MAROON AND GOLD Non-Profit Orgonizotion U. S. POSTAGE PAID Elon College, N. C. PERMIT No. 1 Return Requested VOLUME 48 ELON COLLEGE, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 22,1968 NUMBER 20 Practice Teachers Scheduled sTvdents view portrait of first elon president Ijarge Group Begins Work Next Monday 1 : If Two Elon College students, Amy Ingle, nr wflUam Gibsonvllle, are pictured above taking a look at the ' Long, one of the founders and the first president of ?l°"Conege which was unveiled during the annual Founders Day exercises he colleire from the Monday morning. March 11th. The portrait was ^ gift ° Long family and will hang in the William S. Long Student Center, which opened last year and which was named in honor of Dr. Long. Portrait Of First President Of College Gift From Family Ian r.hiirch. a deno Snell Speaks In McEwen On Wednesday The reasons why Adolph Hitler was able to rise to absolute power in Ger many prior to World War II will furnish the sub ject of discussion when Dr. John L, Snell, a mem ber of the history faculty at the University of Penn sylvania. comes to Elon next Wednesday, March 27th, as another of the Visiting Scholars from the Piedmont University Center. Dr. Snell will speak in the banquet room of the McEwen Memorial Din ing Hall at 8 o’clock next Wednesday night, with all Elon students, members of the Elon faculty and the general public cor- dially invited to hear him. While appearing as part of the Visiting Scholars program. Dr. Snell will also be sponsored locally by the Contemporary Af fairs Symposium and by the Department of Social ^ciences of Elon College, ihe local sponsors have (Continued on page 4) One of the outstanding features of the annual Founders Day convocation held at Elon College on Monday, March 11th, was the presentation and un veiling of a portrait of Dr. William Samuel Long, one of the founders and the first president of Elon College. The portrait of ur. Long, which comes to the college as a gift froni the Long family, will be hung in the beautiful William S. Long Student Center in the heart of the Elon campus,a building which was completed and occu pied last year. The presentation cere monies, which were part of the Founders Day con vocation in Alumni Me morial Gymnasium, in cluded a biographical sketch by William I.Ward, Jr.. the presentation it self by David Long, and the unveiling of the por trait by Katherine Allen Williams and Talmadge p. Nelson, all of *em members of the Long ^^Dr.^' William Samuel I one who was born in Alamance County on Octo ber 22, 1S39, served for STore ton half a century as a minister of Christ ian Church, a denomina tion which is now part of the United Church of Christ. In addition to his ser vice in the Christian min istry, Dr. Long was al ways active in the cause of education. He served a number of years as superintendent of schools in Alamance County and was active in the found ing of the Graham Insti tute in 1365, an institu tion which merged with Elon College when it was founded in 1889. In recognition of his outstanding services as both minister and educa tor, Trinity College con ferred upon him the Mas ter of Arts degree in 1872, and Union Christian Col lege of Indiana conferred the Doctor of Divinity de cree in 1889. He also ser ved as a trustee of the University of North Car olina. . , As the leader in the establishment of pon College, which was char tered by the North Caro lina General Assembly on March U, 1889. Dr Long became the first president and served in that post from 1S89 until 1894, resigning from tne (Continued on Page 2) More than fifty Elon College seniors will ven ture forth into a new world next Monday, March 25th, when they go out from the campus into the Bur lington and Alamance County schools on prac tice teaching assign ments. A total of 57 practice teachers were listed in an announcement from the office of Dr. Arnold Strauch, chairman of the Elon College education department, with 26 of the group slated to do their practice work in the Bur lington City Schools and the other 31 slated to work in the Alamance County Schools, The seniors scheduled to work in the Burling ton City Schools from next Monday, March 25th, un til May 23rd, with name and school where they will work are as follows: Dee Colclough, Maple Avenue; Betsy Dearborn, Elmira; Betsy Patterson, Eastlawn; Donna Sutton, Forest Hill; Cathy Col lins, Grove Park; Bar bara Ippolito, Grove Park; Carol Reynolds, Eastlawn; Jean Stevens, Eastlawn; Connie Theodore, El mira; Peggy Beale, Glen- hope; Helen Clark, Grove Park; Eleanor Durham, Forest Hill; Faye New ton, Eastlawn; Melinda Ayscue, Grove Park; Yvonne Grandjean, Glen- hope; Diane Lewis, Map le Avenue; Vicki Thomas, East lawn; Jane Moon, Forest Hill; Rita Lockhart, Tur- rentine; Winona Hope, Williams; Elizabeth Woolsey, Broad Street; Carol Lupinacci, Turren- tine; Evaline Garrison, Williams; Gary- Karriker, Broad Street; Jerry Hogge,Tur- rentine; and Perry Will iams, Williams. The eight last-named students will work in either junior high or senior high, while the others previously listed will be in elementary and primary grades. There will be 31 stu dents in the county schools, with ten of them assigned to various high schools and the other 21 working in either the ele mentary or primary grades. The high school group includes Allene Stanley, Southern High; Mary Jo Scarce, Eastern High; Brenda Duncan, Western High; Harold Lovette, (Continued on Page 2) ELON DEBATERS ATTRACT INTEREST IN FIRST YEAR by CLAES ALEXANDERSON In its first year on an organized basis on the Elon College campus, in tercollegiate debating has won a solid spot among student activities at Elon, with Prof. Lloyd Young serving as faculty super visor for a group of en thusiastic debaters. The first tournament of the year was at Appa lachian State University in early November, with the Elon team account ing for only one win a- gainst eleven losses.De baters taking part at that time were Noel AlIen,Bill Walker, Mark Jordan and Hank Speer. There was a much im proved showing when the Elon debaters entered the second tournament of the year at Florida State Uni- v^ersity in Tallahassee, Fla., on February 16th and 17th, with Elon fin ishing as the 10th school in the novice division, a group of schools with less than two years of compe tition. The best team for Elon was Noel Allen and Jane Davis, the latter a fresh man in her first colle giate debate. This pair had four wins and two losses, and one of the wins was against Appa lachian State, a team which lost only one de cision in the tournament. The other Elon team, composed of freshmen Mark Jordan and Dave Evans, won two and lost four debates, which re gistered a tie with the championship team from Georgia State and lost by a decision. Dave Ev ans, member of this team, led the Elon team in in dividual points. The Christian debaters will enter another tour nament at High Point this weekend, with the four individual team members chosen from a group that includes Noel Allen,Bill Walker, Mark Jordan, Dave Evans and Jane Da vis, and Prof. Young states that the Elon team hopes to qualify in this tournament for entry in the national debate tour nament, which will be held in Louisville, Ky., on April 4 through April 7th. The subject for all in tercollegiate debates this year is on the nationwide query, “Shall the federal government guarantee a minimum annual cash in come to every citizen in the United States?”