PAGE SIX Maroon and Gold SATUEDAY, OCTOBER 29, 13S8 LIST’NIN’ By LOUIE HUBBARD Radio has now been blessed by one of the greatest treats. What gives is that Jimmie Lunceford is now to be aired from the Kit Kat Club up New York way. I hear that he will have three wires a week but at the time of this writing I do not know the definite time and nights. Taking everything into consid eration, I can easily say that this is THE orchestra for me. Every one that disagrees with me about the merits of this band can get that well-known itebogus. Lunceford has always had a great band but right now it is even better than ever. This aggrega tion features swing of a medium off-beat tempo which gets down inside and pushes. On ensemble work all the sec tions cut a deep groove which must chill the musicians them selves as much as the listeners. Each section is a unit of perfec tion in itself, and as for solo work, every man in the band except one is featured on his respective in strument, and that one, Dan Grissom is the principal vocalist. In the sax section there is Wil lie “The Lion” Smith on lead alto, Joe Thomas on tenor, Ted Buck ner on third. Earl Corruthers on fourth, and Dan Grissom on fifth. The brass ar»- capably lead by Paul Webster, Eddie Tompkins, and Sy Oliver on trumpets and James Young, Russell Boles, and Elmer Crumbly on trombones. Jimmy Crawford presides at the drums and he is assisted by Henry Wilcox, piano; Albert Norris, gui tar; and Mose Allen, bass, is dishing a mess of solid rhythm. With Grissom, the vocal honors are shared by Oliver, Tompkins, Smith, Thomas, and Young. Jimmie Lunceford recordings are almost too many to mention, but the outstanding ones of re cent issue are: “Margie", “Down By The Old Mill Stream,” “River St. Marie”, and “Love Nest”. There are not enough superla tives to describe the smoothness, finesse, and swing with which this band plays, so the best thing for you to do it to keep up a con stant vigil hoping you’ll be able to pick them up on the air waves. i ■i FROM ClIRRIN & HAY "Mali" Currin, "Pat" Hay. Carl Pointer W. Davis Street BURLINGTON. N. C. Elon Players Attend Carolina Playma,kers Production Series One of the projects of the Dra matic Club this year is to have as many members as possible at tend the Carolina Playmakers’ productions at Chapel Hill. About twenty of the Elon Players have i bought tickets already, and at- I tended the presentation of “Room Service” last week. It is not too late to buy tickets ! for the series. Those interested should see Mary Lewis Walker, i Treasurer of the Dramatic Club, , Because of the large number at tending, Elon has obtained a spe- ■ cial rate of $1.50 per ticket for the total of six plays. These tick- I ets are good for all six plays. Edwards Heard In Second of Faculty Recitails Punch Served in Faculty Par lor After the Performance. Dorothy Edwards And Frances Lee Sponsors Of Appalachian Game STUDENTS AND FACULTY Now is the time to get your anti-freeze Prestone, Zerone, or Blu-FIo. HaDees Heaters HAVE YOUR CAR SERVICED NOW FOR WINTER DRIVING. COLLEGE STATION 0. A. HUGHES, '36 MANAGER Fredrics Sun-Lite “Vitamin D Vaporizer” For Hair Health and Hair Growth. The second in a series of facul ty recitals was presented by Mr. , Thomas Edwards, head of the; I Voice department, on Wednes-| day evening, October 18. Accom-i ! panied by Mr. Robert Morgan, Mr. | Edwards presented a varied pro-i gram, including a group of seven-j teenth century songs by Purcell, | four compositions by Franz Shu- bert, and a series of early French songs. The famous aria “La Cha- son de Fleur” from George Bizet's j opera "Carmen,” and a fourth | group of songs concluded the pro gram. After the recital, Mr. Edwards was guest of honor at a reception Two good examples of Elon’s feminine pulchritude were in evi dence last Friday night in the Memorial Stadium at Greensboro. Miss Frances Lee, of Virgilinia. Virginia, and Miss Dorothy Ed wards, of Portsmouth, Virginia, were sponsors for the Elon-Appa- lachian game. Elected by the girls, the sponsors were escorted by James Gillespie of Haw River and L. W. McFarland of Greens boro. Through the courtesy of Trollin- gers’ florists, in Burlington, our sponsors carried huge bouquets of golden chrysanthemums, tied with maroon and gold ribbon. Sponsors will be elected at an early date for our other home games. Pan-Hellenic Council Meets Next Tuesday " A meeting of the Pan-Hellenic Council will be held in Dean Mes- sick’s classroom next Tuesday morning at ten o’clock. The Pan-Hellenic Council is composed of representatives from each fraternity and sorority on the campus. The function of the group is to promote greater fel lowship among the social clubs, and to solve problems common to all. This year’s Council is composed of the following members: Beta Omicron Beta, Nancy Hoylman; Delta Upsilon Kappa, Melvin James; Tau Zeta Phi, Helen Dail ey; Kappa Psi Nu, George Web ster; Iota Tau Kappa, Lloyd Whit ley; Alpha Pi Delta, Jordan Sloan; and Sigma Phi Beta, John Henry Pierce. IF YOUR HAIR IS DEAD OR DRY LOOKTNG, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU LET US GIVE YOU OUR SUN-LITE "VITAMIN £)’' VAPORIZER TREATMENT. We also give the Fredrics Vitron Permanent Waves GIVE YOUR HAIR THE VITAMIN THAT IT NEEDS AND DON'T MISS GETTING ONE OF OUR PERMANENTS. ^^^Part of the rhythm of action PRICES: $2.50 to $10.00 SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE . . 50c. PHONE No. 1760 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BURLINGTON, N. C. the pause that refreshes It’s the refreshing thing to do COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Burlington, N. C. M-64-4 Paul whiteman Every Wednesday Evening George Gracib Burns Allen Every Friday Evening All C. B. S. Stations Eddie Dooley ^ Football Highlights Every Thursday and Saturday 52 Leading N. B, C. Stations CopTTitbt 1938. Liggett ft Mybu Tobacco Co. Youll find smokers everywhere keeping Chester fields with them all day long. They add to your pleasure when you’re on the job and when you take a night off. It takes good things to make a good product. That's why we use the best ingredients a cigarette can have — mild ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper—to make Chest erfield the cigarette that smokers say is milder and better-tasting. ..with MORE PLEASURE for millions i -i \ B I