rAvi fouR MAROON ANB GOLD SATiniDAT, JA.Mt'AKT M, IMk LISrNIN’ by L«iul« HablMiril K ffftnr »• f .*“1 lnun to •ny ** ‘"J' *'"’*■ •“'* nur* • f "***' Sdion." in >»'*■ "f '•* •"’* iundty »rr»nncinfntJ. i. ii wili cltir lip »»>' numiwr tupiH'Hf ti. l)f ..n uid YiiJi»h writtfi) * numb*, of years »k’. It W n iT'-ml^y rev »ml by the kodk- writinK l‘»ni '''hn »nd Chtp- lln. «m1 «irh a that H itniHlI i« UribK gathered in by lU pulilinhrN, Harma. Inc. Th» »orit ■*“» practicalljr invm «w*y. bul ihm culumn makea do •Utcnrnt «f the exact fiturt. lU popularity can be rirtitly j\Kl8ed only by lvu'« many timei you acd the iruT next diK>r >inir it and hear it. What it r*tr on Lucky Strike Hit lluraden, e:c.. means little. It (Unds to reason that it will be iwpulur a litlle While looker,, be- rtu>e It unly recently hit the kicil nicklevdetiaa. The b«M re el rriir.^ will ‘je tho^e of the An- ijtwf ;>i9terK, Benny Guudnxui, Cab I’HlicWby, ana Oien >iu.v. We trueM *'Bei Mir Biat Du Scrion' Mill gu on record a» the bigfekt xmwb hit line* the time that the Music Went 'Round and 'iUiUDd. Exaip Time Th^ tifl dormitory i»M quitt. It h«d bMn quiet •hM‘t ••vto o’ lock «nd no nound of motion (‘rlioTii down thr mHi. It «m t exftm time. FroiiKaien hud dled io ibvif roomR, ficrvoun md Jol H Mltl« fr.irhtmrd over the l»r. areri l-f thejr fir«t colleKe e*- *m>nation. | ()c. 4^ioT!illy there ram* the I •nund at of many pafcs treing turned ^fid *hen Thert ^ WM a curk>u lack of cUii»n)en io ineir ro(«n«. On)> i ihf aiYflhmtn i^iiiiiincd in iLwir deni> >l »tudy and work. Sud* | d«nly the »i!ecce #«• ihatter^ bjr * jiouud vt oiiaira being pxifhed hark, uid vum** were thrown up* ^ me a^toomhed qiHet) **A | grand Via made wtet we l>»d Huh! Don exam time—briui?e lIQK't Foster Shoe Co. SHOES — HOSIERY Shoe Repairing POSTER HHOE CO. BwHaftoK. N. C 111 Ca«t Da«la SirMt Bring Back Honor tcm (('onlinned froa Pa^e Two) The Ktudenta theam'elves are the onJy on«^ who can stop cheating on a iarire »^ai«. The majority (f Kiudentx, wht-n responsibility it {lacfd up^>n tnem, are m^rt con- {luenliuujt than they HMould be So when a student i« on ex^m.nation with a profeasor itiDUinK I'ver him, he naturally (}u>5 not feel the same sense of personal re?p n^ibility that he would if he knew that ne waa ftirutly un nis own and that his ]oiie^:>' w !h himself was the only thing at stalte. We htre at Elon College have maue il ne.e'.'ir> for tnt faculty «nd tne ad'Hiinistration to aASume many tf the reftpon.nibilities of ftudent ^ vernment. This writer \t not c-unaemning the officer? of \hi stuaent government at Klon Coliekre. tor he thinks th^t they «r« Qoing ail they can under the rxi»tmg .iTcum.'^tances. Once the adm:nidtr4iiic>D has had to t^ke away the es^^ential features of the honor ^ysiem. it la >. nJy natural that thfey should t>e >keptical kbout :t'tonr.g the honor syMero in it^ entirely, oui wt L.vueve that th.^ IS the only means by' whicr. :rie -nt-reiptcl o: tne , dent 18 to be rei.ored aau ing ei mir.aie .. lr..n rutiiioa wi.l. The Cheater Cheated (Continved from Page Two) According to ^^'ebi^ter. the word ■‘tht'af mean^. **theobtaining of ;roperty from another by an hi- ;enti iMl Active diftiFftlon of the truth." ‘Therefore, it Appear* that if one should be tempted to ca»t forth intentionaj tricky giancea upon notes and texts dur* rng examination periodi. ^ich ar« contrary to the profe»aor’a in- .'tructii’af. he becomea an vn- tentionaj deceiver in causing the examiner to believe the written examination to be the rea^ work .if the student'd own mind. Text booJca were written to be :ea:i and we are ready to admit :hat many of them are dry; lec- turei* were givn during th H€mes- :er. ;infl it may be that some of he?e i^ere 4 mewhat of the na- :ure of being everlasting and |erhafL unintere.*ting, but due .ntertst and consideration should be given both. .Now, as examina- lon time approache.'*, if the >tu.ent ha. done fair work in /leaning fi» m the texts and lec- ure-. the property of truth ob- :.i'.r,vd fr m these sources betomes ,ii> very own because he has gAin- vj It in a legitimate manner. If 'Pe thinks he is "getting by” by • hort cuts of trickery in obtam- iHg an education, the time will .ome when the student will find :hat he has been the greatest loser of aJI. BIT OF BLARNEY t e\, ffut e; all '111 cra-i.Cd.iy »?. A , ..tf-c \ n**.;. ing (. .11 IDv.'t (. njl.t a m4j..j mnii t. out t.'- r n .. Will I I'lni. T-„.' .. L . fc .. ri!. .o a. n>:. Lui > hea:- i me A . a. e My love ha4 flew Him did roe dirt Me did not know Him was a flirU Let’s love forbid Lest you get doed L.ke I been did. ‘■.Are you a college rr.^n?’* “N . a hoT'e steppt-d' n my hat ! h*' h' i; r i.i J^hn;!v ..uil'lti C. A. Lea .. ■ - ... ; ... of ihf ' . • , 1,'Ai.rk -^.s- ; •' .VO. rim**nt ati i tnt* no.K.r .-y-len’.. T.'iis n.j.vt l-.n**, huweve.'-. wit:.- out aii,. 'ii-iiv . n ihe part of an.' t- - ... \M) T Wl I Ii !: I ;■ .M ' r-it Phone 111 Hurlinutun, N. (’. HOOD SrOUT SHOP The College Store For Spttf Sweaten*, Coals, and Jackets Make Our 8lorc Your Headquarteni. Frwi Street BURLINGTON, N. C PhMM SM Plan Your Trip Home BY BUS And have the Dollars SAVED TO SPEND ' On Other Pieasor^s V I; fHONf AGENT . VIRGINIA STAGE UN£8 CiMUlottMTillC. 'Vk. Local Contcvt (CwtlAMd fr«« n 4. The winning esMy, and poa- ikihljr othera # rthy of nentioo will b« publiahed in the MAROON AND GOLD «oon alter that dale. 6. All p«peni mu*it be signed. 6. Judge* are to be Deana Ox- f(u^. Measick, tnd Dr. Bi»wden. The judfftK re^rve the nght t» reject all auggwtlons if none is ueemed practical and beneficial. •‘IV Om TW Qmm Qm Mr. PAUL MUNI / The Life of Emite I ZOLA^ a aoNDiaoAAno • iompm •ct*.U)XRAirr • OkM nmm-ew>a>» I Ca«tinMd fnm Two) create a gcHnj inpreasion upon { >oD*one. But a peracn d»ea not have to present • r«port card t»> show auoeone how ^mart he ia. If | the peraon he is trying to impress ■ hM any intelligence, iie can tell about the k^martneaa through con* i veriMtion and everyday contACtK and actions. Per9iulity and iD~> telli/ence. not grades and t-hebt ing. ' Sunday Speaker Dr. Hcnl^ Lewu Smich, pyre*- iktanr etacnrua, of ^ftshingion and L«« Umvcmty, wdldi liver thr sermon to morrow morviQg at the regular Samlay ZINC AND COPPCR CTCHINCS aCN DAY-ttALffTGNgS -COtOH PIATES LTT€RinG a /; i a date with Chesterfield will show you how re freshingly mild a ciga rette can be..it will intro* duce you to that better taste that smokers like. Chesterfields will givcyou more pleasure than any cigarette you eiYr smoked. Weekly Radio Features Lawrence Tibbbtt Andre Kosteianitz Paul Whiteman Dums Tayixm Paul Dououu

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