Patronize Maroon and Gold Adverlisers Maroon Complete Community and Campus Coverage Published By and For Students of Elon Colleoe VOLUME XV ^ SoL ELON COLLEGE, W. C. SATURDAY. jANUARY^sTTail NUMBER NINE Maroon and Gold iieporter Covers Recent Inauguration By Bill Hilliard Editor’s Note: Bill Hilliard, who along with a few other Elon-! Hes attended the Inaugural ..ere-1 monies in Washington last Mon-i iay, immediately sent to che iwa-i roon and Gold, by way of air maii-special delivery, an eye wit ness account of his observations, xiiey follow below; Washington, D. C., Jan. 20, — ■At noon today, Franklin Delano Kooseveit repeated an oath of 35 words, which have been repeated! Jn Washington every four years! Since 1801, but never before had! man for the^thfrd I And^^th^^° t’ t’ the latter part of November The After this brief but impressive' new un,formf f complete outfit consists of gold •ceremony, the president delive,--'members of the th'^ty-five trousers, Maroon coats with Sam ■ed the shortest inaugural speech ^rin/unTt Th belts, and maroon and •^ver presented. It was twelve See "n thf ..if" minutes in length. This came im- ivr uiforms was and the material whipcord. The mediately after he had been Wh^ker^rwLr!f h°'"' is sworn in by Chief Justice Hughes thf 7 trimming, as the two men stood in a sSe InH A . °« to the Elon band freshly-painted pavalion b^low the capital dome. His words ELON ENTERS TWO ORIGINAL PLAYS IN THE CAROLINA DRAA'IATIC ASSOCIATION CONTEST Many Former Students Register For Second Semester Work new -- traveled through' - huge clusters of loudspeakers, to Frats and Sororities ine cold but thrilled spectators, u" Juassed under flags and bunting BegUn Rushmg on Pennsylvania and Constitu*^ PrOSpective Members tion Avenues, along the historic a pretty pictur3 rp. marching down a football field The uniforms were ordered in next fall. Dramatic Heads Meet Welcome back old and students to the campus! It was impossible to get an accurate list of all the new stu dents wh^ are entering Elon, however, we have as many as cculd be obtained. We are glad to have back with us Jane Lee Keane, John Folkea, Harry Baucknecht Harry Bald win and Claude Comer. These students were members of our campus last year but didn’t re turn the beginning of this school year. John Folkes, a Senior, is from Yanceyville and is champion Hog Caller and Horseshoe throwei- of Caswell county. ^Ts, Eleanor R. Henry I Mrs. Eleanor R. Henry Claude Comer, a sophomore jNeW Violin Profe«J«nr from ReidsviHe, has decided to! f^roiessor route which the president took^ They are at it again! We re- intercollegiate dramatic league from the white house to the Capi- fer to the fraternities and sorori- ^ meeting of Senior College u ties. Everywhere you eo on the Saturday in Greens- By rail, air, car, bus and by ^ ® boro at which Dr. Fletcher Collin! liitch-hiking, (that’s me) the see fraternity boys of Elon presided, definite stecs crowds poured into this great sorority girls gathered in were taken to exchange produc- Jietropohs, until an estimated one small huddles discussing the ‘io'is of full length plays on the cool, and I do mean cool, million prospective members for bid night ^^^^Puses of member colleges, people had crowded all available^hich comes up February 8. Of exchange plays this ipace. j . season with Greensboro One of the most exciting events a usual custom to Women’s College of the Unlver^ after the inauguration was the except the Freshmen and not sity of North Carolina, and prob- parade. If you can imagine, rep- altogether new to them ably with Catawba. ’The Elon \ _a TliT 1 iioo. uccrucu LO And Make Future Plans education at Eion | or. l. e. smith PreciHenf , .u • a two year sojourn in the EInn T ! ^^resident of these plays, the judges vote upon wilds of Rockingham Countv ^ announc- them to decide which is the final North Carolina is to have have placed f:rst FOR TWO SEASONS Elon has submitted two original plays to the Carolina Dramatic Association Contest held yearly in Chapel Hill. The contest is among the senior colleges of North Carolina. Each school is allowed to have two entries which are carefully read and checked by impartial judges who are members of the faculty at the University of North Carolina or are graduate students of Drama tic Art. Of all the plays submit ted, the judges pick the two best. The colleges which entered these winning plays are then invited to present their productions in the Playmaker’s Theater at Chapel Hill at the time of the annual Dramatic Festival. I Following the production of of these plays, the judges vote upon wilds of Rockingham Countv '' ^ «st week announc- them to decide which is the final The li’f nf V engagement of Eleanor R. winner. Elon has been fortunate now El™" rid"' »' in Shin* Lucmr S o, Bon more, Jim Day. Joe Hughes, Ce- Henry begins hei “Mill ViOage” by LiSl Selr^ ‘eachmg here the second semes- This was a powerful and oom- Siuat Hunbert. ter. peUjng drama of life in a cotton Margaret Sharpe, who hails She is a graduate of the New town. Last year we won from Burlington, was a prospec- England Conserv^/jry of Viu'? place with one of the ^reat- tive Elon student last fall but in Boston and has fh^ dramatic his- an un'fc.mely accident prevented of Mnsir t chelor tory, “Old Ninety-Seven” written her from immediately pursuing ^ gree from The Ameri- by a Sophomore English Class, her academic goal. Conservatory in Chicago. This was really the biography of Mrs. Henrv i.. ;i , _ . , . resentatives from all brancher^f they"have witnesse’d one'bid^nTghl f'f^erTare toZke thS^“ofheT- ^xtra! Extra! Gibson- Ston^^S e“ o'^ruenbe^ wreck uL of ^ to the it is the same old story of each Greensboro CoUege. and point to her anH Pi..,.. Gruenberg wreck, tune of our national anthem while Heart s In the Hichlands” approximately 300 planes droned sorority trying lo to Woman’s College. In retun overhead, then you have some '^orivince the prospecuve :ueiiibv.*.5 G. C. will bring “The Royal i’ami- idea of the beauty and magni- that theirs is ihe ocs.. iy” and W. C. “Wild Birds” to tude of this spectacle. It was witness this procedure unui bia Campus. Final dates reaUy breath taking. for these productions will be set •11 —U.UOUII- Ijost He adds another point to her and Richard Rnr,i„ ■loal to be the leading contender master and associate "^ere for the honor of hav'ng the most the Boston Symnhonv Orrh received by full houses at lay students attending Elon. and in Chicaeo wuh Chapel Hill, and both won easily The new student from the “City and MischrMischako^ffthe’competition was very 'f Ro8©5” is Lucille Sizemore, a Mrs. Henry is from Greenshom u - ^ " eensDOio. come better and the spirit of com- petite southern lass. (Gang it’s really cold as the *?+■ t j . within a week or ten davs I Bv a strantre twiaf nf "**' devil h^^lm as stiff as a plank.) monkey wrenchL^n m^v^ prevented Elen’s second semeister an-i SEVERAL COURSF^^ Dr. Johnson Shoves off; New Program Begins S “.w .'t'"“t ^w_^co”S North Caroima. s"ho ri ‘he next few weelT' The ex The molding of a constructive the largest for some pectation is that by next year and feasible plan, that will help fraternities there will be arranged a series the Student Government serve ° °h h ® already begun of plays on each senior college more efficiently the needs of both having parties - - ■ college the students and Administration of Elon College, is the immense , , ~ ~ ' problem currently occupying the ^emian Club McetS table at Doctor Johnson’s Liter- And Eiects Offipprs ary Society. A committee com- ^^^CCIS UlllCerS prised of Bob Sellers, chairman; campus, produced by visiting col lege dramatic groups. the same day. So it i« for this reason that Dean Messick and Coach Hendrickson w'ill together f second semester welcome these new students who At that time petition runs higher. Plans for this year indicate that it will be the greatest dramatic year in the history of the contest. The title of the first play sub- Ihe second semester began last mitted this year is “Gas Station onday. At that time many new Interlude” which was presented courses were offered. Tliese in the Little Chapel Theater oarl- are also football players: Jim uxieiea. Uiese me i^iuie unapel I'heater oarl- Oay, an end from Waterbury, '^ere added to the curn- ier this year with great success Ponn., Joe Hughes, a back from order to better prepare by the Dramatic Literature Class. student to meet the .s.u,^,- , .... — >^icrpeli the student to meet the siiua !to operate as a“ branch IcTivitV^Va Spiver“^^^ ^aTleft ^L^'VotectSr iXent V jof the Carolina Dramatic Associa-^rom Po^tsmourh V. ^ list of thesrcouises r . ^^^ight . tion of which Dr. Collins IS pres.- ‘ Souat” Hiinhert r would include; business Oreani m ^ Ro^nce Of The Ident. New Ber? ’ Practice; Office Man: Tom Smythe, and DwiVhT'fi^n: German Club has held its'*^^*- th“fenTyet^^^ut°^^‘^w"mystery of gushin^W/^^ j j . - presei TtXln'and'clT^T Marcella boSlon Tafmade a su^^ef t determine the opinions of a cross- Jecretary^^and John^Hall section of the student body. Any treasur- suggeated program submitted by i, u the Society is to represent the T “ appomt- - ^ „ ed by the president to write the tirill y-i ..... “Why is that water gushing out of the hydrant around by the north gate?” We wondered about that too. Here*.s the story. The huge water tank located near Comer Field Constitution, to serve' ■ refresh-1T*". y ased on the attitudes rnents, and to plan programs °^>-'^oiete. It has stood majesti- expressed durmg these discus- the next meeting the club ' will overlooking Elon College * Annthor j choose a permanent name and a f”*" ™ r of years and . . . announced on suitable place to meet All stu- most of us it serves LitLa^rv"*SocietyGerman who missed the ’"ark or a sign cSn le!d “rf i-^vited to at- enterprizing freshmen r-mrntiS’’ F^ch"^^ nevertheless, how thw think tSrTp ^ n club is to a necessary “contraption”-you iielD thrUnuJ^^qt.tJ r student s knowledge call it that for lack of a Doctor JoLnson’^^^^^^ ^ Practical better word, or wind mill gone cieTv has sSZ off ^ P°««*ble in regular class ™=^“ern if you Hke. This tank semester of activities whicrwUl which have no !uPr;l:es pressure necessary for be Dacked with intprootJr.i ^ place in the usual procedure, such ^orcing water through the pipes they be “chewing the’rag” in the ^n be discussed freely .’>eop]e. . society hall, or chewing burnt '^formal atmosphere. In The prmc.ple for this is ?im- hotdogs at a campfire manner the student’s know- P!e. Water is pumped in»o the ' I ledge and interest in German ank. As we know water i.s con- r^rWjfJi^Tr-y * -K i®"Suage and literature will be :tantiy seeking the lowest level. V/tJiVlliNCj (jAMES increased. (Therefore, it follows that the I The club and the German gher the water the more fury ! classes working co-operatively t exerts in attempting to reach I have made it possible for Elon to s own level, and hence the more I have German movies for the first water pressure we have. Be- I time in history. These pictures s.'des “what gjes up must corns ' aid greatly the understanding of down”. I German customs and people. The tank is now getting a Since this c.ub is the first one of .'erio;al overhaul. Time, rust, at its kind we wish it great success •.eather, and froshmen have ne- ~ I rpjjg water has zation and Practice; Office Man J*rontier ui its sub-tiUe. agement; Retailing; Personality f c P^“^ ^he Mormons and Character Development- Bot f ^eir Ja^st any; Children’s Literature- ioodi ®‘°PP'"^ ’^ere and several others. driven west to their permanent home in Utah. The story con- been drained from it wh'le 1h pumps, meantime, supply pre"- k Democracy will no. »r. i„to the W.LA,.- r,he l"'/?" 3 L‘..iS ‘ to th. Peopl. _ bellev. U.a. Bu,rZ Jan. 25—Calawba Jan. 28—Guilford Jan. 29—Allantxc Christian Jan. 30—Atlantic Christian Feb. 1—Catawba Feb. 5—Hanes Hosiery Feb. 8—High Point Games in black type are home, and are called for 8:15 p. m. in the future. ^ , with the beginnings of Democracy on page 4) New rivets to replace the old in ancient Greece and Rome and a • and a paint jab on the inside will continues to the government that -^ZZie ThompSOn and comp ete .the work. Manholes at lives to-day, and makes compari- Jo6 Hall Graduated the top and underside of the sons along the entire way. It A f ^lauudicu tank enable workmen armed with should prove interesting and be ■^'1*0 01 oemeStCr spray guns to do this latter job. great value to everyone. The ^ Now, you ask, “What La the ®‘i™''istration is to be congratu- seniors left Elon this past function of the tank by the po- upon realizing and fulfillin ff"*ester, having completed all wer house?” It serves the col- ^^^e Student Body. lege proper. Both tanks have a capacity of 50,000 gallons. Wa- r LU AND MUMPS ter IS pumped at the rate of 60 gallons a minute into the college '^l^e flu epidemic at Elon ha tank from a well 300 feet deeip been keeping well up with the located near the home of Dr. national average, if not surpass Brannock ing it. Although statistics art _ ^ ^ Water for the town tank is 4 ’ T lias professional baseball this summer •jumped at the rate of 23 gallons off considerably and the Azzie says, “I have enjoyed at 1 minute from a nfarh- ■..—>> numoer of sick trav.s inHir>Qio i ^ .. vhich is 900 the requirements for graduation. They will return come June to receive their diplomas with the students finishing this semester. Azzie Thompson, who hails from Yanceyville, N. C., acceptcd a position with the Commeroal Credit Company in Greensboro, are He was also offered a job to play Baiiuiia , —•' says, i nave enioyea at- minute from a nearby well , trays indicate tending sdhool at Elon Colleeo 1..V, i» feet deep. Both bed-ridden. Ed Potter and I might add that I have also tKrr.iio-h a bed bmythe seem to havf- .u- j . wells penetrate through f blue granite rock. Lion has the best water he state according to the gov- the students and Tom Smythe seem to have enjoyed knowing been hit the hardest by this in- and faculty.” in ~ all over” Joe Hall, who came to us from jv- F infirmary attention Mt. Ulla, N. C., says he doesn’t srn'ment inspector from Raleigh been'^reooTted” 'vill hold who analyzes it at regular inter- ones are now at f however, until vals. Our water is neither fil- treatment THpv T something better turns up, drive ered nor chemically treated. Welpollard John Pon^,^ ^ “^’ve had Irink just good plain well water. Hunt and “Buckr’° SiH ® , uucky David. enjoyed it thoroughly.”

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