April 5, 1979 The Pendulum Page 5 LjiJ. Thoreau in jail The Cast of The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail. Crop from p.l resident student who skips all three meals involved.” On Wednesday at 1:30 the fast will start with a kick- off meeting in the large lounge of Long Student Cen ter. Between 5 and 6, all fasters and friends of fasters are invited to meet for con versation and fellowship in the large lounge. The day- trippers will sponsor a coffee break at 9:30 Thursday morn ing. Between 1 and 2 p.m. the fasters will meet again for fellowship. The period of fasting will be brought to a close with a special communion/love feast worship service in the large lounge. The worship service is sponsored by the Religious Life Committee. Bill Sharpe and Carole Chase will administer the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The MOSCOW I960 - JTJi ^ Without your help, we can’t afford to win. Make check payable to U.S. Olympic P.O. Box 1980-P, Cathedral Station, Boston, MA 021ia Name Address . . - - I City 1 State -iP 1 contribution is enclosed. Please send me the symtwl of support checked below, n Stickpin ($10) □ Tote Bag ($25) □ Desk Spinner □ Pendant ($25) □ Visor Cap ($26) I I I You'ContMbutionisiaK-d«JuctiDie || ($50) service will conclude with a simple meal of cheese, bread and fruit. Dr. Chase savs. “The fast consists of eating no food for 28 hours and drinking water and unsweetened tea and cof fee. Anyone interested in fast ing or sponsoring a faster should sign up in McEwen or Harper Center cafeteria Fri day or Monday.” For more information, contact Dr. Chase in 315 Mooney, Vinnie Suozzi at Smith 109, or Nan Pearson at Ext. 304. Perhaps Vinnie Suozzi summed up the fast by saying “28 hours is nothing com pared to a lifetime of hun ger.” Wordsworth from p.l came alive on stage. Words worth said, “By saying Imes, one can give an emotional impact to the audience.” He also contrasted the actor’s approach and the academic approach. He strongly recom mended the actor’s approach to reading poetry and acting. **Very often the academics won’t enjoy or make the most of Shakespeare. Often people don’t realize the strength and potential in discussing Shakespeare’s works. Shakes peare is marvelous stuff. Wordsworth emphasized the value of effective facial expressions and mannerisms in acting. Actors should re search their characters and use their own originality to make the character believable. Wordsworth also discussed Chekhov at the lecture. “Ac tors love working with Chek hov; he. absolutely adore it. He wrote marvelous and won derful plays,” although his plays are not so popular with the modern audience. The Elon College Liberal Arts Forum series on “The Future of Democracy” con- tim’es on tomorrow and Sat urday, April 6 and 7, with a dramatic reading of The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail, by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. This year’s production, directed by Dr. Andrew J. Angyal of the English Department, includes Elon students and staff, and other members of the com munity. This contemporary, two-act play, set in the Concord jail, explores the reasons why Tho reau refused to pay his poll tax and allowed himselt lu oe jailed briefly as a symbolic gesture of protest against the state. Thoreau’s experience in jail later became the basis for his famous essay on "Civil Disobedience.” The play deals with his one night in jail intermingled with flashbacks from his past. The production on April 6 and 7 will be done in the style of Readers Theater, in which members of the cast sit on stools and evoke the charac ters and text of the play itself primarily through their voic es, rather than through the elaborate staging cf a full- scale dress production. In this style of theater the actors try to present the spoken word and dialogue, rather than offer a full treatment of each character. The cast includes Eric Mills as Thoreau, Dan Moury as Emerson, Jan Nelson as Emerson’s wife Lydia and Jane Moury as Rebecca, the Emersons’ daughter. Rhonda Apple plays Tho reau’s mother while Larry Hanker is Thoreau’s brother, John. Bailey, Thoreau’s cellmate, is played by Ken Blake; Dea con Ball by Tim Eanes; and Ellen, a lovely young lady, by Kandy Arthur. Sam Staples, the local con stable, is played by A1 Mora, an area resident who has been active in the Gallery Players Community Theatre. Warren Bell plays Williams, a newly freed slave and Janet Smith plays a woman of the town. The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail will begin each night at 7:30 in the Mooney Theatre. Admission is free and stu dents, faculty, staff and the community are cordially in vited to attend. Counselor Year-round Boys Camp Immediate opening, challenging career opportunities in a therapeutic ' wilderness camp for emotionally problemed children in need of a friend. Must be willing to live with a group, take part in extensive canoe, backpack and bus trip. Degree preferred, but life experience considered. Training, college credit. Excellent career benefits, staff back-up, advancements.] Representatives will be on B^on College campus Thursday, April 5. From 9 -4 p.m. to interview for counselor-teacher [positions. Please come by Alamance Building! [to sign for interview at Long Student Center and or information or send resume to : Jack & Ruth Eckerd Foundation Route 1 Box 575M Brooksville, Florida 33512 Equal Opportunity Employer