mmiiiii.i i;'i>-^-;;^a' e^Q% TWO 4 =*1^ W\>t\ ELON COUEOfi, N, C., MONDAY,, VOLUME XI MAROON AND GOLD PwbUshcd tTci.v. Monday Durlnjf the CoIlerUtc %’car by tl^e Studenl* of College AM ariii-loj* for PpublioaUoii must b« li> t)ie hands of the Managing t-di* Jor by J2:00 J\I.. ThursdnV’; ^Arliclrs n-ceived from an unknO"'n «UI not b«v prhi(cd. ' ' ' ’ stalT onicr—Maroon A (.old oOlcc. liril floor, .Vi'aranncc Buildins Oii- Pi..\ . Vpra Cfrnntfr;- p:ugpne Litnk/ord . , . EdilQr Doc LcKltes Peggy ScclirJeSt f I) fl T s DelmolU Grlfflii . ,, Editor I** o Pe;k'ns gupi'iic Har.i& Sam WflUon Dean Baldwin Speaks A. A,U. W. Histoi^iJPurpose til' li'X !y a I ri;ink''l ■■ rlr cujid'-ii ' «iOu! piK‘ '/I' tlir-.* artic!*'' and wo .'iln-fi- vi-ratU rs for the a| l)Cf. WVwj^^h-i'i entered. > Kui- Uir la>l U\o'.> [ias iK'fH Upl ti) pn!'!i>h i’ In .-n.. I- Luin- l' ■ i'h' riinv'tn‘Ul c;m\ Im- ill*-*'!! tlliv IiHHM- " and pr**M‘nl lli ir atlcii EloHJ :G0Uege..;M4iv Tueiri^y’' aftirwooii Dr.- J^ary Alice BaWwiir, ^n of ,wp;n9n,’ pufep^ .univetsltyi’ addrw^d 'tHe me^b.eM; of-tlxc AJr-.. maoce br|in'ch;«f th« A. A.-,U. W,.' ^nd invLted fue^ls on the h^l^ory purpose o( th? ,A. A. U. :W. nnd on advftntagM of being ,a member of the. association. .The nrst aasoclaUon oX • cdUage . women ever to be organlMd wai lir BostoiV- jn l88l^Dr. B&ldfl-ih «ald. Later ft wMwrn groiip ww oTganlM^ CflilUng ihemaejvea the Western A^toclivMvn. of Collegiate Allumlnae., ^ ' In 1931 the Southern A^aoclatlon- of College Women united wltft.jthe A. C- A. and the name of.ihe'pr-., ganlzat-lon p.’«w chftng«d to -th? American A«»ctatlon of Unlvcfalty, Women. , '• In' referring to the ©OMth, Dr., Baldwin aaid U wa« there that the education of women flrat began, >nd ,ihat some of the ideaa for the roundatloiis of the earlier women's ippt aranci’ u! in- la.-t i.'>uf nf “ l tio Maronii ,came from the South. ,-n- (.1 L-ritical riii't. bofii pminiit; into, T*o taporMW purposes .of .ihe (II (.1 mui.ii 1,,.,,. than that” ^loclallon «re: f'U'st. (o r»tt cOl- ; oaii I |iut uul a bcttei papii tndii inai, seeontl. lo r»lae the b'-Uiiu-■■'"' "II had bcltiT quit. ,rsiand»rd o( (Jrotessional women- 'i\ i- i.f tnm'r.(' 1" the' tHO artii'li's tliatlTiie A. A, u. W. was the'first col- aitoition—thu oiii’ an rditoriiil j ifBe-ratlng assoclaUon to be or- - auDiiioii ‘ i.rti.!ganuel. Tlie msln purpose ot tlie nlii.ii. -the otlu'i a Hii Li.Ilaiituii. a ' djaunguisii bctweon \li'. Onia .lohn.'i'n a.- a campus >> P. oi are douig college work .luiltrl' calk-cl '■Vt; ileepiv regret thati,nd those calling themselves col- iit.H in ' 'I'lH' Mal'uon and Gold/'llegea and doing preparatory work. M,- and to ouv The aMoclation haj done much to nli.gizr In Mil- JohiiMjn ana to swndacds ol *oitien'« I'JIRV' '11 stalenK'nls ill oui P«-|coUej(!s In the South, where there , ,^-ur>' mil' ii.acliT'. luithti". Iliat these i'»trc »t one time so msny schools, -(iiii.'h.ivv .into th'- papiH- uiiknuwn to us. posing as polleges and doing only ( ,,r llirci’ %'ri'k'.*uli.ici.'t iTUilH’r ol Ihi-'. t\ pe ‘ l“n>oi , m;r i>M Hill dfvk. i>ul stcuuily retu.--eu branch contributes, i^ one of' •,;> lii.u' il 'lil>l"'d l>y u- inis#“'ii. _ hhe moei unporiant acUvltic.s the- ,,r,-wjii til*- ft'^dccurcnt'c nf mistrtr-'A. a ,i -AC have niKd^ an ar- ro THE READERS OF “MAROON AND GOLD” u!' Ih la.'l i.' na\ c pre.' u ‘hip.s . '.I ri'adr • app'-" d tl- Ilirtt'nal W Through the fellow- )>• »omen who arc rtnan- , - hundicapped arc enabled to luaiu-'r , to d^ refipai'v'h work- Dr. tl. \\'f‘ linpo that by I B,,;c).,vin tald thnt tlK fellows »-rc •trd:ird' d' c’ur papoi.^b'.c lo b“1 uno niai)y ubiArle.s in i vrnrthv (»f counincs where they would I huh I. \ ''Un> UP admiued wlihont the en-i ,dr»!^empnt of the A. A U. W. | ■'( I'upC'i al lull. ll 1'^ p(K»riy \srit- Among the beiipr.u lo b? m Us .qaH'mnin: and only cour- o.v me individiitl trpm » , .. .ii.rr -tfMncTt,!' Inn .member of Une a«AO'l«tion. Di. Bald- i ii,‘* Horn U.'inj. lan m«’nikincd the. dCAlrable con-, that one maKe« in iho of bi-fliithe'*. There w no b-'ilrr way, with ■ the .Cpege*- Caleridar MONDAV. MARCH »T. 7;00 a m.:'' inf.v .,Tl30 ^p. m.» Clio*r>7kaleon ; meetUi|:. ' .- TUESDAY. MARCH 2*. 3:00 p. m.: BttseblUl at Hur- Ungton. IVDch'iTati vs, .Elon; ' 1-:30 p, ,m;. Eloii bingers re- ' biane.; ' • WEDNESDAY', MARCH 29. 10:00,k. m.j'Ch*i>el. i;30 p.' m.: Elon Singer* r«' '.'heawe., ' ■ . . . T:30 p’ .m.: Phtloloxtau meet ing. THURSDAY, MARCTH 30. 1:00 p. 1^.:' M»r>on and Gold ' staff meeting. 7:00 p. m.; I^slphcUtn m«et*> Ingi ^30 p.m.: Elon Febtival Cho*. -it!t rehearses. fridayTmarch 31; • 10:(H) a. m.i Chapel. 7i30 p. m.: Cboir practice. SATURDAY, APRIL 1. Spring I('o>lldR;» begin. lUgb Bohool aenlors entertained, U;(IO p. m.: BiuiebaU at Bur* Ilpglon—C. vs. Elon. 7:30 p .m.I—Program )n audl> 'torlum. SUNDAY. APUa I 0:00 a. nv: Tour of bulldlr«:s and ground*. »0:00 m.: AVscmljly in rhapci. U:00 a- m.: Horning w6r»hlp. Speaker U. E. Stnltli. ‘The Merchant Takes Role Of A.- fill- llll’ !ti and ai*>*'dut'-i\' fa) tcsy lo u'lr r‘ad*‘rx pr'vrnt . . sriiaKf. ]>i the idav. tin; artielc scaixrly K'nche.s the eutiiecl oX cooperation; iuid. in the >^Gcond placn. is of^ „ typo whifh, if .ontin.ed, -.vuiild V'romot.- .s^itistaction on any coUcg' campuv. it i>, pnlccU-y cie«ii joining the local branch of the that tbo \'ritcr \‘ a.s not .vjekmg to promote tion ..r»^ ^ , by joining the local branch i/. v...- tOOpei a-lA A, U. W. N»l[«^nal members may |jt*t material from national head-' 22. Professor Bucknw, tlie Professor Buckner Heard In Address To Student Body On V^ednesdiiy morhlnfe.. March t ^4^ ‘ *3, SHAKESPEREA TREAT COMIf A. f.,r the artkle Mr., tiung but t)3f: truth—call it av hat > ou pieane. .'iincc dcrlvei' many benefits Mr« Jo^inson .ha:^ been at E\jn --lu- ha - prc.-fntcd to the i^j^rough her membership, she is ad- student hodv an example of unquestionable character andfmiued into any of U^c.lub.hb^e^ r^-ldeSiip:*: «hc ha« La. h.r„.u a place of cade. -shiu in the Xaculty uf our collegp, and h.aa a!\> av^ ai.spyy-^asioclatlon has hQuse§ tn cd a profound undAaluublc iRtf,*rest In J^ti>dcnt actlvitioJi pafi«,. London .and on our cttrapus. Ty.criticise her, yii the 'mter of last ;Rome. pal of the'Burilugioh high school, delivered an arddreM-to the Student body at *loh* il|C used. for'-hl»i«yh- •jecL. ‘."r^atlonaHBm" -and Intema- UonalUin"'- •’ ". ■ . . tn hl.s; address-Prolcesoi: Buckner traced l»ha development fif pociQt.y- and govprnnitiit from lh« 'cjy ^arilew -t'jmcsT ' .FffRr- wa«. one fab-, •tor-whi'clv. vcsulled in; ihe'esttfblUh- U„ vu. v'-rcrv:. .i;-, and to I nienb«jf» m«nt tlw week s artmle did, ib to bt blincl both'to cnaiac«r any to it,e;.5 5j the teeniationiil FMevsUon governiwnl.: Tlie .slrugglf .for. ex- . ,l(j4dc'rsliip'. , ' I . .firuiijvcrstty'Women. ■ Aif«irw'-e'‘■’isli to Our readers, and to eK- .Aitoc Dr. Baldi-ln's additis; tho ■ 4-u^*'^Ui^ i-m-it* rtf-matafiBl ontArprt. . tvajt''Utrr>1'':lritb ft .tea.. is'eiwe;. pud'j)rot>ctl5iv_ln the early -lioDie evQlvcd, totq ar.crutic ^o'rm-of rule. ' Fr-om.. I1aliju:ame’ the- fcatem Hendrickaoii. and Briuce C'omi i6 PrestJJt *^be M^rrhani.- Venice" In JSloo Thnwdiy. When Shalt>frpearev b nd--hji vote as-9Q5laU« In; th^ Globe ;1 tre ?.-Crc .#tiugglliis/wlHi-foe,' hjai'-'produfctlona' q’f_ /the '3P/;^ dlc-V and tvajfudtes-l \t’hlch"«ft ccnluty .;6t •'negleclVbroushl humortal ' fftitie^'-.h^ .^oulti' spa hive -Imngliica, wlthr«ll - hli: bsrsnt'-' tancy,..:' ttiat; • sqrtic jetitucles iJt^. a theatre:Wt«l creitM'- Irt.' -hlS - memory -Sj? ■biHlipla?c,' in- 'Bvrtttord-on-J that', his ■statue ■' t^ould. be ' ei-' ■ IJ*. ,4 M.’ac* • J * VrS4i V

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