Complete Community and Campus Coverage Maroon And Gold Published By and For Students of Elon College Patronize Maroon and Gold Advertisers VOLUME XII ELON COLLEGE, N. C., SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1938 Z 530 No. 15 Mill Village Play To Be Presented Scare’ Production Is Last Of Original Dramas S'&t in a typi'cal American tex tile vill'age and depicting the tra gedy of existing social and reli gious conditions among the mill people, Isaiah Sears’ iplay, “Mill Village”, promises to be an out- Btanding production. This is the last play of the series written by students in the College course in Dramatic Lit erature anid' produced by members «f the Elon College Players. The all-star cast is headed by Mar garet Eiarp and Tom Perry play ing the roles of Edith Phillips and her fatiher, Obadiah Phillips. “Mill Village” is a one-act play in three scenes and is. the longest play in the series. It differs from the other plays in that it deals nio.t lonly with indivi duals but also with the social ■jroblems of a group. The first production of la mob scene is in cluded in this play. Sears’ play will be .presented in the Little Chapel Theatre next Wednesday night. May 11, at 8 o’clock. Admisi':n lAiill be the regular price, 10 cents. Open House Is Held By Science Department As Crowds Attend A orowd of over 300 people ihad a well-spent evening last Wednesday at the idepartment of natural sciences’ open house, held O'n the first and second floors of the Duke science building. Ex hibits were contributed by the physics, biology, and geology' de- parem'ents. Some of the features of the program were the X-ray, televi sion, miagic', aind 'camera display C'f the physics department. The biology and geology departments ■bad exhibits of chick embryo, hu man anatomy, rocks, soils, and minerals. Music was supplied through wut the evening through the public .address system constructed by the ■physics department. Refresh- m'ents of tea and cookies were served and were enjoyed by all. Juniors To Fete Seniors At Banquet A1 Mastro Awarded Conference Trophy A1 Mastro, wiho- was voted the "outstan/tl'inii blocker in the North State inference last fall, was presented with la beautifully mounted bronze statue of a foot ball player at Chapel last Wed nesday, in recognition of his fine work on the grtdiron. The award, which stands well over a foot high, is a (presentation of the Nortih State Conference, and one which anyone would be proud to have. A1 is generally considered the greatest lineman in the history of Elon football, and has been an outstanding performer with Christian elevens for the past fouir years. He made the all-Con- ference team for three consecutive years, and iwill be sorely missed by futiure Elon teams. This Bristol, Connecticut, Yan kee ihas not only proved his abili ty 'on the gridiron, but is also an accomplished musician, artist, and actor. His personality has made him an outstanding member on the campus throughout the year. A1 is undecided yet, but may take a crack at pro football or coach ing. All those who know him are certain he will do w£ll in what ever field' he chooses. Harris Accepted By Va. Medical College The Junior class will entertain the Senior class May 12 at a ban quet in West Dormitory. The ban quet will be followed by a party in the Y. W. All juniors are re quested to (promptly pay twenty- five cents to Bill Jones, Sidney Taylor, Ruth Page Clark, Jordan Sloan, or George Websiter. The following committees have been appointed'; declaration, Ruth Page Clark; music, Charlie Ham rick; program, Gwen Tillmanns and Galloway Walker. Sympathy Expressed To Dr. and Mrs. Bowden In Their Bereavement Word was ‘received here April 29 from Nampa, Idaho, of the death of Harry W. M'cHose, fa ther of Mrs. D. J. Bowden. Mr. McHose had been suffering some time from arterio-siclerosis. Mrs. Bowden and small son, DO'Uglas left immediately upon receiving iword several weeks ago of 'his illness. The funeral was held last Mon day in Nampa. Mr. McHose is survived by his wife, two children, Mrs. Bowden and Mr. William Mc- H'.,3e of New York, and one grand child, Douglas McHose Bowden. The entire campus wishes to express its deepest sympathy to Dr. and Mrs. Bowden and their family. ELON’S POSSIBLE CHAMPIONS i student Federation Elects Fonville At Raleigh Convention Phipsicli Appears Next Week Pictured above is the Elon Tennis Team, whidh is winding up an extraordinarily successful season. Church Convention Merges Boards With Center At Elon The Southern Convention of the Ooingregatioinal-Christian Church es was in session at Portsmouth, Virginia, from April 26-29. On the first evening of the Conven tion, Dr. Smith gave a keynote address in which he emphasized the fact that “the letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive”. Other delegates from Elon in cluded LeGrand M'oody, Emmanuel Hed'gebeth, and Dr. D. J. Bow den. A very important event took place at this Convention, the merging of the B'Oiard of Educa tion, 'created to foster higher edu- fcation in the Convention, with Elon College as its center, and the Board of Ghristiian Education, chartered to conduct a program of religious education in the local churches of the Convention. Th« new Board is to be known as the Board of Christian Educatlom, and is charged with the respoDSii- bilities formerly held by the two boards. The puirpose of this de partment iwill be to conduct a unified proigram 'of education be ginning with the grades in the Sunday School. The Rev. F. C. Lester was elelcted as promotion al secretary for the Conventiom, which also includes the work of the Board of Christian Edui^ation. Tennis Team Gains More Prestige As Season Nears Close Elon’s tennis team went north this week for a four-game sche dule. George Washington, Wash ington and Lee, G«oirgetown, an>d probably Lynchburg are bo be played. When the Maroon and Gold went to ipress only Washing ton and Lee had been met, this game being lost. Last week the team met David son, Catawba, Atlantic Christian, and High Point. Only Davidson, the non-conferen|ce foe, won over the Christians. 'At the present the conference ^championship is virtually s-ewed up. Too much praise cannot be given to the ten nis team. They have for the past three years under the capable leadership of “Rusty” Jones, marched through eveiy season without a conference defeat. Last Vear one sgiorts writer de3;ribed the team as the strongest little outfit in the country. They un doubtedly had the toughest sche dule of any little school in the nation, and some of the best teams in the east were beaten. More dnterest 'has been isihown this season than in other years. This alone proves that tennis is definitely on the upward move on this camipus. Since this is the last year for s;me of the boys on the team, the student body could not show its appreciation more than by attending the matches with more regularity, and in even greater numbers. On Thur-day, Friday and Sat urday of last week, Gwen Till manns, Walter Fonville, and Floyd West attended the Conven tion of the Norbh Carolina Fedena- tion of Students, held at the Carolina Hotel, Raleigh, North Carolina. Representatives from several North Carolina colleges, including Wake Forest and Mere dith, the hosts, the University of N'orth Carolina, Duke University, Guilford, E. C. T. C., W. C. T. C., Greensboro College, Woman’s Col lege, and Sa'int Majry’s were pres ent. The theme of this, the ninth an nual Student Government Conven tion, was “Student Honor”, and the Honor System was thoroughly disoussed and analyzed in the dis cussion groups held each day. On Thursiday, at luncheon, the group was welcomed by Bill Stainback of Wake Forest, and Mirvine Gar ret of Meredith, and Dr. Charles E. Brewer of Meredith College extended his greetings. Aiter the afternoon discussion period, the representatives, numbering ap proximately fifty, were taken on a tour of the city. The group esipeeially enjoyed swarming over the dome of the oapitol, and seeing the meeting rooms of the state .representatives. On Friday, the outstanding event was an address by Governor Clyde R. Hoey. On Saturday, the Resolutions Committee presented to the Convention a series of treoommendations, encouraging full participation in the Honor System. The officers of the Federation for next year are, President, Bill Stainback, Wake Forest; Vice- President, Walter Fonville, Elon; Secretary, Helen Mo'ntgomery, Saint Mary’s; land Treasurer, Mary Ruth Bruten, Greensboro College. The invitatioai of the University of North Carolina to hold the 1939 Convention in Chapel Hill was ac cepted by the delegates of this year. The Maroon and Gold congra tulates. Walter Fonville upon his election as Vice-President of the Federation and wishes every member of the Executive Commit tee success for the coming year. Donovan And Hubbard Plan Future Staff May Day Celebration Is Colorful Affair Lofton Harris has just received word that he has been accepted as a student in the Medical College of Virginia at Richmond f'o^r next yeair. Lofton, a senior here this year, is the aom of Mr. and Mrs. B. . Hairris of Siler City, N. C. He has averaged above 90 through out 'his four years here at Eion.; last the Queen of May. The annual May Day celebra tion was held last Saturday in front of the 'Alamance building. Although many thought that the weather would be such that a celebration could n:t be held, there was a very nice representa tion of stu'dents and many vi^i- •feors. At the beginning :f the Program the College Band ;play- fed a triumph march while the processional 'of the May cduirt was underway. The order of the Procesisional was as follows: the Fhwer Girls, The Maid of Honor, The Crown bearers, The Spirit of May, The King of May, The May Court and After North Dormitory and I. T. K. Fraternity Teams Playing In World Series For The Elon Campus Softball Championship He is a member of the Alpha Pi; the Processional the May Pole Delta fraternity, Dr. Johnson Lit erary society, and was Vice- President of the j'unior class last f«ar, and Treasurer of the senior class this year. Evanston, 111. (ACP)—“Too many college pi'ofessiors are epi taph poilishers dusting off the tombstones of big names in his tory.” Dr. George W. Crane, North- ■westeirn University phychologist. King of May had been crowned. dance was the centeir of atbrao- tion. T.;mmy Gaylord w^as fea tured as the clown of the day. The country people then present ed their dan.e. The College choir sang t.vo selections. The Spirit of May appeared on the scene arud her “Frolic of the D'a/’ received applause fr:m the spectators. The courtly Minuet then followed with graceful bowing after the The world series softball games began the last of this week to decide the campus championship. I'he I. T. K. fraternity and North 'dormit.;iny teams are 0cmpeting m the series wriich consist of a five gaimeis. Percentage basis will be used, of course, to decide the winners. Last Tuesday the I. T. K’s emerged the victors, 9 to 2. The I. T. K.’s have won all of their games in their fraternity league and the Noirth dormitory team has won all but one of the games in th'e doimitory league. They lost one game to East dormi tory. As in regulati'O'n baseball there has been a certain amount of sprained fingers, arms, and ank les, as w'ell as skinned hips. Two of the North dormitory squad are out with injuries sui-.tained in the games. The title which will go to the winning team will be that of cam pus softball champions and a bronze plaque will ibe awairded the winning team. Managers Arnie Anchelewitz of the North dormitory team and Llcyd Whitley of the I. T. K. tetam have both done some mighty hard work to put their teams at the head of their respetjtive leagues, and the series games already start ed are showing the fruits of their labors. These games are more interesting than many regulation baseball games. Starting lineups are as follows: North I. T. K. Paul, 1 b Lilien, 3 b Capillary, 2 b Oaruao, s f The 1938 Phipsiclis are due to arrive about the 10th of May. No tice will be posted on the bulletin boards as to the date and hours they will be delivered to the stu dents. Please avoid unnecessary embarrasisment by seeing that your account is settled both with the college and with the Phipsicli office. There are still a number of pictures on 'hand ordered' by students. Please take these out at your earliest convenience. There are also 'a few more interesting proofs left on hand which are be ing sold at cost. About the same time as the 1938 Phipsicli comes off the press, the staff for the 1939 annual will swing into action. Frank Dono van and Louie Hubbard, rising seniors, will be editor-in-chief, and business manager of next year’s book, and they will be very ably assisted by three rising Junior clasis editors: Bruce Flory, Duane Vore, and Jaick Neese. Flory is the most experienced of the three, having worked on this year’s annual. There are still many openings for stenographers and photograph ers, and 'it is hoped that all who are interested in working on next year’s Phipsicli will attend the next meeting, whicih will be an nounced, and join the staff. Mem bers of the 1938 annual staff are especially invited. Elon Editors Attend Press Convention College Acquires New Printing Machinery The Elon Press has a new ad dition in the form of printing ma chinery. An up to date 10 by 15 inch Chandler and Price job press was installed last Tuesday. This press was bought from a newspaper in Oonciord, N. C., and is to do all the college printing up to 10 in. by 15 inches. The jobber will s.olve the problem of programs, letter heads, enveloipes, blank f:rms, and all such work that has heretofore been printed off the campus, or at a disadvan tage on the press now owned by the Oorllege. The North Carolina Collegiate Press Assiociation has been in its annual spring convention during Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. May 5-7, in Char lotte. Tom Perry, 'representing the Mai'oon and Gold, and Frank Donovan, representing the Phips'i- cli, are at the convention as dele gates from Elon. Several praminent writers and newspaper men hgid been schedul ed to deliver addresses. D. Hiden Hamsiay, editor of the Asheville Oitizen-Times, was chief speaker at the annual banquet. Other speakers scheduled were: J'ack Wade, sports editor of the Char lotte Observer; Cameron Shipp, of the Charlotte News; Raymond Thompson, of the Lassiter Press; Harrie Keck, of the Charlotte (Jo.jerv'er printing house, and many others. College Is Host To County Music Festival The printing room The College was host to over jl500 sichio'ol children from schools in Alamance County on Friday afterTioon, April 29th. The chil dren participated in the second annual Music Festival to be held in this cou'nty. M. E. Yount, su perintendent of eciunty schools, was master of ceremonies. The festival was divided into four parts, the primary grades, the granmyar grades, the high activities I scho'ol choruses, and the instru- vvere started m'cire or U'ss as an I mental group. Each part showed Art Lea, ij f Powlkes, c Causey, p Senter, r f Bre.nnioin, 3 b Caruso, 1 f James, s s Lichfield, c f Walker, c f Bradley, s s McBrayer, 1 b F'inley Lee 2 b Bill Jones r f Kazlow, 1 f Whitley p Taylor c Subs.titutes:, North: Howard, Blanks, Latta, Manchester and Hill. I. T. K.; Cheghire, Day, Oromlish and Hiaffines. experiment last year. Since that time they have proved very suc cessful in that the Maroon and Grold has been published with m'ore regularity and ease, as well as the Elon Oollonades. The fact that the printing work has done U^ell has made_ the College feel safe in buying other equipment. It is hoped that in the future more machinery wjll be acquired as the demand grows. A good thing has been started, and there is ni. reason why it should not eontinut successfully. The soiccess i'; deemed to be ed'uoational as well as financial. a decided improvement over last year, and proved that .public school musiic is on its way up in Alamance County. Tacoma, Wa-!.h. (ACP)—One of the most unique colleges in the U. S.—an institution 'that has never had an endowment—will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its found ing this year. The College of Puget Sound .has never had outside sup port, and hats passed through the last eight years with its income always exceeding its expenditures. It has 600 students, four bu'ild- inga, and a 40-acre campus.