f ■ jtursday, March 29, 1984 The Pendulum Page 7 News briefs Splash Party The Black Cultural Society will sponsor a splash party tomor row in Beck Pool from 8 p.m. to midnight. Games and music will be played. Everyone is invited. ^ ROTC Tomorrow there will be a military ball at the Four Seasons Mall Holiday Inn. The cost for basic course ROTC cadets, non scholarship cadets and guests is $16. On the agenda is a semi- formal dinner and a dance. A canoe trip is planned for April 14 and will be open to all interested students. Details will be announced later. Blood Drive On April 3, ROTC will sponsor a Red Cross Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Jordan Gym. There will be competition for student organizations. The group which has the most number of students to donate in the group’s name will win $75. There will be a $50 second prize and $25 third prize. Competitors need not be members of a group, only donate in the group’s name. Student Admission Committee Information Today, there will be an information session for anyone in terested in learning about the Student Admissions Committee. Dean Joanne Soliday, will lead the session at 6:30 p.m. in the Chandler Meeting Room. Campus Wide Worship Service The April 3 Worship Service will feature speaker Dr. Charles Williams of the First Presbyterian Church in Burlington. The service is held at 9:30 a.m. in Whitley Auditorium with one college program credit offered. Internships Available The North Carolina Marine Resources Center/Roanoke Is land offers work-study summer internships. Students majoring in biology, ecology, environmental or sci ence education, recreation, art and design, journalism and re lated fields are invited to apply. College credit can usually be arranged for students participating in an internship. More in formation is available from Rhett B. White, director, N.C. Marine Resources Center/Roanoke Island, Box 967, Airport Road, Manteo, N.C. 27954. Mark Your Calendar A career day for liberal arts students will be held on April 12 from 1-5 p.m. in Long Student Center on second floor. Repre sentativps from banking, media brokerage, advertising, air lines and other areas will attend. Priestley sponsors writing contest Entries are being accepted for the first annual Priestley Award in Journalism, pre sented to the student majoring in Journalism-English whose published writing in newspap ers or magazines has been of the most consistently high quality. The award with a $100 prize is given by Dr. Mary Ellen Priestly, former professor of English and journalism and adviser to The Pendulum from 1974 to 1982. From the categories of news, features, editorials, sports and opinion columns, the qual ifying student should select three published copies of three articles of at least 500 words each from newspapers or magazines. Entries should be presented by 5 p.m., April 2, to Professor Bob Nowell (Carlton 305), chairman of a three-judge panel that selects the winner. The selection will be announced at Awards Day, April 24. Greeks continued from page 1 “Within the sorority, there are sisters who can help a pledge if she is having prob lems in a subject someone is majoring in,” Womble says. “This is taken care of by the education director. This pledge class in particular has a very high grade point average.” The scholarship chairman for Phi Mu, Marti Kain, de scribes her organization as having “study buddies” which group a sister and a pledge. “We do programs like having all the girls set a gpa goal for the semester, and try to reach it. We gave out about 20 of those last semester. They set high standards for themselves. It has all been very en couraging." Long-term goals KA President Mike Simonelli says one of the main goals of the IFC is to open up communication with the advi sors and the administration. He says, “A point we have to fall back on is the improvement Friends A party. A nnovie on TV. Watching ttie game. Playing cards Wtienever your group gets together remember that hot delicious pizza is just minutes from your door Domino’s Pizza Delivers. Donnino’s Pizza is made for people. Our small pizza serves 2-3. Our large serves 4-6. Real pizza. Generous toppings. Reliable and fast. There’s no better value in town. Try the pizza from America’s favorite pizza delivery people. Check your telephone listings for the store nearest you. Limited delivery areas. Dnvers carry under $20- •1984 Domino's Pizza, lr»c. DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS VALUE. on the overall Greek gpa. It shows that we care about Elon and what’s going on in the com munity, and that we’re not just down here going crazy.” In addition to working with scholastic achievements, the Greek organizations are spon sors and participants in ser vice projects. The IFC will be sponsoring a Danceathon at the Ramada Inn this Saturday from 5-10 p.m. for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The organizations have also adopted national service pro jects for organizations like the cancer society. Special Olym pics, United Way and other groups that aid the handi capped. DO YOU NEED Hirth or Birth (Ituilrol iii- IV>rinati»n? V.l). STt*eiiin^ »r rr«“atin«“iil':' l*r«*f;iiaiicy "I THEN CALL Plaiiii(‘l PamitluMMi of llit‘ I'ria*!, Iiu‘ Al :{7;i-()67« WE ARE HERE TO LISTEN AND TO HELP. s. (]«mrl am! Vt iiistoii-Saleiii. services Salad Bar Extravaganza Today At Lunch McEwen and Harden