ladiK Septemb«r 18,1986 The Pendulum Features Page 5 'Game show By Dot Hayes Feature Editor on down !” shouted Chester Robinson and imOM Susan Semonite ran ; the aisle as the audience mi its approval. Ilk), Vanna White and I^t Sajak 1 not brought Wheel of Fortune |3aa.Instead, last Sunday night n students borrowed the game format to present a parody ^'tow women have been treated their male counterparts.The was part of the “Real In and Real Women” sym- dum that has been held in jiitley Auditorium each day ce last Sunday. We played our parts in the le show so absurdly and some ientB took us seriously—that’s said participant Jeff Van IS, sophomore. He played *e laixxxx), assistant to the vice 8ident for marketing of Blue 11 Corp. ‘My mother will kill me when sees the tape,” he added. Participants were Marlee ascak, sophomore; Jim Bush, ^Jshman; Trey Gwaltney, n Sls|dx)inore; Ritricia Cathcart, l_3c‘iiior; Mark Harris, [ jPhomore; Sandy Mershon, jijj. nior; and Jeff Van Ness, ^.^omore. Robinson,area coor- IdTi;:' Mtor for the West area, served I p.emcee and V^en Board, vice , ' .’kident of academics and stu- ^raliOi! ^ ^j.nt affairs, made an appearance the end of the game show Hide a motorcycle that was one ^the many “prizes” for the male lets ^ su intestants. gned.»^ tthe'r'' The :^Thc four contestants took turns inning a wheel similar to the le on Wheel of Fortune. Con- ispV3ntation, Power Play, Fate or irtune and Status Check were ^ four categories of questions. a Power Play question, Van nieiHtss pufled from the barrel held Mershon, alias Vanna White, iS)u are the James Bond ideal; Elon symposium parodies sex roles sauve and sophisticated. In timidate female players into a cor ner He then proceeded to in timidate the women with not much success. “You feel guilty about leaving your kids while you work. Lose a turn.” That was the fete of a female contestant. “Our game show is based on an actual board game,” said Semonite, who played Miss Vic toria Templeton, a secretary fn>m Tenafly, N.J. “We (the participants) were recruited by Rev. (Richard) McBride, the college chaplain, when the resident assistants were here Aug. 25-31,” she added. “Wi all got together last week and planned out the show.” Sexist comments such as “You have the perfect wife-she never contradicts you in public, has perfect dinner parties and runs her entire life around you” and “Your wife stops working to tend to your needs” brought cheers from some of the male members of the audience. At one point, a female in the audience yell ed,“Five points ? You sound like a broken record when it comes to giving women points.”The men received 10 points or extra turns for drawing cards with statements such as, “ You have an affair with with the boss’s wife. She con vinces him to give you a promo tion.” Toward the middle of the game, fects such as “men miss more days of work per year than women” vwre brought out--but the men won 85 points. The two men won a socket wrench and screwdriver set, an all expense paid trip to Colo., via Elon Airlines and a Honda motorcycle each. The females won as a con solation prize a trip to Byrd’s. Only 10 percent of the grocery bill would be paid 1^ the show and a two month supply of vacuum cleaner bags was thrown in. Neither transportation to Byrd’s of Burlington nor the Hoover vacuum cleaner bags were included. The final score was 150-to-65. For those who missed the Sun day symposium, the game show will be shown on Cable Channel 32 tonight at 7:30. The program will also be shown in Greensboro and on thdosed-circuit: television system of Elon, ETV. “A highlight of the symposium will be shown at the time an nounced,” said Ray Johnson, assistant professor of communica tions and coordinator of televiskm services. “The show will be on NCTV (National Collegiate Television) on a 30-minute pro gram entitled Campus America.” ■ F \ POWER PLAY: Game show host Chester Robinson, West Area coor dinator, asks Elon students Mark Harris (left) and Jeff Van Ness a Photo by Cord Finley question concerning their view on male dominance. About 250 peo ple attended the “Man Versus Woman” show in Whitley.