Page 6 The Pendulum Sept. 20, 1979 With captala Jim Riddle aad co-cmptain Donoyan Brown leading the way, the ’79 Fightin’ Christians charge onto the field thinking, “Ah, home sweet home.” Fightin ’ Christians at home AO-Amerlcan taflbadi Bobby Hedrick fonnd little dayHght In Don’s home opener and It wasn’t because the game was played at night. With last Saturday night’s home opening loss to Mars Hill College, the fightin’ Qiristians have even smaller room for error now. The defeat not only rdieved the maroon and gold of its No. 2 national ranking, bnt also placed them tmporarily in the cellar of the SAC-8 conference. However, Coach Tolley also knows that one loss doesn’t end his squad’s chances. “Not even two,” Tolley says in reference to last year’s team that gained a playoff berth despite two losses and a tie. ^ou^ this trumpeter was careful not to hit any sour nbtes, a loss to Mars HID is always a Mtter thought.