r. r r '•Srivtji'.-jL. ' sptember 11, 1986 The Pendulum Page 11 -Ir .1 -This Week at Elon- DAT/DATR Friday Sept. 12 Saturday Sept. 13 Sun-Th Sept. 14-18 Sunday Sept. 14 Monday Sept. 15 Tuesday Sept. 16 fednesday lept. 17 ’hursday lept. 18 'uesday ept. 16 EVENT LOCATICm TIME DAT/DATB EVENT LOCATION TIME Library-Tour Library 9:30 am Wednesday Sept. 17 Library Tour Library 10:00 11:00 am- pm Woaen's Volleyball; Elon vs Mt. Olive/Methodist Away 6:00 pm Baptist Student Union Lunch is served Jordan Lounge 12:00 pm Hen's Soccer: Elon vs Averett College Away 2:00 pm Men's Soccer: Elon vs Pfeiffer Home 3:30 pm Football: Elen vs Ferrum Colleee Burlington 7:00 pm Women's Volleyball: Elon vs Davidson Away 6:00 pm Real Men-and Real Woaen Syaposita Stadium Whitley Audit. Thursday Sept. 18 ColleRe Coffee Fonville Fountain 9:30 am Sponsored by Chaplain's Office and General Studies program Han V, Wo»an Ga»e Shor The game show format will be uf^ed to expose the system of inequities present in American culture. Richard A. Underifood, "Psyche and Wholeness” Dr. Underwood, Professor of Religious Studies at UNC- Charlotte, will explain the contribution of Carl Jung to our understanding of men and women. World of Light A film about the poet May Sarton will illustrate one woman's way of being in the world. A second film will offer a portrait of men's liberation. Women's Reality/Men*s Reality A faculty panel will discuss the distinct perspectives of the "white male system" and the emerging "female system," preceded by the film One Pine Day, a historical montage celebrating American women. Men and Wo«en At Work A panel of area professionals will talk about the changing roles and continuing problems facing men and women in the work place. Ed Harrell, Patricia*Robertson Being Real in Relationships Dr. Harrell, Professor of Counselor Education at Appalachian State University, will explore with Ms. Robertson, patient counselor at the Bowman Gray School xf Medicine, the dynamics of healthy relationships. Whitley Audit. 7:30 pm Whitley Audit. 4:00 pro Whitley Audit. 7:30 pm Whitley Audit. 4:00 pn Whitley Audit. A:00 pm Whitley Audit, 7:30 pra Sandra Morgan, Gender Roles A cultural anthropologist and Director of Women's Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Dr. Morgan will explore societal expectations placed on men and women. Wo«en*8 Soccer: Elon vs UNC-Chapel Hill Library Toura Wowen'a Volleyball: Elon vs N. C. Wesleyan/Eaet Carolina College Chapel: Chaplain McBride The theme is "Divinity: Who Is God?" Library Tour Intervareity Christian Fellowship Jerry Teplitz, Managing Your Stress Dr. Teplitz, author of Managing Tour Stress. How to Relax and Enjoy, will explain how certain foods (sugar in particular) affect your body. Sponsored by Student Union Board Whitley Audit, ^:00 pm Away A 00 pm Library 8 30-5 .30 pm Away 6 00 pm Whitley Audit 9 30 am Library 9 30 am- 10 30 pm Long Student 6 30 pm Center Whitley Audit 8 00 pm Admission Charges There is an admission charge for some college sponsored performances. STUDENTS AND STAFF ARE ALWAYS ADMITTED FREE TO THESE PERFORMANCES UPON PRESENTATION OF THEIR STUDENT OR STAFF IDEN TIFICATION. Guests may purchase tickets from Carol Oakley in Alamance 103 or at the door. Tickets for Shakespeare Festival’s Love’s Labour’s Lost Because of the limited seating capacity of Whitley Auditorium, admission to the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival’s production of Love’s Labour’s Lost on Wednesday, September 24 will be by advanced “ticket”. Seats will NOT BE HELD AFTER 7:50 P.M.! Free tickets for students and faculty are now available in Alamance 103. Real Men & Real Women A General Studies Symposium Elon College — September 14-18, 1986 Sponsored by the Chaplain’s Office and the General Studies Program, this symposium will examine the unfinished political agenda of sexual equality in American culture together with the unfinished human agenda of achieving a just and humane view of ourselves as men and women. What we once called the “women’s liberation” movement has caused us to recognize that the set of roles and expectations for women cannot be changed without corresponding changes in how men view themselves. Indeed, the issue is “human liberation.” So, who are the real men and real women? This symposium will seek positive answers to some very tough issues: What is it to be a whole person whether male or female? How do we honor the masculine and feminine attributes which are present in each of us? Does American culture prohibit men as well as women from realizing their true natures? In relationships, how do we know when we are true to ourselves and not to stereotypes? How can we achieve both economic opportunity and sexual equity?