Maroon and Gold fuMhfcwl »f And rm BItm StmdtnU Mm TIm Shi^M» IChriiNaii A»wci>t»w VOLUMt XX SATURDAY. SBPTF.MBER U. 1M5 NUMBER Om S. C A. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE WEDNESDAY EmOLLMElk' SHOWS LA^E POSTWAR II^REASE Smn StatM An4 Two F«r«i|ii Coant»i«* Ar# RtprtMiittd With war veUrtni r«tumtng In In- cnaslng number!, the f*U quarter coUege enrollment hM reached the total ol 4**. according to the latest ftgutee from the Reglitrar's office. The entrance of dlicharged veteran*, la keeping with the nationwide prac tice of the major coUegea and uni- vtnitle*. U permitted at any time, and additional reglitration* are com ing la. tt I* expected that a return to tlie pre-war level of more than goo itadeou wlU be poe>lU* in the near future. The admlnlMration, In iti >r'»««»g pngram, contemplate* preparing for an even larger dorml- tery capacity within a few yean. and Peru are the foreign oovntrlet tepreeented. Next to Noitt Caroilna, with iU 317 regiatranta. Vir ginia contributee moet to the toUl, thirty-four rtudeota coming from the Cavalier SUte. Other aUtea repre- aented are South Carolina, Alabama, New York. CooMCtieut. PennaylvanU, Kew J«tey, Maaaaehuietta and Ohio. eeaaty, with 147 ftvdanta, k leapooHbl* for the r gr« from any part e* Noeth Other caantiea wUh lara* .i—■■>*t1«na at. OalMyf »; R«y Mph. lli —cWlhlw, IX ta»w^ ai« nftr Mt Na(tk CartUw «•«■«« Slogan Of Drive Is *Every Student A Member* SEVEN NEW MEMIERS ADDED TO FACULTY OFFICERS OF THE STUDENT paign of that organlaatleD a«t m vice-preeident; Jack Sunbure. »ew ■ , «tM «U leader* In the memberehip car^ . ^ thev M# Martha Anne McDaniel, Anderson. 8. C., » —* Grtffin. Summerfleld. N. C., eecy-treaa. Hall, a^d Oalc Ledge, Ih* addiHo^ enroUmaat milting it aecaeaary^te open the fourth building recently. North hou»ea *U the dormitory m^ Deapite the r'tum of a large num^ of veteran*, otomen rtUl outoumbw the men more A return tc pre-war athletic ached- vle* within the 1* being contemplated. The Athletic committee wlU continue to *pon*or a large Intramural program °f but expecU good ball team* during ^ turn to collegiate football nexxt fall. LUCILLE MORGAN TO HEAD CHOIR The "Elon Singer*.” who «re oft to a good *tart with aixty mwaber*. „««Uy elected Lucille Mo^ pre*ident. A1 Burlingame la vice- preeidMit. Archie Braxton ** tary-treaaurer, and Jane McCauley and Sara Brewer acting a* librarian* are to be in charge ol t»ejn^. For the convenience ox the nu- denU. practice night* have ^n changed to Monday and Thuriday evening* at 7 o’clock, and a new *plrit of cooperation prevaiU among members. ^ The addiUon of a number rf male voice* ha* brought about a change In thU year’* choir. *nd it u evident th*t the choir wiU have an unufually succesAU year NOMINATIONS FOR VACANT OTPICIS TO ■I MAM MONDAY HbmnatloM wlB be aad* morning during tto repte aMenbly for tha eCAoM lift viMUl atoAaata wt» did a«» AM OOLD IS K^AtTWIRHINI wrm PiASHilOHT WOMEN'S RESIDINCi COUNCIL FORMED Elon College opened It* flfty-*l*th year by welcoming * number of new faculty member* The*e appolntmenU bring to the c*mpu* *ome outitandlng Inatructor*. Mia* Ida M. Greenfield haa been ap pointed Dean of Women. She ar rived during the *ummer *nd at once took over her duUei. Working In con junction with Dr. Bowden and a *tu- dent committee *he revised the *ec- tlon In the Student Handbook regard ing regulaUon* for the women stu dent*. and h*i put into force new rules regarding privileges, discipline, and student govomment. A graduate ol Union Vjn. 'ty. Jackson. Tenn.. Mis* Greenfield completed work for the Ma*ter of Art* degree at George Peabody CoUege for Teacher*. Nash ville. Tenn. She Is a member of ihe American A**ocUtioo of Uaivmity ha* aerved ** public The annual membcrsl.ip drive of Ihe Student Christian Association will beKin Wednesday and l*st throughout. Ihe week. J*ck Sunburn, president ot» the orginlxatlon. recently announced The plana of the drive will be pre sented to the Senior Cabinet of the S C. A. at it* reguUr meeting Tue»- day night at 8:00 and the drive will officially be inaugurated at the Wed- neaday morning chapel service. There will be a desk In the ntMnda of Alamance Hall, where studenU aiay sign pledge cards, on Wednesday Thursday, and Friday mornings next week. Martha McDaniri, president of the S. C. A.. Anne Gr I In. secreUry-treasurer. or varioua members of the Senior cabinet will be at the desk. The slogan of the drive is "Every Student a Member” and the officer* of the organliatlon «r« an-^ xlou* to atUln thU goal. U la hop^ esda^ gs^L Grl^? that the S. C. A membership Incb^ cards may be obtained. The Senior Cabinet of the Student Christian Aaaoelation. which 1* com- r«tary *t tk« *»■•«« ^ : - . dent of the Senata, aad iiavMary M tba Saoata. Nominatioo* far tM of fice vacanclaa in the raapeetlv* elaaa- a* wiU also be mada at tbia tl**. The name* of upparclaMan who are eligible for the raepacUea and have an academic avaru* « “C have bean posted on t|ie board* at each end of Alamance HalL The general elecUon wiU ba hald naxt Thursday and there will not ba a saa- ond elecUon unlcM soma of the pUir- aUty winners do not rscelva a »«»r- Ity vote. Frealimen will not ba eli gible to vote in this elactloo. The election will ba under tha «i- pervislon of the temporary electoral committee consUting of toerwn WhaUey, Elisabeth Parker, and Junius Peedin—the leaders of the Studant Government A**ociation. freshmen to elect OFFICERS Women Siid — — chairman and editor of the bullatin, ^uruuaii . - ---- - — , . for iU NaahvlUe Branch. She baa bad posed of the officer* and the commlt- When tha woaaan residence (tudanu contact with young people, tee* that carry out the work ofine met recently ta put into effect tha aerved aa director of young I organUation, meet* every ^esday Residence Council, an organliation, i^tlvitia* in both Aikanaa* Ulght. and the entire member^p aat up ttaU yaar Oitough r¥W^ af i ^ Tenneaeea. aa a taaehar, and aalmeet* monthly. The Frertimen who tha atudant haadtA Margarat Rawl*. i of the administrativa i*aff I join the S. C. A. will elect officer* Dormitary; Battle Soa U^d, I • 1 -* ** Knowing ^ )mv oti again naxt day. Sergeant Hagood whilad aww the ttoM houn oi waittnc with natehea ot slaap and the reading of tha Maroon and Gold under cover with tha aid of a flashlight Sergesnt Hsgood. of Burilngton and Graham, waa an uppardaasma* whan be left to enter tha aareice two years ggo. He ws* s Goldsn Gloves champ, and a splgodld all-around athlata. After aUOie pains Ed Daniel took to get out the Maroon and Gold serv- iea list, never knowing for certain that the paper would rea* our far-traveurs. it la earthly g^ to know that many of the Issues did each their destination. This little sbaat has now visited a good many ‘omers of Europe and Asia. Many a aoldier and aallor. and many women in the aerrtce. have sent us reporU They all say that nothing—unless It «as a letter from home—did more to lift their hearts than thU reminder of their Alma Mater. tna saHwiM nwiiw —iMinbar of tne aamuu»w»uy» nw^ijotn mv a. —- West Dormitary; BattU Sue l^^lof Vanderbilt Univetaity. Naahvllle. 1 »nd organise a group of Ihelr o^ Ladies' Hall; Martha McDaniel, ^l^ene. In additlen ta her worif aalThla graap wUl ba PaawMWri women, aba Is sanrls« aa ln-|of tha Baniae Cahtoat, and wffl be a ware naKiBd hauas praaldents, nmsiliiunt railawehiB and aocial fesvm for the DaawHWri ■■ of women, aba Is sanrwg aa in Lods*, wtn aasM hauaa praaidaBU ^ ^ cngiisb Department of their respective dormitonee. I S C Deskins. formerly prln- Under this nw system bel^ ' cloal of Sumner aehool, near Greens- Into fone for (he first time, there Is ^ joined the faculty a* head to be a Residence CouncU for MCh Department of Bducation. He received hi* undergraduate training at The Freahman class will elect Us officers for the college yefc on the first Tueeday in October. Tha » act time and place will be aanouneed latef The rule of the eligibUty to hold office is the same as for other stu dent office*—an aeadanlc average of •*C” or better on the laft year*i work is required. StudenU wh^ ^ ..i^ughiy speaking” school tranacripta have not yet ^n ia.lS: “The Thrill of a Ro- rrcelved by the Registrar’* office 1 *hould atumd to thla immediaUly. ' CAMPUS MOTION PICTURES Sapt II: "Betwaan Two Wamah.” Sept. 28-a#:' “A Song To Remam- dormltoty. composed of the preeident and four other re*ldent* of that donn- llory with the hou*e director a* ad- vlaer. Theee new house presldenU are to^appo^t the renalnlny mem bers of'the hall council and they shall assist In administering dormitory reg ulations and settle case* of hall dl»- cipllne. Unlike the Women’* Coun cil, ***** 1* not a Judicial body and 1* not permitted to try a ca*e or InfUct penalties. The house preeident* are to be members of the Women’s CouncU, but the other members of the hall coun cil are not. Campus Calendar Sunday, »;45 a. m.: Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.: Worship Service. Monday. #;00 a. m.: Nomination* for vac*nt student offices. g:00 p. m.: Ministerial AssocUtion. 0:00 p. m.: Sorority meetings. Tuesday. 8:00 p. m.: S. C. A. Sen- io'' Cabinet Wednesdajr: 8:00 P m.: Uterary Society meet ings. _ Friday, 8;00 p. m.: Elon movies lanui CHRISTINA HARDY, »' the Dapartmant af Bostaa-Ad*tat^ tnttao. I PAUL S. REDDISH, Ba# tha Da- MftMBt e( mltir- MISS IDA M. GREENFIELD, Dean ofWaM. dr. s. C. DESKINS, Head of tha Da- partaaat ot Ediicatioa. rvcvivcu IU* . . Emory and Henry College In Virginia, and at Elon, graduaUng from with a Beachlor of Arts degree. He was awarded hi* M**ter of Arts end Ph D. degree* *t the UnivenUty of Nortli CaroUna. He has done pdu- ate work at Vanderbilt and Chicago universities. Psul Sltiman Reddish. Durham. N. C.. has taken over his duties as head of the Department of Biology. Mr. Reddish attended Duke University, where he did undergraduate work In loology and chemistry, and has done gradu^le »ork in loology and botany. For a number of years he taught Kl- ences in the public schools of North Carolina and acted as a researoh as- sisunt in Uie department of zoology and entomology at North Carolina SUte College. He has also Uught photography at the Oniverstty of North Carolina and physics at North CaroUna SUte CoUege, and has ac^ as assisunt invesUgator In the W- fice of Production and Research De velopment; and more recently he a^ ed as associate in the culture dej^- ment of the Carolina Biological Com- ***i^other new department head U Miss ChrisUna Hardy. Fort Smim. Arkansas, who Is in the BusmeM partment. Miss Hardy received her Bachelor of ArU degree from Qua chlU CoUege. ArkadelphU, Ark , and her Master o£ Arts degree tro>" "»- body College for Teachers. Nashville Tenn. She has done wo* « the Fort Smith Junior College, Fort Smith. Ark., and has had teaching e^ perlence in the public schools of ^ Tansas and the Fort Smith Juntor College. Aside from her work In the commercial department *1*^^ “! acting as house director of Ladies "miss ChrisUne Ohio of the Department of Music, attended BowUng Green SUte Unlver- 5lty at Bowling Green. she received her Bachetor degree In music, and the University of Michigan at Ann SrfUn«rCoUaia. DafUnce, Ohio. Miaa fellowiblp and aocial fsrum for tha members of the Freahman class. The advisors to the Freahman S. C. A. wlu be Fred Register. W. D. UtUe, Tom Horner, and Vivian Walker. Profe**or A. L. Hook w«* chosen sponsor of the organlxaUon at a recent meeUng of the Senior Cabinet. He has accepted the position and with his help the officers are assured of a successful year ahead. TALENT IS REVEALED IN freshman PROGRAM At the Fre*hm*n Talent Program held recenUy in Whitley Audltoriuaa several performers of outstanding ability were found among the new StudenU Earl Danialey was the- master of ceremonies fbr the pro- gram. , * Charlotte Clprianni, who played boo gie-woogle. was the first on the pro gram. Kat Saunders played several popuUr numbers on the piaao. BIU Williams, baritone, sang two modem songs; he was followed by Harry "Ca*-* jies" ThomSs, who rendered aeversl humorous melodies. Then Elinor Mack Paul sang several new popular songs. AU of the vocaUsU were ac companied by Kat Saundera. Orville ■•B. O." Robinson conducted a qulx program, with the assistance of Jean West and Dorothy Shackeifard. We hope to see more of these briUiant no vices in the future. After the Ulent program. Elon mo vies of the 1945 May Day were shown. Honeck has traveled widely through- ■ out the United SUtes. England. Ger many. Holland, and Belgium. Miss Mildred Wldber of Boston, Mass.. is doing new work in the De- paii-.t'nt of Religion, and more facU concerning her work will be carried in later issue of the MAROON AND GOLD. Another faculty appointment 1* that of E. Z. Jones, Burlington, who is to teach a course in Radio Broadcasting beginning during the winter quarter. Mr. Jones is dlrec . of WBBB. Bur lington's first radio corporation. Space is lacking for complete pr^ senUtlon of the pictures and abatracU of record of other new faculty mem ber*. The next laaue of the Maroon and Gold wlU carry additional m- nouncemenU concerning appoint menu.