«3f*' ^ • sWT^ Zl^n: '* \ f A’GC 'two ' ^ t '•& . rK TU&-? i Hy y'T f ^ ^ \ ■"¥ jT M fi R e;^On cqLtiEipr'Nrc--"^^^^^ VOLUME,XI. MAROON AND-GOLD PuWtJihpri Kvery Mniiday llurlnR lUe ColIfgiaU V.car- by the Sludljnt* nf tion Cotlpfip • ■ AM arlii ks tor Fpnh{i afion. tu’trsi hr iii (Up )»f»nds of the ManUjfln* K{p' Inr hy I'-i lH' >> Tlnii^fUN ' Artlclfj. rrrr»vcd fioiii an unknown source Mil) no( he prjnlPd Slalf orfiiP—M-iioiiii A *Mil(l ifh>-e, fir'll fli*or. AlainqIJLng 'AbPt n^lh'.’ Arm.Iff-' . Editor 1.1 Chiff Mnnaglne Editor Tfirl R Ki •> c Elrtm.w j T r:.,|)p' 1>K- Ij' Kit' Oils H’-.v . Vf r.i (•>■ ni A»scx;iale CTltor AsfltHiato KdUor CircMlaUon Mftna^pr BaibH Editor Biil HoiWn James Rislnjr F O Perkins “M'AROON AND GOLD * SOON TO TAK^i, VACATION i ! V., r •.‘f ■■ Maroon arul Gold,’’ j •.v;li li.-arl ii'* niMrc until.next Sep-i \ .ai- ;! ha- Thf> purpose of this )i~ f.a'Ui-,- a K'iinip'i.' or what is j?ping 1,1’. W ■ havr ti> bring to you a 111.', add a sample «>I‘ all types ,y. ir IV tliHt (iuripK the year t!i;:',>-- I'l- •■.M.iruiin and*’ which ;•. !, a.i. 1" 0-ir on)\ excuTic is that we 'r,, «,uf f>ai" • fiu'- voice of KIor. And. 's.ii'i tlMitr.' Ill "ur publication worthy of! , V,;.: l!!!(i .':i nay ct.ll.-^re campus things' i •.i’li: ith your own standards. | ),.ii 'Maro-iu and Iol!' has not been j KHilti iikf t-> ii-;ar frnm iur rt-aders who^ 1,- • -ti'-n's \>‘V il--* improvement. It I ,,,,,.;li|-. ro carry mli> your home.«. or i ■.-•1" a S-il oT c'lLleijf life anfi thinking.! .• M ry much-to know iu'^t how this can' Til. i: i:' ' «nd Tiienji- v^'i' {(•mln'r. - •!>in:tiv' j)apcr to '' on on the l)it of all sid'-“ ■ of sludfli? thtT«' hav«‘ Im ' ! wi'n- n-it liked have irif'd I' just as you ha\ • displea'tTi', -n •, V hich arc n-'i m H’c I'cali/.'- p-rf'ct, and u are willinK to rn is our purp v.her vc‘r you >n and wf shvid'i !i ije.st b‘.' doiii.'. , So n'lich b ! -nir r-i.MM.'. . V.\- should ^iT»o like to take furth'-- opportniiiry hert t*o extend U) Burling^ ton Daily Tini' s-Ncw^’ our de^pt .^i apprecio-tiop for their kind cooperatiojj with uh in putting o.ut this'papcr. Too inuch canno^ hi^ said in prai.'^e. not only of their wilting- jiGs.s-to print th»- “Maroo.n hn>'l lioid. but a.lj*o of th^ir readinei?> *o c.oofi.f-ratr in a.ny other v-a>' po.“srbte. Aga.in may we extend our dc’tp’’=t appret:iation. College Galendar ‘ MONbAY. MAY 2? , 7:00 p. m.— Jnj. 7:30 p. m. — CHo-P^yJctl'n m«etin|. TliRSDAY, MAV M . 10:00 V m.—Ohc-^ct play — auditorium., 1:30 p. r I. Elpn Fe»tival. ehorus reheftrtal. WEDNESDAY 10:00 a. m. -;-Cb»p«l—F,re«h- m»D cli|«s. 4:30 p. Elon snjers re hearse. 7;00,4P- m.—PhHolog:Un_ rtieet* Inf. THURSDAy, MAY 26 1:00 p. m.—Maroon and Oold staff m.eetin?.’ 4:30 p. m.—Student recital .^oeiely HaM. 7;o6 p. m.—PsIpheHan meet- Ing. 7;30 p. m. »— Efon Ke.stivaT chorus rehearsal. FRIDAY. MAY 2fi 10:00 a. TO. — Chapel^Pres- ident Smith. 7i30-p. m,—Choir practice. SATURDAY. MAY 27 ’ 9:00 a. m. — Sfnlor exams bejin—1;30 Monday rlafi.s- e». ?:00 p. m. —^»enior exams -be- fin -» 1:80 Tuesday class es. SUNDAV. MAV 28 10:00 • m.—Sunday School. 11;00 a. m.—Mornlnf 'Wor ship — Dr. U E. Smith (Memorial Service.) 9; 16 p. m.—Vespers. MONDAY. MAV 29 10:00 a. m. Senior eaami- nationb — 11:30 Monday clajses. 10:00 a. m.—As.tembly. 2:00 p. m. —> Senior exami- nations ^ lt:30 Tuesday classes/ ACTIVITIES'IN MUSIC FEATURE FINALS PLANS I>epar.tm en fc ■ td ■ Fuiic- ;tion InclfviduailKarid- in Group Singing's -/'5.Kyery'i^a.',J;igi, lta..,p«duii aotpri8tlc8;;-;jriil^ -agp'45-' cb l?.«d • chiefly- requires-car©(itl and vj tjlainlft^v js; importftnt: ■yhp.. (tMlrc .'Speyl&Hzft>i^;\r 'o.ppoi'tunliloa o|, hl?har..?du the :i8iclt' Qf money^ fy'feoo'‘’o| ■JUndei’iiig’ ?au^o.. S’oHUnaw 4^-nny wmmiiHlty 6v'coiir lifts It 'hlKli .rade educavioi stlCuUcin;; wl.thlif', lUv.own.' •Such 'a,ri' IniiiltuticMj.offf.rfct young people qC the' hon;ic5 , Thf wuBjc ci(jpfli‘trhc\it. ifr-{ftKlny an :,lfi\pw'tunf. p,art --Itu thp' p«J/>bi>n v! •UoH_ tof ; gQHiniPUccfncut■.-i thi? yearf'^e,5}de3' 6wo; ccwn** -pie(e'!'pkfpgrjin\8;'.it rjJ.'a^Wdhg’ Ui- ati Qthei>.' Oil Sji|ndfl‘.' morn-, llig.,''j\ihp 4, , .fht; chU'Ch - • cttQlH, ■«Qra»tvhHi ■.augni^n'tefJ,.''wlU' presrtit fljiecii iHtpufic, Mr thji. bpc5alauiT?ate service On, that Sunday ■'aficnibovv.fii i p’clQok ,wlir'o0cui‘ a JbiAi rcoUa.I.by' •iwo pf Ui? .ouEfit/inding -iriwslclins In the .departpioqt. Miss-Eifza{5e.r^' Bttrney;-,^planUt. • ;.jind '■ Moore, orpanlsr* '&^isV. Baincy is, a sonlor, rpc'clvl'n/; th(s yciip her dr- ,, , pJwna In piano. TIfr-work’oii this recital jnark fl)? partlal'^ronv-'. ’ ple'la:^ of th® .r?cltal -rcqUirfnient fop Wf diplopia.' Mr; MoaJv^'la a Junior.'aJaQ a nifijo; In the niuslc dcpaHinc.iit-’ Hf f«prel»Hy dlwin- Rulshod’, this year by, niiig flrsc plHcc li) piarto .and. or^flfi In Iho SoutK Atlnwtic district commuhttyi of. .•coUpLy/r-i.h'e' tagea .rtf 'aavahped,-'U-aifth)j ■ ve'17 inodoratB .cosu.-v Elon-CpUcge is a h.lgh'ai'fl .cft.tlpnfil '• IjtisrtilJLitlon. •rftflH,..,,- Its.' -.tJhyslcal.-.'cq speaks 'for .Usolf. •'''jF'or'. the - 'v.'ork'- If IS' expected' to..‘do;. not'easily’ be' cxceneil.' Cv6r her. of ita-faculli-'-fsi/adfquR! ihorpuRlriy. :'*rftl'ned-' wltii' i'l (jiih:ed- expftvli^|«j^ri- h'ls-J •Instruction'/ • xrie -atniosph .tl3Q campas'ls mosC T^frcshl nnd «Iovat-ln{{., , Elyrj .l»'’-'tociUcd '.in the' h Alamatjoo' qounty. ' ‘ It ' 1*.. i .manqe',county'. laitltutlo) cn t cvaVfli'St, a'rt'd • jil'wiys, {.'o-tij of 6h? cliiaciu dt .thc-^ cpuiii, dobr^^^are-fiJwiiyir tb thi Rambling On (.N5INUATION5 (By A RAMBLER) With the conictoUiness oi th« ap- proichlnjf «prtn? fever, we are happy, yet sad thitt the«efid of thta — J- -• ]«cKola«tlc,year -te drawing nigh.. Thj8 world „fnur.> funriy e^ugh, the j pfeOplc that Tnako it up nrc Mfill fumiiei- i hers soornf vOj Pieaji%- reini!ihb,er your various bc'-all and tvpes. .vf+mo good; sonic ba;d, -and some j and sundiy weaknesses when you ^'hich reaeH..a hanj)ynredii.im ^j^ween tho .But *tuden^^^^^ and. ypui)g- women' fro.qi: tJi ty/ We a.rtr hopln’g iq c^oul i\um,bcr• for 1033-1034' /arid Representative Of Junior Cla To Give Orat nmic mstricut T ^ “ c-ohtest sDonsoreO'-by Wi? -FederaV w fh to cc^e. ' • tlon of .MusJf clubs', A porUbn of! the nunjbers ht- will uw oii -l,hl.s proeram .aro ihe saflie w’lth which lie compftVd. ’ ' ^ ^ • i,-vj' ';'t, „ j , u. , ' T ■ , ^ a'tlcntloa ,of -fl On Monday ni^ht, June 5. &t ft- - - ■ ,• “ . - V o'clock, win oitcur 'ihe annuftb cQm-*. - • - meitcemonL'apppainnce ®f. tlys'Elon fpstiva', -chorus. The pi-esfntatlorr of the cjiwufc at this time' wlH be' Hmwalha’s Wcddlnr Feast, . the word« by Henry_ W. U>ngfellow.’ and the musjc' oV'^aoiutl Colc- rt^gc-Tayloi', The worj?. ^xccedtpg- iy brlllfaiit at^d .d/VhliVg in'.hwur^;' has ojroftriy crcatcd^a gVoat dc^l of. favorable 'comment as’ th,& 4iGai-8^Ls-In Its preparationpro gressing' Onfc; goiotet .ifi' en\ployed In this canUla.. a tenoj-; whose jiame c^tinot yft':bo atinounce,d. f^atur^ of this PTOfiram Is the ^ec- OBd appea^-ance-of Mliui EJtoifatjth Bametv at the ..planqr thl* 'time' $hc win. pjay the first,-Jno.vefnent of ih\f OrteR; A7mloof'c0ncer^«. the’ ‘or-' clwftfrjal- accoiHijanlm'cnt liclng per-. forme|J AH' the- ocgao by p.rof?Mor 8toer«. The Elon ?^5stlva)',OhQru&^ r«spori»ii)le fo.i'f-,t-h!s -pfoaram'' rs made-up of-coUcpe'Studenli end faculty n^cjnbem*,ail'd'ais'Q' .-.iftftiTy eln^erfi from and oUicr near by "cbinmunHiu'.-. U. L's. fiQdor.’ thf, •dU-'eotton ..of Prof.'' D^ikht .Stcere; •hp,ad‘ jb;f .the ;mn6la Ue5^^tme'nt:■ its eji^a^jj^m'efi ■ 8 ■ 'pUtS^f^, ’' i3y r The following, Juniprs will tain at the' Coipmenceriient p w.lth o^R'tJbrts ,ln»thc'Whiljr: .^ovlum. Pi-fday; JuHe 2:.-.- •, . Delmoht Oclfftn—Wh^i^i pri toify,;-’;’ ■■■'■ ' . ' ■-.p. .sr.JiolIandT^PCi-pe^ual Maysie- Jdyce—tD&yelopmen arfl'Intcrr^atlonnJ P^acc.. Thelrha;'Morris —-The ■ t Quc.^t of-Youlh.',; ..-Qivaln—Irhc';-; 'Tariff' V : ' Attentiisi^ Oicganizatipr

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