Editorials October 31,1996 The Real Meaning of Halloween Chuck Buckley It’s Halloween. October thirty- first. All Hollows Eve. Whatever you wanna call it, it’s here. What are you going to do about it? No I mean seriously, what are you going to do tonight? You might decide to stay at home again to night and watch “Must See TV” or all the sitcoms' very touching holi day editions. No my friend, get yourself a life. You could dress up in your $50 store-bought costume and go to the Light House and drink your self into a blind sexual rage which culminates with you passed out in your bathroom with important parts of you either underwater or miss ing. You can do that other nights but not tonight. October thirty-first. Not Hal loween. No, it’s Franklin Street Night. You may have thought that today was set aside for going to houses to get candy, or dressing up in your little costumes and parad ing around in a contest. That may have been the way that it was, but now, Halloween means only one thing. Making that yearly pilgrimage to the street which is called Franklin. Don’t know now the way ? You will. Oh yes. You will be drawn to the barely controlled chaos that is Chapel Hill like moths to a flame. I’ve lived in Chapel Hill since I was in the 5th grade. I want to impart what little knowledge I have gained onto you so that your trip to the Halloween mecca will be one that is enjoyable and survivable. I’ve broken these guideline into two sections: Things that your mother will tell you do for Hallow een, then things that you ought to do for Franklin street. Costume - Yo Mama - The first and most important thing par ents will tell you is wear a sweater over your costume and make sure that you wear reflective strips on your costume so that every one will see you. Costume - Me - Screw that. Glow strips? If you are going as street sign okay, but otherwise for get it. As for the temperature, there is the distinct possibility of your butt becoming frozen off, but Franklin Street at midnight is wall- to-wall people. Make sure that your costume is something that you can move comfortably in and more impor tantly run in. Don’t wear anything that you care about because as Murphy’s law states you will get yourself covered in beer. Some people work the entire year in preparation of this festival. I’ve seen some 10-foot monsters with two heads, really life-like and disgusting trolls (High school stu dents) and one guy who went as Boba Fett and my god it was nice. Candy - Yo Mama - Check your candy for razor blades, shards of glass, small explosives, cyanide capsules and anything else that will maim you. Don’t take candy from any one with vacant, wandering eyes. Candy - Me - Franklin street is not a trick or treat type of place. Oh no, no. If you consume anything it will more than likely be something liquid in nature. As for people.with vacant, wandering eyes, that’s half the people there. Maybe even your friends. Some of the various people you will meet on your trip to Franklin will of course be the ever present police officers. When you are near them please keep in mind that this is the toughest night of the year for them and that Chapel Hill cops are pretty serious year round so don’t do anything stupid. Also there will be Zionists out there till around 1:00 a.m. Don’t be afraid of the Zionists. They don’t want to hurt you, they just want to save your undying soul. If you don’t want saving just take their pamphlets, collect all four, nod your head, and walk away, • Stay safe, have fun and I’ll see you out there. Kemember to tune in to 893 WSOE for the following great shows: ‘'Shut up and Listen Talk Tuesday” 10-12 Ripley Von Slam’s Siamfest 3:30-4 The 1/2 Hour of Power with Chuck and Andrea 4-5 Holse Pollution with Jon and Tracy 5-6 Freedom of Speech with Mike and Brutus 6-7 The Sports Show Mth Matt, Mu arid purk Also don’t miss "Are Saturdays at 6:30 ©1996 Oto the I see^A eiTTER. \ viiouicTive;, ftvrr I I'M Quire SOWvt PtoPte M€ Rvjpt o8»0oy.\ous, BUT Jiostoe r«^swe6T Af^o 6eK)Tie. PtOPU GET TUe I^APfteSSlOKJ OF fV\E SOMeTlMES. amp BUTifisioeX'M SOFr- To lOQfei PiTHt iJOU'P I’M ACTv»Auy X put UP A 816 SHotO OP SfclMG CALWvr, HATtFVL, 8uT Ik>S\06 Ak)P LOVWG, 1 GOtSS Wfc CAk) BOTW ijou'ee. A pathetic, LtirLfe WOBM. KJOTWi06 I WUAT idOU MEAW, Hundreds of Students Are Earning Free Spring Break Trips! Sell 8 Trips and Go FREE! Bahamas Cruise $279 Cancun & Jamaica $399 Panama City/Daytona $119 1-800-678-6386 www.sprmgbteakttavel.com [if WAS A BAD DA^At" SCHOOL”! We can help you get your day back . on track. Just order a MEDIUM original style pizza with FIVE of your J favorite toppings for only $8.99! CALL US! SERVING:ELON COLLEGE &GIBSONVILLE 584-3336 417 WEST HAGGARD AVENUE