^ L o N COLLEGE Sci liar 'Cl7€ PeNbUlUM olume XIV, No. 10 Wednesday, November 4, 1987 Elon College, NC Trustee s Approve 5 Year Plan on Housing Projects an By Marc Scagnelli ■san Staff Writer pan».st week the Elon College Board ptior Trustees met in Wakefield, ressjrginia and unanimously apprw- renja five year plan to set the direc- okOn of the college, ibe^ln what President Young call- lei^ “an historic occasion the board nagdproved the sales of a $12 million iroiiirth of bonds for the new tind((lding projects. The board also voted to increase talented student enrollemcnt through honors pro gram scholarship. According to Nan Perkins, Ad ministrative assitant to the presi dent. the sch(X)ls first priority is to retire the debt on the new Fine Arts Center. After that the sch(X)l will plan to develop the new pro perty behind the s(x;ccr field. New housing as also been approv ed. including the buldoing of Greek kxiges. One hundred beds will be add ed to Jorden Center and a new 2(X) -bed apartment will be com plex will also be bult. The addi tion of the Jordan Center will be completed by next fall and the new apartments will be finished by the fall of 89. The Greek kxiges should be finished by the spring of 89. In addition, a new student center ,"^cCrary Elected to Board of Trustees rau , ina striL I) Cl W sedi(, Holt McEwen McCrary Inside Mrs. Iris Holt McEwen -VicCrary of Burlington has been elected to the Elon College Board of Trustees. McCrary is the fourth member of her immediate family to serve on the Elon board. Her father, James Henry McEwen; her mother. Iris Holt McEwen; and her brother, James H. McEwen, Jr.. all served terms as trustees. Gifts for two major buildings, McEwen Dining Hall and the Iris Holt McEwen Library, and a number of scholarships and en dowments have been made by the family. "We are pleased that the McEwen family tradition of .ser vice to Elon will be continued through the efforts of Mrs. McCrary," said President Fred Young. 'Their record of leader ship and support for this institu tion is unexcelled. ' A lifelong resident of Burl ington and a member of First Christian United Church of Christ, Mrs. McCrary attended Finch College in New York City and graduated from the Univer sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Elon Home for Children. will be bult. Planning for this center will begin next year and building should start during the 89-90 school year. According to Perkins the new student center would hopefully open in the fall of 1991. The projected cost of the center is $4 to 6 million. Expansion of the library was also cited as an important goal, but no plans have yet been made. At the same time, the board has approved plans to increase talented student enrollement. Talented students are defined as having SAT scores of KXK) or Correction in last week's Pendulum, quotations were attributed to two optometrists. Dr. Richard Etheridge and Dr.Philip T. Bell, when in fact neither individual had been interviewed by a reporter. The Pendulum sincere ly regrets this violation of fun damental journalistic ethics and hopes no embarrassment has been caused. —Jerry Adams, Faculty Advisor John Hoyle, Editor ollege Bowl Tourney Begin See Pat’e 3 inajf cab^- for [ Show Winners ana? ic*i Sec Page 6 J^en’s Soccer Ranked 6th in National Poll fdi «to See Page 8 m f "L. i Parents Weekend: Students and their families attended the annual Parents weekend fcx)tball game. However, the Fighting Christians lost to Garner-Webb, 49-28. photo by Denise DeJerf more and a 3.0 gradeptiint average increased enrollement will be ac complished by expanding the honors program, Elon will sup plement North Carolina's teaching fellowships for future teachers by $5,(KX) each. The schiH)l will also start awar ding leadership scholarships to highschool seniors, who arc outstanding in their highschool clubs and organizations. "These are the .students who go on to be leaders, were going to try to count those students," Perkins said. The college will need to raise .$1 million for these projects. In the next few years , the pro jects approved at last weeks meeting will create several changes. Not only will housing be increased, but future incoming freshman will be higher caliber. As the school approches its KK)th annivesary, the board is continu ing to expand the college both physically and intellectually. Crate Amnesty Declared by Holly .Sniffen Staff Writer Elon College is helping local grocery stores and dairy distributors retrieve a popular ad dition to most college dorm rooms —stolen milk crates. In order to collect the crates, Elon dcclarcd October 29 as "Amnesty Day This gave students the chance to return cer tain brands of milk crates to their area assistants without penalty. Approximately 40 crates were recoverc(.l. Lee Proctor said that the amnesty day was "an attempt to keep the policc out of it and give students ihc opportunity to volun tarily return the crates." See Crate page 2