November29,1990 Page 4 Center From Page 1 Most of the sick students have been suffering from either upper respiratory ailments or gastro-intestinal illnesses. The upper respiratory ailments have ranged fr(xn so^ throats and runny noses to head colds while the gastro-intestinal illnesses range from diarrhea to vomiting. There were also four cases of mononucleosis reported for both September and October. According to Salter, future epidemics are difOcult to prevent. "There is only so much that the school can do because the college community lives so close together. Any activity that brings in a lot of people stands the risk Contracts of having an epidemic," Salter said. "There is really nothing that the school can do about it. It is the individual's situation, if you know somebody that is really sick then do not go sit in their room. Do not expose yourself if you can help it," Salter said. Salter feels that roommates of sick people need to work to preserve their own immunity. This means lots of hand-washing. Germs and bacteria can get passed by touching the surface of common areas. This also means that students must be careful not to eat or drink after their sick peers. According to Salter, proper rest and nutrition are the keys to maintaining good health. Salter believes proper nutrition is eating three meals a day without an abundance of junk food. This means that candy bars can not be substituted for meals. "Many students on this campus do not eat breakfast. This meal is important because the body has gone a long time in between meals," Salter said. "The students who skip breakfast are stripping themselves of energy," Salter said. Salter said students can further increase their chances for good health by taking a flu vaccine which will allow students to avoid getting three types of the flu. BAND SCHOLARSHIP MONEY AVAILABLE FOR CLARINETISTS AND FLUTISTS CONTACT: THOMAS ERDMANN MUSIC DEPT. EXT. 2440 $50offl4kL &$100o£fl0kt From Page 1 Ph.D’s right away, concerns were raised about an unjust dismissal. Francis said it would depend on funding and enrollment before upgrading could occur. "We don’t know when we can do it," he said. Francis said the professors will not be replaced with people with lesser qualifications. Francis said the nonrenewal of contracts does not reflect dealing on a whim. "It was planned," he said. "The three-year contract is an opportunity for teachers to get good college teaching experience while they evaluate the future for possibly attaining a Ph.D," Francis said. "When the three years are up and if they go get a Ph.D, they would be more than welcome to apply for an open position," Francis said. Francis said the experience the professors have had here has been good for both them and Elon. "It's disappointing. I understand that." The Beautiful Choice! You are invited to A Presidents' Forum An open forum to discuss topics of concern to Elon students Presiding: S.G.A. President Scott Frail S.G.A. V.P. Carter Smith Elon President Fred Young Monday, Dec. 3,3:30 p.m. Whitley Auditorium m I % Order your college ring NOW JOSTENS AMERICA 'S COLLEGE RIN G Date: Dcc. 6&7 Time: 10-3 Deposit Required: $20-00 Place: Campus Shop Meet with your JoMen,,,pre«nttfh*lorMd«alk.S« our compl«eriiw*tecUon on dIspUff In your «*-w»(CP-4oe-»)