gATl'RIMV. JANUARY IS, IM« MAROON AND GOLD BisKeil.:ill Team Is Things r- SUi!'.in- j. iriuS i«‘" ‘ ‘ ‘ — . 1. I I noithu.ti«l. I ; »• »v I• I . . t.r ■ N. . . » t. i>in (■ Mil. i.-1- ^ . the *if-i \ i '. .1. - * .. . IclU ,.u. *.»« • t*-. •» thf K-'fi: ■ ■ ■■■ ''•*. I- m*\* r u"'i j.i .. • I. t \ V V \ V ... . from \ *' Ml I * » .. tkn« III * 1 til fi> >'-• ..ii' and ii l » j. • out on I j» iiy I '4.K i.,.K i:. Thf A. .V«• .. from N«*w|»*ri ,»:i: i.,, n» tuUKhet i>a(Uf • ; u.i ;!u v ; up.oiieiK!*. Ihf ^h;p tju.iJ •ra got ot: .u a mmw «tj!. lu nUrteu a lully in thf :.a rut. that looked m-Kn.y u.iM.en.u, iiuue\«r, .i>nu‘ 'Ui-.n b.« the Klun hi tne i.i' it. minute.t p.a eve ytiuMK ' i m again for tne Cnri.^iiaii.H, and iiiat made me .'icoie iniee up und hrte down fur tr.e li.dtonc .'late o( Virginia, wnicii .> gradually iting that when a comes t acme* tic>s \ulx)n‘i really gji soiHCthing there. It took an extra five minutes period for the Can:p .nade to due the **Johnnie'' uf St. John‘:» of Annapolii, Md. Klon s.ored five points id St. John'^i one in this extra se sion. which proved •'SWtP'W*'''aWQOPvV'‘\.';)!>.| WrestllnR Prospecla Still ( lu’crtain I I II t ' Thiiir* n»'‘rt like l« SV*'* M M.ii tl -Im |un/ a? tlir I l';i.lnr i;i K*ii- ' ■»», oil hl» «.•> «*\f f k til' '• tell the UumI vokri --«> v..\y .u* iua tell !h»*n: a * ui Klon*' lUOsent lia>ki‘t>>u!! U ani, ‘‘.Murphy. 1 .iichiii-k>. A'%im I'lui'l, Hen l.ilit'ii. II lumlui . .\r* r.H* An, iie|ev\ ily., -n;! Av»k lj're»*n- vald. ‘ill tile Ht*: Aj-|ilv to "Kei Mile B^t l»u v-h. n‘. Hilgi een grtling up one tnorning lxkin»f an it he \\aA u iull night'« Mieep. Vi : K- out f.'T pr m'T. ♦ r ^\er‘« iii.i:n ale Heverul 'i.le-. |.4‘l \e.»!■■?. h hiiig WiDiuni tii.i A x r > t.r ( I l.ll «U •t» lU' I lie .il H III* I li.-i I- ' «t |*r j»pe« t • J»e-\« i.Iinim I liotn > tt. i)f Some “who dune in Ih Kl n mov e*. Al Mi't*' rultUinK' van I re in. on hm n.'’*e ( .*».« I’i>\\.-r li.i' iutji -ir tne hei)fh!h of iipt nii.nH Htl‘eMitoii« evei. .>e an ■ 'iini>l- . .iii Thlnii'* we’d like to hear:' t • l*.i- new.' •m i!*. Hr C... illaiy tellin>: the lie.^k ilerU “•i»*J'Hy «“ld « repie«eiitalive ol ul thi w'-jthingion Y. M. A. *'i;*ro .n .n*i (. I.t iti..t (*r\er.J tiiji! f.e ua« om .*f the V nri-tiMn>». he ol.i he aiinounie-.l ..».-rv vxfMiim. If.' Alt I..-.-, '••ilMo I'linklv ui» '"""K I"-' n.» ,.i,. iiK' !*me iie.U'h exjn*. ie;u e'*. The ntvvH tiial Ihe f.iculty h:i» lie. ided not ia give exum* tiii« m\N^ r.vvjh-., >iiiue. and (itiioni- bvk have le ei\ei f.tvorabit* nienl.'*. 1 ite ineK'.iiarit> of iti»itie t t.te men rej>or.intf t'i pra. tue make.« it im, >'iti))le to predict any poti'ibie Atarlei-4 or .After Hiuli a Hiu*ee.-j*iul fir^t year, along (.'oiich l’ v\er, tlie M.iti:i>n and iiold lit uiging the ‘VrAppler.'*" to "bear d un“. Letn try and beat IJbrary Newsi In *‘iet?niL' AiijutCe I I..f ‘ I-e.* tin* |»i M*ni’M-r *'l‘«»r.iMr ni \ .• .t . ,1 . I. . .n.. I.. I • .i.iiy III a !«•! > I 11 I nt.t.. u > (iii>f no nil 1.1 \eii.:iK M M ' -.!>': *’ i lie \ li e. t ‘ re.«l-t\’ o: li!«* tlu> are t.* 1' uni I h ■' I K •> t ‘Vp«*i .e.i c >1 toll and h.n .liii >.* an.i p.i tni -Ill'll u>tfl • ItltT pe { aiidbeiii^; iiht .Keil lo «(t.i :j.i i ne« liie HI* .1 I I'-. ..uhiin iii.i. «i:. .1 it‘ia!-oi.’. w li : olni r p.Nipji- .nviilv.• { '‘When e.iiu'at i »«M-e . .i-ith lMyiii!i. A.itI edt.i * n I Hi'* iliU^ litMh lor a .svxce: '-x iiing wan a )> \ >f li.mbon^. Kouvat- h>n i.' I niaUer . f d.-» .pline, vigor- PAr.e THRKS Alumni Nows .M. M \^al I >niil‘i. Kipl ng. V. ( . IS M-linnt vr t" )- it t • .* m* •*le I* • M nr%- 'i-mt -ter. IJ'viai 1 ),a' Im» ;i iiig 4 tilling •(al >>n in h • hunii- ' >An. Holiei'l l.n- liravt-'. »Mdeut h«te diir UK ItKlii-;:?. i'* .it pie-ent aiaii.«K>‘r oi .t «t>.e a* rn..>ii, lilt, ('ar lina. O. K Ui»n. a •‘Sllile.l h»*J# during M niikuif.’ h • .’umM in \\a^h..igton. I>. i . at the piea- •■nt ( ornehiM Moy 1. of Ui s* End, N. r., i-H Working tor the .\ >rfolk- Smtherrj K.«ilr>*ad. '‘.••yd i>* hop ing that he Mill 1h> aide t> enter I VIRGINIA rONYKS, Seni r “Ke-f Ived, iK»t to make any more *‘ttempt last lesuiuli n.s \au«e 1 bteaiv the.ii any way.” AIKLS’IN JAMKS. Junior: “Ke- solve.I. to liave jnuie different years uMird kinds of pilld for the infiinuiy." SOLLK CHANI>hKK. Senior: “Kes.lived to do all I can, wiien 1 can. and where I i*an.” AL MASTkO, Senior, "Ke'' Ived on\i*.K ■.i>. ou-« a .li K*ng coiil.niteii aiu otteh Klon In the fall «.f *'tern. j iiydney lline-i, of ll^nder^on, "And that m .something n t ^itudent here in is work- What New Year’s Reso lutions Did You Make? G. C. MITniKLL. >rr: “I re.solve to do my best t.) get in Prof. Stewart’.^ eight o*cloi.k To abide by ihe rul claisie.s on time.’* • fornulities which g«»vera society VERNON BRAXTON. Senifr:!at large, and to make a 1> rmal “Resolved to pass “Math” an I study of Joe Golembek':i treatin'! sleep m)re." | on “Etiquette ^ . Men”, particJ* J. McGALLIARD. Senior: “That larly Chap. 9. Heel. 8 A, which ac- the moral order of the universe curately explains the proper meih- i may advance as much po.nsi^ble. od of eating “Mantellini'd Spa- tbit the U ys can really go tojl re t Ive to give my wholehearted ifhetii unwound” — which doei town when the preiiure la on | sutport." i away with the ui»e of the awkward Ihem. C. T. PRITCHETT, Senior: “Noj shears previouily in use." Captain Hat Bradley led the make—no break, is my policy." j PLUTO PARIS, Junior: “Not team in scoring on ih:^ trip, with I GEORGE GOLCLOUGH: “Toi to do any wor^e than I have d* ne 16 field gjals and 5 foul shotil stop smoking and get more pretty, su far — that givei me plenty of for « total of 37 poinu. Kigntij^irU for Elon in 1938-39." | rope." .^bind him waa Lloyd Wh.tiey, with 7 field guata and 10 foul shots ^.r 23 puinu. them in order were: Ike Fesm.ry,| 15.VnntH; Pearce, 13; Abbit^ l^;| Lilien, 8; 5; and Lau^ey . an(^ Lawieiu-e wiin 4 ^;vinu^ apiece. I H AKIJK IIAMKICK, “T » m:ike an eifori to study more and make t • acvt pt. Kiit It mu>t Ik- accept ed. Nay. more; it be wel- I* me.I. C' with p. tency to iuin life, the enrichne-s of life mjst be di'avMi tr. ni > whuh threatenn to destny l.:e.” 1' he right, «>r i-* he right? .1 ing m the ithm* department of Helk’s Department Store in Hen derson. Dewey IIoi)mt, a .'ttudent her« in I93t»*37. i.s at i re-.ent studying at State (\tllege, Raleigh. Luther Hoyd was a visitor on the eanipuA during the past a belter schola.stli. record than Many have wondered what be-j week. Luther is i» w ligated at last year. Tj be more thoughtful conie.s .»f Rhode s n..iar8. “Do I'ittsburgh, Pa. of fellow students. To live a tney bei« me leaders in American, Re*. Millard (Red> Stevens righteous life during this year." j L'l'e or fall in’urity . liU' was married on December 26, to ISAIAH SEARS Senior “1 ' “Scribner's " survey.* the >1,..,.* J,mes of Br)iion ‘ ' . results of the "• • amaz:a>( ex- c iv. N. i;,e i;i ^rriage took solve this year to think through ^^riment of modw, nes." pi.,,, a the l ui n liid^re Chris- my problems a.s intelligently a.4 Ij member of the cabinet has iiHn-rongregj:;onj1 Churvh of can, to appreciate people ai und ever been a Rhodes S. h-dar. No whi. h Mr. Sieve is i* j»astoj. Mis.* me, and to make the moat of Tiy member f the Senate has been a Jo-.os ha^ been te^ in Bir- opportunitiei.” t Rhode- .>ch >lar.” Itut, the author mingham. Aiuli»:ra. After a U'lSLlE MANCHESTER. Sen-1 admits, the of Represent- redding In. t> Alabama Mr. and ior: “1 resolve to try to get more ative.s can'/f one, R. C. L'la,- Mrs. Sievens will be at h-me at out of my opportunities at El n.’MswLn of Ma’ssachusetts »and ain’t t'n.* n Riige. l>r. J. O. L.ingforJ TOM PERRY, Junior: “I don’t! nobody i*ver heard of him?). Y)U of Elon College heard the niarri- beiieve in them.” | will like the article. vows. Intramural Contests In Basketball Go On after 31 Ybars As a Tobacco Auctioneer eg A* .>oon as the boys had return ed to the campus after the Christ mas vacation, intramural baJket- ball games commenced and con tinued as if they had never been interrupted. There are twelve teams taking part in the games, and each team must play every other team on the schedule before the finals are played. The m.v jority of the preliminaries will be played before ejfiininations, and the finals will be run off soon after the accond semester be- *ins.‘ I Practically every student on these team.s his played basketball in high school, and many have been out for the varsity ujuada. Moat uf the rames arc played fast, and are exceptionally good ball lames for intramural sports. There is no admission fee, and there is a large audience at prac tically (very game. I Coach Tom Power is supervisor ot the college- intramural aph>rta program, but while Coach Power ii busy with vanity wrestling Hal Watta it directing the intnunural basketball games and acting aa referee in most of the games. | Sigma Phi Bets and Iota Taa Kappa fraternities and East Dor- Bitory seem to have the beat ttama so far, but there are other taaau who have nX played aa nany gamea, so it is aa ^ bard t« predict who will win the c«mpus chaoiiionahip. The standings of the teama *t this writing are as follows: Won Sigma Phi BeU lota Tau Kappa East U-raiurx House ot David fealty North 8r; Floor North 1st #loor Kappa Pai 'Nu Day StodeMa Alpha Pi belta Fancy Htt PiMishiag House Ust 0 S' • 1! 2 2 1 2 S' _ - 5*-' ^ Veteran Jim Edwards tells why toba«;o experts prefer Luckies 2 to 1 ••• ^ (•cendjr sold 489,000 poands of tobacco in one 6Vk hour day,** mjt Mt.J. N. Edwards of Farm- eiile, Noctb Carolina. Tbecc was a buyer, naciualljr, for erery one of choee S89,000 pounds...A> there was aa mudi difference between the best grades Mid die inferior, as betweeo ■ pretty girl and a homely ooe. "At auctioa after auctioa, !’«• •een Lucky Strike go after die prettiest lots of tobacco. It’s no wonder Luckies taste to good. I’va amoked them aince 1917. "And aootlicr tliiag ... even •1^ yelliag out tobacco bada all during a aevea hoar dajr, Luckies are still just aa easy aa ever on my throat.” OmJf Lucky Strike oSen yoa the finest tobacco plua the throat- protection of the exduarre proc- eaa "It's Toasted". This process takes out certain irritants found in tobacco—even the finest. M(q who know tobacco from Ato? —experts like Mr.Edwarda —are .urely good judgea of dga- tettes... Sworn records ahow that, among independent tobacco ea- pertaii I. udties have twke as many •adusive smokers aa have all the Other dgarettcs com binod. Mai WHO KNOWTOBAaO BEST-ITS LIKjiaES 2 T01