PAGE FOUn THE MAR003V AND GOI;D !=ATTJRDAY, MARCH 7, 1936. All-lntramural Combination SeleSled By Team Captains Managers and Goaclies Name Ail Star Cluli \Vulil).iyU’iN anti I'klilors riiuv Two Oil Tkiiii For Maroon And (iold 111*' closinjj of tho intra- [ !;.iue Moondiiy night bc- lu'O 'ii till' Wallliu .liT.s and the Ki!- itoi:;, vvit-'i the latter wiiinliiK the Ka,ni(“ hy llie .secjie of 21) to L’C we would like to submit the All In- liasketball Team. 'I'his- team was ]>ieked by the coaches and- maiia.'.rer.-i of the variouM in- tei'inuial basketball teams fur the Maroon and (lold. The fii.'.t team composed of John Collyer and \V. W'. Kimball fcjrwai’ds, Abbitt center. Day and r.iilloek guards. This team was picked almost unan imously by all of the coache.;. The ,secon(t teaim was composed of Ben I.,ilieii and .\lex I.,irel)erp:er, forwards, Uusty Jones, centei-, Amos Shelton anid Doc White, auards. This is the first All Inte.niu-a. ijicked at i-JIun, as tl.i;; i- tho first year that any intermural ^;port;j have been jjlayed in the »-i>;leKe. It is expected that intor- mural athletics will be continued on the athletic program at this college. Interest ihas been very high throughout the year. Four games have played' each week since the first of January. Excellent cooper ation has been shown by both the players and student body in put ting across with due success and enthusiasm, Interrnural spcrts. High score for the league was '■Uuggs” Collyer with lUV point;.. The most points per game goes to, James Day with 2S points i^i one game. liunners up for high score w.-re Day, Kimball, Shelton, Uneberger and White. 1)1!. J. II. HTHDI.K W Above is the picture of Dr. J. ilurdle, a former c.tudent of EIoii ('o!l( ge v> ho d-ied suddenly las; week. lie was succes-ful as ' di and wa.-i a leader in the ctlv.tie:; r f his community. STIDEXT.S AND F.VCUJ/rV UR(ilCI) TO TK.\DE WITH ADVERTISERS l.V iWPEK It would be impossible for the Ltud'Snt body to publish Maroon end Gold Weekly without the ad vertisements it carries. The stud ent;; and faculty should realize this and make it a point to trail'a with those carrying ads. with us. When a purchase, men tion the ad you saw in Maroon and Gold. Many of the merchants in th-'^ section been offered space to advertise with us and refu-ed to do no, saying that they would get tho trade anyway. lie loyal t> our paper and help the Stalt to ir.akc it better each week. TROLLINGERS FLORISTS FliOWERS FOR .AIjTj OCCASIOXS Phones: Day 931 Niglit 519 Main St. Bnrlinston, N. C. Lester Janie's has lost his birth mark and can’t find it—Finders keepers. While Reading ITIIS PIJSASE BEAR IN MIND, WHEN MISS THl’R- srox SEi/Et"rs an even in’(i GOWN XT IS THE NEWEST STYLE, Cil.OR- lOl S CULORINC; V O M- B I N E 1) I.V PARISIAN' FASHION, TO MAKE VOl’R SOCIAL AI‘POINTAilCNT t)NE OF G A i !■; r V AN1> CHARM. Miss Thurston’s Shoppe UrilLINGTON. N. C. CopyriKht. li>36. K. J. Heyiolda Tob. Cu., Wioaton-.'^alem, N. G. For Digestion’s Sake — smoke Camels "Hurry— hurry— hurry” seems to be the order of the day. People get caught in the lockstep of modern life. Tension finds the weak spot, so often—digestion. Smoking Camels improves digestion... wards off the consequences cf hurried, nervous living. Camels gently stimu- THERE’S AN OLD COLLEGE SAYING that it’s a great life if you don’t weaken! The demands on time and strength are endless. Digestive upsets are a frequent result! So smoke Camels for the sakeofgood digestion. A * ^ t ; WMm S 4 5 % Smoking Camel Cigarettes Aids in Assuring Natural Digestive Action late digestive action. They promote the feeling of well-being and good cheer so necessary to the proper as similation of food. In a word. Camels set you right! And, in smoking Camels for diges tion’s sake, you may enter a whole new world of smoking pleasure. THE FAMOUS GOLD COAST DINING ROOM {above) at the Drake Hotel in Chicago. Here the fragrant, delicate smoke of Camels rises while Erik, famous maitre d’hotel, watches alerdy over all to see that no wish goes unsatisfied. "So many of our guests smoke Camels,” Erik says, "for they have found that choice tobaccos add to the pleasure of the meal. Camels are tremen dously popular —a leading favorite here.” TUNE IN! Camel Caravan with Walter O’Keefe, Deane Janis, Ted Ilusing, Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra # Tuesday and Thursday — 9p.m. li.S.T., 8p.m. C.S.T., 9:30 p. m. M. S. T., 8:30 p.m. P. S.T.-ovcrV7ABC Columbia Network MAEL GOES THROUGH! It's often a struggle for F. B. Fowler on Star Route No. 1392, Maine. "It’s eat-and run with me,” he says, " but I always top off with Camels. Camels are good for di gestion—help along the natural processes —and cer tainly have a great flavor!” HARD HITTER. Jane Sharp tennis champion, plays a smashing game that carries her to the limits of exhaus tion—often makes digestion a real problem. "Smoking Camels,” she says, "tnakes food taste better—helps me to digest my meal. And Camels taste grand!' COSTLIER 'flnet-, liitORC TOBACCOS-Turkic and other popular brand