Complete Community and Campus Coverage Maroon And Gold Published By and For Students of Elon College P iJronV’-e Morjoi and (Jold Advei liSerj VOLUME XII ELON COLLEGE, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1938 z 5:10, NO. 12 Primaries For Offices Close W. Fonviile and Bill Jones Picked Many Upsets At Polls Annual nciminations for jampus primaries WBie held laiit Monday, and the prinniaries took place on Thursday. The primary elec tions were conducted by the col lege B. ard of Elei3tic.ns, cormposed of Hatcher Stcry, LeGrande’ Moo- idy, James Day, Lawrence Camer on, >and Beatriie Wilkins. Theire were ieveral offices in ■which no elemination was neces sary, but for che majority of the ofifiioes there were several times BIS many nominees as there ;were Icfifices ta be filled. All of the niiminees were not available at press time, but most of the ri'iults are listed below. The final elections will be held sioimetiime after the ‘cfiing holi days sio that the stui-'en,js will have plenty of time to think over whom they wish to see bolding the campus po.:iitions of authority and responsibility for the doming year. The elections, aae allways ac- Clcmipanied by much debate and argument conicerning the respec- tive merits of the cia/n'didates of each persi^ins cihoice. Every stu- deat should give this problem some serious thicught, and should vote only £ ir those whom he thinks will fill the ofifice best. Here ii the liis.t of those who wiill be voted on in the final elec tion : President, Student Body Bill Jones Walter Fonviile President, Senate Jordon Slo-an Floyd West RISING SENIORS Class President Jeisise Harrington Tommy Earrp Vice-President Henry Satterfield Emmanuel Hedg'ebeth Secretary I liUicy Mae Wrig-ht Anneta Smith Piolly Stephens Treasurer Crayton Stephens Beatrice Mashburn Senate Siidney Taylor James Gillespie Rufus Underwood George GuCte rrcz RISING JUNIORS Class President Lloyd Whitley Duame Vure Vice-President Florine Bay An.ire‘w Fuller Secretary Dorsey Stimson ' Treasurer James L. Park-er Edna Fitch Women’s Council Dorsey Stimson i Senate i Jiaek Ne eise Finley Lea ; Curtis Jones James L. Parker daas Editors, PhiPsiCli Duane Vore Bruice Flory Jack Necse RISING SOPHOMORES Class President jK>hn Henry Pierce Bob Truitt I Vice-President Dorothy Ediwards Welling'toin Saecker Secretary and Treasurer Mary Walker Eyelyn Holmes Senate Mosiaa Crutchfield (Continued on page 4) Norma Shearer, Leslie Howard, Ralph Forbes in “Romeo and Juliet 222 Vote Your Own The student body cf Elon College is an intelligent one. This campus in many ways is better than that of the usual small college. Though in some ways Elon is superior to the most of them, in at least one way she has rated low: the way we have in the past re sponded to campus elections. These officers up for elections are your officers. Vote for them, not as someone else wants you to vote, but a.5 you con scientiously desire to vote. Elon Debate Teams In Forensic Tournament The El;n College Debate teams participated in the So.uth Atlaji- tie Forensic Tournament held j at High PO'int College cn March 1, 2, and 3. Although the final result s'hiolwed only four favonaible decisions chalked up for Eli-n and eight aldivet'se decisions, the teams should be congratulated for the work they did during the Tourna ment. The affirmative team won over Wake Forest, the state cham pion for this ye-ar and alsiJ chalk ed qp a victory over Garson'-New- m'an, a no'rthern sichool that boasts a atriong set-up. Those making the trip were Emerson Sanderson. T;'mmy Earp, Isaiah Sears, Le- Grany Moody, Emanuel Hedgebeth and the coaoh. Dr. French. Dr. French says that the Elon debaters 'were not as adeq.uately prepaired or trained as some of the other participants, but he be lieves that there is a go'oid chance for Elon to c-me out ■on top in the Forensic Tournaments- next Education Club Visits Neighboring Schools About twenty-ifive members of the Bdui.iati-n Club .of Elon Col lege, under the chaperonage of Dean Oxford, Professor Beecher, and Dean Messick, visited the Practice School of W. C. U. N. C., Cenitral Elemenfcajy School, the Juniior High Schotol, and the Senior High School in Greens boro,, March 9. The trip was arranged by Dean Mes- sick. Those who went on the expe dition reported having seen some excellent wwrk in progress, and they state that mu'oh bencifiit wtais derived from the trip. They were particiularly loud in their praise of the receptiMD accorded them by the school authorities. “Rmeo a.nd Juliet,” the most beloved romance of all times, will be the highlight of the ispring mo vie seriej. It was presented last night in Whitley ani will be there i30jin tlonight. Niorma Shearer and Leslie Hoiwand in the leading roles depiot the young loves of Verona with superb talent and The halo-ny si.ene is all Shakespeiare could have wiished it to be, and the whole love story, wofven' like siome colorful thread in the tapestry of hate, is one of dii'amatic pageantry. But “Romiei> and Juliet” is more than a great Iwe 'Story. It is a colorful cross section of tha fifteenth century, iwhen the Italian Renais'sari^e was at its height. Filmed agauns.t this intererting background, it ijsyaicked with tense dramatic, and comicil sitpationi. The duel between John Barrymore and Bazil is memorable. Edna Mae Oliver’s, characteriza tion of the nurse, which she plays ttt the hilt for all its uproarious comedy, and the wotrk of C. Au brey Smith, are of sipecial note. The screen pnod'uction with the excepti)-n of the fifty lines cut by the censors, is just as Shakespeare conceived it. Unbound by the liniitatilonis. of the stage, the s«.ireen gives the complete scope. The costumes, setting, scenery, eve.i to the smallets detail are loajriied from authentic soiurces, and are the Wi rk of the best technicians and designeiris of America. Dr. Collins stated that in his opinion this is the best Shakespeare pro duction the movies have yet dione. The s-hont 8>ubject aoJompany- ing this picture is “Give Me Lib erty”. This two-reel siubject give^ new meaning to the sfijry of the periL'J'us tirrjes preceding the de cision of the American colonies to break away froim British rule. Not only is it of historical vialue, but it sh-‘ws the unhappiness and miser of people divided among themselves, and by so doing, leads one to think moire seriously of imipeniding governmental .crises botn at h.'mie -and abroad'. To celebrate our return to sahool after the Spring Vacation, “Banjo On My Knee” will be shoiwn on April 1 and 2. Watch for further announcements. Delta Psi Omega Takes In New Members A group of five new members was initiated last Tuesday into Delta Pai Omega, the natio-nal fraternity, of which there is a chapter at Elon College. These new membersi aire Juanita Waugh, Melvin James, A1 Mastr-, Hatcher Story, and Jack iNteese. Rehearsals have begun on the Delta Psi Omega (produotion of the yeiar. It is a one-'act play, “Six Off Clubs,” written by a fra ternity member, Gwendo-lyne Till- mann's. Amiomg the oast are Mel vin James, Juanita Waugh, Walter Fonviile, Beajbrice Wiilkina, and Duane Vore. iThe play will be presented sihortly after the spring holidays. Dean Messick To Give Radio Lectures Dean Messick is a busy mian these d'ays. Frl-im Thursday un til Saituirday of this iweek, he is representing the iciollege at the State Educational meeting in Rialeigh. On Friday, March 11, he was judge at the W. C. U. N. C. Talents Contest. Greensboro High Schoiol iwas the winner of the loving cup. During the spring vaoation, the (Contin.ued on page 4) Dramatic Club In Rehearsal For Play After many delays, miany atarrts, an'd many halts, the Dramatic Club presentation of “The Man an the Bjwler Hat,” a o.medy of the century, will be jfiven, shortly after spring holidays. Kay James is directing the play. The cast is composed of Howiard Brown, Mary Walker, Polly Stephens, Lloyd Whitley, Jack May, and Harold Hilbum. Watch for ana.>uncement re garding the exact time fiof pro duction of this ipLay. B. O. B. Banquet Given In Greensboro The first of the social clubs’ banquets was held last Saturday. Beta Omicron Beta, the newest ■aiddition .to El>n’s roster of social clubs, held its annual banquet in the Lotus Restaurant, in Greensboro. The restaurant iwas dadorated in a -^ery attractive style; blue and salver stars hung from the ceiling, the tables were strewn .with little blue stairs, and a lairge star, 'diecorateid with “B. O. B.”, wias pl'aioed in the center of the room. The program was opened with a Welcome by Toastmistress Nell (Continued on page 4) Did Galloway, Hatcher Story Chosen Most Popular Persons In Elon Superlatives Contest Shakespeare’s Passionate Drampi, “Romeo And Juliet”, Is College Movie Tonight Two One-Act Plays By Elon Playwrights To Be Given Tuesday The Oarolii.j Pla>makers have n’t got a thing on the F:ion Dra matic Gi'oup. The members of thi Dramatic class have di-o veiet’ .hat tney ican write, direct, pro duce, and a.t in plays, too. Next fue.-Oay evening ia,t 8:15 in the liittle Chapel Theatre, for the £irst time in the history of the Sljn Plsyei'j, ti-vo one-.»ct viiays will be presentel, whi.;h huve been written, dirtiL'ted, and acted by El:n students. The admission charge will be only ten cen:s, and a audience is expected. Ford M Jler, a newo.mer to Elon this year, has written a hilarious comeidy of mountain foik, ent^tieu “Swap”. Not ‘only can Mr. MilUr write a fjrit-iciiss i.jomedy, but Cie can act as '^ell, as will be show'n when the curtain rise^ upon his play, with a cast also including Walter Fonviile and Helen Soales, Margaret Eairp, iwhJ' will be remembered for her excellent work in previous plays, will now see her pUyiAirighting talent brought to light in. the first play on the program. Her play, “Bram- ble-Bush,” has a oait ooniisting otf Miaxiine Hu'digins, and Walter Fonviile, acd Gwen Tillmanns and has to do with the trials and tri bulations of a young minister in dealing with his ipiarishioners, and especially in putting an inquisi tive and trouble-'diealing neighbor in her place. These will also be the first plays to be pro.duced on the new stage in the Little Chapel. Oonstnu(..tio.n of the stage is practically com pleted, and the Di'amatics clais has made an attractive cyclorama and a full set of scenery. Jompetition Keen For Honor Posts Hund»-eds Of Votes Cast Business Club Hears Interesting Lecture Messers. Jay and Mustange, representatives of the National Cash Register Company, deliver ed an illustrated lecture to mem bers of the Butjinesis Administra tion Club in the society hall last Monday evening. men, who were introduced by Siidney Tay lor, sp.'ke about the coming trend of modern machinery taking such an importainjt place in the busi ness office today. This was the first bit of acti vity on the part of the club since the election of Mr. Taylor to the presidency, and he assurred all th-«e who .aittemded that .plans for future lectures were being fiirm- ed. A Knight At The Opery; Concert Series Closed With Opera Program By Tom Perry The Concert Series came to a close last Mondiay night wiith the presentation otf ‘The Chamber Opena Trio'.’ The opera oast was composed of: Miss Maria Maytas, mezzo soprano; Mr. Robert Long, tenor; Mr. Raymond Koch, bari- t.>ne; and Mr. Chairles Luxvey, di rector and awcompanist. The opera had some spots of lively en tertainment. The preisentlaition of Debussy’s ‘The Prodigal Son’ •wiaa by far the best part ‘of the program and we have not one iota of .complaint to make labout this scene. We were glad oif the opportunity of seeing this pielce of operatic art. All ;fiouT of the opera group gave a mighty got-d' penfonnance in (Continued on page 4) After many d-ys of hard work :n c^-mputijig the leturnej bal lots of the campu'3 ^up.rhtive contest, the Mar,on and Gold editors are happy to a.nnounce the results. The reap nse was high ly gratifyir>.g. Literally hundreds of ballots were oast. Several persons were outstand ing enO'Ugh to 'A^in their titles al most un'inimously, and sejund or other choices are hur.:iy worth ment'i ning. There were cases however, in which the competition was so keen that more than one person won the title. Hatcher Stoiy and Did oallowiay Vveie vuiosen as moat piopular and ;wi.:n undisputed titles, Pluto Pari.i was unanimous choice for the laziest. Ben Hurst ha;d an overwhelming majority in the Spanish athlete field. N.o one boy seems to nave a mo-ncp ly on the apple-polishing racket, be cause Henry Capillary, Ben Huirst, Archie Israel, Dopey Fuller, Art Lee, and Isaiah Seais, each sacur- ea' enough v^&tes to make it sound ais if quite a few were adept at this sport. The box score i;f the resiults is as follcus, listing men and wo- .ijen leac.rj: Most Popular: Did Gallowiay, Haccher, Story Best Looking: Dot Edwards, uNeil i.oy, Lacky Hi iden, LeGranie MimJ-y, Gallo way Walker, Llo.yi Whitiey. Most Collegiate: Lillian Brown, Lo.uie Hubbard, Caa Pointer. Best Spanish Athlete Becky L.gncu^urn.e, Virginia Con- yes, Helen Scales and Ben Hurst. Hardest Working: Catherine La.wson, Blondie Earp, Melvin James, Jack Neese, Joe Padgett, Rnjhara' Divers, and Isa iah Sears. Best Dressed: Ruth Walters, J. W. McFarl'ajid, Bud N'0(-n and Woodrow Wilsion. Most Intellectual LeGrande Mooay anJ Loiften Har ris, Gwen Tillmanns, Beaty Wil kins, and Blondie Eanp. Most Versatile: Gwen Tillmanns, and Beatrice Wil kins, A1 Maisiiro. Laziest Pluto Paris, Lloyd Early, Jerrj' Haggard, Hal Watts, aad Oarl Pointer. Best All-Around Athlete: Mary Bivins, Hunk Bradley Best Dancer: Did Galloiway and Ima Mdver, Art Lea. Best Polisher of Apples: Blondie Earp, Henry Capillary, Ben Hurst, Archie Israel, Diopey FuJleir, 'Art Lea, and Isaiah Sears. Done Most for the College Gwen Tillmanns and Beabnice Wil kins, James Abbitt. Most Sophisticated: V^irginia Gonyes, Bud Noon, Dick Cromliiih. Wittiest; Graven, Hudginis, Stephens, Clay ton and Bivins. Fuller, Dj'novan, and Hill. Biggest Flirt: Lightbourne, Beam, Conyes and Craven. Fritts, Chaia. Parker, Cheshire, and Gau'sey. Most Original: G'wan Tillmanns and' Maxine Hud gins. Ben Hurts, T. Williamu, Lloyd Whitley and Firank Dono van. Noisiest: Helen Scales, Lillian Brown and Mildred Graven. Ike Fesmiire and (Continued on page 4)

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