Page 4 Pendulum May 4,1978 Students evaluate learning atmosphere Replws to student questionnaire Total Replies VC\DEMIC 1789 1. In order to provide study conditions, the library should strongly enforce a quiet policy. 1. Yes 79% 2. No. 21% 1602 2. The present library hours (8 a.m.-12 p.m. M-F; 10 a.m.-5 p.m Sat • 3 p.m.-12 a.m. Sun.) 1. are adequate 48% 2. need to be extended on Monday through Thursday 29% 3. need to be extended Friday thru Sunday 2% 4. need to be extended 7 days per week 20% 5. are unnecessarily long 1% 1763 3. How important is class attendance in mastering the material in a college course? 1. Very important 50% 2. Somewhat important 45% 3. Not important 5% 1654 4. Required class attendance would be in the best interest of 1. freshmen 35% 2. upperclassmen 1% 3. all students 43% 4. no student 21% 1749 5. Required class attendance would be in the best interest of students on academic probation. 1. Yes 84% 2. No 16% 1689 6. What do you consider to be the proper amount of out-of-class preparation for each hour spent in class? 1. Vi hour 11% 2.1 hour 41% 3. 2 hours 38% 4. 3 hours 8% 5. More than -3 hours 2% 1795 7. Have you received or do you expect to receive credit for College Programs? 1. Yes 54% 2. No 46% 1765 8. Do you believe that College Programs is a valuable part of the academic program? 1. Yes 55% 2. No 45% 1682 9. Do you believe that there are weaknesses in the existing assembly programs on Tuesday morning? 1. Yes 68% 2. No 32% 1781 10. Do you abide by the Honor System at Elon College? 1. Yes 93% 2. No 7% 166u 11. Do you believe the Honor System at Elon College is 1. ineffective 48% 2. effective 52% 1775 12. Do you think Elon COllege should continue an Honor System? 1. Yes 83% 2. No 17% 1708 13. Do you understand the academic probation/academic warning policy of the college? 1. Yes 64% 2. No 36% 1634 14. The academic probation/academic warning policy of the college students with less than a ”c” average (2.0) are placed on (1) warning, (2) probation (more serious), or (3) suspension. Status is based on cumulative hours attempted as related to GPA) is— 1. too strict 23% 2. too lenient 15% 3. adequate 62% 1665 15. Students who come to class unprepared or are irregular in attendance influence class morale 1. greatly 7% 2. moderately 43% 3. not at all 50% 1746 16. In order to maintain high quality major programs, the administration must support senior level classes with small enrollments. 1. Agree strongly 21% 2. Agree 39% 3. Disagree 13% 4. No opinion 27% 1503 17. The level of trust you have in communications from administrtive officials is 1. high 17% 2. moderate 47% 3. low 36% 1672 18. The level of trust you have in communications from the faculty is high 38% 2. moderate 53% 3. low 9% 19. The level of trust you have in communications from students leaders 1 1748 is 1 1447 high 18% 2. moderate 60% 3. low 22% 20. How important is a college degree to you in order to get and hold a decent job? 1. High 97% 2. Moderate 2% 3. Low 1% 2111 21. Are you majoring in subjects you are most interested in? 1. Yes 85% 2. No 15% 1715 22. Do you expect to get a job in the area in which you are majoring? 1. Yes 84% 2. 16% STUDENT LIFE 1761 1. For my purposes, college mail service is 1. good 16% 2. adequate 44% 3. not adeauate 40% 1830 2. Do you think there should be freshman dormitories? 1. Yes 24% 2. No 50% 3. No opinion 26% 1898 3. The dormitory environment affects or has affected my academic performance 1. positively 20% 2. negatively 27% 3. not at all 20% 4. not applicable to me 33% 1855 4. What difficulty have you had in finding a quiet place to study on campus? 1. None 19% 2. Little 32% 3. Moderate 32% 4. Great 17% 1800 5. Do you approve of enforced quiet hours in the dormitories? 1. Yes 50% 2. No. 24% 3. No opinion 26% 1401 6. If you approve of enforc^ quiet hours in the dormitories, which hours? «... 1. 7 p.m.-7 a.m. 22% 2. 8 p.m.-lO p.m. & 12 m-7 a.m. 34% 3. 2 p.m.-4 p.m. 7% 4. other 37% 1669 7. If quiet study areas were provided, would you use them? 1. Yes 77% 2. No 23% 1776 8 If areas for group studying were provided, would you use them? 1. Yes 62% 2. No 38% 1665 9. How many hours per week do you spend at work that is necessary for you to earn enough money to remain in school? l.None 57% 2.1-9 9% 3.10-19 15% 4. 20-29 12% 5.30-39 4% 6.40 or more 3% 1868 10. How many hours do you spend in intercollegiate athletics? 1. None 68% 2. 1-9 15% 3. 10-19 7% 4. 20-29 6% 5. 30-39 2% 6. 40 or more 2% 1893 11 How many hours do you spend per week in extra-curricular activities? 1. None 23% 2. 1-9 46% 3. 10-19 19% 4. 20-29 8% 5. 30-39 2% 6. 40 or more 2% 1790 12. On the average, how many hours do you study each day Monday through Thursday? 1. None 2% 2. 1-2 28% 3. 3-4 33% 4. 5-6 19%. 5. 7-8 10% 6. more than 8 8% 1879 13. On the average, how many hours to you study Friday through Sunday? — 1. None 11% 2. 1-2 35% 3. 3-4 31% 4. 5-6 13% 5. 7-8 5% 6. more than 8 5% 1765 14. The number of social activities is 1. too few 66% 2. too many 2% 3. adequate 32% 1742 15. The number of co-curricular activities (concerts, lectures, and other out-of-class educational programs) is 1. too few 58% 2. too many 4% 3. adequate 38% 1827 16. Do you beheve all activities of all organizations should be registered on the college calendar? 1. Yes 74% 2. No 26% 1729 17. Is there a need for complete overall coordination of events and activities? 1. Yes 74% 2. No 26% 1719 18. The new college poUcy concerning the use of alcohol on campus has affected the quality of life in the dormitories 1. positively 32% 2. negatively 15% 3. not at all 53% 1901 19. Do you think that your social activities prevent you from performing at your best academic level? 1. Yes 28% 2. No 72% 1738 20. 1 read the COMMUNICATOR— 1. Regularly 56% 2. Sometimes 39% 3. Never 5% 1701 21. I read the PENDULUM 1. Regularly 62% 2. Sometimes 34% 3. Never 4% 1756 22. Would you favor fewer restrictions in placing of appropriate signs on the campus? 1. Yes 44% 2. No 15% 3. No opinion 41% 1722 23. If more and better social events were planned for the weekends, would you stay on campus more often? 1. Yes 77% 2. No 23% CALENDAR 1648 1. The present fall and spring semester lengths are 1. too long 20% 2. too short 5% 3. adequate 75% 1659 2. The present winter term is 1. too long 3% 2. too short 34% 3. adequate 63% 1730 3. Which of the following do youfavor? 1. Early semester (1st semester starts in late August and ends in December) (2nd semester starts in mid January and ends in mid May) 16% 2. The 4-1-4 school year that now exists. 69% 3. Traditional semester (1st semester starts in early Sept. andends in mid January) (exams in January) (2nd semester starts in Feb and ends in May) 9% 4. The quarter system (the 9-month academic year divided into three quarters) 6% 1634 4. The consolidation of MWF afternoon classes to MW afternoons has been 1. academically beneficial 51% 2. academically detrimental 9% 3. of no effect 40% 1649 5. The consolidation of MWF afternoon classes to MW afternoons has been 1. inconvenient for scheduling 15% 2. more convenient for scheduling 48% 3. of no effect 37% 1585 6. The double-period class in the time schedule for Physical Education activity courses has been 1. inconvenient for scheduling 28% 2. more convenient for scheduling 20% 3. of no effect 52% MISCFXLANEOUS Total Office Fair Unfair Not applicable 1765 A. Financial Aid Office 56% 20% 24% 1750 B. Admissions Office 81% 13% 6% 1731 C. Academic Dean’s Office 70% 13% 17% 1746 D. Registrar’s Office 56% 37% 7% 1738 E. Campus Shop 69% 27% 4% 1772 F. Traffic Office 39% 49% 12% 1695 G. Housing Office 60% 17% 23% 1734 H. Student Affairs Office 70% 12% 18% 1749 I. Business Office 69% 12% 19% 1723 J. Maintenance 55% 26% 19% 1703 K. Academic Departments 77% 10% 11% 1744 L. Physical Ed. Facilities 68% 18% 14% 1714 M. Food Scrvice 41% 40% 19% 1527 N. Library 79 % 17% 4%