« PAOE TW f£' m EESIIEH aiiiii^^iiiiii::;! -II# fetON COtLEGfi, ly. C , 'MONDAY. K VOLUME XI MAROON AND GOLD 'rublii.hed t\t^ry Munday 0«ix!np the C.oH«*Iatt Vfar by th« Studfiit^ / ■ . ■- ^ of ,eTom ColJese , : , All arUclc's for Tublicatlon must ^)c Jn the hands of the lUporUnf EdUpf by 12:00 M.. TIiurhdH.v. VTtlclp». r«;ceive^ from mn unlinown fcouic® vUl not b« pybUfchcd. Staff U^cf—Maroon & (ioW uJBcr, flrit floor. AlaroaW BulldJ.ng^ n. }f Abci-nrUiy .. Carl Key •, ' H, L Arniacos! , ...... EdltoHnrChief; Managing lajSUOr- Reporting, traitor \- S T A P V Jlamsey Swam -- — .{. T- Chapprll MarKaret Bailey .Mma Smuli .- ... , EdiLoriai ■ Wrl;er- .. Circulation 'Manager OfBcc Secretary Stenographer N I. W R ()(! nriiv .Vp’.ly Whi'.c ■ KoiUi*' r>Rt;y 'SechrleSl ^ . S t* 0 K T S Frrd Miii'"! Al/rrd Nelion Spoits KdHcr Charlie Holmes y r. A r t K t r O. P: K-i.i . - . Kane Pip-rc'- Doc LrKKf'S ■ Barbara Ctiasc Martr.a Ar.dcijon , ., , Kcaiure Eduor .... Margucnie Harris Sam Ramsey . BUI Horion TYPISTS l>orL5 Mil-its* Ester Cole WILL STUDENT GOVERNMENT WORK? Biographic By RAiMSEY Carolina Play makers Bring Program To Elpn Under Auapicfts ,of toical Branch of A. A. U. W. ’three Phf*A'eV PUy» Will jBe Preaent^; at CoUegi^W«dneaiy Iday j Profe».|or Kdch». Newl^-EUcCod- K«na^;.^d(eMor At y-^ N. r.' V^en-.ibe ,^u9tecs of- the ..Unlr ‘versiCy of. North pwollttft meV' cn&pe.V HUl 9Ii;re.bniary 3rd, 1932,' they, unanimously 'ind enthustasti- caily elected ®^ederlck"'-H. Kooh. Kenan Profee&or of PrarS^iatlc Liter- fttilre in ,the; University of -.North Carolini,, ■ * ' Professor-Koch founded, and is the director oC tlw' Card^a Pljiyr makers, of their orlglhaf’ -playa in' Elon College audttorlum under the auppicea of the Eloil epllega; l5a,noh of the Amehcan A^octatlon or University, Women, of whlch.'Dean Wailker l5 chairman of -the Pro- jram commVttee. 1: The Kenan ProfgsaloreWPv? ‘n the Unlverftlty of North Carolina are. special proXeworshlps" euppor.ted an endowment given to th? Unlver.-: «liy by this will of Mrs, Mary Ken? an PJagler -tMrs. R. W. Bingham). They canT a stipend "at a higher rate than the regular professorflblps In the University, and are award- ed for special distinction in research —creative work- and teaching. While 41»Unciion In one of these fields li considered as meriting the award. Professor Koch holds, the unusual position 6f having achieved honor irt all three fields—as a student of the dram&. u one of the leading According" lo tlu- crit-ics of studcnl-puv r.vpi-nmfint thprc ! Creators of the Little theatre mov6. ... ‘n America, aniw the sUmu- arc many rcisons why >lU(Jcnt^ cannot be mtrusted witn genius, the founder and dl- thr- rontroi of their aflairs, "Thev arc not dGpendable, [ rector of the Carolina Playmaker*, thV critics arirue -They arc too immature, too weak in, The ap^intment of ^ofessor me crititb rtiKut.. it nf >*n Koch for thU signal honor has met jxidgrnent, and to(» often swayinj? b> me eit - ■ ' wuh Universal commendation, not! cial V’ouuiarltv in their olcotions. *!only from hJe own University and ' But in reality student j^ovcrnnv^iif^>HiiinoL justly betguitp. but, from others all over the criticized as a Kei.cral' system. Undfn.btV. it has its; countrj- weaknesses, a- duo^ any other type of Kovcriinient: but Professor Koch will travel With weahiiebset, a- uuc;:j aji.v vi-.iv.. ... fs— piaymakers on tlielr thirtieth those weaknf'sjies appear, not in the j^eiiera' J^ystem. Dui, jp accordance with his in the DractK c-as t'Dnductet in individual institutions. If custom. wUl ap«ak brjctly to the student'governmcnt ..uccceds i. dop. so not on ,he merits , ,nd «o- of the system jn general, but on the abilit.s j piaymakers. and their recent ^student bodies to make it work. Obviously, it may lail achievements, in one .student body,-and at the same time work in an- At the performance, coilcge de* ”^^*^Huk\how about student government here-atElop? Will it work here? The an.swer depepdrt, not on..the gpod or bad pomts of- the-democratic tJractice; but on' pur abil- • ity a» an individual student body to make it work. About two weeks from now we shall bo in the beat of student elections. These elections should not be regarded light ly, for iiiey wiUTeflect the ability of the Klon student body to manage its own afTairs..'Thpy will jro a long way tOr ward determining what type of ftocia) life we arc.to have oh our campus next year. •’ . I clark,^ Norman,> Hall,: ' -•'Chink’'-.4n -a 6y,lvfln •Hlglv-grad'’ u&tei.'~H6 -wiiS a :V.ery .hard-hitting outflil?Jei^.in ,high; 'school!, and brought tllSse qualitle’f with him wjieu/he •entbred- Elori ’ *n 1020; •Ka.h&B becii manager .of' basHclT ball.ftnd; faotbHll.. 'Ho- has played outfield ■ on. the baseball tfeam; ever alnce he entered^ ElonV'’-Chlnk'^ ls, one of the heaviest' Hitting outr geidefS l?i,\the confercnce.-. Ji« is.’ a- .member. ,of- Iota; ^ Tau Kapp.a/Fraternity.- •, Constable, Rcbccca.', . ’ Bsck’.’ hfcs only, been ,with us for 2 1-2 yoarJj^ ,§ho’ enUjrcd'; Mary Baldwlii Seminary from Elt6n High School, and %thcri iraifsferrcd to Hollins ’College. - She'- came to Elon from Hollliw. . . , , Beck Itf-pcrhftps'one ,of the’moat charming girls on the wjnpus. ’0he possesses, a ' fine, personality and keen .Judgment. Her chic appearf anee end. 'her wilUngncss to ■ coj operate have won her many friend?- '• •• ’ - » She U a menibcr’ Of Delta Up- K.lon Kappa .Sorprlty. , Dkkcns, J. Ituy. ' J. Ruy is a tJfinisterifij’ student fro^n Varina. N,’ 0'./ 'He- entered here in ’29; and ,l>as an exceedingly ftne rccord. Ho has becii very.ac,- live In-.the Religious,:.auttVitie8 of tlio campu.s, being, president pf ihe- UeHgiqxiA ftCVlvity »-ganization,- He win, wltlioiit doubt;, bfc'ijne of- Jilop’s beet “Sky Pilots:*' ■. . ’ ; otees of tiie latest popular song hits will have the opportunity of a 'pre-hearing' when George Brown, of the Carolii^a, Piaymakers sings his latest composition, stumbling In Dreams. In his play of the same uame; whilch one of the three t>e- ihg presffnted here Under the ausr pices of the Elon College Branch of the American A«aoclatlon of Uni- vewity Wornen.- since Mij, Brown compoeed h.ls song for a -play he was Writing In Professor' KOch's playwrlting. clas» at the' Unlvcrsl- If wc ex DfeBt-to make a success of‘student govern- (y..t« hw recclvcd a contract Irom ment:W-ing th. :cpmins year, cerft .inen a,nd women who-are c*»iJa.ye^ honestrana QC- ^nd it win be oh the p.cndable—^men and women of high idGalB, initiative, ana ftmsic stands before long. - Mr- nbiiity;.' Ijb t^ke's-but a few:.Seconds to votis:.but.that act,[Brown, Wmflcif pim thc.juvcnnc| Right Fo For^ay^ RLLICIOUS ;.Kiyi>H/l P?EWt. AT EILON -irJ .. CbAKMCD BY PKBf " I DENT .SMITH, •'Dr.-; I/. E.-..Smtth,>v 'pfM Klort coUege;-.plafi«4-the’'T forwai'jl’ today^when. heviy tnW‘ -week;.'a)i jreU|lou4!. ' woftlc-.-at -Eipn»^'.The 'r*iiBf““ Itles- Of-Ui« period -will. ecl by-Bev 'tor Of -the' SuffbJlt', ‘ ehliroh.v Beglnhlna .'Tuesd* Ing. ;,Rev.' jiardOMtlf wl|l^ bothi-morhlhg.; aod•. everil Yic'ei eaoh‘ day - thtough •>: - Vndoubtcdly.,, ,rellglous.,;t ■week Veprisentp another. ;i ward on, the i»rt of Elor •Bloh' has 1 always -' Jccogn fact 'that'there are fQUr ’ human t>cf5onallty~menta slcal.T.poclal,' and spiritual Is ‘hpped that out of these wUI '.grov/ A reyltalleed life on the^ oampus. . - Rev, '.-HardciwCle -'is- • Christian minister. Kls experience • has been exce full, and we feel, sure tl 'mes&ageg this week wlll .g- a rich' religious entl^uslai that they will contain m» Is ‘Of . immense; value, not th(T student^bodjf but tJ.. Uc at large; ,, Here And The ' It begins to look as if tl be wedding; bells around E. fit’s after graijuatlon. All Is sit around and pine al young* lady from |lcw York . Wc think it would l>i5 a io er for Kern^dle to be a ' student. a6‘ bc,.sp^ds nvoe Ume, at Elon, ;■ ' ' Dersctl,. Margurel Irjs, ‘rris ^graduated f^'om Burlington high school Ih r’20.- She ■ entered Eloo'fli a day.^sbtidenWn Ihc-iairr and' during-; her 'attcndanco-' here haa„ become .on^r ot,,the best liked’ girlsjon ^he'«mpus_ ; Her friend-' ly personijfty. pius her abilUy have; made for her .-a. host ,of frlcads. Trli has been-vei^ ictlve“(jn the .campus and; has ■ received many hoHdra. v; ' - •%,. li-ie W. ain.-educat'loil’^miiJm“^ w)d wo'are'.^yre wlli;-.graccfully’HU tire bill;. - She Is a m2mbcr-,orB2t B?ia;;Sprorl9,t>:' Foreign Studv Is; . It’S ; just too.';bad' that -tli ladles of the campua^.canno the*'Alumrit btjnquet on *| the 18th. We'll be thlnklnj I-.gracefully flu Uie „ Hot-Air- Glover: looks _ has-joined yie State Pen I wlth-hla ;ncw «tyle haU •We -upcleraHtn'd MaJeatJ had thrill thj* other day^ ceived a Tetter from Jeff. ' F6r ■ 6h?’ -Slim, of.'..two bits reveal t-hc Identity- pf the ^ the '"mash n.ote'-^ to , Olov^ or. ■ '•We'^HOderstand Nell ,Wl two-timing 'Bing on the 1C :Nu .steak roast - •;.. ■ v,Arh6majS^A»thuf>.muat-..b«

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