Page 4 The Pendulum Thursday, September 251 Editorials Elon’s chaplain aids in well-rounded education Last week’s symposium on “Real Men and Real Wjmen” provided much-needed insight into one of today’s most highly-debated issues. Hon students and the surrounding community were given the oppor tunity to hear and express various opinions concerning the topic. This esperience, however, would not have been possible without the thorough planning of Elon’s chaplain, the Rev. Richanrd McBride. It is important few ail colleges and universities to have spiritual leaders on their campuses. But, McBride is actively involved in the academic life of the coll^ community as well. His efforts, though, often go unnoticed by both students and faculty. These symposiums which McBride organizes spark classroom discussions that might not otherwise occur. While he is available to the students, fiaculty and administration for religious matters, he is also aiding in the develpoment of a well-rounded college atmosphere for students who attend Eton. would like to thank Rev. McBride for all of the hard work that he puts iitto the symposiums, as well as other activities, at Elon. Con gratulations on a job well done! Frankly Speaking ’mil 15 IT JD6T MY IMAGlMATT^PN OR ARfe THE S"TUPEh/r$ T^AN WHe/'y lA/e To C0Ll£6£^ We’ll help. Will you? + Amencaji Rad CroM Every second counts. Would you know' whal to do? Red Cross will teach you what you need to know about life-saving. Call us. Letter to the editor Reader applauds Reagan attack on Libya To the editor: Anne Cassebaum may be ap palled by the military retaliation of the United States against the terrorist activities perpetrated by the Soviet-supported Qaddafi regime. (Letter to the editor, Sept. 18,1986.) I, however, ap plaud them. She acts as if the Li byans were not prewamed to cease their activities. I too am disgusted by the Libyans’ total disregard for human life and their insatiable appetite for deadi Americans. Comrade Cassebaum is ob viously unaware, like so many other Americans, of Col. Qad dafi’s payment of $4 million to fellow terrorist Abu Nidal for in ternational terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens. Col. Qad dafi is also the proud founder of 44 terrorists training facilities within the Libyans’ borders, or (wrhaps she believes that the Li byans plan to attack citizens of the Soviet Union? Comrade Cassebaum ques tions whether America’s attack will cease terrorist activities against Americans altogether. I doubt that it will, but, there is no denying that President Reagan’s actions have defmitely cutrailed terrorist actions against Americans and thus saved the lives of my American brothers and sisters abroad. I applaud the message that President Reagan sent to ter rorists abroad. Those who feel that Americans are open game are seriously mistaken, and those who choose to do so will face severe repercussions. The brutal murder of Americans will no longer be a crime that goes without recognition. 1 must agree with her that Qaa- dafi is not solely responsible for terrorism. In order to discover who is responsible, one must simply trace the origin of ter rorism to one nation that solely supports every terrorist organiza tion in the world, such as the PLO, IRA, ANC and, SWAPO.This peace-loving na tion is of course the Soviet Union. David Regnery The writer is a member of the College Republicans. The Pendulum Staj Edrtor Michele Lashlflf Arts Editor Wonne Eva«| Sports Editor Jeff Marci Advertising Rexanne ToddTayW Photographer cord Finl® Ann Cralldis Feature Editor Dot HayK Advisor Dr Bob Now! The Pendulum welcomes tetters, li^ to 250 words, from our readers LM material nriay be subrrwtted as tides. All letters must be phooe nuHDber given so tf*at tr>c validity can be checked The ^ reserves the right to edit for good taste and accuracy The for submitting material is 2 p m Monc Our office is located in 102 Ave.. phone 584-2331. This pa^ published by the Commun»catiOf« B^rd of Elon College. nai tober 14, 1974. as the newspaper serving the Eton comnrHjnity. The Pendulum is - each Thursday during and periods. The Pendulum is printec Burlington Daily Tinnes News cepi torJhe_examin5iw_ano^^^