Here’s Success To The New Student Officers AROON AND GOLD And AUo The Best May Day Festival In History I — ' ■ ■ ■ — ■ TMfTMRKR. 1^ 1 ’ FLON COLLEGE, N. C. WEDNtSBAY. MAY 1, 1957 ' _ Eloii May Day Observance To Be Weekend Event W9^m Plan Dance To Climax Festivities ! The atmosphere ot ihe old j southern plantation will hold sway 1 on Saturday nijht when the Elon j students swin ’ the light fantastic ice in the annual spring formal, which is planned as the climax of the festive Ntay Day weekend The Alumni Memorial Gymna sium will bear little resemblance 10 itself when the decoration com ■n.itee gets through with it, pro viding a beautiful setting for tiie I dance, which will be to the tuae -f Jimmie Perkins and his Or- jhi.'3tra. Adding much to the mu sic for the occasion will be the luneful solos by Tommie McDon ald, student baritone, who will olo with the band. Bob Rickover, who is chairman of the dance committee, is the authority for the statement tha: ihis 1957 May Day formal, will ■>e the best yet. He turned loose ust enough on the decorations to make sure that the gyixinasium viiil be strictly out of this warla ,)y 3 o’clock Saturday nigh'.. There's to be a mock ceiling rarely ten feet above the floor, which will change the acoustics )f the sports emporium and make he music like none ever heard THE Kl>; AM) THE mHECTOK LARRY BARNES MRS. JEANNE ORIFKIX Larry Barnes, pictured left, who has guided campus affairs dur- nv> the past year as president o; the Student Government, will ,oif>n as King of May on Saturday. Directing the May Day pa geant, will be Mrs. Jeanne Griffin, pictured right, who is director 'f v.'OT.e i‘s pl‘‘.ysical education. New Memiiers Are InitiatCil ill Pi Gamma i\lii Frateniiiy The Elon Alpha Chapter of PI Gamma Mu. national honorary :)3cial science society, initiated, seven new members in ceremon ies held in Society Hall on Wed- vtlt, lliuaiv illVC n-,, HCIU here before, and that assure^ nesday, April 24th. The group ini plenty ot dancing from 8 o'clock I tiated included three members of intil midnight. Something new and I ;he Elon faculty and four stu- .'xciting will be provision of flo-j dents. ers for every ;irl who attends. The faculty members initiited The dance committee which haii nil rded Prof, John H, Brashear, plani'ed the May Day affair in- of the Business Administration ;iude3 Bob Rickover, chairman, j Department; Dr, Konstantinas Ocris Gaddis, Bob Orr, Janet Avizonis, of the History Depart- Margaret Patillo, Queen Of May College Band Is Received With Praise The Elon College band was re ceived with praise and appre ciation in a concert appearance in Whitley Auditorium on Monday night, the band’s first concert ap pearance in several years being dedicated to Dr, and Mrs, Leon E. Smith, The band, including more than thirty members presented a pro gram that was light and enter taining, includini; fiich popular numbers as “National Emblem March,” "Deep Purple,” “Star Dust,” and “Humorescapade Margaret PatUlo, Elon sen ior from Burlinffton, will rule as May Queen over the annual May Day festivities, wliich will be held on the campus this weekend. The May Queen, who is majoring in music, has play ed an outstanduig part in the student affairs during her four years on the Elon campus. She had held numerous student of fices and who chosen this year for “Wlu)S Who In American Colleges and I niversitics.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mi-s. C. W. .Patillo, of Burlington, Chem Group Hears Talks By Visitors The Chemistry Club, which is Crabtree, Faye Weaver, I'at Cog- lill. Dot Keck, Martha Langley, Wayne Taylor and Bobby John- ^f)n. Each of this committee has pared no eifort to make the ATTEM)S SHOW Elon commercial students were' formal t ps invited on Thursday of this week to attend a siiowii.g of 'ousiness machines, which was held in Greensboro under the auspices of naetn; Prof. C. Gilbert La ^, of tho Psyi'l'.jlog’y Depa.t-| ment, ; NfiAf student members iiii'.iitod'j were Dwight Moore, of Madison; Richard Routh, of Greens'ooro; Retreshmeats, which originated L^rvy Smith, of Liberty; and Wil- .vith Becky Murdock and Tracy jliam Stanfield, of Burlington, Griffin, will add much, to the Members of the group mast have festive atmosphere, and they as- a “B” average on at least seven the P.eJmont Chapter of the there’ll be plenty forjcourses in social science and no tional Association ot Cos. Ac | ■ ' fai'u-rs ^^-v'^rvbody in ct.enaance. tauu.ia. countai'ts . — Are Ainioiaic'ttl Louis Wilkins, of Lenning, Va.. Is the new president of Student Christian Asftociatlon. named at the recent election to direct the group during the 1957-58 college year, lie suc ceeds to the post held this year by Sylvia Smith, of Henderosn. Other officers are Joyce Myers, of Philadelphia, Pa.. vice president; Mary Lou Booth, of Hampton. Va., secretary; Jimmy Humphrey, of Southern Pines, treasurer; and Ann Bass, of South Boston, Va,, and Tom my Griffin, of Smithfleld. Va., pianists. Chairmen are Mary Ann Hartwell, of Barnstable. Mass, world order; Patricia Coghill, of Henderson, mmpus affairs: and William Joyner, of Franklin, Va.. religious life. Historical Smiety Of Noiili Carolina Meeting Here c,... t, outstand.n. 0^1.0 guests of the Elon College his-.-.tternocn and — - ^- M C.-,r.;Ur.r h.'ld its r.r - ’ "y Dr. H. H, C.mnirigham, who a r*^f-pti the West Dormi- Pajieant Set i As Feature On Saturday The annual Elon May Day pa geant, which will be staged on aie Souih Campus at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, will be wov en around the theme of “The Old Master Painter," with Donnie Holmes, of Thomasville, appear ing in the title role and painting the scene as it evolves iu the pa geant. Ruling as May Queen will be Margaret Patillo, senior girl fioiii Burlington, with Larry Barnes, of Portsmouth, Va„ sharing honors ai the king of tiie May festival. Little Patsy Walker, ot Burling ton, will be the flower girl for the event; with Robert Lee Pa- tillo, of Greensboro, nephew of ihe queen', serving as crown bear er. Chief attendants for the royal pair will be Evelyn Fritts, of Lex ington, as maid-of-honor, escort- id by j:dwin Davidson, ot Brack- onr.Pa. The senior attendants will be Jean Ca.^nady, of Ala mance, escorted by Robert Berg man of Uncasvllle, Conn., and Janet Crabtree, of Durham, es corted by Kerry Richards, of Ma- 'hanoy City, Pa. The junior at tendants will be Sylvia O'Connell, of Sanford, escorted by Walter Edmonds, of Portsmouth, Va,, and 'Patricia Chrismon, of Reidsville, ! escorted by Charles Foster, of Burlington, The May Day pageant will gel underway promptly at 3 o'clock with the Elon College Band ap pearing ia a brief concert. This will be followed by the presen tation of the former Elon College May Queen and May King who may be in attendance at the 1957 pageant, after which the proces sional will bring the royal court into its place on the stage, which is to be placed in circle on the South Campus. Jerry Loy, of Graham, recent ly elected president of the lilon College student tiovernnient, will crown the May Queen, He will ,;Uo serve as narrator for the pageant, which will be staged as entertainment for the royal court. Pain- " I cfomposed of majors in the field Also featured were trumpet and chemistry, was privileged to clarinet solos and a brass sextet,, outstanding visiting which presented Stephen Foster, spcikers diuring the noonth oi memories, I April. The speakers, bo.h of whom rr, , , were provided under the auspice= The complete program, Carolina Academy March: National Emblem .- Sousa^ce, were chosen from the “Deep Purple” Peter DeRose lecturers in the state will- Trumpet Solo, by Bernard Jones, to appear before the various with Ann Wilson as college science clubs, • ■ FiT-ct of th“ visiting speakers accompanist Tereharapmin i*rst of , ' I'm Getting Sentimental was Dr. S, Y. Tyree, of the Uni versity of North Carolina Chem- Over You” .. George Bassman Department, wiio spok^: to “Bagdad Overture” Buchel student clu'5 c"i April 16.h Brass Sextet, presenting Stephen on “Recent Advances m tne Iielu „ . . i ot Inorganic Chemistry. i“e Foster Memories. ; oi i e . ,j thp third „ mpptina wa sheld on tne imru “Phantom Lake” Tarver _ ^ v>,niHin? at Yoder floor of the science building at o’cldc'tt on Tuesday, April “Humorescapade” ^“‘'''*|7-30 "Largo” (New World 116th. Symphony) Worley ^he other lecturer heard by the Clarinet Solor, “Fantasia” student club was Dr. Charles N. ■ by Gary Kent, soloist, Keilley. also of the University J ^ ^ Carolina, wno spoke April Star Dust” Carmichael - .. 30th on "CoTiplexoiis, The New American Patrol Novelty . . -r i i Amlv-jis ” His Meacham Approach to .vietal Analysis. His „ „ ■ lecture also featured the regular Finale “William Tell 1 niih ^ , „ Rossini meeting of the Chemistry UuD. Overture 1 -V ■I ■: Leau f .„res ‘n the a’lnua' s^rin? meotin; of the Histx>ry Society of North Carolina, wnich ■ V L ,nH pvpniniz sessions on the Ekn Co;’.:-.-campus last w-ek, are plc- v,3s !-■ J,, .. grg Dr, D, J Whilener, cf Appalachian State College, Boone, tured above ! ■ * Gre?r-‘mjro ".jllece, Gr. ensboro, secretary; Dr, C, Crit- fendToJtorN C Archives. Rak-igh,; and Dr, H. H Cunrun,..m, head of the Elon college history department, wh , w.„ host t. .he assemMed h .C.nans, ^ ^ With “The Old Master ^ ^ i theme song, the var- tory parlors prior to the after-! ious dancer *‘1' ^e staged to th-> noon session and a dinner for the melodies of songs wiiich leaturo guests in the banquet room o£ colors in their titles. ^ the McEwen Memorial Dining Hall Dancing to the tune o )c at 6 o'clock Rohin” wdl be a group Special guests for the dinner i which includes Carol Earle Ann meeting were Dr, and Mrs, Leon j Minter, Jame Burgess, and Sarah Smith, with Dr, Smith extend- Barringer, ing words ot welcome from the^ The next color on the palette college; and Mr, and Mrs, George JviH be blue, featuring the Blue D Colcloi/x with Mr, Colclough: Danube Waltz”, with Bob Uick- speaking briefly to welcome the! over and Kay Hughes as the danc- historians to Burlington. Four interesting historical pa-l To the strains of “She Wore A pers were read during the meet-;^'ellow Ribbon,' the dance group ings, with Dr. Burton F. Beers,'«i» include Mary Lou Booth, Vlv- of N. C. State College, presenting ian Franks, Margie Jean a paper on “Robert Lansing’s 1 Loy, Linda Simpson, ^atie Lang- PropoLd Bar,,in With Japan;" l«^y. Marion Glasgow, Malinda 3rd with Dr. William S. Hoffman,' Jones, Nancy Lemmons trances of Appalachian Slate College, I Kittrell, Martha Rohart, Uonis readhM a p,.per on “J.,hn Branch! Gri..,om, Ted Eane,s, Tom Pugh, and the Ori'^in. of the Whig Par-|Oon Blalock, Joe Jarrett, James ty in North Carolina,” McCauley. Bob Lauver Bob Skin- Papers read at the eving ses- ner, Frank Robertson, Chang Kim Sion were by William S. Powell. | r- trhlich and o! the University of North Caro-: Lister Hales. Mna library staff, on “Patrons of' The “Green Door” music will *he Pres.s: Suh-cription Book furnish the dance melody for Dot- Purchases in North Carolina 17'i2-|tie Neal, Jane Robertson, Peggy 1850; " and by Dr, J, Carlyle Sit- Zi,mmerman, Nell O'Connell. Nan- terson, ot the University of North'ey Perry, Angie Kelly, and Lou- iCirolina, on “Business Leaders of.ann Lambeth, Post Civil War North Carolina,' The traditional “May Pole” 1869-1900.” I dance will fo.iture Eliabeth Mor- Officers of the groun Included jris, Joyce Barbour, Betty Earp, Margaret Honeycutt, Emma Al len, Pam Dofflyemyer, Ruth Geary. Melba Meletiou, Rose Gilliam. Mary Hartwell, Marian McEvoy, Etta Britt, Shirley Hartsoe, Becky Hatch, Carol Price and Charlotte Williamson. Dr, C, C, Crittendon, director of the North Carolina Archives, pres ident; Dr, M, L. Skaggs, of Greens boro College, secretary; and Br. D, J, Whitener, of Appalachian State College, program director. •V

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