Patronize Maroon and Gold Adveilisers Maroon and Gold VOLUME XV Z 530 Published By and For Students of Elon College Complete Community and Campus Coverage COLLEC?E, N. C. SA'l rarAY/Frr.TT^r.Y Cn, 1341 mn % - ^ ■ ' _ NUMBER ELEVEN Nominotions For Student Offkes To Be Made Monday PLANS FOR COMING YEAR ARE desatin g teams DISCUSSED eV TRUSTEES BOARD ^^^^'^ APPLACHIAN MEET DWIGHT GENTRY The annual Mid-year meeting New Dramatic Plan Is of the Board' of Trustees of Elon TncfU„f« J l,,, 11 j r College was held Tuesday morn- ^ ^ Hcad of ing, February 11, at 10 A. M. in iJramatic Department Dr. Smith’s office. The meeting I was called to order by the Chair-; A new era will soon be begun man, Dr, W. H, Boone. | in the Dramatic activities of the I different Colleges in the State through the initiative of Dr BOARD APPROVES FARM ol UT The Board of Trustees approv-1 Fletcher Collins, Jr head of the ■ed the President’s plan for car-! Dramatics Department at Elon rying out the college farm, for-, College. The plan is for one ut-...aung nier y owned by Dr. AtkinsM and; school to take a play to another i were completed, the tally board donated to the college by a friend. of’Vir.r.i (A full account about this farm After several weeks in which to get their attack better polish ed, under the coaching of Dr. Merton French, the Elon debating team again entered intercollegi ate competition in the sixth Ap palachian Mountain Forensic! Tournament. After the thre? rounds of Direct-Clash debating is given in another article in this paper.) ALXJMNUS GIVES $5,003 school and produce and in return j showed only five unbeaten teams tnis school is to produce si nlav ... on the former’s sta^^e remaming out of the original JIIJIOR-SENIOR BANQUET DATE CHANGED TO FEB. 26 The date for the Junior-Senior, Banquet has been changed from | February 27 to Wednesday Even-1 ing, February 26, al 6:30 o’clock. The Juniors and Seniors are tc| pay a fee of twenty-five cents each. It is essential that all pay this fee as soon as possible for the banquet to be held on sche dule. Following the banquet a party will be held in the Society Hall, and music wiil be furnished by Primaries Will Be Held March 4 The annual process of election I of off ters for Elon’s student gov* ernment for the coming year be gins Monday morning when nomi nations for the numerous posts will be received at Student chap el by Edward Potter, president cf the student body. Primary elections will be lield LfSatt week®'oT t 4, as provided by less tnan a week off, the various committees who are to plan fori constitution of the student the banquet are urged to jneet,' government. Final election dale if they have not done so. will be Thursday, March 13, Th» !t>-j u ci constitution provides that this ^51(1 Nig-ht Sees Frats election shall come two weeks yf- And Sororities Take ter the primary. However, sinoe In B^ortv New Memhpr«J during the spring iTiemoerS holiday period there is an amend- Well bid-night is over until next year. By now most of the up to the initiation is over, and what a Thursday after the pri- Dleasure it must be to the new GENTRY’S PLAY WINS CAROLINA DRAMATIC AWARD The Elon playwrights have pledges of the different fraterni- Included among nominations on the former’s stage. , The initial beginning of thol entering. They activity is tentatively set on!'^®'"®’ ^wo teams of N. C. State Dr. Thomas A. Morgan ol New { Sppp ^ Greensboro, the two Elon College teams, and York City, an honorary alumnus!doq’ jramil Tv, The one team from Eastern Tennessee H„'i s .^1 cf fifty-one acres adjoining thei “n/r P™^uce| The students Elon college property on the north. | Highlands” in^ Aycock Audito"-^I tournament were Ihis IS to -oe put mlo cultivation,i ^ ^ University of Northl^ouis Adair, Miller Basnight, El and tiie produce is to go for our Carolina on' March 14 This ishi°“ Schmidt and Bob Sellers, tl.ning hai . | produced here at'besides Direct-Clash debatins;, IMPROVEMENTS DISCUSSED f in December. Following'also entered orthodox de aone it again. Word was receiv - Among the many things dis- Womans College Playhkers bate, m which Elliott Schmidt d s-' g(j Dwitrh among the various frater- class elective position on thf' . Tuesday, r’l “Wild Played outstandmg enthusiasm at UA^igh sororities was rather campus. Candidates for president on and ability. i noticeable to those not the student body, pres dent rf EFFECTIVE, FRIENDLY . ^ne Will of the Lo;d, affected by the onrush of the so- the student senate, president of has received the award for play- cial clubs. There were forty !j'ds the women’s council, vice presi- 1115 ir- ' - - - — ....... u- t _ , writing among the senior coilege.-; ?iven this time; eighteen to fra- dent, secretary and treasurer of dining J eart s In The Highlands j ^ ^ ® ‘ of the Carolina Dramatic Asso^ia ternities and twenty-two by sorn- the student body, vice president , , and produce it at Catawba Col-^^^« sensors, produced dramatic Assoua- secretary and tr;asurer of the nP’ aJ" the Catawba ® forensic „ much talk, long arguments and women’s council, president of the and other necessary articles for Blue Masque will bring a mod- “urnamen , instilling an especial- Gentrjs play wil be produc- persuasion of all kinds are senior, junior and sophomore tlie rooms. This would require act play here May 21. atmosphere. They ed by the Elon College Players follows: classes, day student president, between $2,500 and $3,000. We ‘he beginning of ^ tournament at the annual dramatic festival lo Qmicron Beta: Mar^ori. and various class officers as "well might be able to make this im- '^hat is expected to be a great banquet and be held at the famous Piaymaker Hunter, Judy Holloman Var representatives to the senate provement, but the necessity of 'contribution to Dramatics through Frances Stamey, Rac^rbroweli and council a new dining room is an entirely schools of the ent re FUTURE SCHEDULE ® P ' V, fo” Cora Worsley. different question. The new type ® e. ^ Steadily progressing as this pj o^uced by\ ^son.orTo!^ ^aPPa'. Charlie Pei ..... of dining room that should be cAMPUS SING BEING^T n season matures the team j J kins, John Sanders, Harold Gar PsiCli, the two student publics Jeolo'^’ “ ""V™ ^ ' Louis “So Pr^u^V We ‘’I, APPROVES PLA^T ' ' idairTnd U Senerfrave be^^^^^ S” ^-ntain Col- en ^ff^ed'H^unf ChSfe^ ParT'^ ,«1--ments APPROVES PLAN , Have you heard about the cam- invited to speak before the Gib- I ank R chard David Since the last meeting of the Pus-smg that’s being held every sonville Rotary Club next ,Tues- ^ Mountam p j,r rj- ^ Board, in May 1940, $12,500 has week at Elon? It takes place in day night on this intercollegiate Sroup is one of - ™ -A ^ the best in the state. was the need of a new dining .... •' hall and improvements in West ® March 28. Again. Dormitory. ‘ We need more than April 14, the Elon College ever,” stated Dr. Smith in his re- ®o on the road with TOURNAMENT port to the Board, “a new dining *“ iiisnianus i on** -- -- room. West Dorm should be Produce it at Catawba Col-’^® College, as sensors, produced iurnished with dressers, tables, return, the Catawba efficient, effective forensic and other necessary articles for Blue Masque will bring a mod- ournamen , instilling an especial Nominations for editor cf Ma roon and Gold and editor of Phi- winning play at the ‘'Festival" r. Jeanne Cannon Malloy, Marjorie Hunter, 2to/ Top honors were won by Isaiah Gilliam Nancy Fowlki; Mansfield, Bill Hilliard, Harvcv Sears’ “Mill Village” in 1939 .^nd ! ^^ry Louise Littl^ Vallie Jo’ n Huffstetler Isadore Kravitz, Earl by Dr Collin’s Sonhomorp'!’ “dm Fallin, Geraldine Kel Bell, Hub Jlaws, Preston Towns, y ' - , Lucille Blalock, Charlott. Boyd Clapp, and Bill O’Connor. Ninety-Seven ’ last year. P.ans are under way for pro duction of “The Will of the Lord” shortly before the Elon sprin vacation period. Tentative dates for this production are March 6 and 7 in the Little Chapel Thea ter. ley, Lucille Blalock, Charlott' Boyd Clapp, Housted, and Sara Lou Warren. ■ Si,r..a Phi E..a: James .>ril- pJp°ni .r of chett, Steve Castura, Tom Smvthe Stow, June Jim Ferris, and Amos Philips. Murphy and Tennala Abner. Delta Upsilon Kappa: Haze’! The elections will be conducte'l are necessary to hold these of fices, the nominations are auto matically restricted to a list of .he-Lr,;.e"chapeV "eCe"/'Sr” “b."."'rc‘p“ Tu“r°,;r"z *>“•» f./'f- rnent on the school debt. The day morning at ten o’clock. Pro- Western Hem’sphere ” A debate "^^e award to Gentry’s plav Gavle Pollard Mill Nance, cher Collins, chairman of the ia- .HCt.afd approved of Dr. Smith’s fessor Gardiner leads the group on this topic to be Viven before '"akes the third successive year ’ n Basnight. culty committee on publications^ for securing 1000 individuals, in singing familiar and well-likV"e studenrbSy ira:L be^^hat the Elon College Players oilfaM ’ r who would give $100 each for ed songs. contemplated ^ by a pr ze Tan Phi- n C-ormac t.^.e debt under the conditions that .contemplated. ’ winnin. .1=.,, Tau Zeta Phi. Jeanne Cannon Malloy, Marjorie Hunter, Roy all indebtedness against the col- f* • I i lege be paid No pledge is to be Ur, bmifh ReleasBs Aoout accepted until the full $100,000 ^ i i has been subscribed. Mr. Vitus —X ^ • •• ^ f Kolt, Dr. E, L. Moffitt, and Mr. Kecenr Lonscript:on Conference D. R. FonviJe were appointed as a committee to decide on plans Dr. Smith recently attended a ’•h® War Department of details for the prosecution of rnpetincr iv, Committee on Education, Recrea- th.e plan to secure subscribers to Washington concern- Community Service and tiie fund. W. B. Truitt of Greens- ' conscription among the Chairman of the President’s Ad- boro and Dr. Russell Clinchy of and the governments at- visory Committee on Selective Hartford, Conn. were added to * ® toward the part college Service, who spoke on Contribu- the committee as corresponding f^ulties are expect- tjon of Higher Education to Mili- iiiembers. ° P ay- Smith has gra- tary Defense; and Brigadier Gen- TOWN IMPROVEMENT ^ , P®™f®®ion to eral Lewis B. Hershey, Executive The Trustees voted to assist in poTon tWs mLt-ne ^The ^r^irie 0«icer, National Headquarters, improving the town of Elon Col- fs as follows Selective Service and College, particularly the water sup- “Thp iVatipn;.! Personnel. Francis J. Brow.n, ply and sewerage condition. A “ Executive Secretary, Subcommit- fcond was set up by the town of "h hv th" . sponsor- tee on Military Affairs, Consul- i,ion College which opened up tant, American Council on Edu^ l.iis matter before the Board. A a , ‘'ation, spoke on Organization and c iirmittee was acDointed to ascer Assoc ation. invited the Activities of Defense Cpurtcils. ' ta n thr roUe^r financial rl P/‘‘^>dents of all the colleges in Discussions Conducted the colleges tinancial re the nation together with one other “In the afternoon session the sponsiblllty m connection with ^ tjt v I dneinuun session lih. nrespntative to Washington on personnel of the conference, was Thursday, February 6, for a one divided into sections accotd^rig to day and evening conference con- the status of their respective cerning the relation of the colleges schools and the number , and the students enrolled therv dents enrolled. Eton McIntyre, Agnes Walker, Sail-, Vvcry, apd Helen Margaret Me.« uck. tnis improvement. Pratt and Moore To i'resent A Two-Piano ;ital Next Thursday in to the nation’s program of de came under Section IIL' Private fense. Five hundred educator? Colleges with Enrollmeni!-of 60’! ^ MU r Tj •» 1 forty-one different state.» or more, and was presli#^ ove 1 Rave Given a Number of Recitals and the District of Columbia by James L. McConaWgii^,'Pr^^: -' in aiate Recently. sponded to the invitation and dent of Wesleyan Un^vtirsity, r'; , Tj. i f I were present. Dr. Isaiah Bov,'- presiding office's of-’tl^se d'-ffer-,. T -pi * V, ^ man, President of John Hopki' ent sections reported, tfielr .f-nd J.L..J.C epai men , ^ e c er University, presided over th^' ings at the beginning'of the even- Tioore, member of the music fa- morning meeting. The principa' ing session. In the afternoon .-p.- c...ty, wi e ear m a wo- address was given by Mr. Pau sions general discussion was in- recital T^hursday evenmg, v. McNutt, Administrator, Feder- vited and encouraged. The t.— . cuuary 27, at 8:30 in Whitley Security Agency. Mr. McNut. vailing opinion was that in '.the ^ '.uitonum. Faculty, students spoke on Civilian Morale and Col- judgment of universif-- End public are cordially invited eges and Univer'^itips nth-i j r-™—**•*! aranea. iney an nave low order to attend. There will be no ad- ,D"akers in the r-oT-ninr s s^c- paffp/l l all students numbers and have received their questionaires. When asked how Charge, we'e FrJ.r’ck "o.bc™, under direction of the recently chosen electoral committee com posed of Potter, who is chairman. Dwight Gentry, Mary Clay tori Sidney Krukin, and John Ifanry Pearce. President Potter, in announc ing plans for the coming electi.'.n, urged that Elon students take ,nn active interest in choosing stu dent government officers and that all college citizens ftow their interest at the polls. Hj^rrere Symphony W:ll Perform Here Part of Elon s so called "yard -birds" are pictured above dis- cvizir.g the probability of being drafted. They all have low order f 1 V Ik BA * _1.i1* . “ m The Barrere Little Synipltnnij will be presented in Whitlt?y Au ditorium Monday, MhtcIi 3, at 8:30 o’clock. The doors w'ill be opened at 8 o’clock. Geoi^e ZBaV- rere, world famoms flu'ist. i* the conductor. There are four teen members of ' this orchestra. Often referred to as the finest little symphony in the Unil -3 States, th:s orthestra will ! i awaited eagerly by the .stude it body. Th's w'H be tho last of t!.-e regular concert scries for this , s- son. Students are admitted by pjvi- entation of pass books ai door.

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