FAOI TWO Maroon and Gold Editvd ind prated it Klon Collect by tudrnt« of Journaliim. Pul>- Itohed (cmi-Dualhly dunog the coll««* y«'- EDITORIAU STAFF FKANK DONOVAN WESLKV HOLLAND GWEN TILLMANNS MARY FRANCES WALKER PEARL PRESTON PARIS TOM Fl’RNKSS. JR. THURMAN F. BOWERS TOM PERRY I L*»l, IlI nnt IcMt Is number, •T* thoM who ot'tt every chance K*t, 4Q1 frho will not my wwk if rhMtinf ii po*»ib:e. They •re laxy, or they h*v.>n‘t the time, u 4By atudeot pruud of belong- to thia froupT The iolutiooT Let Mie atudrnti 01 Eton dadde that. If every itudeot who i .j not belont to tlie fiiW froiv would r«feliie Juft how ipjcii l,orB aheatinf ia do- maroon and gold l‘W (ludent, with om eye os the prof. eor, Tentarea • rlimpte in to hi» u*l. In froM of him. a claaamate coatemplataa an open textbook, apparently haviaf no conrern for the ~No Chektint’' rule. The conacient) ua one fTita hla teeth and attach* the esaain- atiun. When jrradea come out, and the nuw u-jEii ..orwi ereaiinr la do- cunie out, a>4 the in* him or her. all cheatinf •>« a hifhcr grade than would be atopped. Why do not i one who haa been hon- A I CrAk)#. im mi./iW Brliiff Back The Honor Syitem crable, there ia much ffrumbling I Md eonaiderable diaconunt. The profeaaor ia acci'«ed of being l*.th i blind and partial. The studying |atuient ia oalled a “wude" for rw...... . I complaining. The cheater blithe- , cneatlng on eiraminatiOEi at Elon I ly continui^ r>n hia way -allege ia auppused to be a"»hip-' _ ping tffenae," but how many etu-l repeat the iiHon atudenta wa^e up? Puni sh Uk» ClN^aiters I9J7 Mcatn I9)t Fbiocicied CDfefliiA? PVeu w w w w V mm " ww ^ V ^ 'Jl dents have been diamiaaed bMuae >f H? Twice a year Elon student! r« old adage about (heating harming no one but the cheater. PerA nal- ly we k>o't care if atudenta do — wwmarrwiws 4«0 Maoi»om AVI. Nn* Ymr. M. Y • ftMt** . tM MMUl • Mm 9^mmm En'fred as aeccnd claae matter November 10. 1936, at the poat- officc at Elon Cpilcire, N. C., under •rt of March 3. 1S79. 1 • JVtr £«iOB StUdtDtl .W ‘ II Muavnw go seen with argui^ed eye« and fur-1 ^ >• »«- rowed brow*. Rad diapoaitiona i **'*' for tjie one whoae and ready erpreiwiona of temper | *''“** “ ■»*>d who actually •re the order of the day. "No Ad-'. •« attain the miaaion” aigna are tacked up on *“®*l*d^ rKjuired. We will not doore, and diaturbera 1 f the"pl*ce” 1 Pr*»eot ayatcm i-f are conaidered publ^ enemiea of “"“ii”' '» Starting^ Something grading. It aeems that th.a aya tem cannot be changed without yards and yarda nf r«d tape and years asd years of roundabout diacuaaion. If a student cheata on ao ezamination, let him be pun- _ ished, if caught lAt least thia ^_| will give the working student op portunity to maintain hia self- the firat order. There is no need for some of the students to worry about ex- aminationa at mid-years, and in May. They have no compunctK'ns about carrying their textbooks in to the examination room, and ton fidently opening them in the n.id- . — ^ rMpect, and also an evideue that bis »^rk u not entirely in vain. Tlie editors of thia isiiiie of yoor newspaper have dedicated thenwlves to doing ame hurl thinking on a hard problem. They feel that chealinc » ex aminations ia ae neceivary t« wipe out as war or nnemploy- ment, and that it is aa wide- iTiread in American schoola and ct.ilef'e?*. Their conrlu>ionB a.s indivi- duals are pimted on thi- tasc. ll\e ediitr.s wnuld be the Ij-t to ti.'i^k ti'.ai their v,ofi:s ere lii.di. I r i.hai hy wrt’in; ti.em lllv pribirin l,a b«?n -.lived, if ca. ii .-.iiij.'iu at ijici, ^ „i. Iei;e unulu, himever. du an equal a.Ti.iufit . f ha.d thinl,ini{ on th.r. priii .eni. t.'-.e hjiuiKin would be nt^rlr automatic. Cheaters Classified AtudcDti &liDo*t invftriAbiy recei\e A ^>od frtdc on their paptr. ll is the conteientious student who tuffert; he h&s studied diligently, aod faitbfullj leaves his text in his rootn. He conies to the ex-am ready to do or aie, and usuuJly he is coDsiderabiy nonpluso^ed by the t«0t, despite his previous preparation. Behind him. a fei- I ROLLS developed ^ W« •«§*• V*to« Pn«ta !•» ••I, ^ ^ ^ WH. M«N r—f ?!*■• |« /*\ Jock Rabbit Co. ** s^AKTANauas. s e •eoiw> w ter FNm We at EIoq Collect today »r« with tha pn bln of «h#at- iag QM tuajnations. W« e«nn(4 point to any ont dtfioitt thof and sajr that it U the oauaa for thU looMnasa in d t codt of tthUs for thara ara undoubtedly many cauaaa wfatch hava attributed their ahart to bring about this condi tion. Aa w* think about thia ppcb- l«m and wondar what cauaaa it, «• wondtr wh%i we can do to oriHf about a moral renaisaanca in our atudant body. £)on Coj- M not tha only collega m tha United SUt«a which ia con- f roc tad with thia aao>e problem; collagaa and uaivcraities all over j tha cAintry ara conirontad withj thia aama pd. blam of aliminatinf i dishonaaty on examinations. I The honor aystem is tha best! poasible solution that has been found ao far. No matter what typa of system ia used, avery stu- oent is strictly on his honor when to an examination. The attitude of the atudent body aa a whole haa mora to do with the in dividual cozkception of honesty than any other one thing. If a stuknt goes on examination and finda Ijther students cheating, it ia much easier for him to recon cile himself to cheating also than it ia for him when ha is on a class where no one else is trying to | obtain information dishonestly. When a student finds that cheat ing is nijt going on among the other students and that it i» frowned upon by them, he quickly receives the idea that he is not wanted if ha continues in his un derhand manner. (Continocd on page A) Do Aw«y WWi Grades SATTJROAY JANUARY ,y, Hw> Cheater Cheated Aren't we ever goiag to g»ow up? Do we ahraya have to be si'oMed or rewarded when we do something bad or good? That is : just ahout the present aituation in I America cullegea. We ara graded I for everything we do. If we ara I able to make tha iastruei^r 1 lieva that we are doing our work I well, we receive an A. Lf we I fail to impreaa him well, we re- I Clive a failing mark. If we -re ; juat ao^, we reixive a mark somewhere Utweon A ari! F. A system .'ike th's d«s more harm than good, for it makea studenu ain f.>r marks alone and u.>t for what they should be getting from the course in whicii they are en rolled. snd for which th«y are paying money. In the business world today, does the employer grade hia em- ployeeaT He doaa not. Itdf-esn’t' t*ke an employer long to recog nise the abilities of hia enployce«. When a student leaves the col lege world, that is the situation into which he is projected. He haa to i.' his work along with other workers just as he did in college—but he is not told every few weeks that he is doing A w.>rk while hid fellow workmen are doing only average or C work. I He has to ko.^ for himself if he is doing hL work well. And if 1 ' he is not, he had better rhanire his attitude an^ ''nRtill sooie more| energy in hini. or else. Is the college system of grades | training ua for such a world? Perhaps there is nothing more in a college students life that causes him cheat on examina tions than his desire to get high grades so that he may be able to (Continued on page 4) Cheating is as evil that eriflm* ated aomcwhere back la tha dto- taat past, and haa rontlBMd to run the gamut of auktle a»daaver among men and womee, beya aa4 giria, for many canturlaa. It la aa evident fact that it net oaljr waa an active thing ia tha paat but ia prevalent today aaMtBg all classes and ia every rliae. It |caa be ^.uad attaaptiag to 4* worfca of trickei7 la abnoat. If aat ev«'7, j.-.‘ia»e of human acUvitr. In busHiasa cheating ia prs«tia«4 to gwin a few more piaeaa of “filthy lucre". In polities tha aet of cunning diatortion of wordi and phraaas, and >often the dia- tortion of the trutli lertaiaiaf ta the opponent's cha'acter, ia «aad for the purpose of exaltiag tb« cheater to the topmost rung la the political ladder, wkile tha cheated, who may be a superior individual, is pushed to tha bo^ tom. In the raalm of aporla^ cheating haa often times baaa seen to rai^e ita slimy head ia unfair tactics only to disgrace tha cheater and his aaaociataa. The cheater ia the loser in the end. As one attempta to arrive at truth and verity, ..ne sooa di^ covers that in this high and nobla pursuit, cheating again looms ap before the seeker after truth. Ia the realm of learning the ambi tion of every student should ba to arrive at ultimate truth. Thia is not achieved by unfair prac tices. The greatest Teacher «t all time said, "You shall know th» truth and the truth shall make j».u free". This freedom nnatp ('•■sire of every hu man being whether he is conscious V a . k I i40i. (Continued on page 4) Z>0 /JPF^R£C//f7£ oumscim/iK TtmMoaffp 'Vi:h examinations only a few days olf. many of U5 are begin- r.mg t:> w nuer whether or not it is p.'S-jl>le to know jx hundred and iuen:y-one pages of hisitory, rCrtd ten ^.orailel bo,ks, read five hund.e^ of (iierature. and, in aumii.n. r.ave da.iy a.’sign- roent5 a*.u quizzes I»ijybe we should /i«.t s-.ne suiying >11 aiong. Yet, wij .s goiug to study someining when ne fasiiy get by without it, or when he doesn’t like the ©ubject? a\ow it is too late. Thus those ten {arallel books are reported on, but never read. Some may call justifiiabie dishonesty. ’ That if they even reaiize that it is di^H nesty. Perhaps telling the ^irl friend that you like her new when the two-foot feather on back of it hit.- you in the eye ^'eiy hme .-he mt.ves her head is Ju>t:f.aole cli.'h .he>ty. There are dozens of time when dishone> y is justifiable, but chealin/ iii ne ishont'ty wni.h tan ne\er ue *xcu?ea or rg.ven. Ihere 'eem \o be three schoi.ls M thought on thu subjtcl 01 tlon. i'here are ?c/.T.e :s’u .ents "ho thiiiK -..nat it is a',-. . lu l;. ^r»nv', anj wnu wojid n* ,;tui r ■-n.v v:iv, m-tan(.es thin)( of .1 .■■k "• Th,'. ai-f in ihf n, ’wir 11 ,;r.i er , , ^ n .,-r nia.ii -enio.s can ,-jy, ••] ^ i \t; Ut'fli al tluji." ^ ThtT! an- i.h sc a . . i>t- '■'I'-" ...iin oniv in p.iii n. nen tlitie no iner »\ay Jt. I think it is loo risky a bu5i- “•u to practice, but will take a •^e on getting by just thif tia.v. A startling number of Madests belong to this claaa. Famous golfers like Gene Sararea, Helen Hicks, Lawson Little, and Ralph Guldahl prefer Camels. They have found that costlier tobaccos do place Camels in a class apart. Listen to Ralph Guldahl, National Open Champion: ■Tve stuck to Camels for 10 years,” he says. "I smoke lots of Camels and they never jangle my nerves." And millions of Americans prefer Camels day after day— making them the LARGEST-SELLING cigarette in America. (Bflow) SALESGIRL Eliie Schumacher worin in a dtpartment ftor*. She Mtyt: “WhAn tha rush fets me worn out— it's ma for a Camel« and I get a quick iifl.’ Prac tically all of us firls in the store prefer Camels." (Bekm) DRAFTSMAN B. T. Millar; *’I tmoka steadily — yet Camels oev«r tir« my Usta. I often feel used up dur* ing long hours before tha drawing ly>ard. I Camels give me a ‘lift* when I feal I iMcd it." (4AOT®) SCHOLAR. SHIP MAN James Daan, *38. ‘The tough- •at pact of atudyinf is tticking to it hour after bo«r," be says. “I’Te learned that smokiog Camels helpa ease the ■ taoaioo of study.” (Abort) SPORTS WRITER Stuart Cam eron: *‘I know many great athJetea intimate ly. It’s mighty impree- tive how the champiooa agree on smoking Cam« els. Camels don’t get on my nervM.” CMn*l spsfids MILLIONS MORE FOR COSTLIER TOBACCOS 1 C«m«ls ar* a matchless bland of flnar*MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS Tarhish aiMl Domastic WATCHMAKER I. C. CorkuD sa>*s: “Camels? Say, every Csmel I nnoke seems to be ta»- ttar than the last one.” Owrt.ht, INS. a. J. Wtaai^-aato,' H ARj_THE LARGEST-SELLING CIGAREHE IN AMERICA