MAROON AND GOLD Non-Profit Orgcnizotion U. S. POSTAGE PAID Elon College, N. C. PERMIT No. I Return Requested VOLUME 48 ELON COLLEGE, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1968 NUMBER 17 Tax Expert Speaks At Elon f^EWCOMER TO ELON THIS YEAR DR. SYLVANUS M. DUVALL A ncwcomcr on ihc K- lon academic scene this year, who has already made a fine contribution to the campus, is Dr. Sylvanus M. I3uvall, a semi-retired professor who likes to keep his hand in the leaching profession. Dr. Duvall is techni cally retired after many years as a member of the faculty at (ieorgc Will - iams College in Chicago, bui he came to Hlon to do part-time teaching in the field of .social science this year, because he de clares, “This is no time to retire. It is too excit ing.” In his role as a part- time member of the Hlon faculty, he taught one class in contemporary problems during the past fall semester, and he is sgain teaching a single cla.s.s this spring. His stu dents do much work on their own in studying the present day problems of American socicty. At the same rime. Dr. Duvall himself is spending much time in research in his field. lie and his wife. Dr. fc-velyn Mills in the College Garden A- Pariments. Both ho and wife are the authors of widely used texts and Reference books on fam- life, and both have . ^ Worldwide experience in the subject of family relations. nila Dr. of sity, M. finion inary. Tietell Talks About Taxes, Philanthropy SPEAKER Duvall Is Newcomer In Social Sciences logether they were consultants on family life at the East Asia Confer ence in Manila in 1954, and this was followed by similar conferences in Ceylon, India, Egypt ^nd Lebanon. In 1961 they served as co-chairmen of the Na tional Conference on Church and Family, spon sored by the National Council of Churches and the Canadian Council of Churches. In 1966 and 1967 they worked for sev eral months in the area of family life with the New Zealand Department of Justice. They have also conducted short confer ences in Hong Kong, Sid ney. Australia, and in Ma in the phillipines. . Duvall is 3 native Syracuse, N.Y. He holds the A. B. degree from Syracuse Llriiver- the n.D. and S. 1. degrees from the Theological Sem- and the M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from Co lumbia I'niversity. In addition to his teach ing work at C.eorge Will iams College, he has also taught at Scarritt Colleg in Nashville, Tenn., and has taught summer cour ses in a number of col leges and universities in all parts of the L^nited States. ,. , Among the books which Dr. Duvall has pubhsiied (Continued on Page Church Editor Visits Campus Last Weekend Dr. J. Martin Bailey, of New York City, who is editor of “The United Church Herald,” spent four days here at Elon College and in this area last week, foiling a number of speaking en gagements here and re newing acquaintance with United Church of Christ activites in North Caro lina. After arriving at the Greensboro - High Point Airport on Wednesday of last week, he came im mediately to Elon College, where he spoke in chapel services on both 1 hurs- day and Friday mornings. He also met with seve ral college groups, in cluding the United Church of Christ Fellowship and the ministerial and reli gious education majors ■who are members of the Mathatians.lle also spoke to the members of the journalism class last Friday. Along with his visit to Elon, Dr. Bailey also vi sited Catawba College at Salisbury and the Elon Home for Children, both of which are operated under the auspiccs of the United Church of Christ. On the entertainment side. Dr. Bailey also at tended a presentation of the Elon Player show “Waiting For Godot,” on Friday night and the Elon- Guilford basketball game on Saturday night. After an informal meeting with area mini sters and their wives on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Bailey spoke at the Elon College Community Church last Sunday morn ing Conrad Tietell, of New York City, considered one of the foremost tax ex perts in the United States, was a visitor on the Elon campus some days ago when he spoke to the Elon trustees and to a group of business and industrial leaders of this area con cerning the relations of taxes to private Philantro- py in the field of higher education. The visit of the na tionally known tax coun seller was in connection with a workshop designed as a preliminary to a capital fund drive, which is planned by and for Elon College in the immediate future, a campaign de signed to eventually raise $7,000,000 for college en dowment and improve ments. Tietell first spoke to the members of the Elon College board of trustees on his visit here, talked at a workshop meeting in the afternoon to which a- bout 100 persons, includ ing bankers, public ac countants, insurance rep resentatives and tax con sultants had been invited. He also talked at a din ner meeting that night in McEwen Dining Hall. The visit of the New York tax expert marked the first big step in the projected E-4 Fund drive, and it followed the ap pointment of Allen E.Gant to head a special Advance Gifts Division and George D. Colclough to head a Deferred Gifts Division. I'ietell is a member of the New York law firm of Prerau and Tietell and is editor of “Taxwise Giving,” a monthly char itable tax guide for the use of development offi cers and stewardship leaders. He is a director of the Philantropy Tax In stitute and nationally re cognized as a lecturer in his field. He also holds member ship in national organi zations of higher educa tion and is a consultant on Taxation and Philan thropy for the American College Public Relations Association. CONRAD TIETELL PACE Offers Financial Aid To Students The State Department of Public Welfare, through its Division of Special Services and in cooperation with institu tions of higher learning in North Carolina, has de veloped a college work- study program for stu dents who are beginning or continuing their higher education in North Caro lina. The program is call ed PACE - I.N.C., with the letters of the abbre viated title meaning “Plan Assuring College Educa tion In North Carolina.” The PACE program en ables students to secure summer employment through off campus work- study funds available un der the Higher Education Act of 1965. Students, if certified by the financial officers of a participat ing college, may work for a home town public or private non-profit agency or organization during the summer. The pace; plan was de veloped by the community services consultant pro gram of the Division of Special Services in 1965. In the summer of 1967 the PACE program placed 1,878 students in 94 coun ties in North Carolina and in 859 different agencies or organizations. There were 47 colleges parti cipating in the plan last summer. The college financial aid officer determines the (Continued on Page 2) Spanish Club Will In Spanish On Mooney Stage , now Dovertv stricken. I'he students of the Elon College Spanish Club will U .Seir%pa«l»b " to special use this after noon when they present a play entitled The Baby Sitter” in Spanish in Mooney Chapel Theatre at 2:30 o’clock this alter noon, with admission free to everyone. The play, which was written by Prof. Jose M. Bohigas, a member of the Elon College foreign lan guage faculty, tells of the .struggles of an aristo cratic Spanish family. now poverty stricken, to preserve the social ap pearances at all costs. Dr. Bohigas, the au thor of the play, is well familiar with the customs and life of Spanish-speak ing people, for he is a (Continued on Page 4)