What Is FluffiC'Duff? See Editorial. MAROON AND GOLD Published Each H'eek ‘"By The Student Body of Elan College Patronize Maroon And Gold Advertisers VOLUME XII ELON COLLEGE, N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1937 NO. 3 Christian Cannonade Downs Lenoir Rhyne 27 ^ 6 Frosh Elect 1 Newman V Out For the Season Rawls Vice-Pres. Large Class Cliooses Officers for the Year At a mass meeting of the Fresh man CUss on October 5 in the Little Chapel. Van Newman, ot Raleigh, was elected president oi the Freiiiiiian class. Kawls cf Vnrona was elected Vice- Presic’ent, a«d Lillian farown ot '\',irs>'n-S;alem -'as named Secre- tai,, . . iasuier. In addition to the above named, other officers elected in the Pi-eshman Chiss wei-e. ^Moses Crutchfield, of Greensboro repie- sentative of Freshman boys to Student Senate, and -Vlaiy Clay tor. repiesentative of Fre-shman girls to the Council. Hatcher Story, President of the Student Body, wa» in charge oi the Freshman class eiectiou, was assisted by Uean Oxford ami lack Neese, President ot the V ^ rl!..:- The Freshmea Sophomflre Cla»a. me r this year have a lecord e.ioll ment. boasting 200 member.. whicl. is larger than any previou. .-nrcllment. With the capable c rieader. of the Freshman ClaL this should be a big ye.r ft)r tliK Class of “’.41”. Grinding It Out Why A-H Printers are Sourpusses Hal Bradley, pictured above, is hack »n the campus again this week. Following a serious '>peration at .Alamance (ieneral Hospital in Burlington. Hal is clefiaitely lost to the football t*am for rest of the season. He was a star end, and will be creatly nuised. Bid Night Successful 38 PLEDGES Fraternities aud Sororities Snatch Cream of Crop Saturday, October 9, was Bid Night, bringing a close to the semi-annual practice of polif ng and hairpulling neces.-aij bring in new members ol Kif I'raternities and sc. •jers of the four i, .li.^.-.- ed the lain ar.u . Dormitory anu L.u, oers of the sor i\, i- ed in number i i about more oi j.' Ling under each i 'v ■! naking life mi.seiabi^ i r ivrily girls. S. C. A. Plans Emphasis Week EXTENSIVE PR03R.Atn Events Cover Each Day of Next week non- Debaters Open Season’s Work Many Engagements Scheduled Onr readers i^ay be curious abo»t how the Maroon and Gold i, printed. To satasfy this hypo- thetk-^1 curiosity, a"'* the dour look on prmteis tace.. the following facts are presented. After the editors—that is, the Journalism class their durndest in gatheiing the writing it up, and headlin ing it, the typewritten copy s J,. t. the OH,., ol iles-enger in Yanceyville. There 'the copy is cast into type on a linotyping machine, after w u it i/returned to the Elon press room. Then the type for each page is assembled in a frame, the headlines are set up by hand, and each page is run off separately oi> the temperamental Hoe press. Pai?e two comes off first, follow ed in order daily by pages three, one, and four. The printers, who really de serve a lot of credit for remain ing ('hristians in the face of in finite complicatiens and jams and the usual trickiness of any print ing operation, are Frank Dono van and Wesley Holland, and are supervised and otherwise annoy ed by Dr. Collins. Tom Perry usually drops in of an evening, and usually per.suades the print ing press to behave itself. All these operations are more easily described than done. In fact, it is a constant wonder to the printers how the paper ever -ets finished by Saturday morn ing. They .joke a little about the avjerage student’s idea of theJ Marcwn and Gold just rollinpr off the pres.-i. The Elon College Debaters be gin work this week on the debate query for 19?>7-38, “Resolved: That the National Labor Relations Board should be Empowered to Enforce Arbitration of All In- lustrial Disputes.” All indica tions point to a stronger and more impressive aggregation of debater? than there was last sea son. Upon resuming forensic ae- dvities after a lap.se of sever.il ■••ears, Elon College last year im mediately surged to a position of leadership among the small col- 'eges and won several decisive victories over large universities. Dr. French, who will coach the ■ ebators again this year, says that orospects for a successful seascn have never been brighter. Isaiah iears, Emerson Sanderson, and f,eGrande Moody from last year’s arsity team are back and eager for the clashes ahead, .\mong he membeM of the Freshman •lass there are several students vith successful high school de bating records. Some upper •lassmen who could not partici- >ate last year have also decided ;o come out this season. The debaters will get into ac- ion for the first time this year it the annual Strawberry Leaf Tournament held at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Caro- ina. During three days begin- ling December 2. each college vill debate five times. All wil! )e non-decision debates with ;ach participant being given an ndividual rating. Elon College ■'.vas represented lant year at thj' ournament by Mias Margaret .1. ']arp, Miss Christine Young, John Jarner and Isaiah Sears. The (Continued on pag« 4) i.ast Saturday night maike.i tht ‘re-debut” of the Bet* Omicron eta Soroiity. Thi.^ group, active .n previous years and reorganized iii.i fall, i.s composed cf the fol lowing members; Geraldine • leaver, Mooresboro, N. C.; Ala.x- ne Hudgins, Norfolk, Va.; Bea- rice Mashburn, Star, N. C.; Net) .oy, Burlington, N. C.; Carolyn ■ililand, Efland, N. C.; Edith .jryant, Elon College; Mar> •’ranees Walker, Burlington, N. Lula Apple, Gibsonville, N. J.| and Ur.sula Fogleman, Liber ty, N. C. Those who were pledged to the i'au Zeta Phi Sor^ rity are; Mar ■uu Haye.-i, Cincinnati, Ohio; ■Morine Rae, Elon College; Mat- ie Pickett. Burlington, Juanita .V'aiigh, Burlington; Louise Pen- ,ler, Burlington; and" Etheline ■teynolds, Hemp, N. C. Delta Upsilon Kappa; Dorothy Warren, Stale/, N. C.; Melvin James, Haw River, N. C.; Eunice Barden l^asley, Mebane, N. C.: Ida Mae Piland, Suffolk, Virginia. Sigma Phi Beta Fraternity: Floyd 1^'est, Enfield, N. C.; Allei -\-kew, Eure, us. C.; A. V\'. Haynes Charlotte, N. C.; Azariah Thomp son, Reidsville, N. C.; Jimmy G'l- lespie, Haw River. N. C.; Fred--.> Ty-^or, Greensboro, N. G; Bennett Bullock, Fuquay Spriag-t. N. C. Icta Tau Kappa; Lloyd H.f- fines, Elon College; Fiuley L.-^ Bolton, N. C.; anl Viace:it Ka . low, Cumbolo, Pennsylva.iia. Kappa Psi Nu; Duane Vore, •Vest Milton, Ohi'o; aad Brujc Flory, Dayton, Ohio. Alpha Pi Delta; Ford Milbr, lount Airy, N. C.; Pete Lei, Elo: .’ollege; Rufus Underwood, Y.»i’. eyville, N. C.; Letter Howard, [lemp, N. C.; Griffin Holland, Shelby, N. C.; Melvin Dollar, Ma ne, .Ala.; and Harris He;;irijk.i Uiurinburg, N. C. The week beginning Sunday, October 17, is to be a week of em phasis upon the Student Chris tian .Association at Elon College. Pi i.i.- li.ive been made for an ex- j.i'ugrani di activity, eat Christian A-socia .1 an organization composer 1 students of Elon Collejr .ested in making their coiieg hcUer place in which to wu'l, . s.iuiy, and to p-lay. Its actiV: ies are not limited to work b liose who are studying for th> ninistiy, or e\en to those who art ..embers of the Y Cabinet, bu. rather, it seeks to enlist the ambi- ion and energy of all student-, its activities are manifold, an include such Christian enlei prises as the conducting of tlic regular Sunday evening Vespe. services, the following of worli enterprise. Junior Deacons, ant. the sending of groups of students to other schools, in the intere^i f greater fellowship among schools and collegei. A schedule of events to take ;lace ne.xt week, beginning with the Vesp«r service Sunday even- .ng, aid continuing through tj he party on Saturday night, is given as follows; Sunday Evening, October 17 6:.50 P. M. \>sper Service; Candlelight and musical service. iVli*ndaj Morning, October 18, 10:00 A. M. Cha;:el Service. Each commit :ee chairman of the Student Christian Association to devote ;wo minute-i to a dijcuss;on o. ;iis particular wi.rk. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week to be for raembership regi.v tritio.’i ir'. the S. C. A. office, f.rs: floor Alamance Building. A:t-n-i\ooa sx-ial hour in the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday lWornin«, October 20, 10:00 A. M. Ciiipel Service, conducted by students, speakers, Beatrice WiI- kin-), Duane V-jre, LeGrarid M-Jody, and Milton Cheihire. Thursday, Oct. 21 — Canvass Da> Friday Octul>er 22 10:00 A. M. Cha[>el Service. Dr. A. D. Beit- tel. Hejd if the Dtfoartme.it Religion and Sociology at Guilf-ir, College, to be the 'ipe'^ker. Saturday Evenin,", OctoI>er 2.‘5, 8:00 P. M. Pirt.y in the Y. W. C. A.., cX'- du'cted by the Student Chri.itian A.-isociation. Versatile Bars Defeated Last Night Al Mastro, who played an other sterling game at guard last night, is also a musician, artisit, and actor. Elon Players Choose Otticers MINLSTEIilAI, ASSOCIAllON Gwen Tillmans, President Du ne Vore Heads Program Committee On Thursday, October 7, the Elon College Players held their first meeting of the year, in the Little Chapel. At this meeting, officer-i for the year were elected They are as follows; Presiden*^, Gwendolyne Tillsmanns; Vice President, Beatrice Wilkins: Sec- retary-Treasurer, Kay .lames: Chairman of Program Commit tee, Duane V^ore. At this meeting. Dr. Fletcher Collins, Faculty Advisor for the Players, outlined plans which are now under way for the enlarge ment and greatly increased use fulness of the Little Chapel stage which is to be used as a Little Theatre for things dramatic at Elon College. The construction of an extension to this stage has been begun; the wall is partially taken out, which will facilitate the moving of scenery on and off the stage; and plans for footlight.s and an additional curtain have been definitely set. The next meeting of the Eloi' College Players will be heli o'. Thursday, October 21, at 7 '.n the Little Chapel. At this -T.eeting, a “radi plav will be presented, er’.titled “The Woman From Ye.sterday”. This play was produced at a Players meeting: U^t yeir, and its reception wa* 30 f.iv-3rib’e that it is to be pri-; dU'^ei ag/.u. Every,)ne \i cor-| Jially inviteJ tj atte.ii. | Abbitt Stars Golembeck Scores Shelton Kicks Points Special to Maroon anj Gold Hie’ OP, , N,C., Oct. 15 - The Eloa Christians lompcd through L^noir- Rhyne here tonight, tke final score b#- ing 27 to 6. Abbict scored three times, Golon bek add(d a fourth Sheltott Icioked the eAtra points. The I'TI 'n C illege Chri*tians, conference champions since 19.‘{4, pened the conference fight for this reason by playing the Lenoir- Rhyne Bears last night in Hick ory, N. C. The game started at 8 o’clock P. M. The line of the Bears averaged about 190 but the backfield wa* considerably lighter, averaginx only about 1G3. What th» back field lacked in weight was m»de up by the speed which they ex hibited. The Lenoir-Rhyne team ha4 suffered several defe«ts befor* taking on the Christians. They were defeated by Appalachian 12-0, and by Roanoke, i:.5-0. They did manage to defeat Hamptou- Sidney by the narrow margia of 7-6. The Bears are coached by Albert Spurlock, who was a bril liant performer on the Lenoir- Rhyne gridiron before he gradu ated from there about ttfn ye.iri ago. The standing of the teams ia the North State Conference be fore last night’s game wa.s a.s fol lows ; Teams Won LoU Ti(*4 Elon 3 0 Catawba :i (t Appalachian ... 2 0 Lenoir-Rhyne ... 1 2 Westeni CaroHoa 0 2 CHAPEL AND CHURCH NEWS B. O. B. Reorganized Old Sorority Renewed October 9 Dr. L. E. Smitii was the speak er at the weekly meeting of the Miniiterial Association on Mon day of this week. The topic of discussion was, ‘Problems of a Young Minister”. The message w»s, as alwaysr uplifting, inspir ing and encouraging. The meet ings of the Ministerial fellows are filled with good things. Pres:- =■ _ - dent Victor Murchison is leaJ-1 Frances Walker, Beatr:ce M^sh- I ing this year in a splendid man- bvrn, Lula Apple, and Mix.ne ner. ' Itudgins. The Beta Omicron Beta S.irori- ty, whith dissolved in 1934, ha:f been reorganized this year and j sister to the Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity. The first meeting vas held Saturday night, and Miss Helen Chamblee was elect ed sponsor. Mrs. George D. Col- •lough, a fornner member, was jresent at the regular meeting Tuesday night. Charter membe:s are as fol lows: Misses Geraldine Deaver Edith Bryant, Carolyn Efland, Ne'.l Loy, Ursula F igleman. Miry Elon Movies The Wimsr BrJthe.'-t picture. “God’s Country and the Womjn” with George Brent, Beverly Rob erts, Birt)n M-icLa.ie, a:id Rob ert Barrat will be shown tonight at 8:15 o’clock I:i tiie Whitley Memorial building. This pictu'e is ba.sei upon the novel by James Oliver Curwood, and is photo graphed in technicolor. .loan Crawford and Robert Tay- or star in the Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer success, “The Gorgeous Hussy,” which will be next Sat urday night, October The ,tory is placed in Washington. D. C. during the presidency of Andrew Jarkson. If you don’t know when that wa, you have a double reason for going to see the picture. Dr. Edward Fulenwider, ,HHtor of the First Lutherao Churcii iu Burlington, was the ape ike:- at. Chapel services on October (i, S, 13, and 15. The practical sages of this mature minister will not be soon fotgotte^n. Dr. D. J. Bowden preached * forceful sermon ia the College church, Sunday moroiog, Q'^tober 10. The mes;-»age was ba.sed ujaon the 16th chapter of the Gonpel acc'>rding ta Matthew, and tb« subject of diicu-nion fvaa, “The Life Abundant”. FRESHMAN SUNDAY SCHOOI. The boys’ F.-eahm-i.-i Sunday School cla.is has ele.ted the fol- l>wing officers: presi-ient, Geo. Dorn; vice pre.sident. Bob Truitt; secretary, Hall Brooks. The following committees have alsi been appointed: plrogiram committee, Claude Lawrence, Charles Parker, A. P. Jarae.s; at tendance committee, Benton Lamm, .Joseph Rector, Bill Arm strong, 'Kiomas Gerganus, and Jack May. The time for thaw? meetinjfs has been set for 10:15 A. M.