The Pendutiim Thur»d«y, October 9 Editorials ( Cultural events ■— " Reader responds to letter against” SmJ.n„ ™*fce, ch.^ 0 fca™ bv U.S. I Deriag eacfc irmrMrr at Elaa. vmou cuhural evcm are aOaed to mitdfMi. beak), admnbtnaao and the tarraaadmg cammunit>. The opeaae hkI eflbrt the coOcge pna forth to bring ttaeae amn and *pc*kcn K> the campiii » eaonmui Hoacver. tte respome frtm nritni it uAui ^>ery wuiii|> 10 the »tnin»«iMiri mvI k) tbe gnen Ok of the man ingredgm of 1 wcQ-rooaded mlliy i» SB ipprecinaa of man% areas oooide of one'f m^or of KDd> aad esibiiihed iiTfrjus The oaiy »i5' to pm thk ^jprccijtian it » aahci> jandpm m tbe adonal acovitiei oflaeJ by tbe coOege. Ok am teea by the fOideai at being negteoed it that of rock nHnK Cnmptointt have tnggf-nrjd tliat imdeoD want 1 varied im- mc of tbe tcyit of mnsic. spcakcn nd topict offered Hcwcver. wrimB do Bot reaiizB that if ifa^' nwt the appartm^' 10 experience the catetal eweat ofiered ■ Qoo tbe» in» never ■g»m have the chance 10participaieorappreciaeK>man tfamgtthatcouklemicfatterlivet lonva. AnfjbU.c M nm^ at the cnhml eveno oa campus it often em- harra*^ iliBiL Thit make* tbe ndent bod) a Ekm look very ia iti willmgness 10 lean nd ocpenence k* tdeat. Vie wiD probably never agaa have the opporamit) 10 tee programs ncfa as the ones oCfered on catnpos free of charje The ticka price far tbe m^ohiy of the programs It paid far by the coOe«e far every ttudeot aikjbliry *cfaool here. 'R> m aimd it like ttartMnng a WrTtinp oppottuniiy wofa both Kmti. N« all of the programs afiered are far e^cryoae. Bat. ok a leas try to atmd a few each aemeaer Theae eveas provide vah»- bie imighi 10 tnnaDans Rirrannding Bt and they provoke ttaniiaii^ daiarooni dncawoot. No OK *c»kl have to faroe tmdeno to aaeod theae eventt. but rate- ■ndeao thmkl be eager to acpeoeoce new ogh« taands aiKi Thit it wha a college BdocadoB it all about. By Midteie IttMey md ISonm. Evani BLOOM COUNTY MenKpmM, Bi wr mi, mtrsTmrf Fvrmb rrstmy. mu. Bemew mrnny 50^ mrrmti, fiKYm€Ke. I lb tbe editar Mkfaael Gaffigan recendy ttated that I reflect a nufundersaniding and a ieas) prevelea in tbe U.S. tha the Sc^ieD in geaeral are tbe root of terrorinn throogbout tbe world. (Letter to the Edhor, Penduimi, Ocl2) Fact or &ntaty: A Soviet figfaier shot down KAL flight 007 OKcr the Sea of J^tan kiUins 269 panengers. a U.S. ooo- gressman (act of or act of terrorianT). In 1973 during a tpeecfa Swiet Premier Brezhoev stated “Our aim it to gain oontrol ow tbe two grea treasures on whicii the west depends ... tbe eoergy treasure boQse of dx Penian Gulf and the mineral treasure house of Centnl and SaadKni A&ica.” SW^PO (South West African I^oples Organization) and the AWC (African Nabooal Congress) are being supplied by die Soviet satellite naoom (Zimbabwe, Zan- bia, Aitgala. and Bodwana) to do their bidding. The jailed criminal and presideot of the /WC Nelaoo Mondale it a KCS agem. Fact or Cmtasy: the Libyan Secret Police, the dreaded Mukhabara. is lead by Marcus who it an offi^ of the Eaa German laeiligeace Service, which b oontroUed by the KC% ttaut dtrectl) linlring tbe Ltbyant and tbe Soviets. Tbe Libyans support terrorism on two lewelt; one, by creating its cwn gioapt and two, by aiding tboae alrealy in exiaeoce. Tbe three primary bodies dia are operating under LS>yan air^ace are die Natiodal Arab \butfa OrgamzatioD for tbe Libention of Palestine (whicb acts against American civilians); tbe Revoiu- tiooary Arab-Mestinian oom- tnitees, (whicfa are in Lebanon and operaiitg against Israel), and the NatioQal command far the Arab Rewlutiaoary Force, wfaicfa coordinate activities of terrorism frtxn Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and radical Actions of the PLO,(whicii were respoosibie far the death of Navy diver Roben Stetbem aboard TWA jetliner and Leon Klinghctffer aboard an Italian cruise ship). Tbe Libyan ftoples Bureau «webouse arms far future terrorist eodeavors. Tferrorist in Ittdooesia receive nxney and weapons from Libya tbe LPB in Koota Lum^sar, Malaysia, serve or cootacts far a multitude of Arian terrohst oiganizatioDs Faa or &iKasy: The terrorist bof^»ing of a crowied disco in Wst Berlin iqured many «nH killing two, including one DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP. 5o,cff£, cau> you PVT 0Tf SLfffSfS rmAoosETn e^mr 9/f^ / by Berke Breathed COIKPYOUFVT oump^ w/um miB HOUSE? emrm / imsiBie limiW Justjfl| American aerviceinao. U.S.t trileynce later cooSnudCi (^addafi's ceapcosibLlity. One of tbe mtzi> «iyii Soviets imeod to cripple the is wxVd ecoocmically, loduantf. and militanly is by codtrd!io|i„ oil fields of tbe Middle E«t> tbe vital and amegic mbm mined in Cental and Soule‘S Africa. The need the help of s like Qaddafi. Moudeli. Orte; Castro and Ante to acfaim cootrol. lb tbeni the endji tbe How many Amencas oed\ ' be kiUed or maimed whilei||y noceaiy staiding in Eura(«^ airpoRs, or while taking busing or pleasure trips oversets we as a nation, agoweniDa(,9 “enooghT' How msny wniii( does out gowrmneni hKloiii in order to protect our cffivt befare we act? lYigger Gaffigan? I thiidL not. %ui«| call my concern “Red I. however, call it knowiigai enem)'and tbe threat they iaip^ upon niy freedom. M A Red, White and Blue David Regnery Ekn College RepubboH: The Pendulum Stai EdKor Michele UshM) Arts Edtor MVonne Evani Sports Edtor Jeff Martii Mvertising Resanne A>W TbddTayw Photographer Cord FinW Ann CralWI* Feature Editor Dot Hay« A(}visor Dc Bob NW** The PondJlum i»alcon»^' 10 250 Irani m—nil m«y be wl»T«ea eWj" T tcte. At MMn moa be sig^ pnt*e nuroeaf gwen » »■ ™ , vaicSly can be iatet*tc n* ' 'esarm »«ri(^ K> edi ** good taste wti msancy ™ fc)r sul*n#no meenal is 2 Our office iTlocaiad in 1« Ay«.. phone 584-2331 puUBhBfl by »» Ootrmnc^^ Board ot Bon Cotaoe tober 14, 1974. as the newspapef serving »» Boo communty. The P«n**^ * ?L,« aac^ ThorstlBy during capt lor tie pmds T>»PwndiAjm«p»w‘^ I BurlnoBn Oaiy r»iiei f***