C(7e PeNOuluM llwi' ii/olume XIV, No. 7 \m\ iraiij 'loi^arking to Improve iiwt By L. Andrews Staff Writer Parking has been a hoi topic on Os Elon College campus tor is viny weeks, since the hegining ol 10 |t school year. Vii.iludents have been accusing the hcCon administration ol ignoring ; parking problem and not tak- uil the problem seriously enough. Isx)wever. Terry Creech. Elon's :hi:rector of Safety and security, oiniid "We have been working on )vc[j parking problem and we're not isianoring it." .IJarper center and Jordon Center ;as were two of the problem ;as for parking, the new part of ; Jordon Center lot. the new ne Arts Center lot is now open, ■cording to Creech, that lot will ■used as an overflow lot for tem- rary parking. —'reech explained that com- iters have the option to use the ne Arts Center lot if there hap- nds to be no spaces left in tlie ' mmuter lot. reech is in the proccess of re- iistering Colclough dorm iidents so that they will park in : lower gym lot instead of the irper center lot. According to T ecch. this change should allow ‘*i)ugh parking spaces for other -jrper Center residents. *)ver the summer. 90 spaces ■re added to the htwer gym lot. t)s the lot across rom the Fine Is Center was built. Creech /s that there arc plans lor a riilty/staff lot to be built bet- vn the tennis courts. Fine Arts Miter, and outdoor racqueiball urts which will add another 80 aces. This will open up several Jccs in the commuter lot where iny staff members have been rking. Creech said."Thls lot is pposed to be started relatively Wednesday, October 14, 1987 to^m ^ "’'•‘'^•1^1' 'he Can,cron Aggies delense en rout, to an hU>n -l-_0 victory Saluidiiy allcrnoon. See story paiic X Photo By Denise Deierl $7,600: How You Can Afford It By Aleta SinJ^field Staff Writer It is not unusual to hear students complaining about the cost of attending Elon College tor the academic year. "Too expen- sive are two words almost always used in describing the cost. For some students, the expen.se is a heavy burden causing them to work a part or full-time job to make ends meet, while for others, the burden may not be as heavy because of parental support. Whatever manner a student chixises in making ends meet, it is worth it according to Carrie Bishop, Director of Financial Planninc. Education is an investment in one’s future. And if one has to borrow money or work part-time Jobs, it may be worth it. Yet some may disagree. I would suggest students consider this being worth the investment," Bishop .said. The total cost for a student to attend Elon College for the academic year is $7,600, yet full time undergraduate North Carolina residents are a slight advantage. Each semester $525 (North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grant) is subtracted from their cost leaving them respinsible for only $6,550 a year. Payment of room and board contibute to the operating of residence halls and .cafeteria facilities. Room payments take care ot niaintainig a decent living quarters for the students, while board payments go toward the salaries of kitchen .staff and pro viding the cafeteria with tixKl and other necessities. The SGA fee of $50 gt>es directly to the Student Govern ment Ass(x.'iation withe remaining $4,900 going towards programs, operating the college, and the salary of faculty and administrators. Gifts provided by donors, through the Development Office, basically subsidize tuition. If it were not for these donors and other federal and state funded See Aid, page 3 Elon College, NO Varsity Grille’s Prices Too Expensive By Amber Close Staff Writer From August 15th to September 12th the campus grille. ItKated in Long Student Center, underwent major reconstruction in the form ol redecoration. new menus, and a new name, it is now the Varsity Grille. Most students tell these changes were badly needeil, and an improvement, but others say that they are being charged more loi the same UhkI to cover the redecorating costs. According to Bill Butler. Direc tor of Dining Services, the new grill is Just a Joint eflori between ARA and Elon. He also says that business has been dropping off since the new opening because ol the increase in prices. Il is obvious when you tirsl walk in the grill thal this is true. Ann Withers, a student says thal she used to lake advantage of the free refills of coflee that the grill useil to oiler. "Now you have to pay more for col fee and you don't gel any refill at all. All the linnl prices have been raised but the fiHHl seems to be the same. I usually don I have lour or five dollars to spend on breakfast every morning so 1 don'i eat there anymore.” Kim Shantely is another dissatisfied student, "li s loo bad they raised the prices so much. A lot ol people used to go there for a quick snack between classes but now more people are walking over to Hardee s instead, il's not thal lar a walk." See Grille, page 3 World Food Day Page 4 Shadow Box Review Page 6