miiiiirgisn ELONrcOlX^GEr'rli/C., mond-X VOLUME XI MAROOK AND GOLD l^yblihhoiJ LvYry Mwifloy DuPJiic tbc OyHcemtc \car by-.,lhe,,S.luUeulv^ - of: EJoft College ' - ' AM artlflr^ for ^iJbJlcal■(v^ must be ih tbq han'tls W the Keportlot Kdllor by AI.. Tliuf^da.v. Atth-lcs received'(rom an unkxiown. »uurce wHI not 1)0 publli-ijpd. ‘ >• .• ‘ siafT Office—JMaroon & Gold aflicc. f1r.»t floor. Aiamiin£; BuildUiar. ,4 — -T~ . H H Abri lic; lj\ pai'l Ki v Rani;.cv ijv.i.ji .}. T, C’i.n>(v:: MitjRiiK I 0 «;lry Mnia Siimti .. KdaS’-iu-Ghwr Managing. Edltur POWER SYSTEM INSTALLATION! •BY PHYSICISTS * ■Physics ; Departmeiit ; .;I),o6s •: Good-. ■ Work with Gene.ratoiv ■- K’Td Ml : Al'iCfl N I I ^ T I. R I . . Wrl'.iT CirrulHUon Manager. . Office Sccrt'Urv . , Slcnogiapi-.c.- Sechrieit S-iVA HO.i'-y Charlic HoLincs Fcaui.e i-'ti.lof M.irguonl'? M.trrl.? 6y;ii RAnispy Bii: Honon T V r I T s A !■ "I.itsl l.r Ihi- !)' Thui BOUND TO WIN .. a man in KasU-fU Virginia said \v me. [li'Mighl iliat Kl"ii would liavc to ‘^r-o DufU'ig,, tnd'-pflsc I6\v jpr! .ei'atlom have’ Ijcun^ijnder Avay it Uvfi i>p«;or house. tii.fa];inV\WiC'.'K-‘y/^ g«n'or;ktlai^^ •6j'Slcm.;Tho .n^vv. .gen-r*^ erHior la "of the dU^pt drpVe.' typo^ quiil^ an- . ImpiW'.-incnt ovoC. ^1^'J ■old Qiii.' w.l^loir-.‘V&s • bolt-drlvjii/r Bpsides. tuechaolcal • pdva'ntpges; Uie -lew •>yMcm 15'-^lU r-three* •pluise.' cjUUe a bU than tU,^ old slnflfle-piiasG.'.outnt • AU or the eicclrtcai woi'lc 61V ,the Job has been donR ijy r.iembefs. oX I ihc :physlc* xl!«*5, m clc.ctnc;al «h-' »-^ineiitug;' A' new. svr-iunab^iird wf^. [ lUitaJlfd and ttic other. -BWtti.h-' boards were remodeled id h'ahdle, ■ three-pliaii* po*er. The power- ' Iiou&c Is distinctly modern In ev- I ery reepe.’t now, I U spenks wcii for Uic i>J\y3a.-s I «vU;i no atcldciii^k. All th(* woi'ft * weni, ihrou-jii on iclicdulv p-tid j no acid*’til.f, AU the ! was done under ihe supervision ,tif, I D.ji Hook The men\ber.H of rl>5‘ class are; HarveJ’ Allen. Paul TaV/, lor, Oeorgc Chandler. ’ K‘nne’ft. ' Hughes, Doc I.eKllcs. Braddy tiyl',", ; land, Wlrjecoff. Norn’ian W-jti;;’?. ! and Jimmy Risuig. ► P S.—Girls, U you want Hny- ■ lights installed in j-our rotmis. vou kno^v »>/hnm to- call on. JIMMY RISING di Pramatiq Club To Pres Three Plays On Marc - PjRyiUakevw^of-Eloiv'CJbJ-^' ■ ‘Ins'i'^Ma^fcli^lO'i'ntwccc-onc-ttcb.’ipik^j'a Swcflr-S.'- Art^' When -NAnary ,,Gouiit- .Qnc,Hl}i\{Ji-Rd'‘'tij'AiionymoW/, . . flr*i-’m«uttbnefl. blayijis the.., pla'y,'.tdyi'ha^ieiit.' xpoMoi'e'd -.Dy-.thfi- Ohap.cJ” /fiil^ ;aoi-lj|gV;.^(ho>pr^atto- -l\»stlvfii;.;Mflreh,::8Q,v April- .i-. The piaynjRlcfii's ‘■have i}e?n‘:4t*vi6ed- Ky-coij^c-.'t(> QiiapckHill^Wlthpii^.'A ■preJiaiin^n^' ••w’Kt1?st,•^,iS9.^-vhfty■■ prcsc'iU'.thcir dj-dma-,at j/hapeJ’Hill-i 'On'.'fchMnlglXL of- Apttl,l...Thc, i5. being■'pmei)'tft^;.iU Elon:March'. i0‘ip'\hu ’stuqQi^ts'and fdendi^Ao/'- 'etio .college may ;ECbV-thij:-produotl6n- bfifore it,is-,enVreci.i.n'tno coniML. • .''Oil- Vcnfecanoe-.'Hoight”' is-fl,‘grlp- ;pin'g''Story:Qlft: in.oiuU?>ih-fe,Hf1.'.%,Th« dlfllcuit. ‘-roip -'Of-' Ocani. Oarhjloy, . a, ■SU-nd- mountain woruanr lis-vbeinp playeJ. by Mrs. O..M; .Canpont. Hope ,Lavot)der,' tho nblghbbr girl, Ls' por-», -U'ayjod.'by ftil«5',Marguei'Ue'Karris: • icnj 'Cannoit/'ihe ‘murderous, moun-'- ;6a'ineer..;'by’;' W^I{;ei'', tiathamf;’'^’nd Cl^y. da;‘'M^ci’fr:'the >'diing boy^ )?y ■Jape- Raft'ls,,, ,Tho ,p!ay,'i5-'most, In-i' iiUi'dlfTfcuH, but'lhd p^pdup- rth t.lV3''6xoe-l)ent cast,' pvomr Isei'.tO be •nlos^;Cftectlve.' '•Such li Faiiie" ,'l4-a very” light c©n)^jT> :jTtti!(}l-'0d3 v«ingeapc} • wlnri-sjliftrpMnft J Util. Ahleveci; auccf fia* irt% ■bOQt-p :Tlii8'’'»iuihgreM.' hushi!^’ 'portrayed;- Rl)odee;i,--‘The .piH of? ]s Jaithful-Vftiiti:'.’^ej:rrv «o^1>¥hiftt;,‘!dumb",' i'b5 P6t'4‘^^a:Holdpn.'%;Miai i\s-' jjiay'-','' AS 'Hie,':'aUntVi); V^jh^'courSeB thC'blo«. And There .•ni'ande. of^Paxtau;’’. . ■; ‘.'•WhRn 'Artgry .tJoai drp'd'^lfi’ a’ .dialogue— ing thC' dlrtlng'.Vooinv Elfth'• aven'ua {n'-'Kew aglho. the'-emb^rr&si.r ;Eva- po4p^^alne;.-when •party'siie fflridA' 'herBcJ iflb|e-'r/dr lwo. aritJ.'Oi pane 'Ml'-. Alfred Air VQWed;. only, a week 'be speaK to again! VW? ,Ml£a- Krencsfi. Chanql Paul; Taylor'wll iteil pveaenl^^l^^h 'of "When Qne Hundred.^ /' •All three plays'ai’p der.-the • dlroctloii- of /. 'pltzhugh, jclramatlc dl Coca- cola botUes; 1 i ; .Borrowca books..'. Folks you 'sciVd.db^ I • Xdst-inoiiey. 53onow,cli. elgircUcs, Half, on bald heads. •li iUi .In The ttii- i.uaril. In lh> u ho h;^ I.- in lIk" ’ I..1 ill Iir‘l pi !■ SOC AL NEWS iiiibi. 'incei-f in liis o}union: laU ^rj-it and dctfi’minalion Ij.-i'ii (■l'cl)'iin'l 'iiirlnji thcr^e dc- iruUi is iha-t l^lnii will uover "go by K'asl four roasoii': uv. >hc slili lives in Hit* heart:-; of liinsi- • any considcrubli' iLiiglh of tinn; with- ,y\,v .>1 luT inl'lucncc. Th.; eapaeily audicncr« which pr H I'/d Ui; Klon durinK la.st \v e«‘k’s tour in,Sanford for the week-end. KfU'li'rri Vit'i/inia v.t-re ample proof ot! this \ital ,t‘act. To- Virginia Jay spent thrco cluys in niL-s,- ncoub^ Kl'ji) lui.i ami wOrtb,' They: realize. h«?r-home in Holland, ya.. while dn ujL.H iK-ojjj. j.ijij.iuK? ..I - _ I Che. trip with t-hc Clan SUiKcYs. 8he that in tlu* nraUinif of wliat thrv aix- now— as her guesta; Barl>ar’a Chase liR'ss ami piure.siunal mcti. men of majur.rceiwnsjbilily'and Aima' Smith, . in o\'cry waik'ol liU'—fehc has plav'fd au es-^^cntiai part. ^ | piij cooper. Lloyd. Johnson, antV iH lhc ^c'ConU ulacc, to permit Klijn tu “go by thi: .Carl Key were guests Tor luncheon • • ' • Saturqlaj’ ii> the home of- ,Dr HicKey-MUciiffll luvd tielter fl'atch liU itcp. Qaldy WUliawjj wa* seen r’flhiouS People Dean: Walke;’ pafihgs 'I do tnklng B«/hKv Bqlunrt to-Uie movjc^ ^ the other uife. ;• . ■ •• ’ ' ' •• , .'RnilM SlmpiOn;/.Sv Margueriie Cooper tt'cm home W JiUd . , , , , , U5««’‘Sa^wgay u> me nome t board.’ c’. cn.with* its pi’-esent er(uipmeiU. to S:Hy .nollimgj^^ \y Holland.’Va. dl'iht :ilirui'ji]fl '' tiii-li will-be made to the cqljegu in the |. ■ '. ^ .. ruUn;., .voulrl moin a m^teriario^ .to the 9i.rt*ti.n ■ ■norainatiOii aiul to the.'pu'blio at l-ar^G of more than twojig Norfolk. * milUw, dollars. and £«tnmot. «re; jji,, KaUe.pT^^ftiieA on„ nish, awake tb.tliV factit \yoiJld-b;; wp,rse than pcior.busi-rUn homQ in.sunbury, n.;©, ; ; .mtii to :J6se-.an inrcrtmcnt -Iq; KrcaV.un'J '.Proriuctivo asj. Dare^ci;:.vuitc/Wj the DUhcr nUe. l-’rofchmen* mid .sojjlicmoi-c* had .( »'!oi Ih lhc dorm Ihg other nlffhrnt. More p?wer to tUci Sflphomoresj Mr.-j.OJohnsan,-. '•■Yoi Ling UV'the proper,, an at-.woik-”. ,- v ; "CharJlo Holmes; ’ ■ abouF Ut’?' Miw-FlL«lmgh-,£Ci-iatp1y. (Jld .look [ v^c ciigmfi"n ^pjie..-other day 'sfelppms i itcr»6 Ouf^ahipus.’ . .1 -P. if •„ ' . Bob; Arma^stv Let ■ '.Ciloyep' a'hd' Coife' Scoh I lasL Wednesday nlyiii. tQi'-.ili? /nr»t'' . 'Rp^iC'Simpson.' ~ .. ;• ■ [' Mr/.,APPlC'* W^h'a^T'Vvw'ftiff gX'uife “I3rnik.anchjui^ypui"-tlm^.,'- • Smbli" li‘pWvcfi;-',Will.-BftWy,Wnr-|-,.Bulj - MaiUn.^ ilimjf‘glTB''uB thfe'-r'Cilp.t?'..'.'MC. .c^nnou.,- ■ 'rtu- poatui-i* •««». wMii. » uinti?. cvcty.' jHow: docs -ah^ appointed j ^ it?* '' '*'..*** ' 'Ji/* , I n B ^ L1I6 ".. toW'-'M .lijic -jun'M. aDDrtclatocl' iho i'c.'!f'*;iillj,'fl)if-su'ls:.j);cre. cui, ills SlnglJiK Tom*;. ^ -. .:. , ' «■ txiCf. Cplo-;s',mi((i!i, titorc ugroeabH- Ehiitl , ilpno at- fill.. .Althoilgll -'the t-ncll!l)9y:-L5, Gple.. Sod colc. 6i)b-Just about ■HliC■'propet, .. ^Ispc^i^^ 'Ui«3 .lie gantc wiih,' anothP ' ai3dy.lloj'cr;.".'jJr.fs Ung ih a .fora c»upe;t i5M,iiiS to i)Ave.:t)rokcii» .lln; totnlahlpi;I'.' > ■, Elaliio SteilSift'l^cTVi kiS^thii 5.i;4»£-fefsl.dc-v^ wflvni ,latx3l j’,.'. W.ondett

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