PAGE TWO MAROON AMj GOLxJ iiiL 5, li. Maroon and Gold Kdited and Printed at Klon College by students Tublished bi-weckly during the college year. SNIP AND SNOOP LIBRARY NEWS of Journalism I “Invitation to Live”. Lloyd C. Douglas. New Prospect luxe was duly arrainged and the We have had invitations to teas, parties, dinners, homes and The “We Love Jeanne Cannon trial had begun when someone churches; but Lloyd C. Douglas has reached in nis bag of fictitious Club ' welcomed into its midst a was unable to maintain their facts and pulled out an “Invitation To Live in the form of a-booK. new member according to an an- laughter any longer. | invitation is given Miss Barbara rec en r. g^ a i.vo ' nouncement made recently by tae The Trulh So Help Us! lous young lady who has just inherited a million dollars, when she is : presiding officer of the moment The more we hear aW ‘'’^ited to go to church. From Dean Harcourts sermon ^ no.N BORN KDITOR A. D. Cobb. Membership in this Miami and that Florida trip thel ^ chalienp to hv^and she does. Sb ra AiARJORIE HUNTER CO-EDITOK ciub is large and by no means ex- more we wonder. Take Burns happiness It is the love s.ory of Barbc.ra elusive, therefore, all new comers for instance. He likes dog races NEWS EDITORS — Earl Bell Joe Blanks Gariand Causey Boyd ClapD Bill Claytor Morris Collier Mary Lee Dameron Dent Dennan Jack Foushee Estelle Freeland Roger Inman Harvey Huffstetler Breckenbridge but underneath a challenge to our generation to prac- Yock Malloy Snorts Edito- equal sUnding with mem- and happened to run into a man philosophy or ‘Pygmalion . i oroaf Sc-ymour Goldbl^ Lsstnt experience. The who gavVh.m some hot tips oni Moses Crutchfield requirements for this club the days races. Burns was ail extent, the time spent m readmg it will not be wasted because it so Crutchfield Assistant ^ appreciation of set to win-he was going to be. beautifully involves several lives that you can never forget it. blondes and a smooth line of gab. in the money. So he sped tO' *-he Mountains , ^ t i i, m t Thus new member, Mike Holten, Miami track and laid down his! There are men everywhere, but none quite like tho^ Hub Laws its up to you to miss or succeed dollars on the first race. When ‘“^ky as Jesse Stuart writes about them. His alert, sensitive mind Roberta Martin your way to the office of pies.- the results came in his dog, pick-'"records in this book the comedy and drama of men, young and oid. Bill O’Connor dent and sole proprietor of a ed by number, wasn't even in ‘he place he loves best. This book of tales is tied together not on- Albert McDuffie slightly used feminine heart, the running. Burns was puzzled, ^y unity of place but also by a simplicity and sincerity portrayed Charlie Parker However, you must be warned but he tried again. The man had ^y characters that are alive. ... Doug Pamplin that this office is subject to said number 7 in the second race, i Turning through this book we catch glimpses of many lives. Margaret Pennington change at a moment’s notice. But number seven came in last! Here is young Sam Powderjay who ignores hiS father s warning ana Shirley Powell' The Trial of Jack Foushee And so on until it came to the breaks with a hornbuckle girl. Here we find "Suits the People’ Jascn Bev Rog.r,i I... and Burns Kill h.dn’, Menn.x ™,.= X"fv di.“hi ?wr,r“ e. Preston Towns' Isadore BUSINESS STAFF — One of the best stories of four a”'thing“ Do“wn“iea7ted‘“Ind we find “Oid Flem” who quite calmly digs his own grave, years on the Elon campus has yet disillusioned,' he resolved never; Jesse Stuart, the author of “Trees of Heaven” has put his phil- e ° • to take a tip again. And it osophy of life into a book of Kentucky tales. Jack Foushee, now a digniflol vvasn’t until later that he found I “Like a River Flowing” Ida L Moore, senior, and one of the wisest, all his tips had been for West' “Like a River Flowing” is the life of Caroline Grjst as its Business Manager gullible, and he Fiangler field—not Miami—and steady stream of courage and truth gives a whole settlement con- Bill Hilliard ^ ^ Mary Mendenhall Exchange and Circulalion Manager horrors) appeared before gn jijg dogs had won if he had tentment. ■ o betting at the right! This is a story of prevailing strength through a time that is j all but forgotten to us today. Snips Griffin Holland, '39, the Rip the Senate for trial on a shippin^ only been — PRODUCTION STAFF — offense. Hoy Manilipld luanagei j For the p£ist year Jack has A. D. Cobb Assistant: served efficiently as a member of j the ij.udent Senate, bn.nging Van Winkle of Elon, has accony- Dr. Fjetcher Collins Faculty Advisor , ^ear to freshman occasionally bui plished in two years what n 10 or fifteen Entered as second class matter November 10. 1936 at the post i rightousness. Senate, in two ; always directing them in the paths takes some men ODDS and ENDS Sure, I had a swell time during EXCHANGE NEWS It seems that office at Elon College, N. C.. under the act of Congress March 3, 1879 MFMBkll I BO PO« MATMWtAL . National AJvcrtising Service, Inc. CaIUu PmyUtbers Rtprtitmtsiive 420 Ma£>i«on Avk. New Vomk. N. Y ■ LM AMMua • Saji Fmukmc* However, once the book store Messick’s Personality Course manager stood in awe and tear helped Griffin secure his present Catawba boys the Spring Vacation too, but tliat’s love their gals. A certain boy years to^ accomplish. Maybe Dean gn ggy . . I’ni begin- on the Catawba campus became i.*„ /- beleive the reply is just quite angry when someone saw a formality. None the worse for him kissing a girl and said„ thrwear and tearVe'dig in; claw “Break it up Buddie; that’s While siill a freshman, Jaci-. at Boiling Springs Junior College going on this last enough of that!” He became so EDITORIAL POTPOURRI one day strayed from the straight near Shelby. and narrow path ever so slightly. Jack Gardner now owns a race being guilty, I beiieve, of pour- track n Florida. You know, a ■ water into the bed of one of track where the poochies run r his fraternity brothers. At least scared hare. Incidentally, Jaci; that was the alleged offense. made the down payment but tor- The damage was not great, but got to get the title to the place, the fraternity brother, being a Wonder why Pro Causey wise and kindly soul, wanted to changed his name Elon, just like any other community, has its water shorUges folly and sin of Causey? Quite a so often. It isn’t a serious problem here vet and will not he water m other people’s an All-American and wrestier. leg of second term work. Mid-term angry that he came within an exams are gone and so are our inch of breaking a coca-cola bot- hopes of better grades this sem- tie on a boy’s head for saying ester! what he did. While rambling during the holi- “Harvard Lampoon, the student WATER SHORTAGE days, I got into a very lengthy conservation with an older person t(5 Rrbbm the “Worthiness of a college fun-mag, wanted more publicity let down for education”. He seemed to think this year. Last ;^ar they^ se- every so often. It isn’t a serious problem here yet and will not'be ' an All-American and {,^uncro^®hiSss^"w^^^^^ Hkely t^^succee^” On this ylZ'l one as long as students exercise a little care and try to conserve water ^erefore he cau^d a t th h r . ’ Sople ^ raised L question list of ‘worsts’ they included Mi- whentver poss;ble. There is a certain amount of inconvenience • ^nerelore he caused a me:xsage to the book store, champion horse raisea ue qu u„nkinc ‘thp leact naturally. It might mean getting ud a little earlier in thrmorn.r; to Ja.k, shoe pitcher of Caswell county ^hich I am passing on to you: riam Hopkms as the least des.r- if : _ ... * V® morning informing him that the Senate and catcher on McDuffie’s C-iani- What are you getting directly able companion on a desert is or doing things at definite times, but otherwise it does not necessitate any hardship. A little explanation is needed, we beUeve, for some'of was guilty of pionship Red Sox, iias lost the students who don’t understand our water supply. The majority t ® water, a shipping ol- prestige with the Peg . of tlie buildings on the campus are supplied with water from the nit from your college training?’ land,’ and selected Mickey Roon- college weU. This well is a four hundied foot affair and taps a sentence oefore stream of water whose source is in the western part of the Stale. ° Muit ' That stumped me for a whiie, but ey and Jane Withers as the ‘Most you must admit there is a good objectionable movie children.'— .^umcnl about experience versus Down in Tuskegee, a strike of several hundred of the students Krukin says Carmichael .vn on a certain night. probably go to Hollywood cor^t Jacks worries were great. He the first of June. Thai is ’f To Dr. Smith we send our best protest against th« food serv ed in the college dining hall. Po- , strike ended with 55 The students. The recent rains in this immediate territory do not, therefore af- t , j . . feet our supply of water. It would have to rain at the source before fr" recitation that af Carmicnael can interpret Kruk.n s wishes for a speedy recovery, the stream, which carries water to our well, would have an abundant cheimstry, for he was hand signs. To Dwight Gentry and Dr Collms ^e f ^ spending those hours figuring out trat and sorority banquets are congratulations for what they did siore oraer aiier one siuaeni naa a way to break the-news gently now in progress. So guys please with the writing and directing of a^knife^ to his mother and father tliat he get the gals home by 10:30. A a wonderful play, was no longer a student at Elon request of Mother Oxford. j College. I I expect Molly Craft won’t now looked a pistoi barrel in the Well, the hour came and Jack spend tne next vacation he gets face and pulled the trigger to see appeared. The word had been in Virginia. Betsy thought Mol-: if it was loaded? Starting the year with the handicaps of no experienced colie- ®^*PPed to several members of the ly was spending his vacation in' giate debaters and the lack of local interest in debating, the Eion the room was packed. Washington. That’s funny Mol- Debator.s have since gained recognition and appreciation on the cam- O^^tside, hardly able to contain ly, but news sure traveis fast, pus and have re-established, in a measure, Elon's reputation for be- mirth as they supply again. It is not as it has been rumored “a means of cutting expenses.” It is just an unavoidable, and probably a shortlived, sit uation. DEBATING AT ELON T 1. ' suspcnded and 20 put on proba- I WONDER—where the guy is ,, „ o ■ , , , . ^ tion. —Collegiate News Service. OPEN FORUM .. . .1 watched I expect MoUy thinks he wou.d^p, Fditor- ing ab.e to produce better than average public speakers. That they drooping countenance and have been better off if Coach I haven't won any major tournaments yet is true, but they have reach- *^*^°cking knees, was a host oi Hendrickson had had baseball! many “South Spencer has become the model dorm, open for inspection throughout. The formula, in case other counseijors are intjerested, \ is call downs for untidiness. It’s fraternity brothers. Elon’s future soda jerker ed the finals several times only to be defeated by university teams which generally use men with several years of collegiate experience behind them. They have at all times made a creditable showing, improved relations with other schools, and have given some prestige to Elon’s name in an important activity. They have succeeded be cause they possessed assets which would probably make a success of, a keen desire, in their case to debate, a willingness to Congratulations to those of yoi work, and a well-qualified and exemplary coach. We hope that they who helped make the Day Stu will keep up the good work. We also hope that the presence of a dent’s Reception such a grand debating team on the campus will revive an interest in what might' affair. Everyone had a wonder- be termed a lost art judging from many of the speakers who address ful time and we are all looking cur Chapel Assemblies during the year. forward to it again next year, ! Through force of habit, Mr. Col- I dough rose promptly at imrty and put on his hat practice during the Spring H > i- de days. BEYOND THE WALL other tennis en thusiasts, would appreciate a few printed words in behalf of better playing facilities here at the col lege. Many of us are interested in this game of tennis but cannot reported that the hall board busi ness is booming”—The Carolinian. A writer to our Open Forum brings up an interesting and per tinent point when he questions the adequacy of two tennis courts for ten TENNIS COURTS inirty and put on his hat and coat, but no sir, not this time. Wade, you and Dot should d tennis team and a student body of six hundred. We have a tennis against the rules team of at least f;ve men who need to practice every afternoon. Two campus courts if kept in good condition should be sufficient for them. Bui'rJi®"^ h n ii what about all the other students who want to play tennis in the , iifternoon when the team has to practice? Do you think they want to't X campus girls £ go out and watch someone else play? We hardly think so. The least I ' capable of these students would probably get more pleasure fiomi Larson’s date took all hon- playing than he would from watching any other sp>ort. It would Student’s Ball, probably be of more benefit to him also. We have too many spcc-^*i‘® dance tators and too few participators in athletics as it is. Last year thej^‘“" the sacri- college sold two tennis courts which were down near the High School,| “ce with a smile, and what £ because, it was said, the students didn’t use them. Whoever said this: “crifice! stated the result but not the reason for the result. The reason stu- seems as if there just isn’t dents didn't use those courts was because the courts were never kep'. privacy anymore. Not ever m deccnt playing condition. The condition of the playing grounds is ® church yard. Eh Biilie Mac.' pretty important in tennis, more so probably than any other sport. Worth Coble is just recovering Why couldn’t we avoid the trouble and complaints which occurrcd from his Psychology exam. He last year by remedying the situation while the season is just begin- worked up quite a sweat while nmg? It wouldn’t necessitate much expense. In fact, the main things taking the exam and before the are a .arge enough plot of ground, which should be available out on hour was over had broken out the new athletic field or the intramural field, and some labor, which a swell case of measles, should be avaUable as soon as the present raking season is over. \ Bill Nash can tell anyone how “Bard College since .’anuary 11th has been a campus wiUiout play because of the overcrowded; a student body. This is the Win- ■; ■ I conditions on the only two courts: ter field and reading reyiod. he or she rates with someone possessed by the College. Those who are not read n: are %' I T" When I came to Elon the Col- working on newspapers, rc.ior- y u don t make your pres- jggg owned some courts down ad-' ing stained glass windows at a; eroL ofTav'^Student'^'.Trf'"v ^ play i church, assisting a cartoonlr:. rnd S it ® X ground, but these were never' a number oi other jobs. On i . b- wiU nofitPlv acif t’ shape. Last year ruary 9th they returned to J.e t Z these were sold with the alibi that campus to make detailed ’ - T, f.they were never played on. 1 ports of their activity . L.. ,r f T raise this question; Does the mouth, as if to answer Dr. Cc.;-- He can Vail h*' V t utilitarianism ire Without batting an eye.^ TtudenfSy? entire, universities, has established a We would like to congratulate several of our pre-med students After all, were we student workshop where students given a chance? First the courts are taught to use their hands. It weren’t used because of the rough is believed that it will enrich the Walkeri^^^^ were SOM [future lives of students and in- Richmond Wallace KerLdle to i ‘ ‘^em. ] sure enjoyment of their leisure Duke and Jack Mav to Wake There are quite a few locations hours.”—Collegiate News Service. ’ Thr n nearby that would make wonder- f J. working on locations for tennis courts. ITT ~ epidemic jg college going to stand stili them have not as yet. and let this chance go by? I Quite a few seniors, as per usual. Tennis Fan. going to take a compreien- sive examination on their major subject instead of writing a will realize that - ~ . thesis. Selective Service. If you will compare the which Virginia Jeffreys way I now I handles that De Soto and the way r- ... - ^'Lenj Practice Does Ready foF Graduation she did several weeks ago, you | Are Getting Make Perfect. We hear that there is going to be a Troxler-Truitt break. Tough luck Helen. We have all taken candy to the girl friend, but Edna Truitt takes Ordering Invilalions The seniors are really getting The invitation committee, which serious about the approaching consists of: Moses Crutchfield Graduation Day. ; chairman; Margaret Pennington,’ The popular question among Irene Hook, and Nathan Cooper _4 ; V A ^ seniors is, Have you finish- is now taking orders for eradua- St prizi v.'ith a box >_f Mr ed j'our thesis?” a — ; ... . . Joodbars, 120 pieces. the seniors is, A few of them'tion invitations. Al! have finished them, but the ma- to be in by April 12. 'ders have