' yH® RURUnGTON: & ?fJ ^ VE,vV Kl’V V d, Ui'Jj ELON COLLEGE, N iC VOLUME XI. MAROON AND GOLD Publl'hed Fvf-rv Mondav'During Ihe Colle^laVe, icar by the Studerils of Eion Collcpe. All arlirks f« rpuhiK ajl.m Hiust bn in the tfanrts of Uie ManaifTna: £di*'' tor bv •■* »» ■'* TiHir«d;n. Arihlrs rcrejvcd from an unKnown source will not iM- urlijlfil MONDAY, may 1, 1933. Sl«ff OfTur—Mar. \ (lold offur. first floor. Alani^ncc Building Ertltnr-m-Chief Managing Ldltor . Miss Leffie Jones H^ard By Large' Audience In. JuniorSpeech Recital Edilur Aasx'iate Editoi' Circulation Manager Offl e Sfcreuo ... . SienographT KdUc'r [v.i- LpKiips ppgg\ Scchric^i CJii Thursday eventng. April .27,1 tl® tB6y iltue.U. ‘‘DeceJtfv’)/ -; Man,” MiM UlTic Jones wa$ pwentect arid/•'The Pi'ssntiJsV^'vere lH« in her Jui^ior speoch recUUl under popvlj¥r''.tvncJ' t>est","Mkfd ■.humbers. ihi' direction of Ml«6 • VU'gln.ie. j ihodg-l^ perhfipe “Cojftl Pea.di','. F’ujiiugh. In 8 most novel /and r.^hpved- d^:afn&tiC;,:quf\Ir tiighlv enjoyable , prograrn'., :MifiS-,^liy. ^ Jones’ program' wus bused-on* t'hc i. JijnK-UJoACt PCaivty'w^3;. 8D,t. Rainbow, and \ very detail cmp^iii* yfT by llw Irjus s.Uk •oiwiUy.vdrtss sizpd this Idea. sh^ .woro. Her pi'oei‘aBiH*,wcre'vfliry Tlie 5iag.' ticcoraiion.'i, which evoked a greai deal of ploasG3 coniineni. tonsi.s'pd of h huj^o rajn* bow against ihc blup sky, with a large pot. of gold ai ihc fopi,'o( fitiraci'ive; bPUig 6f LtiQ-Samg-shad? ofdr-w-sa.' .and foi4?d'ln •(I rrtther .umisu.il iriauriery, . .• .’.Wfiss,'. Virginrjf' DAro 'Bladk.' w^d" l» 'ftlv;;ay,i. i>op(iJ,ar witji -^lon audi- r «> R r it t>yi'v A f'f '1 Kdii'Ji Orifflo Ihc rainbow. Flowers, ferns and i-0ncia, ',i;: rtdcrf’d t,Wo grou^ of 86»B.3 tdiior F O Pprk’iis : M.1! gii^nte '^^ar.^s ! , Sum Wati.f'n \ other decoratiO'A also rtfflectcd tlit; b(*auf-rfurpastpl Shades o^ ihg'raln* bow. The Urge and enthubn.suc vu- diencc was most roipoiuive to the \arloui ernoUons depleted In Miii> JiMiP'i nun\l??r.s, and greptcj eaCh iippfarancp with hearty applause, ill her' u’suulcharming- manner. Sh^ wd.^ acfompanled . \>y Mr. Pleu^hcr Moore at the pla.no. • Ushe-.s for ih« cvepUjg v\VGre;M'LBS Naonii s.^-'d Mifia Virginia Jay Mr. W. E' I-fiwe, Jr.. and BHl Cooc^r. A r^ccp'.iDn in the facuJty payiof oI ■ {vllss Jrme? was gtycn by' the llr'Ddin?.', were R;ven to j>ynibo:i?e r Delta ^bpsllun &:>^oi’Uy-a'fUr , the iiarli colo- of fh- .sjicctruin "Lii-' program VAIA’t. OF EDUCATION I • Thr ■ hii.-'inrss c.si'> in rfillry'' '• prove h.i roiifjrc i.( hle;il)v I'"' They ilk- 'A f.n ftu- > 1 “ . ,!i;,-iUi->n h;i' been carefully W. l.f-rl, I’.Mstoii university nit.ii. -'4hiit i-\(‘»-v hour sprnt I.. I h- imliv itl'ihl ’I his will ' iid^' n.'l '^r' ^n!>kini!-* arc.quite suit'.Uioi Smu)i Tuck fnjoved the ba.'^bdll iikii!"' I'-r aiiv Utml '»! \M»rk at Htl • ganii* at ilie Oreen^lx»ro p(»lice. head- , m:1( hou-to l•a^h in ;quan'T.- Here And There MRS, LUCAS IN RECITAL HERE Miuh- f liih Spo'n'siirh -PrvKrain Uen> dered l>y (Jreotishnro rviuslclftn .iiid ('lui)woniau. rm hIjIv v\o;j!-i i-f'rn 111*' NVhlL'h til il mak'' "I Juilur'-' SlHll't i.pitii' !.if ('I ni]icn aif' Hi> ai»-\^'r |>roIi- lli.- 'itatistio fiin- )nly with nr t'ailnrr* that wr V th*- riicct's-'^f’s and M.I D-rrv J'.;i h»r ion 4’. !a.->; d^i-;di*d to ■ Wiinpie". Fa.-ir.s! man on ;tie iHinpii/- John Vi’>:ii>iilr Hi' ;n freland foui' or Hve i.inieA earli week - will l: ,-rein.-> that th«» gnU at ilic prac tice hon>© ran'i .•»(and iheir own cook.nR The nur^e wa.s .^een niak- ing a ln^rincd inp down there the oiher day. Joe College Johnson has adopfrd a ttray puppy. , in..,.,' Hii> thiiit.' 'I'liat lhi> :i\er- I'l lia\ r cai iK'i) by thf timt' 111' ri Mi ll. - 'I'" ' ant iK'i't's.sarily mean that hiis cdIU'Kc I'ducati"n lia>i Ki'eii hitn this Parnitti' capifcity, Jn all iirtilialiilils lu '.'‘Hjl(l ha\’’ .•ai]iO(l a k>"h1 share ot thi.s ain wav, of ilouii; a.llcge work repri’- M'nt>4 the iiiiiiri' i)*’n rjii*f tht* counti'v R intciliST^ncc. nis ini iipjti.i tV.« hnut I -1-ooks hke Dr Brannock hai (■olU'^'.'.' iH i forliinati' in lif'inp abl to tducate thp Lchooi spirit. You should have seen materia! . , I him at the Lenoir-Rhync game the Thi> 1' tioi T’i»int t.( implv iliat \^c doubt the value jother day. of cnlk.,.c ...lu.alirm. hut w,> (to believe 'ts commer^ ciul a.pect> arc Ki'f atly ov(-rfm])ha>ixed Tho \alue of a | io my oraLlon? But qow since eoilt'ffti cftucalion i.annnt In.- mea^■t^rea m a commercial ] oratloru are over we won’t be .vi-riHO aloiiP. It is riur b'-lit f.that when this .side of it la ijointrcd by any sg»tT questions. il mean-! Ihe hipaktfown of an\' true system ot education The iiilanjribh' values far weed any thut can bf coiviiiiitcd in dollars and cents. c^Kin’ CoK Liiras of Grfl.'nf* bnro. '.'iir ff'thi* nioht proinlncul iiiu?^ic;?i'n}K and fclubwoiiicn of Uua statf, iiK.-'iUffi H r.(*cltal nh-ThuJS- da\ :iftcriionn in the, Lit^^rary So-' ciety U.Ui Mi-.s. Liua^ wij{ well re- ceivTd ir. an f'‘'thasla,silc uudiencc- .Her proyrant coYi.si»ted enth'cly ot «lPClK'ni frnrri’*Cl^opln. She brief ly rxp;,iin*‘d her ijumbcrs. and ; ciirp,ii,ru.i-d on the inr^/erpreUillonJ. , Afifr thf recital Mrs. Lucas! was «*nler'aiiiod fli a lea given by ,hc. inprnbcr-. of'tjic Elod MiisU; ckib. , A dinner nari^’,w.is, glvc^n 'tn • i'-cr h'liuir Thursday Jiisjht by Mr. .Ihri Mr.i Bl(»*re 1 Tl'.e piori Music club tia^.bc.i I fortunate' in sdCMting >he pirei-.’ , ence of Mr*. Lucas fo> VeclUt. '.and in obtainln? muplclbrts. : for rccjtfti.5 during the- -remainder of the year To w/fer- such. prIvf-% . leges Is an irnpgrVftnt' ptrrt^. o'/ tnc ^activity of', the .‘ciub.- y Gollegi Cialend? .- MONDAY, MAY, 1 .' 7:00 p. ni.f . ^CMo.-P«y* meeting. ■. ; ' TUBSDAY. MAY f 10:00-ft. mi;. The- meeting of, the , Ca conferen®* ' Conj U »nal-ChHstian* ohu.r lO:0O'a^. m.{ Elon slitge hearse,, 3p30. p.' m.f ’ Baseball, ' Polijt vs’.-Elon at El WEDNESDAY, MAY 9:00 a. m.i ajecond Carolina conforencf .Congregational - Ch) churches. iO-ftO’a. m.;. Chapel. ' 2:00 p. %M[' T-"r*- '• T.'^rHt V*. Elon • at F6rctt. 3;30 n- .BaAebftJI,', ford v«. Elon a.t Bt ton. 7:30 p. m.i Philo m'^tlng. * TllURBDAV. MAY 1:00 .p. m.f Mar'-on and V stftfT mcfttln*. 1:00 p. m.; Tflyphellalt- Ing. FRIDAY. MA,r o 10:00 a. m.: Chapel. 2:00, p. m.-. ' TennljV State Tonrnament, • tawba, 3:30 p. m.; Bajseball, C« v9. Eibnt at Uurlinctor TEST FOR COLLEGES Robert Kimball Ls already P'C- parc^ for the'aummer. ,Hf! has hU glrl'frlend’8 pictyre on hi* dreiiter i to keep the hiosqulto^i away. j GRADHATION Well, tiave to sjive‘Muddy Wat- ; [erg,,the prize f^ eating .’i&e niosi. : i • rt. SATUnDAY. MAY Nothing tloinj. SUNDAY. MAY 1 10:00 a. m.: Sunday l U:00 a.’ m.; Morning W' G:15 p. m.; Vespers. MONDAY. May > ,40:00 a. m-: A^embly. Gleaning Of Wil What abouC'ltW^noct X'reifhte. who tlioufht.tht reading -had to. .Tjb 'flone ;frortt;p(arCh?.. ]; V , • !i', I]le'd: ;'.When'ypiif sleep.;

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