Alternative Christian hand "Motors" into Elon College. Elon College swim team going against the current. Local Sierra Cluh hunting down help. RF.MINDKR: Cast your vote in SOA's referendum on March 20-21. THE Pendulum Volume XX, Number 17 Informing the Elon College Community March School names four finalists for office of vice president Conley Tribble/The Pendulum Happy Birthday!! Past and present Pendulum staH memlsers and advisers pose for a photo before Friday's forum. (From left to right) Bottom row. Patsy Lynch, Kelly Potter, Dot Hale. Mary Ellen Priestley (first adviser). Second row: Deborah Durkee. Mindy Schneeberger. Patsy Lynch. Fred Young. Third row: Mari Straub, Joy Washburn. Ehck Gill, Frank Isley, Brad Hamm. Fourth row: Bob Nowell, DeeDee Carowan. Penny Rtcco, Murray Glen. Joey Senat and Scott Wood. See Page 10 SGA's "6-month clause" axed from constitution Amy Logerwell Asst. Managing Editor A Loyola University dean and a University of Hartford adminis trator are among the top candidates for Elon’s vice president for Aca demic Affairs The interim vice president of Elon College and a Simpson Col lege vice president are the other two finalists. Provost Gerald Francis an nounced the candidates at the fac ulty meeting last Friday From March 12 to 24, each candidate will have two days on campus to meet faculty and stu dents. President Fred Young will se lect the top candidate Francis said he expects the new vice president to start m June The vice presideniial sloi opened Iasi spring after Francis was promoted to provost A nationwide search netied more than 100 applications for the job A committee narrowed a tield of SIX candidates to four last week One of the candidates report edly will be out of his current job in May Last December, Richard Ber nard was promoted Ironi dean ol Academics to vice president of Academic Affairs at Simpson Col lege in Iowa Bernard said Tuesday that his new job “made my work load less ' His contract expires in May, according to The Simpsonian, the student newspaper at Simpson Col lege Bernard, also a history proles sor, was hired by Simpson College in IW.^ Simpson College is a l.2(X)- student liberal arts school in Indianola. Iowa Bernard said he applied lor the Elon job because he was liMiking (or aquality instiiution in the South •'Elon s best days seem to be ahead," Bernard said ■’They have made progress, but ibere is still more to be made " He earned his master >- Irom Wake Forest University and his doctorate from Auburn University He was a department head and co-direcliir ol Urban AIKiitn ai Auburn from l*)K4-KK He w,i>. a vice president for Ac.idemic AI lairs at Bethany College in West Virginia from 19X9-^^' He will be ai Elon March 12- 14 See Finulisis, Page Stacey Ward Staff Reporter A controversial "six-month clause" has been dropped from the posed SGA Constitution. SGA senators last Thursday ted against requiring candidates for SGA executive office to have first served as Student Government ^jikssociation senators for at least six f months. College officials who had ana- ; lyzed the proposed constitution |Wled the clause "needless discrimi- Mtion,” “undemocratic” and "un- 'fair.” The clause got an equally un favorable reception last week at a student forum. SGA President Larry Williamshadcalled it “ridiculous." “It really contradicts every thing we're trying to do." Williams said Tuesday. The "six-month clause" was one of several proposed changes to the SGA Constitution. SGA sena tors have been rewriting the consti tution since last year. Senators are scheduled to fin ish revising the constitution and vote on it tonight at 5:15 p.m. in Alamance 302. The new See SGA, Page 4. Elon forces furniture store to close Erick Gill Editor In Chief An 83-year-old business man said Elon College is forcing him to close the town’s oldest store. After 35 years of service. Haynes Furniture Co. on Williamson Avenue will be closed in May because college officials chose not to renew its lease, said owner James Haynes. "They didn’t give me much of a choice,” Haynes said Tuesday afternoon. "I don’t want to quit work.” This will be the second time in a year that the college has shut down a local business. Last year the college bought the 41-year- old Wilburn’s Tire and Auto Cen ter at the comer of Williamson and Haggard Avenues, which was the town’s oldest business. Haynes said that about two weeks ago he received a letter k L Haynes Furniture Co. owner James hang up his business. File Photon'he Pendulum Haynes said he's not ready to from Elon College, which leases the building to Haynes, stating that he had to move out when his lease is finished in May. Haynes said that no one from the college told him in person that the school wasn’t going lo renew his lease. James’ sister, Mackie Haynes, who has helped run the store for the 10 years, said that she isn't happy with the way college offi cials handled the situation. “(Jim Johnson) called us on the phone,” Mackie said. "He couldn’t even walk next door and tell us in person.” See Haynes, Page 5