Give Your College Fai>er Your Earnest aad Loyal Sui>iJoit The Maroon And Gold Tratlc With Those Who Advertise In The 3Iaroc:i and Gold VOL. 9. FLON COLLEGE, N. C., PUIDAY, JANl’ARY 17, 193«. NUMBER ELEVEN Eloii Cagers To Open Home Season Thursday Choir Begins Spring Work In Few Days .St.X!ie I‘l;ins Annual Tour 'Jlii'Oi.gli ;\octli C:ii'oUii;i Anil Va.: Need Coiitraltos Tilt Epi'lng semester of schooi IS due to begin in a few weeks. ■;nd new clas.-^es wi;l be formoJ 'n the various d;.pai'tments. Thlfi u;!l hold true, too, in the ease of lilon Singers. It is rcallz>.-‘d there are perhaps some stud ■ I i-tfc in s hool who have n t be- I ;,!ue a.-sociated with the choi.'. i.i rii-il)aly because they did no: join last Scptiinbe;- and coiisAlcr it IS iivW too i.ile. Accovii- iii;' lo 11 f'. ,. t^eri, tliis i.- ii'>t 'clie cLiSf, any stuueiU \vl'.“ v to tiy out tor Llioir will b-' V cl'i,rne. There ari.' still places in all si'itioiis lor n \%coniois, bui iiie nunl principally is for con- ti.iitos. Each year the singers take a Hljring tour lasting several days In previous seasons these trips ■ have been through the Southern pan of North Carolina and through eastern Virginia. Plans aro now in process of formation tor this year’s trip, and as yet are too tentative for announce ment. However, It is certain that there will be a tour, and that if Will be designed to cover the principal cities of North Carolini and Virginia. The choir will start rehearslnji the music to be used on the trip program during the coming week, .so there is still ample time Cor newcomers to join. Any one who ertprs, jiow my^_ be^ assuceU _ that he will stand an excellent chance of being taken on the trip. Prof essor Steere will be glad to hear fiom any prospective singers who are interested. Fails To Return Elon To Have Extension Of Minor Sports Coach ElUs Fjsiil Appoliited To Head Boxiiig' and Wix»,tllns Squads Here Rejoins Cagers Above Is pictured Lawrence Tuf^k, a star member of the Elon basketball and baseball clubs, who .11 be lost to the team this year. Tuck failed to return to school fcllowing the Christmas holidays and will be greatly missed in the cai.'ip of the cagers and the dia mond men this season. CAMPUS LEH6UE Under the direction of Coich Ellis Fysal, newly appointed to the 1. ost of head coach for boxing i and wrestling at Elon, intramural ^ sports are being put through a i well organized and popular pro-1 gram on the local campus. i Actual play in the sports be gan last week with the inaugura tion of the winter season as bas- Ketball got underway. A compact league of eight teams have been organized through the efforts ot Coach Fysal and the new loop is creating a lot of interest with keen competition being exhibited l.etween the opposing clubs. The teams are organized with each of the boys’ dormitories represented together with day students. A supervising committee has been appointed for the Intramur al league and a complete schedule .if games has been worked out for the elgh clubs entered In the loop race. With the opening held laiit week, the season w’ill contin ue through the last week of Feb ■ riiary. At the close of the season the L'hampion of the loop will be awarded medals, with the mem bers of the championship winning rwards, and an all-Btar team wiil be selected from the loop squad.s. The committee heading the In tramural sp6rts program is com posed ot .Coach Fysal, supervising director of the program; Webti Newsome, assistant director; and Paige Holder, general manager of 'he program. Roundtree-Sharpe Are United Here Married To tiara Shai'iK’ Last Month A marriage of interest to all of Elon College, took place on the morning of Sunday, December 2? in the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. 1,. Powell, Jr., Miss Clara Sharpe vias given in marriage by her br(,lher-in-law, Dr. T. E. Poweli lo Mr. John Hinton Rountree. Tl.e ceremony was performed by Dr. L. E. Smith with Dr. Joe Newman officiating as best man. The bride wore a black crepe dress, a black hat with veil and firaidenias. The house was beau tifully decorated w'ith flowers and shaded lights and the bride and groom knelt for prayer before an itr.provised alter of white and ivy. They left Immediately following the wedding for Washington, D. C. and returned by way of the f,room's home in Norfolk, Va. _ The bride and groom are nov' r.'aking their home in the Wat son appartments at Elon College. Mr. Rountree is business mana ger of Elon College. For the first time in the hi.->- tory of the College boxing ana i v. restling will become a regu in' part of the Elon Athletic set-up, It has been announced by Dr. 1.. I-. Smith, presiident of the loca iF’stitution. Ellis Fysal, former star athlei’ at the Univer.sity ot North Car. - lina, has been appointed heril coach of the two events and the ntv/ mentor has already arrived (.n the campus where he ha.S' ej tablished his headquarters and work is now underway foi' the oig&nization of the two squad.;. Kcxing and wrestling will lioth take regular places in the list (1 the athletic department to enlarge the minor sports division of the department. Coach Fysal arrived on the campus this week and has been getting the preliminary ad- jnstmens in order for the opening ot the season with the ringmen aiid grappling squads. Workouts for the candidates have been btarted under the direction of tlie .lew mentor and over 35 men ' have signed up to seek berths on the two squads. | A schedule of matches is being ^ booked for the two teams, Coach i f'ysal stated, and one meet has . already been definitely lined uo | for the boxing club, he announced, i A match with the University of ! ' North Carolina freshmen pugHia-1. Tr?‘sqUad "TTas" be^n"3e\ ' WfTr' Shown above Is Paul “Lefty” Cheek, one of the most outstand ing guards in the North State basket ball race last season and star performer on the Elon base ball club. Cheek will return to .jchool during the coming semes ter and will be welcomed as a val- ■jafio addition to basketball and bjseball. flake-Up Decided For 1936 Annual tic sqUad has date ot February 7. The match , will be held in the "Tin Can” at | (,'napel Hill as a preliminary to the varsity battle with the Ta'- I Heels facing the Maryland pugs. | other matches are being drawn up with strong college teams for both boxing and wrestling squads an.i a .schedule will be announced in the near future. Fysal Is already familiar with | the athletic department at Elon, having served as assistant foot ball mentor during the past grid iron year, and his oppolntment as hesd coach for the two minor sports is highly commended by Elon student body. He was a member of the wrestling squad at Carolina, In addition to starring in other athletic -roles while'there. In addition to handling boxing and wrestling. Coach Fysal will also serve as director of intramu ral athletics at the college, ana assist in spring football drills. The religious element at Elon College is growing considerably if ’■prayer-meetlngs” may be offered as proof. Who’s got Wimpy’s Ford? New Equipment for Wrestlers Boxing and wrestling beginning hoi o this season for the first time as an organized function of the athletic department, are gettim; underway with a good start witn the arrival of new equipment for the two squads. A new .set of mats for the grunt and groan artists have been pur chased and arrived here -his week. With the arrival of the pad ded canvas', the grapplers are enab'ed to get down to serious work under Coach Ellis Fysal wHh better workout facilities. A new punchng dummy tor the boxers was also purchased and arrived Saturday with the pugil- isti; working out on the dummy op- po.nent. Working quarters for the two new organizations have been es tablished in the basement of thj Alumni building, under the gym nasium, and the two squads are wtitk’ng out daily in the now craartcrs. 1»R. MESSICK ADDRESSES VARENT-TEACHERS Dr. John D. Messick, Dean of Elon College addressed the Par- ent-Teachers of the Altamahaw- OFsiple High School Thursday night. Dr. Messick used as his subject ‘‘The Transportation Prob lem in The North Carolina High School” Having spent twelve years as principal of some of the larger schools In North Carolina. Deiinite Diiiniiiy Outlliiod For This Yoar’.s Phi)>slfli; Will Re I’nu.sual BK)k The Editor and staff of Phipsicli are con.stantly v/orking to produce a year book that ai’, students will bo proud to own. 'I’l e definite layout of the dummy lias been decided on. This year 3 Annual is to be an unusual and attractive one. The printer, Mr. Raniond Thomp oo;;, was at Elon several times during the holidays in conference with the editor. Plans for th? Phipsicli have almost been com pleted. Mrs. Wooten, the photograptier will be on, the campus to take or ganization pictures. Mrs. Wooten’s work is of a high type, and her excellent photography will add much to the success of the annual. The cooperation and financial support of the various clubs have been solicited in making the nec- oa.«arj?' arrangements for the iiic- tui es With enthusiastic students back- inrr, the Phipsicli staff feels that it can produce an annual to be proud ot and that will do credit to any college. Schedule For Exams Jan. 17—9:00 a. m.—12:00 m Mon. 8:00 a. ni. cla.SK. Jan. 17—2:00 p. m.—5: i>. ni. Tut'S. 8; a . ni. flass. Jan. 18—0 a. in.—12:00 in. Mon. 9:00 a. m. Jan. 18.—2:00 p. ni.—5: p. ni. Tue«. 8:00 a. m. -1ass. Jan.s JJO—9: a. in.—12: ni SIcn. 10:30 a . ni. clus.s Jan. 20—2: p. ni.—5: p. ni. Tucs. 10:30 a. ni. class Jan. 21—9: a. ni.—12: ni. )Ion. 11:30 a. iii. class. Jan, 21—2: p. in.—5: p. ni. Tue«. 11:30 a. m. class Jan. 22—9: a. m.—12: in. Mon. 1:30 p. m. class Jan. 22—2: p. in.—5: p. m. Tues. 1:30 p. in. Local Quintet Meets W.C.T.C. In Loop Game l.slian.s Return Fioni Norlhe;'i T_1!i : .'-oek Revenge In t’onlcst .Vgainst Catanioiints ’'.Villi t'ac season a'.ready uiid?r- ■v.iy altv’f good start, Elon'i bask: tbali c'.uli \\i'.l return lioni'*' .'.e.'L, week from a four gam,' i:i- va ion ot northern territory V" pljy host to Western Carolin.. Tcachers college in the openiiv.; lioni? game of the season, and in cilfiitally the opening game .f ilie North State conference lo_, ’■a’;t for tlie Christi-in eager.-'. .-iftor battling Washington am’ I>ee, Ilandolph - Macon, George \Vashini;ton universCty, and sr. J( Iin s college in f.uocession dur ing the trij) this past weeii, th • li>, ;,1 cagers are due to retur'i home Sunday and begin prepara- tio'ifi next week for the opener .if tlic year when the Western Teach ers appear Thursday night in the Alumni building gymnisiiim. In addition to the four games on I he road the past week, tiie Chri.s- tian cagers have played one oth er, dropping the .season opene ■ to Duke university in Durham. Coach D. C. Walker will have a Ltroiig quintet to pit the ( atijmounts here in the fii’.'-t home tiH next Thursday evening, and tii- lOIon club is out to wreak re- vince on the visiting club. W’ith mi'iiiories of last season's upset sti'.l rankling in mind—how the Western Carolina boys came heie and pulled a giant upset to trim Elon for the only conference de feat of the year for Coach Walk- 's hoyj HIoh i.s ‘out to gotL--t.>iK lav.L'cr end of the score this year and to start the loop season off with a MCtory. Askew, Smith, forwards; 1 iilley, ccnter; Iloye and Cam eron, guards, will likely start for Dr. H. L Smith Guest Speaker Doctor Henry Louis Smith, pres ident emerit^is of Washingt’im and i.,ce university was the speaker in Whitley Auditorium on January 12. Dr. Smith spoke on “The Ex-_ l anding Ijfe”, using as his text' “He shall grow like a cedar Jr. Lebanon.” In his sermon, Dr. Smith d^s- crioed four phases of the exp.inil- ing life, natiiely its meaning, dif ficulties, process and its reward. The meaning he stated as grow- i ing, or an ever increasing know ledge, and human service and sympathy. The chief difficulty, he declared, lay in spet'ialization. The process he compared to the growtii of a large tree, with its branches spreading outward and upward, and its roots going into the earth, interjireting the reward, Dr. Smith quoted the last stanza ot Holmes, "The Chambered Nautibus.” SOCIAL SERVICE IS NEED! ONES The Social Service Committee of the Student Christian Associa tion wishes to thank the sudent-i for their generous contributions to the Christmas baskets for ^he less fortunate. With the helii of the people of the community the following articles were gathere.l and given out: -JO quarts of canned goods, 30 pounds of flour, 3 pecks of pota toes, 1 bag of sugar, 10 pairs of shoes, 35 pieces of clothing, dozen ties, and several toys. Due to the early closing of Cl.liege tor Christmas, it W’as de- riJed to postpone distributing un til after the holidays. The recil.- ients (four needy famileH) ex pressed deep and sincere apprec iation for your kindne.«s. 'I'lie conimitt has many li.g plans for spring and will wel come all who desire to become members. I’HOMINENT Jl’NlOR TO BE .\BSi:XT THREE WEEIv.S Marcella Ackenhauser, a prom inent junior on the campus, presi- (l(>nt of the Student’s Christian ciation, and a member ot v.irious other organizations includ ing the t;hoir, the English Club, thr! Social Science Club and Delta I'pselon Kappa, will be greatly m‘t sod by her friends these next three weeks. Marcy is staying home because of her doctor’s or ders, but we are all hoping that she will be able to be with us next semester. Miss Elmina Rhodes and Bill Cooiier .‘ipent a few of the Christ mas holidays with Miss Lillie Kimball and "W” Kimball at Man- Lion.

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