mil mil Best Wishes to Class of *85 The Pendulum Tlobb to address commencement Gov. Charles S. Robb of i^irglnia will deliver the com- nencement address at Elon Col- ege on May 19 when approx- mately 427 seniors are schedul- !d to receive their diplomas. Commencement exercises will )cgin at 10:30 a.m. in Alumni ilemorial Gymnasium and are )pen to the public. Gov. Robb also will receive the lonorary doctor of laws degree. Robb, a lawyer, was elected ieutenant governor in 1977 and 1981 was elected governor, receiving more votes than any :andidate for state office in Virginia’s history. Robb was born in Phoenix, Ariz. He graduated from Mount Vernon High School in Fairfax, Va., in 1957. He attended Cor nell University on a regional Ischolarship and the University of Wisconsin on a NROTC scholar ship. He received his bachelor of business administration degree at Wisconsin in 1961 and his law degree from the University of Virginia in 1973. He holds honorary degrees from a number rf colleges. The governor has been af filiated with the military since 957. He was student commander if all ROTC units on campus as in undergraduate and began ac- ive duty with the U.S. Marine Corps in 1961. He served as cam- mander of an infantry company in combat in Vietnam, where he received 10 decorations. The governor currently is president of the Council of State Governments, chairman of the Education Commission of the States, and the Education Sub committee of the National Gover nors Association’s Standing Committee on Human Resources. Robb is married to Lynda Johnson Robb, daughter of former President Lyndon B. Johnson. They have three daughters. Commencement weekend ac tivities begin Saturday with the college worship service at 4 p.m. in the Elon College Community Church. Dr. H. Winfred Bray, pastor of the First Christian Church of the United Church of Christ in Burlington, will deliver the sermon. His daughter, Darla, is one of the graduating seniors, A reception for the candidates for graduation, their families and friends is scheduled for 5 p.m. on the second floor of McEwen Din ing Hall. The Elon College Alumni Association and the col lege faculty will serve as hosts. Following graduation exercises, graduates, their families, and guests are invited to greet the governor on Scott Plaza. Bland is honors director p.3 Thursday May 9, 1985 Volume XI, Number 27 m Largest graduate class! Seniors with their black robes and square hats will officially be Elon graduates May 19. This year’s class is the largest in the history of Elon with approximately 427 students in the group. Waller is top prof Dr. Bruce Waller Dr. Bruce Waller, assistant professor and chairman of the department of philosophy, was named Wednesday as recipient of the Daniels-Danieley Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award, given annually to the professor who has done the most outstanding job for the year, was presented at the annual facul ty awards luncheon in McEwen Dining Hall. Waller, who has taught at Elon since 1978, received tenure this spring. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Louisiana Tech and his master’s degree and doctorate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is an authori ty in the philosophy of psychology and philosophy of sociology. The Daniels-Danieley Award was established to honor the parents of Dr. and Mrs. J. Earl Danieley. Dr. Danieley, former president of Elon College, is Thomas E. Powell Jr. professor of chemistry. District 26 baseball champs p.5