in portraying the sp rlt of such fe.stlvaJa. the banquet ha'l was beautiful with the color schem? of red, green and white, cheiTV tress, ivy and red hatchet* havirig been used as the motif throughout the evening. The ban quet hall ai;d drawing room were lighted throughout with long red and while tapers m silver candle iiolders- The crimson sweet peas and early -^plrca which formed the center piece.-* on the tables, were given as favors to everyone after the ban quet. .ue.nay, ►ebra.rr M 8:00 p. ni-; BMketball - (Oullforrt vs. Elon, at Elonl, Wednesilay, March 1 10:00 a. m-: Hhapel. 7:30 p, m-; Philoloylan mrci Kasketball — Cion at High Ing. 8;00 p. n niigh PohU Point), Thursday, March 2 I:ftn p. m.; M.rooii an. Ucid sUfT meeting. ffiday. Mareh 3 10-00 a. tn-: Chapel. p. m,: Choir practlcr. Sunday, March 5 I? «« *• f”.: Sunday ichuol. 11:00: morning Worship. 0:15: Ve.spcr.?. Monday, March 6 Assembly. 10:00 a The Eton quintet proved their righilng ability by the hard and steady gain to a successful flnUh over the Quaker five at Guilford Ccllegs on Pebniary 18. The Quakers started off at a good pace, but Elon was always cloic on their heels, tleing the score Iwicc. The Elon boys took the lead after a 40-40 tic and ran up five jjolnis before the final whistle, A-'kew scored U points for Elon and proved his superior ability on the court. Tuck and Johnson look ed good as usual and each added 10 points to tl-elr quota. Elon ranks -000 with only Appa lachian and Lenolr-Rhyne with a better flgure- The PaskrtDail team lo«' laat Friday night to the l^noli' Rhyna quintet at Elon S'/ the icore of 41- Picked by many of the dopc-- steis as winners the ’Christians could not seem to get going, and Off a result played one of the most dl*up;}oliiting gamra of the yeor. The Elon team sank but few flrld i?oals ,and mlas^H more than half cf their foul .shot-^. Simpson was tho mor.t conshtcnt phyer of Ihe Elon cageij. for the B?ars Ju.^t would not find un opening that i"Simp'’ wasn't covjriiji,. Tuck aUo > -c,"' presence by rolltns. Ight points—the hlgli scorcr for' the Christians, Su nmary. Doris Milts ^ April 22—GuTlford A w nvi-t'-’'-’*'**' lunglon'- TT” -j depres-l April as-oullford at Elon, The Bation-wide and econon^^ I has caused a greai Cincinnati Minister Gives lELON SUMMER Analysis Of Christ’s Faith l TERM REGULAR PART OF SCHOOL f Sion has causeu • s---- ^ many truths and has brought us ajl j^ay have realized which, during times of \'y enough etched in our dimly, but fullMt influcncc upon oiu- lives^ consciousnes-i to J}“''JJji great ftnancial mstitutions The tottering and ^“d as impregnable; the which were j nrivate fortunes and the eonae. dwindling away »* L rfo people to the estate of ha%- cuent reduction of of life; the count ing to struggle "ployed; the bread-lines; the less multitudes of the unemp J heegars, hobos. a.nd tremendous, ’'‘"fgduced to their miserable condition bums, tnany of them reduce part — all ‘Ws^h" gt'r:s"’pruL>as caus'Ld us to weigh anew thj^alues of this ifaT'corae home with new jrn-.S. valtte_s_of Human ',„nr+h' We have become convinced life are of enduring ^i^hes only in the treasures anew that one can gain true ^fpt which theives which neither moth nor rust dotn corr ^ ^an Elon May 5—CaUwb May 11—Elon at Unolr Rhyt\c. May 12-Elon at Lenoir Rhyne. May 13—Elon at CaUwba. This schedule ir subject to change - any time. SOCIAL NEWS At the resular Sunday morning service, February 19, the congre gation of the E'.on community church listened to a thoughtful and scholarly scrmcn by Dr H K- Eversull, of Cincinnati, a disting uished author. Iccturer, and min ister of the CongregationalUt de nomination Dr, Eversull ther interest to Elon In that he has recently become a membT of the college i>o«rd ol tniste"?*- Dr. Ev«rsullG eermc-n was a masterly analyte of the Ch^‘'“ religion from the Po'»*' of determining what abaut ChrLv I Unity is unique among: the reiij- ! ions and phllosphles ' what gives to ChrlsUanlly its unl- i versal appeal to mankind i A brilliant youns Frenchman said Dr. Eversull, _()'w ^attemp^> to work out ■ ■■ ‘ *’ '* .crash of the Stock-market c Cannot steal, and which no cr.».. - of spir- °d"'LSlecW‘rau‘tVca'n r'f^rtif? himself l-igJinst a forlorn, dreary existence amid S;:*b^rr';!t‘anThe\"^?c;Sergroan.’ The realisation of this and thoughts of college studenU Wning the college. ^ great ^tatejman and dlplo- In atttndanc* I speaker, have Uiought, lives and V^Uacious&e^rtd ago to almost The following ?.v.w ... , . at the recent board of trt^lees meet-. religion of Jesu. Smith. L. Farmer, Moffll. C- H. Rowland, E. L- the wofW* ra..u. Bhelton smith. H, K-! But martyrdrm alone. D- Everseill, C. D. Johnston, Mra. R. J Kernodle. J. Edward Klrbye, Stan ley C. Harrell, P- H, Fleming, of high mortality and thelcs. a I monotheistic philosophy tha Im- i morUlUy of the human soul; moreover, he suCfcred martyrdom because of his doctrines. Yei 8oc- rate.' founded no great world re ligion, even though he had a great many followers, among whom were Plato and Aristotle. As a second illustration oi his point, the speak or reviewed the career of the great French thinker. Condorcet. who, like So'.ratcs. suffered martyrdom because of the great doctrines he propounded Vet Condorcet, great as was his influence on the tliought of all Europe, founded no great religion. Tallryrand, then concluded Dr. Everiull. must have been wrong; I U.K.V • I'J:’"* something elae universal religion ab^ut the religion of Jesus which ■- has caused It to become the one satisfactory religion, Th:l some thing h the idea of vicarious at onement. the fact that Jesus suf fered martyrd(yn. not merely for his doctrines, but m order to atone for the sins of the whole of man kind. The fact that Jesus was will ing to die that the sin of each Individual man might be forgiv en. V>a^ given to Christianity its Irrestlble power as a saving and regenerative force in the. lives of men. Bccausc of this great truth, Christianity li d?$tin“d eventual- with To) element every high ' capacity many fold by attaining bi»co., one in'reased his "Straight-thinking, serious ,stu-| a college degree, the mo “ dlege coursc ^ifala^HghrfunctioninM^m^ ‘"ndency’'Lrrn amply illustrated at l^on CoUe^X -^Z^^S'Vour^e-cr!^^?.'’ in rifnra«;rcoU^ nor ‘hat individual. But it is almo.st . the beautiful. The I’^Xfthrough the interpretations of Carlton, D. R. FonvlUe- Hiekey MUchell was a guest at dinner Tuesday night. ■Sugar ' Caudill spent several days produced I ly to sweep over the parts 0{ the ersull said. j’’„„,Qnjrra‘ed 1 earth which It has not yet Influ- great "-"ev" of the encsd. No other religion, and no this tact, nrou u/ . aocrates: pure philosophy, can ever be sub- Ku r:^=tltuUd r»r Ch,«l.nll,y. Winecofl. Abernathcy and Brawlcy 5prnt several day# In Mt. Ulla- MuUigan spent Thursday nigiU in- Orcensljoro- Giover spent the week-end in Wil- iif. the aecs can fiewsomc »pcnt the week-end iii Spencer. Margaret Boland sp^nt the esc* ning on the campu.>. Tiny Yarborough was CKOitefl to dinner with Otis Bray, Tuesday night. Miss Sadie SnwU. ol BurliogWn. attended the musical recU«l l*6i Tuesday evening- OBSERVANCE OF CHAPEL AS SEEN by STUDENT BODY I —Son>» eo bfCPU' h*ve t''- , . 2.—Some go to h'udy- - Of hen. go to ^kep^ 4 - S'ili others go lo read *,. scnie Cf to relax g- U, day dre3m 7-While few be.au.. they wish fi l''nie arc clitic*'! S'. Majority l«ve rehe^d with but one di'rk fhado in th‘, loregrouiid 10 -The ovi fhado-T - 'he yiicceedlns chap?l period Work Done in Sum mer Counts Just as Regular Studies. The suminc. session of Elon Col- Sege Is a constituent part of Its school year. Th- aame courses and came credit* are given as for work of college grade. Credit* are given tJward the A. B. degree and to ward teachei certification as ap proved by the stale dopartment cf education. The summer session should appeal tc the following classes of candidates; .Those who have Just completed . i.’’-. work and wish w begin Uielr college course. Coue,je *LudtuU» who ftbh snoi^n thei.- residence attendance for the A. B. degree. ^•ospectlve t*acher* who wish to wke their prfoeaslonal trainlnj clasMs with tcachers who are al- "■“ady In service, Te-ichers or studcnl4 who wish to pursue courses In public school mu sic or private Ins’ructlon in piano, organ, and voice. The courses offered covcr a rath- 1!^...*' .! will *l’'e op- J 1 ^ teachcrs to add lo their knowledge of subject matter their professional OUTSIDE DOrE. According to the statietics of the Lsnolr-Rhynean. their team Is Just about to grab the basketball con- fcrenca crown. They have won seven games sind lost four. The Elon cagers had won two gamea and lost two for the per centage of .500 at the time these urday night, the eao shrdl etaoao statistic! were lasued. but last Sat urday night, the Elonltea showed that they were far from being out cf the race by downing Gullfoid, This gives Elon three wins and two lasses. With three mort games to be played Elon lias a very good chance for the crown. The Student Body has high hopes of having a Championship team this year—so team let’s see what you can do! Elon Ctl) Tuck . . Askew . . Johnson . Simpson . Hughes . Lenoir Rliy (8i f 111). ir III) -I^flth . . Ll'tle Stacoulck Overcash . Hughes KEMPUS GOSSIP Biographic Notes Mis(8)-Cellaneous -And Her Column Dear Mls(si; I wish you would do me a fa* vor and explain the slang mean* Ing of the '‘chisel.” SLANO Answer: Say, that's quite easy. Chisel Is the favorite way of sa>* in; "too timid." Now that mean* to hand a line to the ‘‘sugar’* ' while finding otiicr entertainmenr Chiseling on one U a rather bid crtme or It involves the \jse of a good line plus the ability to k*^p the chiseled two apart. THK •l-OVH ACES'; _ Looks like the school should have the basketball unlfornu« cleaned. I They smelled so bad Oullford play ers could not even get near the Elon t««m. Coach Walker liad a birthday. We know hr looks swell In the shorts that were trimmed in lace •nd had large bows on them . Dr. Smith wonders what haa be?n gotrvg on in tlw library. We would siiy Unt Mi.^e Johawn had Mr RoUjrtson in the corner. We are sorry that wc mls-repre- .'.fnted Robert Kimball lait week. Bob cav.^ h" t« hoi. an/1 well training. In the session of six weeks, cred its ot six semester hoiir* may be in science courses With labora' y »ork mHV earn eight semester hours credit, W. C. Hook, Elon Graduute, Accepts Washington Post r,u^- ,p‘ J*ook, former pastor of ChrUtlan churches at Albany. N Y. Waverly Va., and Holland. Va. accepted the pcsKion as pas- Memorial Con- gie^Honal churc’i. in V/aehhigton, “.w? i'"''"'”' I,™'.,,"'”'' lU! Ph- I In IMl, and hti-r ^k up graduate woi'k at the Unicm ^plogical Seminary, New York . i» not only a mmLMer bm ulsc (Dy RAM.SEY) Allen. Harvey Mebane Harvey alten-.*ed Burlington high sciiool and graduated in 1029. He entered Elon In the fall of ’2D as a day student. Harvey has mad', great progress In academic lines and la a very promising stu dent. He t» a well known figure on the c«mpua siiu ■ ’iw» » n*®' ably reputation here. Barney. Elizabeth Esther—(Lib) Lib graduated from Elon high school with highest honors In 'M. (She was perhaps one of the most outstnnding students the liiii) school has ever sent lo colleg''. During her three years here. ?he has been of the most popular and honored students on the campus. Bhe has been actlvc In the liter ary work of the collejc, being a member of the Psykalem Literary society. During her three years In col lege, siie has made an c.Kcelle.i> a-adcmlc record. F*rom all reports she will graduate with highest honors, that of b^lng valledlctorlan of the class. We are poetlve that >hc will be one of the leader^ ;n jilucatlonal work of the coming years. If she choows to use hsr ability in thjt direction. She is the diujhter of Profe.-..)r Barney, of the English depsrt* meiil, and a member of PI Kappa Tau Sorority. Boland. UIHIk Grry GrHduated from Burlington high 111 ’29. He wa,5 one of the most pfipuUr Iwys on lh^ yard. During the two years he has been here he has been active In the musical woik on the campu*. Last year ne delighted the audience that at- tciided the minstrel with hh scngs Wlllls has a grand voice and ll^es (t to the grest aid of our mu sical organlzatlon-i. He is well liked, and we f"**:! sure that he will succeed in hix teaching, ffe has also taken an Dear Mis(t); There la t boy that eats at ’.h same table that I do, I like him and would like to attract his at* tentlon. Tell me an eaiy way to do this. A, R C Answer: There arc many ways of attracting attention Why no:. soup. Ttien If that d04-r. l do good, drop a dish in ht« lap. ir 'ays chould lead to a pi- '- I’l conversation. Dear Mi» (s>; During the first part of thp ester I went with a pop '' * man her and he |»»» i" ■ •• rush. Now he won t eve:; r; me without having a b'jy along To maki? mat:eis v. has collected all r.y ear ■- I want them bark He.-. Mii 1 him or my ear bob# batl;? DORIS An.'Jwer: Dorl^ when h« i> the iKundry back, aeck hlr.: deniond the return of '■ ••screws." You must le^ h!^ -- for a while and make you; -' » tractive to make him ^ come back. Men have polnU. you know, to find hi’ for the ear bobs — ft BHIie about them. I Ihlnk sb* can v you about that. D>*9r Mi.s'-si; ^ I caii’f f\iil my tccrat I an» afrild that I wil J old bachelor If I don t hur^ . ffcm lo be lo*i^ f°’’ ..j_^ and then It U aU oD. the Answer: You ar« tba h picture adorns quite In W'st dormitory, spend aome ot , way you might your love of beauty iwM For furthCT ^

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