-'■f « ' -V PAGE TWO • >'*' '':■*■ ’ TtlEBi:iBliKOT01)|/i;5.CMOtM4'IAWNS:?V'M-4fdNi5A^^ '■r-:,v;.-.v--" .' " ' •' ''' 'i V'\'; " i''- ^ —^ o’- V'*- ¥■" I f, I t|i> I ^ ,, f'" ! '' '■ i'’'«i ♦ \ *' ■ ; film. I E^ON college, Ni C., MONDAY, APRIL 3;. 1933. . ;.; VOLUME XI ELON U. N. C, MAROON AND GOLD rubHsfaed Krerf RIonda;f During; the Collegiate Year >y the^lfcMdcQts of Elon Colkx« AM *rHcles for I’pubU(*ation musl he In the hands ofc thp Mana?lnjr Kdl- tor bv 13:0» M.. Thur?*di»j. ArtiflrH rerelvfd from an unknown Murce win not be printed. gtafT Offire—Maroon * (iold oflicr, first floor. Alamance Building' S T A F F Karl Key ■ - Ramsey Swam J, T. Chappell Margaret Bail*\ Alma PmiLn ... A'.sot’iaic Editor , . A.->soc»ate Editor Circulation Manfijcr Offlce Secretary Stenograph-r N W S Of js B) a V V*ra Gernhtc*'’' Eugene Lankf''>id Fdiior 'T Doc LeKUCj .. . P'-ggy Scchnest > r O R T s ,Jimmy Riiing Alfred Nelson v . ,, Editor D«Tinion‘. Griffin Perkihs And Swain Named Camptis Editors • . ,‘yp' ; ^ -. ■. / ■ MiUer Lose» Ip Race For Editorship of ‘Phrp»iclj’ WKile OtU !ft Nosed Out By SVvaim in ‘Marbon and Gold' Elec tion; Other Ofiicor& EUcted. ’ 1' ^ Sam R4am&cy Martin • Bill Horton . Barbura rha:'- ,. Editor - ^ O. PerkliVi Marjiip.nte Har.‘:s . Sam Wation Prom the day- ot nbmliiaUonw. Msreh 20tli. ihr^uih, tha-prinmriw and lo the final ele/tlon. the c&m'-. piu was occupied ay. jj. sectliliig mass of tbbbyisls and ’ pj'opagan- dlsus. Various arifunjeivts >. upholri- InK or denouncing‘.cerUvin JricJivld- uals were propounded-by exponWUs of Di? numerous In the school- Tli« cxolt«ment eventual-’ ly culmlnaf«d In the electlcuifi. The suideni body yoked Hs deslroi. and the following elections were a.iu noun?«d by the clctorlal commit* tee. - BradsJiaw Holland. oC NorfplKK Va„ won over Walter Inatliani by a ^margin of 30 voles, to win the Ktgljejs' hbrvor t)'.r •.udei'iUi can be-. upoh any one vndlvidual—iJmt of preside \t of the student body. O. Perking defeated "Bins” Miller by a large majority, to bc- I corjitf" cditbc’-of' thc ’Phlpylrll-. -while ' RHinaey Swulu u\d dlls BiKy.i'i^n’ n clo,ie. riicc fc , edil)r.*i})lf),'-i3r- tjift Maroon' ftna .^bid'- '•The .flnRl count' ■w' 88-90 Uv fajtov. W Swairu- ' OUk. oillcci** to' b.o clectf'd ;wcrc'. as fDjllpwS; \ ^Aiibcffy ' ■ c'lcctftcl; - pyer J. T.'•.ChHp'{Iell.'7or' .s’udeht-'sena'-- tp)r.,.: ;■ ■ V--' > ' • "PfrL"-HoWen'clcr(prt pycr Mni> Jorle JoivjR/jor Kcuclcm'.i,'piini.'l|.- Roborf Klbvijfill, won-aver Stephen Mauldin tO'bfwine'prcBld’cn.tr tA rc- l;;ioiis-aiitivlllcfc. ; 1 ^ ' MartruC’dU' Ccc>i)r-i' • >vn.v clcclcd prcsidonf of-Y... W. C. A . ' ' LD'aiAc • Lqyton_ ajifi t'annlc ,'Pdo,- plM tird ’fpr -'Vice 'pi''0fjdcnt "0f V. W.-'C. -A; . '• V 'lo be \oU;fijOw:‘ , ■ - Fi-ancia. .ChanQlrr;‘W?caniR fSe'.e-, tary and U'€a>.iircr'i:vf Y. .W. Jc 'A. ilaniblingC BEER BARREL PROSPERITY Musical Letter The people of the Unitcrl Stutcs in thon mad clam or for the repeal of the 18th Amendment, have bluully and unjustly placed the blame tor the pi-es.-nt aepreusion on prohibtition. It is not a sane and l»Kical outlook, but one which is the fruit of ignorance and dutfmatic biptry Tlie reason people believe that tho 18th amennnie^it has played a i^reat part in the ecdtiomic dowiifaU of the -country is that this amendment, happened to on pur statutes during the depression. The aniendmen.t is a .vic tim of circumstance. Had it been in operation during years of plenty, it would have hecTi hailed as“ a godsend, instead—weU you know the popular opinion on the sub ject- -It 18 di.fficiiJtto convince people that depression is in evitable in-the pre.‘4€Tifc economic system of-the world, that it is but part of a bu.?lne8s cycle-which never, ceases to run, that it is as sure to come and go as day and night, that the’reme.dy for this depr^svsion lies “not in free liquor trafflc, ))ut-.in an. entire'economic and politic^ reorganize- ■tidn>,"' Tho statement, its^jlf, iitiplies that if all-restrictions j • —^ .prohibiting the J'nd'.transi^ortation of beer werr;to'p -Tq be. feriiojed, prds.pei:ity-woUli imn^dlately follow. -lhe[_ >> The Elon Music Club held )ts regulr businces meeting oji Thurs- regular business in the society hail- Durlna the buelTJCss meeting the club dlM;u&scd plans for the con cert lo be given here by the mem bers of the Gullloid Choir on Ap-, rl! 17. Plans for the recital to be ?ivet\ hofc by .Mr.-s, Cora Cox Lr.- ; cas. on ' Aprjl 27. were also fjr» mulaicd. Mrs. Lucas ts from Greensboro fcnd Is one of tho out- I standing ‘musicians ot the '^taie. I Xhoro will alio be a concert given , here,, by a number of muslclan^i' I from tji.e,. Statesville Music Club : durlne the first part of May as a ! part of the music week jcalcbra- I The student recital hc.l.d aff^i* I the .iTCffular bu.lliess inQ^ing of j the'-club, .'corisUjed p; numbers^ by ; Katherine WhiUltcr; "EsUKr , Hop- I ponsted&5 Wloifreil, I3amc:y, .Vir ginia Jiy. and! Dorotiiy MlJI?‘r. ; Bicig^aphic Notes By UAMSEV . MctfcQi'D, dHjlylo-Wic'.’ Is Di'. • Seannock.'s;, labiSrftiQry .'.ojilsr W{it thl» ycai’*. ' He':hfib b«^' ;Vcry' succ.CRxful l.'i Lhc- cU.e'lnlcit.flne ;and •win )-o«'i-vc' his;, ilcgrcc in drtm-' LVtr;; i.lUs /car. ' Mtip; .Is a. nienw bci- of lCappiu..Psr;Ni' •; fr;ilc;'nlty and rtpj-'csfcnts Jh>ia* oiV .the P;\n' .Hcllcnlc; Council ■ this • E, L'-iJr.V-B. I«. Oiunc lo £lon'from .Ashetwra hf^'.school .m ' Durlog- his’first •' three yours -here he'/reflUt.U .on. flic'..'cam-, pus.; ; 7h'is,.‘ yiiar -'luji •bccomc -.a, mcmbciv.9/. thq. follelo ,comm-Unlty .£.id -a'fi'I'.:-(s ,a^V.ba?/«'Utic,d •many ■.hpnoi'^ 'while,'-on - the • p6i / Ho has- b^fir K ,hi(?nibcr- of .Ihg’ RetJ?«Lo.;.and .Pflh''’.'Hplltiiic.-cmiijcli.- TWs' yenr. E. -.L.; Is rdi^or’- of ■ - ihe phlpsicll;'-' ' ■ ' ' •He U.fi.fiootl.-wora - • aud’-baV iud- .:,that*. he; By A Ruir’Jlcr Biily.i-.my pct-gont. •^Ishes^J thlS' «5luiim . Soi'r cxpreMlng iicftlly. nhat, hl8 .;.:vnpathy''4‘ ■£k : the campUR ^;lovers wh4 .be 6opanvtcd oyfer. the . holj but. ab6cncc.-.mfllc« '^h} hca.^ •fon,devi.-you ^mv{- VBol>by EctMhi)'.la be 'cacryjn perpetual '.-imilc- .opc« •m.prc-.,^ •Worki ,5a'di4,-;- ■’ ...' /..•'Air. work, ahd' no,play.. ,Sci)tt; a dull'boy^' Chcee .lif ’liol>day:r'are': hefe. ‘ ' Wo ..yiitl.'t'htand- Marjurlc . ■ Itkert' tO;'gb -lo' v, •woll. ' ^ nVfl - Bailc V; was'.steii. Iho' (l.iy 'tearing- ii.nls-y,.i>etAlB galol wa'8 iuutt«rlhg’’i,oihei*i>olf • -"H* •nf-v'he-, loves, nip .iiot!"' Ho;.v-’ end?- ' Woiidcr how - Armk.coaO n^mg ,'fla'fc. tires? • Here - ’thi able ec^b;'‘''O. k.v whf-o T;,? iii-ett*' ••'compaaioi'f tp .,8;'vo,' >i pplraiJoiv ;; ‘ True' l^tve 'ficvcj-' runs you ■ cheer’Uo Abei Xhe-flg^tr man‘-l3 juat. troui cofner.. Nc»w.'don’t'ftsk' whit? iiB.\i;"- ’ vwi.' 'vond''; why. .,pr‘Mowjr, j,ln hu :uddcniy^ bc.':om^ bo; .e?tccl:'in, tbt 'cut-bf' Jus-maku dOoB i'vok u-^IVp? . aus'ii;:4 >.i ;, Ap*)!;, '1 ntro everythin;^ -ojd'vfaiU-fuJ: pcV-'Bi "co.ur^sV-sayi.,bc- can’t flJity- Istin^ -iVi:il'l anj K-noit- me.-’,. i.V0U: i had'" the 'linyrr.vttlorir .th^y-.-wc;;' brc.^V 1 •S^‘ws.1, ,y.' =_ •,Quite.'n..nuyibcr of ..cu-.;-« ods'.hiv^, 'bceo. hwti'd' inaldiil .i'cmark-: .'.’!Gac. I'm-KJnig'..'-o tho'boyi ,wiw-.si}enr ‘o pr,ei?r-l ;U(jtti .ciawcs': begin- aacr ■dayv.’ ■' ' ' -' • Tl:o oXiiUltsd •'AllrAmcrica.l j. T. ch(ipDcn; ,-.n\ . • ■..•,'-Jack-Chai)(il«r is naw' playj Totf jif,.the good' •'he. Mlnnl :Losl~,-Oi v-TtcnCx^X jjoidcn .'nv aerdav be; fl'

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