PAGE two Maroon and Gold SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1939 MAROON AND GOLD Edited and printed at Elon College by students of Joumaliism. Published Semi-monthly during the college year. Fdilor Co*£ditor editorial staff Steve Allison ; Assislanl Wesley HoHand June Lealb Cormap Malloy ... Lloyd Whitley .... Andrew Fuller ... June Murphy Marjorie Hunter ........ AssisJanl Assis*anl SocieJy Editor Assistant Assistant y.velyn Ltliey t- Louie Hubbard Bob Truitt Allen Askew Exchange Editor NEWS EDITORS Florine Ray Ivichard Bivers' Icoy Mansfield Camille Kivette Jack Harris L'eroy Fonville Charlie Pittman Allen Iseley Glenn Ford Howard Powell Jean Keane Gene Malbon BUSINESS STAFF Jack Basnight Beverley Congleton Circulation Manager PRODUCTION STAFF Manager Asfistanl ’ Faculty Advisor Janies Herritage Koy Mansfield Dr. Fletcher Collins . MPMMINTBO I t SATIONAL A6VKMTI«IN« «T National Advertising Service, Inc. CulUtt Publisbtrs Representath>e 420 Madi«ON Avk. New YOAK. N. Y. CKtCMO * totroN ■ Entered as second class matter November 10, 1936 at the post office at Elon CoUege, N. C-, under act of March 3, 1879. CONGRATULATIONS, RAT WE MOURN THE LOSS OF A GREAT ONE We could just simply say that Dr. Wicker was a great personality, but that would be doing him a great injustice. Dr. Wicker w’as loved, admired, and re spected. Besides being a great teacher he^was £ i-reat church man. His name appeared in “Who s Who” in America. Most authorities recognized him as one of the foremost educators in the coun try. He will always live in the memories of the Elon people. DAY STUDENTS’ DOINGS We welcome all the new day students and hope they’ll like Elon as well as the rest of us. Saw Frances Davis, Edna Bell, and Ann Sneed in Burlington the other day . . . Guess Messrs. Day, Basnight, Piberg, Sigmon, et al are rather lone some . . . They’re not the only lonesome ones either’. .. We are glad to have so many Walkers represented in the Day Student group this year . J. B., Jr., Agnes Ruth, and Margaret. Wish kat Evans could be back with us this year . . . Freddy Tysor shares our sentiment too .. . Becky Lightbourne was visiting at school the other day, wonder if she saw a certain basketeer? By the way, Margaret, can we add your name to the lonesome list too? ... We understand you spent your vacation in a quiet and restful mountain cottage not far from Canton . . . Some of the old gang w’e’ll miss this year; Betty Haw kins, Edna Kivette, Marion Goodes, Eloise Ire- i land, Anderena Brown, Celeste Bryan and Vir- Look Out! We’ve Roaches on WE, THE NEW STAFF With this first issue of Maroon and Gold, a new editorial staff endeavors to come forth with a readable, interesting, and, perhaps, a good looking paper. Last year many valuable members were lo=t by graduation and otherv,?ise, but we still hope to come out regularly with somethmg worthwhile. The paper in past years has prown its work under the capable leadership of Dr. Fletcher Collins, whose untiring efforts have caused remarkable growth. As a staff, we desire the Maroon and Gold to be something that you will look forward to reading every other Saturday morning. Each ot us will put forth his best efforts to make Maroon and Gold one of the best features of the campus life. We hope you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy publishing it. So you’re a Freshman, iCongratulations Rat. The world isn’t yours now, but you are in a position to have it and all of the trimmings in four years. And so we congratulate you, not tor what you are, but because of the many opportuni ties and privileges that you will have during your sojourn on this campus. _ If it were possible we would give you Walker balance scale: an instrument to help you main-^i^^g campus . .. Julia, we’r^lad to have both you tain a steady pace in the middle of the road. As' your sister ^ the years come and go you will have problems as i ^nn, we think you’re real cute and Elon well as pleasures that wll lift you, and pleasures | always welcomes members of the Newman clan, as well as problems that will send you into de-; Congratulations to Royall Spence, Jr., President pressive holes. You will alternate between ex-; Burlington’s De Molay Club . . . Elon has Miss tremely radical and extremely conservative opin- ! Carolina, our own Joyce Black, among its ions. You will be successively energetic and lazy.! student body. You will be financially flush and broke. Yop will i The food this year is better than usual— could our dietician have had a change of heart? bawthe Mae Edwards’ theme song just now is “There’s Something About an Old Love” .. . how do you like that, Link? Moses Crutchfield has ■ more than one reason to spend so much time in G’boro. Wonder if Scott and Taylor were sent down by the governor of Michigan to reform the Christians ... . . , , We don’t know so much about laith, but we can tell you plenty about hope and love . . . There was method in the Soph’s madness, for even freshmen beauty is impaired by cold cream and hair pins. If Betsy Russell is a fair example of the gals in Beaufort-by-the-Sea, no wonder Longest went home so much last year ... and Mr. Malbon again puts on his sophisticated act for the new gals. When it comes to proposing, J. Darden has a technique worth copying. Mary Loy was well escorted at the Faculty Reception, where “Mid night” tried to monopolize the punch. Better take Mrs. Johnson’s advice about the love-seat, Margaret. What we really want to know is what happened to Looney’s flashlight. . . Who doesn’t believe in the “three cycle” after the French, Dickinson and Edwards acquisitions? Celestial, hasn’t some one told you what we do to gals who always talk about Duke, or do you hanker for ijough treatment? ... the Carlton House boys -jmTMici hnrvjrvv V»nf