Complete Community an-! Campus Coverage Maroon And Gold Published By and For Students of Elon College Patronize Maroon and (lold Advertisers VOLUME XII LlON college, N. C.. SATURDAY, NO 11 ‘The Prodigal Son” To Be Presented by Chamber Operp; Group The Ch mber Opera Cimpany iw-ill present “The Prodigal Son”, la lone pct cpera, Monday night, March H, at 8:15 in the Whitley Memoriia! 'juditwium. Thiii lis the laist number on the Lyceum pro gram ar.'^ i'i expected to be ®ne of the beat. “The P.' iiiga.1 Son”, written bj Claude Debus-^y, is based on one of the m ait familiair Biblical storie?. I; is performed by three American artists of wide exper- dence and native ta-lent. Maria Matyas, brilliant mezzoisoprano, hals a voice of great beauty and a rare abil'ty itio interpret 'siong". Robert Ii :ig, tenor, has appe^ with the Chicago Opera Ccmpany in a number of operas. He iv« widely known for 'hi's eon'cert and radio work. Raymiond Koch, bari- t ne, is liOted fcT his exceptional dramatic ability. He portrayia a definite character in each song and brings it vividly to life be fore bis audience. Elon Debaters See Forensic Action The debating team of High Point College met the Elon debat ers in a non-decision debate in Society Hall here Monday, Feb. 21. These on the affilimative side from High Point were the L:ve- lace brothers, and on the Higih Point necrative side vyere Meters. Johns:on 2ind Holt. Isaiah Sears and Emerson Sanderson represent ed' Elon on the ^affrrmative ^i'dle f the question, and the negative side was taken care of by LeGra.nd Moody and Emmanuel Hedgebeth. The subject of tihe dehate was. “Resolved that the Nlatii tn'al Labor Relations Board sh 'uld be em powered fro enforce compulsory ar- bitnation of all labor disputes.” Emersi'n Sanderson, Isaiah Sears. LeBrand Mi-ody and Em- menuel Hedgebeth are represent ing Elon in the South Atlantic Forensic Tcium'ament which is being held Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week at H’gh Point College. Last year the Elon debaters ranked well in thii tour nament, which was held in Rock Hill, S. C., and they are expected t» do even better this year. The ticmrnament is open to all college* of the irJation, but is largely -a rep resentation of Southern colleges. CONTEST IN SUPERLATIVES Well, folks, here it is! A chance to crown our lings and queens with the superlatives they so well deserve. A contest such as this has not been held around here in a long time, and now is the "ime to do something about it. Let’s you and me and everybody fill out the mimeographed ballot :hat accompanies this paper, and do some real /oting. As it stands now, no one knows just who is ;he most popular or best-looking person on the campus, but everybody has his own ideas, and the composite of these ideas is sure to bring some highly interesting results. We ask everyone to be fair and plan his votes carefully. No one is to take offense at the title he >r she is given, but to accept it in the good na- tured way it was intended. So what say, gang? Let’s cooperate and have fine time. Do your own voting and place the bal lots in the box which has been placed for this purpose on the bulletin board in Alamance Build ing. The Maroon and Gold will publish the results ■n its next issue. Elon Scrapper Wins Golden Gloves Matches; Joe Golombek Knocks ’Em Cold in Greensboro Bruiser Golombek Pictured above is Joe Golom bek who, in boxing togs, walked off with the heavyweigtit cham pionship in the Golden Gloves tournament in Greensboro last week. L-onierence Forward Dr. Johnson Literary Society Held Annual Banquet Last Friday The Dr. Jiohnson Literary So ciety held its annaal banquet in the roomis of the H me E;ono- mics Department on the third floor of the Aiamiance building Friday, Feb. 25. Twenty-five couple^' at tended the banquet which was prepaired by Home Eoonomic^ class. LsGrand Ma:dy gave the ad- diress of 'welco-me and Miss Ina Futrell responded. The toast to the girls was given by Sidney Taylor wiflh response by Miss Florine Bay. Milton Cheshire gave a sbcirt address and intro- deuced the officerti of the society to those at the banquet. Each of ficer made a short talk. James L. Parker responded to the toast given to the inew members by Emmanuel Hedgeb^h. Miss Lucy Miae Wright r(spio«wled in behalf of the Home Eciono-mics club to the toast given by Tom Perry. The tables were decorated with red, (White, and blue candleu. set on a min'ature shield of the same dsJors. The place Cards we-re email blue and red hatchets plac ed in icups of red land white miints. A soiiaH cherry tree decorated •wiitih eandiy cherries was in the (center of the toastanaster’s table. (Continued on page 4) MOVIES BOOKED FOR MARCH The business of trying to .«clett rietures to please all Elo'n n’f'v:e ijoers 13 a rather dif'^'ul. task, but Prijfessotr Hook ii.^ ilont' a r I'j-i. job of selecting thd picturts to be shown this spring. His 5. hedfule book shows tho Vrtry best m subje-.t pictures and sh^rt 'i ms. *^or March 4 and 5 '’Tua; Car- tf'n Woman” and a Charlij Mc Carthy filjm are biiifd “That ' ertain Woman”, wi''\ Bette Da- (Continued on page 4) Miss Seabury Gives Final Talk to Girls Terrible Joe Go'lembek, carrying a handful /cif dynamite in each glove, put Carol Conraid, State Col lege grid star, on the verge of a ooma in two minutes and 37 sec- ondis of the second n und lof a scheduled three round sicrap that wais to divide the Golden Glove heavyweight championship of the PiedmMnt sectio'n last Mf.nday rnigiht at the Siportrena in Greens- boiro. Joe reached the finiala by de feating Ralph Henderson lasit Sat urday night in another encouater that failed' to last two full n^iunda. In bjith fights Referee Bob O’Neil had to call things to a bait and award Joe a techniaal knocloout. Fighting in the form of Max Baer, Ji.e failed to let either of his opponents land a solid blow, and laughed each time his adver- safry attempted to do any dlam- age. Ajiohie “Yussel the Goniff” lai'ael, who did a. fine job of Man aging Joe, failed tJ keep cool and qiuiiet, and Joe had constantly t-> shout down from the riimg ait him not to get exicited. Outside of that, things moved al.flg smooth ly, land neither Arabic nioir Joe re ceived' any 3cars of battle. So it’s hiats off to Joe, king of the Piedmonit section, and a biaar- b.*nalte to Archie, who “wiuzn’t robbed and who shouldn’tat stood in beid”. As a climax to her week spent at Elon College, Misis Ruth Sea- bu'ry, of the A.merican Board' of Commisaicmers for Foreign Mis sions, delivered her final talk at a meeting of all the dormitory girls, Monday night, February 21. Introduced by Dean Oxford, Miss Seabury diaciuased briefly the great possibilities in store for all girls to become succeseful women, regairded highly by all those with whom they come in contact. • In honor of the occasiion, ajid initiating a pnacitice that is hop ed will becoime a regular ^e, the Student Christian Association served punch and cakes. Those ■a.ssisting in the aierving were, Beatrice Wilkins, Margaret Eairp, Katherine James, and Miary Nell Eaves. A1 Mastro Is Artist For New Phipsicli ► - Three Elon Cagers Are Placed On All- N. S. Conference Team Lloyd Whitley Conference Center Proofs of the art woirk to be used in this year’s Phipsicli have returned from the engravers. The art sections are being dooie by our local artist, A1 Mastro and they promise t> ladd immeasur ably to the beauty of the book. Mr. Mastro has submitted some very nicely handled dry-brush sketches which have met with the approval of several critics. Work on the annual is progres sing nicely and it should be issued May 10, as per schedule. The Phipsicli sitaff held a meet ing- in the Phipsicli i3ffice last Tuesday nigiht. The ataiff woriced on eopy miateriial whiieh is being prepared for the presa. Snap-shot editors begam aseortin:g their ra ther large aad inteireating collec tion of eampuis danidad sliots. Ac cording tJ present indications the book should be out in record time, May 10. Conference Guard Hal Bradley Mr. Wallace Fridy Gives Stimulating Chapel Message On Wedneadiay, Feb. 24, Mr. W'allaKse Fridy, who is the assis tant paistar lof the Westley Me morial Churc,h alt High Point, pre sented a veiry interesting talk to the situdent body in the Whitley Memoriial Au(dtti:iriuni. Mr. Fridy is a friend of Dr. Bowden, and graduated with Dr. Bawden at the Yale Univeraity. The S'U'bject of which Mr. Fridy spoke wbw “The Importance lof Being Good for Somethirvg”. Mr. Pri«Jy 'srtated that many pel iple are good, but in a negative iw(ay. That is to say thiat peoiple are goodl, but they do notfli- iOg with the goiodness. He pre sented the challenge that one do something with the go^xinel8l3 wlhich he posaeases. On the following Friday, Mr. Fridy spoke on the subject of “Handliciaips”. “Use what yvxu have,” said Mr. Fridy, “andi don’t worry about yioiuir handicaps.” The rnlain theme was based upon the following expre»sdon “Put down your bucket where it is.” The person about whom Mr. Fridy spoke at that time wia® Dr. Carver. Dr. Carver is la very fainoius scien tist land a m«mber of Tti'^egee I (Continued on page 4) Not being (.satisfied with winr filing the North State C>nf=rence Title, the Elon Cannonade pro ceeded to lo.:k for m;re hi nor, and placed three men on the All- North State Conference team. Captain Hal “Hunk” Bradley, the greate.Ht pjayer in or around these parts was a unanamlous choice 0(f tfce juc'ges. Lloyd Whitley and Dick Cromlish were ail'; placed 111 the first, and Ike Fe mire capped a forward berth on the second team. The judges voted five places arid one second for Biudley, and four fiHits and two sedrfids for Whitley. Emulating the 1937 foo’.ball team, the Elon basketeers almoAt completely diominated the vot-.r.'g. This honor marked the seao.nd time this sea lan that Hunk Brad ley’s athletic ability baa been rec- ogniztiu:. I'jjnk w':.3 recently cho- son the mo>-it valuable member of nj tea'm haj a beautiful white Meater with a large black “E”, dionated by two Elon faiiS, Mr. and iVIi'o. F.x of BjrlingU-in, to show fl.r it. Hunk deserve.^ evei-y word of praise auid about him, and the only regret ii that Hunk, All-Con ference center in basketball; has finished his athletic career at Elon and will be greatly misucd upon graduation this June. The All-Coa'ference teams is as follows: Lloyd Whitley, Elon—F-rwiard. “Rip” McSwain, Lenoi-r-Rhyne— Forward. Hal Bradley, Elon — Center. “Ace” Hudson, Appalachian — ijuidrJ. Richard Cromlish, Elon—Guard. Ooiaches voting on team were Virgil Yaw, High Pi.jnt; A. D. (Bud) Roie, Atlantic Christian; Horace Hendrickson;, Elon; Tom Brown, Catawba; “Pat” Shores, Lenoir-Rhyne; and “Flucie” Stew art, Appalacihian. Richard Cromlish Spring Holidays According to a recent an nouncement, Spring Holidays this year will be from March 24 to March 30. The last classes before the vacation will be on Wednesday. Classea will re sume the following Thursday. Business Club Meets; Taylor Elected Head; Mr. W. H. Gehm Speaks The Business Admiinistration Club 'met lait Mon-day morning in Society Hall. Ikiring the businesis sesjiion Sid Taylor wajs elected president txf the orgamiaation. iMt. W. H. Gehm, gon«ral man ager oif the White Furniture Com pany of Mebaaie, spoke to the club j cn the subject of “The Need' For I Personal Efficiency in Buisineas.” ; Mir. Gehm stated that success in the modem buaineas world lies in having an alert, creative, and ac tive minid. He alao empha«iized that, tJ be suocesrful, one must develop lan a/mlbition to achieve. The club is asking all Business Administration majors to beoome active members, (and to help make it one of the m0(at useful lorgani- zationa on (the campus. Moreiover the visiting speakers are brought to the caimpus not only fi-r the Business majors, but alao for the whale college. Everyone is cor dially invited to attead the meet ings. Dean Messick Giving State-Wide Talks Ou Character Educadou Dean J. D. Me.isick has v' rit -n the sipring series of -»tu,)y lec tures for the North Carol in.i Oon- gress of Parents and Teactiiere. Theae letiuires are biiiii;^ V't-oad- oasted over six radii;' .'it;t‘..ion* ia the state every week for ^ix weeks, beginning the week of Fabruiary 7. The s(chepdule foll.>'W!8: WPTF Tuel.^daj's at 5:30 P. M. WSJS Winston-Salem, Tuesdiays at 10:15 A. M, WMID, Wilmington, Thursdays at 11:30 A. M. WBIG, Greensbiro ,Fridays at 1:45 P. M. WWNC, Asheville. Thursdays at 3:30 P. M. WBT, Chairlotte, Saturdays at 9:30 A. M. Dean Messick delivered the first lecture over stations WPTF and! WBIG, the third over WBIG, and others of the series will also be delivered by him. He is (state chairman of the Oharaater Educa tion Committee 0f the N1 (rth Caro lina CongrelS(S of Piarent and Teachers and a member of the National Committee. Correction In laddition to the seven mem ber® pledged (tJ Sigtoa Phi Beta Fraitemity, ais lifted in tihe last is sue of MAROON AND , GOLD, Bob Hamilton, of Gastonia, N. C., Was also pledged to the fraternity. Through error, the name of Woodir.(w Wilson, of Pros.pect Hill, N. C., was omitted from the list of new members of the Iota Tau Kappa Fraterniity. We apologize £oir these omissiona amL haatea b> make correctionia.