IM&roon ^nd Oold ELON CQLLEGfc. N. C.. SATURDAY, Jtnua 15, 1938 V61Umb M Ntw Students Enroll For Sccond Semester; Include Old Fricnd^f P"um pll iiiiiicn ion theie will bt * Uife number uf .Htudrn:> «n- rolling for the le.-ona The incte»»e lar the Sprinn n iiev Ur l expected to t>r ue.Werii 4U and 60, »'i.;■ will LrinK the .ot^i •nroliment for me year I' mu.e than 675. Acturdiii* to . ff:L-e of ihc Field Secret*r.v, thu t .‘Jiiecujd to re-enter in Kebruaiy, a..j inji iiive &ttenuej Liuti before ire;* Nortfc Lewid, tVej; tnu. Hti/ Helen CiiAson, Lumber Bridge, N. C.; 'Archiabie Fieciing, Grimeikind, V. C.; Je^ie Hen ia^> ton, Ilerf7 Oakj, N. C.; Elajbeili IhrUiam. Durham, N. C.; Crston Stepbeni, UertJ.rd, N. C.; Rebec- a Hoidan, Louiaburg. N. C.; Al* kert McDuffie, Weat End, N. C.; Benun Watkini, WhiUfUla, N. — C; Kobart Hiatoa, Pitubore. N. |T»|,|Ki* n.U C: Ed P«rinru>B, Chapal Hill. MMDIt Held M. C.; A. G. 'Inoaapion, Burtiof- IN, N. C.; W. H. Portar, Jr, CW- ted, N. C.; Matron Liadta/, SUai Qtr. N. C.; Balaith Kiof, Gtttaa I N. C.; AUa Gurrlaoa, Burllactoa | KC; W. U. Fraamaa, Jr„ Kthar N. C.; Carl Fraaiar, Cbarlotu, N C.; J- D. Canrar, Prf.4pact ffiU PnllMil % r« »fMla •( Baa Callaae Palraah* Maroan and GaM A4vtrUaan Z S3il No. 8 New Eqoipment To Aid Elm Dramatistt CarUlM amd Ujchtii P«rclia»Ml OBIT Lif^ of Emile ZoIa** is ranlrad „ the best picture* of all t mc. and was recentlj voted the beat Acted film of 1937 by the movie critics Guild. Local Contest Is On The Campos, Extended To Feb. 1 Because Of Uohdajs Tha Eton 0>Uag« Litarary Clab apoaaorad aa art ailiibit aad taa. . Thurwlay aftacBoon, from t;SO t» . eonfuaioa wkieh »:»0 in tha Y. W. C. A. Tha ax- ** hlblt waa oadar tha Tutpica. of the North Carollaa Fadaration o **AJlOON aad M. a; Parry Laa Aaycua, Haa- Womea’a Club*, aad wai com- ^ '•eaiTad le« raapoaaa to *noa, N. C. I poaad «f tha palntiafi of the beat ^ ““ tJ ntort thaa tha The Marooa aad Gold waleoaai artiata of the Stata. ' aeemed to be worth. Oa ac- tkH* old friaada back lato wUifa commuaity. tha Elon Writers Join Forces To Compose Another *^lonnades” U*i: Spring, a claaa in Ad- nnced Composition was organit- iT.'r.jM"'!'!.'!! iV *1. ubder the direction of Dr. The mambara of tha iayitad lit- erary clubs o( Burliagton aad * Graham war* gr^tad at tha door by Mr*. U D. Martin. Mr*. A. L f* A. M. Hook introdacad the guaata to tha -1.1* “ r»c.iving line, co«po.ed of Ma*. dame* L. E. Smith. Oma U. John ^ * P'*" » i» »> !>• awarded l> n and C. A Wharton. The guests were then invited to view f'xn'd” >»•» the happieat the exhibit by Mesdames J. P. r. E. Powell poured. Assisting in the serving were Mesdames G. Elon Movies Fletcljer Collins. The course was primarily and »l»;Ve all a writing „ Colclough, A. L. I»ich, J. D. «r.e designed to bnng out the j ^ Barney and Miss Utent liur.ry t aents of its mem a„„ Watson. btrs. The direct result of a se* setter of writing and claas criti cism was the first idsue of ELON GOLONN-ADi^S, the initial liter- iry magasine of the college. The type was set up by hand, by mem ber^ of the cla^s, and by other ioterested students. The Editor tal Siaff for the COLONNADES m compssed f.f Margaret Earp Peggy Ellingiworth, Arthur Greenwald. Mary Harrington, Uil Lee Heatwole, William Maness Pearl Preston Paris, Iris Roun tree, haiah Sears, and Gwen THlmanbs. This year, because of the neces ury schedule of English classes there will be no course in Ad- viQced Composition idea. Participants are to submit compositions of approximately 100 words on **A Happier Canpui Ltie .it Elon’*. The Administration ia A’ill.Bg CO bear the financial ex pense necessary to carry out the suggestion which will be f^ und in Tharsday evening, the art ex- '''■"5*“* hibit was open to students of the "“ri ‘‘“P college, from 7:30 until i.:3u. *>e ■Up to the present time th Dramatic Gruuiu f the culle^■ have been ^laitinK their pU.v with a^.'n jmuunt of uta r equipment, bit aJiiitional etju.p nient ha« been purcha.'ied auj i- tieing indtalleJ. The equipment nas 'jeen urgently needed evei since plays hjve been pruducfd on the campus Ur. Kleii her t o t.ii' 'laled that h.e believe J thai this new equipment would periuj much better pieentation,' thj luve been posiiible in the r*9t. The equipment'cb^sista of blaclt velure curtains for the back cl the stage, maro'n veiare curtaio'r for the front curtains, and fou mobile spotlights to be mounted wheravar needed on the stage. Thia equipment will be put up on toe new ataga in the little chapel. Tha black curtaiaa, which color :>aa bean found to be tha baat for backrrt'iad natarial, will b^ araetad at tha back of tha stage with a walkway batwaaa thaa aad tha wall. The marooa eurtaiaa will ba jiut laaida tha footUchts aad will fraatly iacraaaa tha dapth of tha atac* aad tha baauty of tha atata aattiaga aa a whola. Tha apotlifhta which bara baao addad ara tha latast ia ataga light- iag parapharaaUa. Thay wara purehaaad for tha collaga by Or. Collias whaa ha waa in New York duriag tha holidays, and are conatructad that they may ba fo- cuaad on aay part of tha *tag«. The lanaas have framas in uie front of them into which may be Inaertad ahadaa of various colori. thu* aiding make-up, costumes, and increasing the beauty of the stage settings as a wh>>le. Thia stage is used by all f.ur of the Dramatic groups in action on the .ampus. The groups ara: the Shaltespeiare clau, the Drama tics Class, the looal unit of Delts Psi Omega, and the Draniaii,. Club. PU>’s writien bj member? of the Dramatics cUsies are to be Lyceum Enterteiner Earle Spicer To Sing Here Ballads and Artas On His Program Pictarad abare is Mr. Earla Splccr, baritone, who in to slaf an iatermtiac groap of oM bal lads ia Whitley Memorial Aadl- tariam aaxt Maaday alght. Faculty To Go West Dnrinsr Summei t>e very snMll. ■■ ' So y.u c*n see, it’s very easy, George Brent, Anita Louise, and Just one hundrei w^rds bdsed up- Charles Winninger are starred in ^n a little seriaus thought. Ke- the inspiring movie, “The Go-Get- member, you not only benefit er,” which is showing in the yourelf by winning five dollars, Whitley Memorial Auditorium to- ^^t make things much happier for night. George Brent is cast in •‘U concerned, the role of a rising young naval The same rule^ which appeared officer who suddenly finds him- before are as i^.llows: , . .iproauced experimeatally e^rly in beneficial to the majority of j second «emener. Tne beit ol pecple atuched to the college, and ^^ese will be piesen.ed to the pub- the cost of carrying it out must Two BMmb^rf of the art to **fo w$t^ thia aumiMr. Dr aad Mrs. Bowd«a are (o fu tc Idaho to ahow off little Doug U Grandma McHom who haa oere> aaen him. They plaa to make the trip by motor aomotime ia July. Dr. Fletcher ColliAa has accept ed (>>r the aummer a poaition as s member of the Committee on Workshops of the Progresaive As- sociation which is to have a aix week summer school at Milla Col lege, Oakland, Califorr ia, fron June 29 until August 9. Dr. C' I iins is to be a staff meruber an. consultant in the field of liters tuce and language arts. This i a mnement designed primirily t develope a new program of ser vice to secondary schools tha ire actually undertaking a re organiza.ion of lurriculiim. l)t .and Mis. O llins are to make rip by motor. th- The Semester Passes In Brief Review As Examination Period Approaches Ccncert Series Monday Next Monday evening at »e\*eo oVl(K‘k In Whitley Memorial Au- Jitonum A d nc«rt .will l>e given by Karle Spicer, celebrated bari- U>ne, accompanied by Merle Free* man. ' This concert will includo one group of Arias, one group of Lieder, and two groups of Eng« EUsh aad Anerioan ballada. Spi er, who begaa tioffiBg im hia boyh.'od. baa appaared bofor* crowned heada and rojaltiaa of Europe and haa baaa soloiat witk many of the world*a laadiog or- ehaatraa. Ha U atpodally aot*4 for hia baliad-^ia^ag. It waa ia coU«b« that Spiear waa paraaadod to coatiaaa muaie aa a life So. Jaaviac Acadia, his oativa hoaa, ha aet out for Ba* ropa ia taarch of a earaar. Tha war than daairojrad kU pUaa a*d ha joined tha BriUMh forcas ia Gnglaod aad aer^ad for four yaara. After tha war. he gava hia first coacart ia LMdoa, ia 192S, bafora a crowd uf aaveral thousand. From thia first par- /ormaaca, Spicar has devatopad into one of the greatest aingara of today. He aot only haa taken yp concert and oraf.rto work, but is well known to radio audiences in the British Elmpire. In America he has appeared a« soloist on the National Broadcast- mg Company hookup as the “Stjry Singer”. His program > f balUtin has been enthusiaaiicaliy received at many of the large colleges and music clubs. This conLert ia the second in the Elon Concert Series and promi.^es to be one of the most interesting of the year. self a cripple, encountering the business world. His m^tto, *4t Can Be Done,” should give' every However, student at Elon a new outlook on ^ince ctnsiderable interest has life. Anita Louise pJ-^rtrays the heen shown thus far this year, same lovable person she 'did in ELON COLONNAJ>ES will again “Green Light”. Charles Winnin- nake its appearance on the cam- ger appears in the role of.fiery pui> This year, writing for the millionaire who makes the audi- Difazine will be in the nature of ence for^t he is Charles vTinin- w extra-corricular activity. All ger. This is a picture yo^ will »ho are interested in writing for not regret seeing, the literary magazine are urged pa^i Muni, last year’s AcAdemy sw Dr. Collins. Members of Award winner, stars in the W-r- CMftses are welcome. The or- u^j. Brothers’ great success, “Ihe Uniiition of the writing group Life of Emile Zola,” which is Dot take piace until after ex* showing January 28. This un- inati.aa, but directly after this ui,j*i picture gives a co) rful ac- P«nod. the group will meat and count of this writer of bitter, | next issue of realistic novels, and his p-art in \ *L0N COLONNADES. 1. All Elon College student are eligible to enter contest. Z. E.'says must closely approxi mate 100 words. 3. Essays must be in the MA ROON AND GOLD office or in its .luil box in Alamance Building loc la^er than 9:00 A. M., Tues- uay. February 1. (Continued on page 4) D. U. K. Entertains Last Wednesday the Delta Up- silon Kappa Sorority entertained informally for the Tau Zeta Soro- r..y, in the Y. W. C. A. Among „ . „ „ , „ J , the gueitj were Nancy Butner, the Dreyiui Caae. ^le S-nder-1 Mon^n. Margaret Smith, Elon O liege opened in Septem ber uitn a record enrollment. Ap proximately 540 students eiirolleJ, a new high mark in the number of student'*, and the Fres.'iman class led, with ;I00 mem- bei i. It is ea^y to see the pro gress made sin«.e 1^31, wnen Dr. Smi:h first 'became President; in that yeai. there were only 25u siudeais enrjllej. Larly in October, the ann:unce* ment was made that an e.xiension course for public sclji.oi teachers was to be startled. Dean Messick, SuperintendeiU L. E. Spikes oi' Burlington, M. E. Younl of the; Alamance County Schools, and tne Stace Department of, made tne arrangements for the course. Profe^k^.r Beecher, of the College faculty, holds classes in Burlington Monday afternoons and evenings of each week; the Examination Schedule Announced by Messick Begrins On January 22 .i^ociation. Chapel services wci> .onau.ted by members of :he A- , Meaaick has announced . ciat:on, and socul afiairs «eit, examination «hedule for ,.Uniied. j first .semester will beKin "in Oitcber 30 was Hjllowe’ep, ail.. I January 22, and will continue jruuKht with it the tiaditi, lu, I throutth January 27. * banquet and Hallowe'en l-ariy, j RegUirati. n for the second I semester is set for Thursday, I January 27. Dean Messick calls ! to the attention of the studenL’i ' th^ rule that late registration in penalized by a charge of one dollar With stunts ana dancing. 1 rize were aw*arded for the most uni que table decoration a: ban guet. uiid for the outstanding c.' tume worn at the party. In aod. 1.^1. lo tne Hai? ween party, 0^|LO-j lateness, with a ber 30 SdW a Youth Guidance C un-' leience taking place on the pu». Among the speakers w ere A. L. \\alker, Director of .the Vouth Program, Raleigh; Oliver Cornwell. Director of }• sical Lciucation. U. N. C.; Miss I.n.'iaa.e, Instructor in Physic,il Eiu.:atf n, W. C. U. N. C.; and Dr. J. R. M.Gregor of Burhngt^n Dramatics held an important position during the semester. On maximum limit of five dollars. The examination schedule is posted on the bulletin b a.'-d in Alamance Building, and :«hjuld be consulted by all stjdent tor the time of each exam.nJiion. aun of the course is to ohow in- November 21, the Shakespeare Courses To Be Offered Next Term ®*»B Maiiick haa announced the following new courtes ^ be (rfferad.aext aamcster, and •lie the profaaaor by wbom each will bt tautbt. witk Dr. Bjwdaa. vMi to all thoM abova IM 'jwkiHa laraL Prof. Baachar a elaM la BMagy ii-u aa a pMM* (■Ul*. fnt. HowaU wiU ottt tCMNa ia Aaditiac; Daaa Mm- I fsrd, winner of the 1936 Academy : Awaxa for the bast pertormance In a supporting r^le, plays Ma dame Dr^yfua. Joseph Schlld- ' kraut is cast as Captain Dreyfua. Nana, the inspiration for Zola's first great o^vel is played by Erin O’Briaa-lfa^re. The cast also in cludes such great stars aa Gloria HfMaa, Donald Crisp, Halph Mor- ■aa, Md aaaty O’Neill. service leachers how to apply pA-- Maybelle Tutor, Beatrice Wilkins, I .. Edith Brannock. Helen Dailey. Virginia Kerns, Rebecca MaUJck, Edna Fitch, Doraey Stlmsoo. Hat-| tie Pickett, Mary Lou Uayea, Fio-| rine Rae, Louise Pender, Ethelia* tMynolds, Juanita Waugb. roataa la CkancMr M*- Ifaa: aad • ^staa ta Gaaan- int wiH tm fiMB kr tuL Dlak- Oa 'niimday avaaiag the D. U. K.'a •atertaiaad at a Scot- (ie Supper in tha Y. W. C. A. Guaita of the aeroritj ware Doro thy Edwafidi, Mary Claytor, PoUy •ath Walters, Fraocaa ■wlyi Wal- The outstanding event for the fraternities and sororities, duhng the semester, was Bid Night, faff ing on Saturday, October 9. At Class officially opened the dra* Reminder To Ticket Holders “Boy Meets GiH”, the Broadway matics season with the productio^ j comedy hii, will be the third public vf **The Taming of the Shiew, produh.t>on of the Carolina Play- starring A1 Mastro and Juanitti Waugh. On Thursday, Decembet | 2, the Cait^lina Playmakers, o; the University of North Cardinal. I makers at CKapel Hill on Jan. 27, 2$, and 29, immediately aittr the doaeof the Elon eiaminaoon period. and this time the Beta Omicroo BeU presented a program jdi-tlivte^'Qe Sorority was ra^rganixed; Tau act plays-h*^, '"Leavina,” "Funer- Zeta Phi Sorority pledge^ six new atembers; Delta Upailon Kappa, four; Sigma Phi Beta-Fratomity, ieren; Iota .Tau Kappa, three; aad Alpha Pi Delta, aevaa.. The week of Oetobar 17 was 3. al Flowers for the Bride.” “Sunday Coata Five Pesos.’” One of ntany outatanding chapsi apeakers, waa Mr. Kirby Page, lec turer, writer, and well-known economiat SiJnaor*d by the Stu- reti|r^ed, aettlad iato their p.>utiBe, C. A. Weak, planaad aad apoaaor-1 dent Christian Asaociation, Hr. an4. apzioualy awaltlag draad ad by tha Studaat Chriatiaa Aa-1 Page diacuaaad the problem oi war aau^atioos. lu it standa today, with spacial empiiaais upon the crisis between J|«pail and China. ‘ Dumber 18 marked the exodus of Elpn studenta for the Christ' ma^ Itolidaya. Now, they ara all

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