, , V L 1 V, V ‘ i # ' K> WWr"‘ ' iii*ft ‘ '* lii't' ‘ P ^ ELON COLUGE!,'' k. Cm MONdXv*' W VOLUME XI ELON eOPS M A R o o N A N D G 0 L D \Dr. Brannock In Address On Value QfiChemistr^ Published Every Monday Durinr the Collfulalo Vear br the Studf.nln of Elon Cpllpge All mrUcltfs for Ppubliraiion tnust b* in thf h»nrts of jhp Man.telng Edi- lor by M.. Thur^da^. Ar(»rlrs rrmvpd from an unknown source wilt not be prinJpd. SUff Offlc»—MarooQ A Cuold omre. flf*! floor. AIanianc^«*nMlnff R, H Abfrnethv t)rtiior in Chiel R L, Ami a 0061 •' • Manaeit^a Ecliior Carl R, K‘'y Af.,^(x;lat,e Ediior C. Ram&ev Sa'a;n , . As50»'lfl>c Editor, J. T. Chsfppell, Jr r:rc;iiatinn Manager NEV\S _ i cxx Kucb Kiiiior' 01.1^ Brav Hoi-ton, V^rt Oemne^r '• Ri5iii‘; Bifbar% Cha^r F O l^'*rkins TvTiW- AU REVOIR Oiten have I musf'd, but now at lon^nli 1 hnti Whythose-that dio. mrn .-sav they lo t j, Depart: a word so ’■»'>' nufui, | Weakly did scpm lo point dojiih ' n’ul' dd" i But now I know, what it is to par:. From one so dear, so trur. •(> kind. For another I know I nr’« r >h;ill rii-.i; In a few more \sc('ks—Ibrcf^f.t h.‘ cxacl—iherc will be some fifty soniors grafluatiiiK from I'K-n ; *;omf' never • to return again. 'Tis not a hapi)v ihoujflif. .nr nt viTthc- less a true one. ! wonder how jnan>' ol us artiially real ize this fact—that when wo park our lrunk and Fay au fevoir what we actually meain adi* u r’crhnp.-; we all cannot believe that wc wiJI nt-vrr a^aiti st .> tin- halls* in which we hav. spent so many haj-py lunjr-, nor iho friemis that have meant so much to iis And too. fhfr«.- are jsome of UR who are leaving: behind a sweetheart -a rirl who has counseled us throu^rh our trials and tril)uIat'ons. our successes a«d our failures, our salne.^sr‘s and'our Hnppi- neswes. Aw I sit here writinK’I often >;aze at a, picture 1 have on my desk, and wonder if she too has thought of that eventful da> when we marcli up hi.nd receive'our di ploma. Yes! the time is steadily drawinK nf*ar. creeping up on U8 like a beast about to pourtce upon its prey. And they we will be caught—caught in the destmy of time; parted forever. , Fellow classmatefi. this is a thoujrht that you will nev er forget; a thought that wilt be r*mb^dded m your mem ory the rest of your life. We will all loavr scho‘>' and^re turn to our homes. Timo will pasf^ and a new life will be Opened for us. We will work and strn’e to make a ■place in the world for ourselvc.'; wo will meet new friends and form new asaociatic^m:. we will lauph. play, and,,find new tiappiness-—b’ut nover will \ye forget WeduMday m»rnln|g‘, In 'chapels •Dr N. F. Brannock. _Uead of Llie I'heiuUiry dep^rtmont. vised ai plR .'Subject 'The Aasociatci He began by citing hi? eoc'-, p/'iicn&es' In l^e iiltle log school, hou.se, "Wiien I wa*i tf pupil lu -ttie. Uitle log .school houfie, (he tOHCher. ;i«rd Lo set copies for Us to IhUtaio^ On** of these as foHowi'. "A man .V known by ihfl company he keepd,' Mny *'c not truly say a jclehce known by Its aaaoclales?''' All Of u«." according to Dr.' Brannock, "began to acqnlie cherii- ;i-.U knowledge. In W'tty*io study, rtieinlsiry. ihe moment we were bi>rn When we flrat opened our f;i-A oi]_ UiLs inifWMIJng unlve-rsP; wp were cunfronted with Ihc prob- l-'in of diiillngulihlng dlfTerent tna'- J'TuLs from one another WheJ *c di-''w our flrsi breath we began lo o djAfornv dark venous blood lnti !i-l(th', arterial blood by ^:he oxid«.- '.>n o! hemoglobin into oxyhemo- e;obiii The first food wp t'f>ok ln;o .•iir.siomai'hs, through 'he prorp.>4«i'.-. >: digeatlon and meiaboiifitn wa.'. t;aiu»/ormed Into mu.'icle. bone and nervous tlMue Indeed we now know that chenucal skUl into y.if' manufacture of every jiidUTuU objfct with whloh wc have to-deal i^uf jood. clothing, and eheher. ,i.s wf»il ax all our cotnforts, convfui- ence*. and mean* of rccreution.' • Dr. Branock. sUcv' «l)owed tn.i! ihfmlftr>’ l£ a very important sci ence since It touehCA tiie nioii di'- verse human need«. H« ntcd in dt- ■ml how ch?ml£try Ih asaociatfd with the architect. enRu»eer‘ bar- i.-ilologwi, doctor. biologiAi. geolu- k;lal. ecouoiniat. «Lale«mnn. Arll'i. Jiuiioiian. farnier. dieiiti'ian, mu- .^hun, printer, ittAiheiiiiUician .i.'*- t.oriomer and many others- Tlien nr dUcuA«ed thy at.-tHiaiioii “I chemialry witli crciitloii Alter defining en'etgy ano matiev. he said tiiai fiierKV a.s piectnclty is with- iMj form, tliat L-s we can no’ def\iii' ' P**rhftpfr this whai 1$ tnoiinv tji :i3epe)5ljp’?i'.2 ■.wliere U^'saysv th^.' the xyai .'wlcbDirt'.rorm -'ana' voiQ,\ttxova bcltig.iJDiy cner8ry:lp',ex?; istQripf d6 yet VYUpjj ^he el?"cli;on^'' /uid pfpton6'wei’e> .fvrj'fiTi.ge(t Into cheiiMcfll elcirtt»ht«. mdbter/cftJne.Hwb e;«.ikte’n(;e' not .'oKly;.1ii’;i;hS]';eli8meui- ary lorfu hiu SfJsd: lo'-lh'fi' 'cftitibiued fofih.. for thi\se' .eieirt'eiiis-coiiibinc' ta j'ortn phe'mlcflJ'compouhdfl..'SU6H as wauT, acid*,'fafl!e« arid • "Again,' in O^tiMls i that- ^rlRioa.s'.wais -npi/n ih© face, 6f the'^Ityp. • And Ood fl.Od,-'Ul. tbpre , be llgiit^ und t'here ws.s IjrUi.'Cowld we'i)qI interpret 4hlA to mdtiii'that itha ajjlrlt.ol. God moved upoh ’tho tehorgy nnd malUir which He had !ereali»d In l.he form, of ntoir»s ®Q aA ' to cmi'i' Ughfi^” Tlu'ii bi -B;'unno(iK explained !h;i! liB'.it hyd s4urc? wltijih lhc 'atom, lie then .ihowtd that light I 'included g’ll- foim« r.%di4ut • enersry j siifh ffcp cadlo wa>ie/'. i'lUra-t'ed^ ray, | • \•l.^tblr- )i;^t ray».. uHm ,v>oIet t'-j^y* | -md Cjif.nilc I'a.vs: ritf-.a^so discuw- i , rd ihc iinporUhCe of plio6asynt)iet-U 1 and .showrri that light la thp iflofit ‘ fund-inieiitai hliiR. In lh(* envlfOn-I in^'nt of plan*, and adnihala. j In roar.u-’liyi Di- BRannock said | |ll\.u nrderhnP;'.') in the inoft ItHpresi- ' ! ivp fac; hdmu: il;e universe, and i that all Lhf .-leniillc laws aie but | ' thn fai)nc irom tiic ihfijefctlc looni , I of the Cri'H^'T of ihe Unlvei:«e, \ f Tliii wiw. on** of ihe mpsb ^cliolar- ; ilr i.ilk> «'■ havr had tluA year In ' iii.r- I'hjpd und I' B(.e”io fhuw that j :i p'^r.son mL'.'e.*' niii-h. In hi.'' educa- ; '■Jon. tvj'' 1.(5 lake !W>ine work In tt: bn.'ic si'i 'Dce nnd lemn some of the i (hriii{h'i -f»f Oort- ,rt*j expressed’ in j I 'hf* of .scteiu'c. I Wlit'n you’ fon^kler tllu Wlk asj 1-fioin ' ii^ ol the beAt-teach-’j j erf c’f • In the South. 11 'rtiiould f,rr'.Binlv kill any idea, In ' vafir H)h' Uipie is a conflict , belw^'en Sc.fnc'’ ahd iiellgton, but. • If th>’ ix’opa- vrtil allow it. the two '(’Ah be H'-(i tof('''her iof the ad* ’ vanreiiii'u: rtf both, , Gqllege Cis^lenda monuaV; mAv.15. 706..p, m.i Mlnla:«t» m . hij., ■• " ,.y ,.7;30. p. • tn.i-^-C|iVPiyWI meeting. ; , , r .. TUESOAV- may 16 liSB P' M.: . Elon Kest - bhorup ,r?heirsa^, WEpNESUAY. Y IT 10i0() a. ; Chapc}-,Jm 4i30 p. ni,t Klon t^ngers 'hcarKft., , , , ■ r'6o p. m,: .Phlloj6gi*n'm« . Jn't. TIIURsbAY. MAY 18 liOO p. nt.: Maroon and G aUfff.' liiectlpg. . 7:00 p. m.;^JltpH«l ^ fn Ing. • 7:30' gi, m.J Klon Feiti ehdruif rehear«al. FRIDAY, MAV^19. 10(00 a. ni.-: Chapel'Sop more c]ii«>. 7;30 p. m.{ Choir prttotli SUNDAY, MAV 21. 10;00 S>iinday ichoo 11 >00 A. jyj.c MBnring wd/s «:15 p. m.! Veapi*. MONDAY, MAY 22. 10:00 au n^.j Assembly. , Mrs. Cannon Is Heard Junior Recital in Speech Di'aw» Large Audxenfte A«: Complete Prpgram Is Held, . ^ Before a la>ge and tuoet ap* i piociative audleoc*', Mrs C. M j Cunnqn gave her Junior Reeltal rn ; fSpecch on Thursday evening, m! Whitley’'audjtorlwnu Alone an '.i;c! stage. WjUj Huch'iurroimdlngs ;tsi one ;vouM »ce m An artist's sUi-: dio. framed by the slnfijjfe. 3ic> ' hanguTga ahd banked 'wltb niK^.^^s-j finsi .number ..tia'fl. t the a»si8l;ance ^f‘ MIS* t/efUfi JonM,. «’;jtmidr ;irv- the d«parimcnt.u]f . specflh; f^ud preso.ntid tile ^number' mo.9t'ijnjoyr erl by thp ^tidi‘.nce ^ Thji; mimber flhowea two piortralts c6mip({"t9 life, and'the ’ .gf.; the two, young Wompn ^('’ppmR out of their iWct^r^.-irarrvp?. and. tRlkipg ta ?ach- ■other.:'Wfls ■ tinu^tUtU . (• ii. 'dclijht-- Rambling C By A RAMBLER ''Entop a friend),’ ■ ’ Frlon^—What arc you doln Woufdtbc, Columnl8tr-fmu5 as (itccftCMve a iSmUe 98 po6«l Writing the ‘weely agony' old f'rlend (quIte.Xrink about l.t An agony to read;- Why d6h ■give HP'? E3flts): '; ■> : Woujd'tie^ •• cofuhinlSt' 'Hr 8irs;ige JbterJude • manner.)- few'rea.1 frfen(^,'a nian-hM. tell.>>60. niatc«. such-U^ings tr Have >6u. ever-been ln..a>J ait.uatidiv where ll^Uigs and « were arranged. Just so and .| ■fot^-.ah lrt4tartt- thew camci i-sUange weUd feehJatjhat'' nvhci-e. somehow irQu^Jad bt ihat samft situation bfefori-? ] be ;a line: you read.'or a .f jWord; or the sound,- of_ muali caitaCa lb'Jump; fr atcangf.'rfc

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