Here’s A Happy Easter Season To All MAROON AND GOLD And Let's All S«« That Sunrise Paceant ~ - - — —————MUMBKR 18 OLVME 3S ■ ELON COLLEGE, N. C. WEDNKSDAY, APRIL 17. I95t - Pageant Features Easter Observance On Campus — ■ Historical Society Will Meet At Eloii April 26 WORK IS PR0(;KESSI>G 0 \ new BOYS' DOKMITOKY The Historical Society of North Carolina, with a membership that includes the outstanding histor ians and historical writers in the state, will hold its regular spring meeting on the Elon College cam pus on Friday, April 26th. The meeting of the group will be held under the auspices of Elon College and the college’s his tory department, with arrange ments tor the event under the direction of Dr. H. H. Cunning ham. Plans call for both after noon and evening programs. The two sessions of the histor ians will be held in the office of Dr. Leon E. Smith, Elon College president, on the first floor of the Alamam;e Building, with a din ner to be served in the banquet room of the McEwejj Memorial Dining Hall. In extending invitations to the meeting, announcement was also made that punch will be served to the guests in the parlor of West Dormitory from 3:30 until 4 o’clock as a preliminary to the afternoon session. Among the outstanding histor ians and writers who will attend are Dr. C. Crittendon, Dr. Fletcher Green, Dr. Paul Green, Dr. W. C. Jackson, Dr. Hugh Lef- ler. Dr. Phillips Russell. Dr. Rob ert Woody, Dr. Richard Walser and Dr. Alice Baldwin, all of whom rank high in North Caro lina letters. Special guests for the Society at the dinner will be Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Smith, representing Elon College, and Mr. and Mrs. George D. Colclough, Mr. Colclough be ing head of the Burlington Cham ber of Commerce. The afternoon meeting will fea ture the reading of two papers on KTstorical subjects. They are ■ Robert Lansing's Proposed Bar gain with Japan,” by Burton F. Beers, of Raleigh; and "John Branch and the Origins of the Whig Party in North Carolina, by William S. Hoffman, of Boone. Papers to be featured at the night meeting include “Patrons Beautiful was the word to de-'of the Press. Sub^ripUon scribe the Elon College Choir’s,Purchases in Nort , eleventh annual rendition of The-} 1850,” by William owe odore Dubois’ “The Seven La^,Chapel Hill; and ‘‘Business Lead- Band Plans Concert On April 29th The Elon College Band will ap pear in a concert pnogram in Whitley Auditorium at 8:15 o'clock on Monday night, April 29th, according to an announce ment from Prof. Dewey M. Stow ers, who has directed the band work here for the past two years. The concert will be the first one of its type presented by the Elon Band in many years, and its pres entation marks another big step forward for band work on the campus. In announcing the program, Prof. Stowers urged the entire stu dent body to hear the concert, pointing out that the band is main tained for tho students and to support and boost the noralo 0( the college. At the same time he expressed the band’s appreciation for tlie support it has received this year. The concert program will be hght and purely entertaining, in eluding such popular numbers as "Deep Purple,” “Stardust.” and ‘Humorescapade.” Also featured will be clarinet and trumpet solos and a brass sextet. The complete program will be announced prior to the date. Prof. Stowers also stated that plans are underway for a much larger band next year and de clared that with continued sup port from the student body and from the administration, the Elon Band aims to be second to none in the North State Conference. Sunrise Service Planned To Recall Resurrection Cantata h Heard JVith High Praise It is a scene of busy activity on the eastern side of the campus where the second of the new dormitories for boys is rising, ’the new structure, which is to b ; a duplioato of Carolina and which is located between Carolina and the historic East D rni. was begun in ary and is alre.idy complete to the first iloor level. The construction of the which is scheduled for completion by September, is being done by H. F. Mitchell and Sob, Burhngton c n- tructioa firm. — (Jpportiiiiity Knocks Again As ... Student Legislature Offers Cash Awards For Scholastic Excellence The synem of cish awards fjr. To promote the developmetn of,composed of courses of English scholastic attainment, first star'.-L truly liberal arts curriculum and ,.-t. • i ^ l7r«(-v«tr c?/vrvi In keeping with the true spirit of Easter and in commemmora- tion of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a pageant of the Risen Lord will be presented as an Eas- iter Sunriso ServV-’e on Elo»i’>' South Campus next Sunday morn- •ng. The custom was inaugurated 'ast Easter, when the pageant was 3resented for the first time, and it moves into the realm of tradi- ion with the second successive 'resentation next Sunday morn ing. The presentation last spring ittracted favorable attention, but t came during the Spring Holi- lays and thus failed to have a 'v'll attendance of students. The pageant, which is entitled ■‘He Is Risen,” is to be staged by the Elon Players and will bring out in dramatic effect the glory if that first Easter Morning, when the stone rolled away from the omb of the Saviour. Tiie program, which Is to be 'iven under the direction of Prof. Melvin E. Wooten, has been sche duled for 4:45 o’clock Sunday morning, and the rising of the sun itself will be onfe of the highly dramatic features of the produc ed last year, has once again been endorsed by the Student Legisla- :;ure, and plans of the student body leaders are for the awar4s to be increased to the sum total of $200. The awards are to be given for the second successive school year providing worthy claimants appear. Students from either of the four cla.sses are eli gible to enter the competition. The awards, which include first, second and third prizes in four divisions were provided originally to inspire students to know some- hing about everything which our ,'ulture honors and a great deal about the particular area in which '.lis studies concentrate; And furthermore, to provide grand recognition for devoted and jnthujiastic study; the student LEGISLATURE OF ELON COLLEGE DOES IN AUGURATE AND APPROPRIATE the NECESSARY FUNDS OF THE STUDENT BODY SCHOLAS TIC AWARDS. Elon Given Fnnds From Steel Group Elon College is one of ten sen ior colleges in North Carolina to share in a grant of $10,000, which has just been made by the United States Steel Foundation. Inc., to the North Carolina Foundation of Church-Related Colleges. The United States Steel Foun dation grant was made by a com- .Tiittee in a visit to Paul H, Kolb, of Winston-Salem, who is execu tive director of the North Caro* lina group of church colleges, and Mr. Kolb in turn announced the Elon participation in a letter to Dr. Leon E. Smith, president of Elon College. The Steel Foundation Grant, dls- •ributed on a pro-rata basis to 'he ten colleges in the North Car olina group, will provide $1,302.29 for Elon CoUege. The funds were granted by the United States Steel Foundation, Inc., for “unrestrict- ‘d operating aid” to the benefi- Words of,’’ which was pr^ sented as a Lenten feature in Whitley Auditorium on Sunday evening. April 7th. A capacity crowd heard the great Easter season cantata, which climaxed the Choir’s annual Par ents’ Day event. More than fifty parents of choir members were present for the all-day gathering, which opened with a coffee hour Sunday morning, and which in cluded the 11 o’clock worship service and a luncheon at the banquet hall of McEwen Memor ial Dining Hall. There was also an informal music program at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, which featured twelve students from the music department. Dr. Leon E. Smith, Elon’s pres ident. serv'ed as narrator for the cantata, which was based upon the seven speeches made by Jesus Christ upon the Cross. Each of the "Words” featured special singing group in solos, duets, trios and quartets, and the final word was follewed by the ever-impres- sive formation of the “Lighted Cross” by the choir members. The student soloists featured in the program were Miss Tommie Boland, of Elon CoUege; Miss Mary Anne Thomas, of Burlington; lionald McDaniel, of Fayetteville; James Compton, of Cedar Grove; and Eddie Robbins, Bill Turner and Tommie McDonald, all of ureens'boro. ers in Post Civil War North Car olina, 1869-1900,” by J. Carlyle Sitterson, of Chapel Hill. Visitors are invited to hear the reading of all papers. UlViSlUllO ^ - last year in a bill presented by| These shall be three awards al- Terry Emerson. It has been broad-, loted for each of the four Divi- ened in monetary scope this year.sion.s of the curriculum, one high- by a bill offered by Doc Alston,'est honor of $25.00 ani two high vice president of the student body.' honors of $12.50 each. Complete explanation of the | jhe four division are to be rep- award system is included in the j resented as follows— legislative bill itself, which is prs-, Division of Social Sci- sented up to date in its ^ cnee composed of course of his- literaturp, dramatic arts, foreign languages, religion, philosophy, music and the other fine arts. (3) The division of Natural Sci ence composed of courses of bio logy, chemistry, geology, mathe matics, and physics. (4) The Division of Practical Arts composed of courses of busi ness administration (excepting economics, business education, education, physical education, and lonie economics. Such prizes are to be awarded , — on the basis of outstandinS aad Conn.; Prof. Clyde Me con.structive achievement by an _ . _ below. An Act To Establish A System Of Student Scbolastic Awards tnry, political science,' sociology psychology, geography, and econo- ' mics. I .2) The Division of H'lmani'.ies tion. M ■ ui s: , ... The characters in the pageant ciary institut ons will be portrayed by members of, " "■ ' tlie Elon College Players, student dramatic group. Among those scheduled to appear in the 1957 Easter pageant are Larry Barnes, retiring president of the Student Government, who is to t>e narra tor; Bill Watson, of Sanford; Ed die Robbins, of Greensboro; Doug las Albert, of Lahore. Pakistan; Mrs. Sylvia Dean Harbert. dean of girls of Elon College: Rev. John Graves, member of tne Elon College 8elif)>on Department; Pa tricia Coghill. of Henderson; Syl via Smith, of Henderson; Mary Anne Hartwell, of Barnstable, In his lettor to Dr. Smith and to other presidents of North Car olina church-related colleges, Mr. Kolb pointed out that the parti cipation of United States Steel in its program is of particular sig nificance and in keeping with the mcreasing interest of big business in the privately operated institu tions of higher education. In announcing the grant, offi cials of the United States Steel Foundation pointed out that the gift comes directly from the Ten nessee Coal and Iron Division of the United States Steel Corpora tion from its headquarters at Fairfield, Alabama. individual student of any class, luch student must pursue at least fifteen hours within one Division n any one school year and must , While expressing the hope that Mass.; Yvonne Gearhart, of Mar-' p^raHei future aid in this area ietta, Ohio; Linwood Hurd, of New rnay be possible, officials of the Steel Foundation state that the Cants, of the Elon College Eng lish Department; and Ronald Berg man, of Uncasville. Conn. A new and improved set is be- possess an over-all average of B constructed this spring tor the to be eligible in that divisioiv No | showing, and this student shall receive more than , one highest honor and one high ^et is expected to add much to honor en toto in any one school j the realism of the program. The year. Each candidate tor an award lEoln Choir will also cooperate in ihaU prepare a properly docu-L[,g presentation through the ren- 'Continued on Page Four' |dition of appropriate music. grant is ‘‘unrestricted- as to its use. It is conceived in the nature of operating as distinguished from capital assistance. The trustees hope that the ip.itltution.s cwercd will find their own means of ap plying it to the end that timely and effective provision for more and better faculty, staff recruit- men and development may lead to higher standards and greater strength for higher education.” Ill papers. - « 1 ¥ 1 Teirv Lov Is Top Man In Hot Race For Student Body Leader ^ J •> ^ retary and treasurer. and Doc Alston, of Reidsvi Jerry Loy, a rising senior from and JOE SMITH one vote. No Graham, was top man In the bat- tie for president of the Elon Col- lege student government, emerg ing with a majority total m the hotly-contested election whicn was held on the compus on Tues day of this week. The contest, which started as a three-man race and was nar rowed to two candidates m the primary election a week before, became a three-man race again this week when hot support arose tor a third candidate in a ‘‘Write In” movement. On the ballot with Loy was Robert Orr, of Burlington, who finished as second man in the bal loting The "Write In” candidate, who emerged with considerable support on the day of the voting was Doc Alston, of Reidsville, who served as vice president of the student government this year. The final count in the presi dential balloting showed Loy with 292 votes, Orr with 114 votes, Al ston with 87 votes (all written in), one could determine whether the last ballot was for the real Joe Smith here on campus or for the legendary Joe Smith who gained such fame in national political circles last summer. The “write in” votes were de clared illegal by Jerry Moize chairman of the campus board ot elections, but this created much, opposition, and there were re , ports late Tuesday afternoon that| either Alston or Orr and possibly- both might file a protect of the; presidential baUoting wKlh the, Student Legislature and the Stu-; dent Council. This report haJ not been confirmed in time for pub lication in this issue of the Ma-^ roon and Gold. Other student body officers cho sen Tuesday were Ronnie Berg man of Uncasville. Conn.. vice president; and Linda Simpson »)t Eton College, secretary and trearsurer. The student officers Iceed to posts held this year Reidsville. vice president; and Pa by Larry Barnes, of Portsmouth., trlcla Chrismua, o. ReidsviUe, sec- 4 1 I Chosen as members of the Stu- lOih liALLUlirNt* rmincll were Janet Burge, JERKY LOY dent Council were Janet Burge, of Sanford, and Betty Earp, of Burlington, as women’s represen tatives; James Biggerstaff. of Bur- * lington. and Bobby Johnson, of Burlington, men’s representatives; ind Lew Atchison, of Washington, T. C., representative-at-large. Selected as members of the Ho nor Council for the new term were 3otty Apple, of Burlington, and Walter Edmonds, of Portsmouth and Doc Alston, of Reidsville, sen ' ior representative to the Student Legislature. All of these officers were unopposed in the election Leading the rising sophomores will be Jimmy Humphreys, of Southern Pines, as president. Oth er sophomore officers are Steve Mauldin, of Winston-Salem, vice president; Jean Loy, of Elon Col lege secretary; Ann Minter of Martinsville, Va., treasurer; and Katie Langley, of Stanley, repre sentative to the Student Legisla- Va. from the senior class; Anne ture. There were no nominations Bass. South Boston. Va., and Mac- :ie McLaughlin, of Burlington, rom the junior class; and Sam White, of Pi-ttsboro, from the soph- >more class. The incoming fresh man class will choose its Honor Council member in a special elec- ioa next fall. John Blggerstaff, of Burlington, is the new president of the rising senior class. Other senior officers are Jeanne Payne, of Asheville, and no tickets for officers for the rising junior class on Tuesday, and those officers must be chosen la ter. The newly elected officers will assume their duties the first Mon day in May, when inauguration ceremonies are set by constitu tional regulation. They will then operate the student government through the remainder ot the year, acquainting themselves with their Annual May Day Theme Made Public The annual May Day pageant, which is to be staged on the Elon campus on the first Saturday af ternoon in May. will be woven around the theme of “The Old Master Painter.” according to an announcement this week by Mrs. Jeanne Griffin, who is to direct the observance. She stated that full details of the pageant are yet to be worked out. but it promises to be one of the most colorful presentations in Elon’s May Day annals, since it will lend itself to a larc* num ber songs that have one color or another for their musical theme. Invitations are being extended to all former May Queens and May Kings to return to the Elon campus tor this 1957 observance, and acceptancei have already been received from a number of ■nc acaiixic . . , . I ^ Deen receivea irum a uuiiiuex- ul Va., Ipresldent; Doc. Alston, of ^ice president; Nancy Goforth, of duties while theu- [xredecessors ^ nresented on Reidsville, vice president; and Pa- Hendersonville, secretary; Jean are still on the campus to serve. Coghill, of Henderson, treasurer;: as guides. I the ifay of the pageant.