PAGE TWO MAROON AND GOLD Friday, March 36, 1948 Maroon and Gold Edited and printed by students of Elon College. / EDITORIAL BOARD Editor - in - Chief John Watson IManaging Editor .... Hal McDiarmid Sports Editor Ed Mulford Assistant Sports Editor.. Rocco Silec Fraternities Lewis Lawrencc Societ.v Editor Allene Stallings Day Student Editor Max Storey Photographer j|j Moss BUSINESS BOARD Busir.e;s Manaeer Evelyn Moore Circulation Manager. .. Dorothy Dowd Ass’t Circulation Mgr. Martha Veaze\ Adviser r. l. Dunlap Photographer Bill Duncan Printer Jennings Berrj Pressman. Worth Wombk COLUMNISTS Ted Parker Jackie Gaskin? REPORTERS Ed Nash. Phil Gearing, Meir Gabbay John Gilliam, Evelyn McNeil Politics Election time is here, and we arr wondering who the new officers wil he. Along the same lines it would bf interesting to know who our littli “Wallace” will be this year, and a approximately what time he will s^'‘oop down upon us and deliver his coup de tat. Of course, whoever de- Fi'es to create another party has no chance of the distinction that come? being a third partyist, because there are at least four on our campus, ^'ich a large number of p.irties could dangerous were it not for the fact that we are in a Christian school where democratic principles reign .'•upreme, and we know that where demiocracy is the form of government the will of the people prevails and the right man is always elected. At least, we have settled that and need worry no more. On a more serious level, feUow stu dents. there are some who will prom ise almost anything to get in office, where they will have “The applause of listening senates to command. ..” Why, doubtlessly, someone will even come forward with another camipaign which promises to have telephones in stalled in the dormitories. There is no reason to believe them this time nftci- having heard the same thing for the prst several years. All we have to base our judgments upon is the character of the candidates for the particular office. And with only that wc can still do better than we have on several other occasions. This year let's be honest with ourselves and vote for the candidate we think is better qualified for the office. It will pay off, and we can get away with voting as we see fit with the secret ballot system. It’s Up To Us Generally speaking, all of us have ionc our share of griping—either to mr roommates, other students, fac ulty members, or, yes, even to the ad ministration—concerning some of the ?xisting Elon statutes. We have lab ^led some of the prevailing regula- 'on=: as nett'’, unnecessary, and be 'ond comprehension. Whereas we have the same privi- to cnticizo others and the laws they set forth, at the same time w( -hoiild strive to seek out the reason ableness behind those rules and theii nossible justification. Granted thal numerous rules are childish and un- ■ailed for, do our actions more often than not warrant such rules? Are w ’'"■I and women, or are we overgrown children? Judging frequently fron- lur manners, our speech, our over- dl behavior, and the cooperatior vhich some of us extend or fail to ex pend. I am afraid that our conduc' oftentimes justifies the establishinf and enforcing of such rules. We ofter ■nnnerate as little as possible; somf of us cheat when we are assured wf ■vill get by with it: many of us fail tr develop ourselves morallv and ment lly, as well as spiritually: occasion- 'Iv we have no consideration foT ithers; we ask. and yet, now and then, we are unwilling to give. Until we maintain some semblanct ^f adulthood, we cannot request nor expect to be treated as adults. Thf acuity cannot build up school spirit ■t is not capable of installing an hono '.ystem without the students’ consent and cooperation- it cannot instill per ional pride and prestige into oui Mves: its duty is not to I'jrovide wher the individual is mature enough t provide for himself. In a democracy, man is governed inly by those rides deemed absolut ely necessary. However, in order to Vep from being more strictly gov- '“rned, we must show that we are capa ble of governing ourselves. If we don't learn to discipline ourselves '.omeone else will discipline us. Wher this state of self-discipline is reached unity and harmony will replace dis sersion and dissatisfaction—then. an only then, can we feel free to request changes and expect the changes t occur. WE CAN DO IT IF WE WILL Letters Ihi To the editor - To i:;' ditor Dear Editor: I have been at Elon College for two years and have never felt like put ting my two cents’ worth in until now. 1 dislike this statement which appear ed in the last Maroon and Goldv “A last, however, we concede pene'',"!!' that dear ole Elon has but one thiu{ wrong with it, and that is tlie people.’ Looking over Elon, I find oiUy twt things I really love about it. One i' the students, and the other, believe it or not is the faculty. As you can see this differs very much from the ide; quoted above. I will not go into detai' about the friendly feeling of the stu 'ients or in general one of the best al round faculties in and out of the class room. (They are quite human afte \ou get to know them.) But now let’? kick some of the faults we hav( ■ground a bit instead of covering them ip with a lot of words. In the last issue of the M and G, ’ I'ead about the great beauty of Klo from the air. I don’t know about that am not a bird, and I don’t know hov I Hv a plane, hut let’s take a look a- t on the ground. The inside of North nd South dorms looks like a pig pen 'J know, as I live in North and hav. friends in South.) From the back of West, which people see from the high way, it looks like a tenant house. Yes the most beautiful building is the new power house, which i.s acrosf •■rom the campus where one can’t sef ir appreciate it. Well, that’s about 'ill the time I have for this: we must 'o on. Then comes the problem of being ibout fifty years behind time. We ion’t dance—we have ‘parties. But that’s all right, girls, bpcau^e yo'i car ^tay out late tonight—till ten-thirty (Affairs not only at other colleges like Women’s College, but at high schools last until eleven-thirty.) Are we : bunch of kids or men and women" I cross my fingers with this—out new dining hall. Did you know it i* ?oing to be run cafeteria style? Well, that’s what I hear, but I’ll bet you this. You will still h-ave to pay for every megJ whether you eat there r lot. You will still get no choice o^ foods as a cafeteria should have I'm not going to talk about the food IS I guess my days are numbered no To end this up, I have a few state nients to make that are new. Did you enow that, according to the last issuf of the Maroon and Gold, South Dorn low has hot water? (The Greeks hac" it years ago, someone told me.) I will also admit to the M and G that goin through the halls and colonnades i also find it very peaceful and am im- nressed with its harmony. In fact, T will go further and say that sometime: find it quite dead. I would like to go on getting thing: off my chest, but I know I will havr noiiCTh people down on me now; so Your editorial on race relations re minded me of a incident of my under mind me of an incident of my under- ^ close with this-I am glad to se ..aauate days. A student at William 'Coach Mallory at Elon. He has >,nd Mary College wrote a simular brought more unity to Elon than there If all the automobile tires in the United States w'ere piled one on the top of another beside the Washington monument, no one would be able to- drive his car, editorial and was forced to resign. Evidently you have not been perse- juted as she, so there may be some ■pi- for tnis old woild yet. Congratulations on taking the first step in becoming a starving reporter. As long as you are sincere and cour- .,eous ill your writing, people will t duoiiciiue to the paiper, How- T hear that there is now aij >rsatz food made of paper. So — you can have a royal feast upon your un- I papers and your clear con science. N. Keen, ex-reporter on s (bankrupt paper P.S. Were yon sincere ? has been si,nee I came here. I think we should thank Mrs. Stauf fer for what she is trying to do Whether you believe it or not, I think she is fighting for the students, and I take mv hat off to her. I also want to thank the brave stu dents who. though thev failed, tried to get a band to play for a dance at Elon in order to have at least one big function on the campus during the year. I am sorry if I have stepped or anybody’s toes. I guess I am a bad boy. You can get back at me in the next issue of the Maroon and Gold, how'ever. But if you do, I shall ask for a reurn engagement. Thank you for reading this, even if you don’t agree. Roses and Thorns By llal McDiarmid This week we introduce our ne bantam issue to all our readers—an to those who use it for wall paper ! 'II-- o|)oa my di.5sertation this week I have chosen as the first ilun for discussion, a grouip of young inci —^well, most of them are on tht oungish side of forty—who have seemingly found an Eden here al Sion. These lucky persons are tile residents of the rural retreat, rusti cally called Oak Lodge. To them Oak L. is a home-away-from-home. They welcome visitors to the Lodge iiost cordially and have a pleasing -ariety of the more entertaining things to offer their guesLs. 1 was first introduced to this hospitality by one whose initials are P. G. Theic etters don’t stand for Proctor & amole. Iriends. I would like to com- jliment these fellows who dwell a- nong the oaks and extend an in vitation to them to be my gaests at j Sassafi'ass tea party the first Tuesday^ nter Christmas. Such congeniality shouldn’t go unrecognized. I would like to pause now for a few seconds and give a dirty look to the weatherman for consistently foul ing up on his predictions this winter. (By the time this appears in the M& we'll probably be suffering from ^he heat). A person who deserves praise is ?.’rofessor Deskins. This praise is due or two reasons: first, for the thougt- ulness he shows wherever the wel fare of Elon is concerned. He rates ? gold star for his. work in helping jrospective teachers to find suitable positions u'pon graduation. His ad vice is to be desired. Arother virtue which Mr. Deskins -losspsses is a generous heart. Many students have ridden with him to Greensboro after school is out for the day, thus saving bus fare ' 'he inconvenience one often exper iences when traveling by bus. I know I’/m not by myself in thankin'; the Professor for rides In the past. Jonquils are in order for you. sir. With this I bid you good people “Adieu. Buenos Dias”, and have a nice week-end. Ed. note: I wish, first of all to thank yo'i. Jack, for the nice letter. This is not meant for sarcasm, but to thank yo'i for the contribution and the com"ii- ment you have paid by findina ffii'U It indicates that someone, af lea"*, reads the unsigned articles on the o'^i torial page. The column was desipneii to be a medium for the cxpre.ssion n( views and criticism. You and the ro t of the student body are entitled to space therein. Along other lines, you have mv ad miration and, I am sure, th.-it of the people of Elon for the lo'’o '-on '■m’- them all. I, too, love them in the so’isp of loving one’s fellow men. but dou'it if I shall becom° amorous ;d'oiit ts-' thing. And about that statement you disliked in the last edHoriai- “peo"iip” iiS such a wide term that it em''^ra^f'' students, faculty, and everyone right on down the line to the pi oge '’it'‘>r; of this institution—in fact, everyone. Therefore, when I said the trouble with Elon was w'ith the people. I w^as incere. However, v.'hat I write is merely one man's opinion, and i,f I feel that the sore spots you have men tioned in the above letter are to be blamed on people rather than on in animate objects, such as bricks, coal piles, and what-have-you, then it is my argument, and I must stick to it Jack Snyder until someone changes that opinion,