12 May 1,1997 College Horoscope For The Week By Linda C. Black The sun’s in Taurus all this week, lending stability to the situa tion. Monday’s best for business deals; there’s a grand trine in earth signs. Tuesday and Wednesday morning are best for making big decisions, with the moon in Aquarius. Don’t wait until Tues day afternoon — decisions made then won’t work out nearly as well, Thursday and Friday should be fun, and they’re both good days for planting. The weekend’s best for finishing up that list of stuff you should have already done by now. Horoscope . m Aries (March 21-April 19). Try not to argue with an authority fig ure Monday. It’s a losing battle. Brains will win over brawn on Tues day and Wednesday. You’d better do what you promised on Thursday and Friday. Somebody’s watching. The moon’s in your sign over the weekend, which is wonderful! Your increased enthusiasm almost makes up for your lack of spending money. Taurus (April 20-May 20). Your business savvy is right on target Monday. Go with your in stincts to make a profitable choice. The boss or your most technical professor will be in a fine mood Tuesday and Wednesday. Be pre pared for tough questions. Launch a charitable endeavor Thursday morning for maximum effective ness. You’ll achieve group objec tives Thursday night and Friday doing what worked before. Clean out the garage this weekend. You’ 11 find lots of buried treasures. Gemini (May 21 -June 21). Put as much as possible into your sav ings account on Monday. You’ll be glad you did. Let a fascinating for eigner lead you to a good choice on Tuesday and Wednesday. An imaginative older person may be hard to follow Thursday and Fri day. Do the homework to keep up. Your friends are in a feisty mood over the weekend. Don’t let them get you into trouble. Cancer (June 22-July 22). Your partner may be infuriating on Mon day, but is probably also right. Learn more about the stock market Tues day and Wednesday, so you can increase your earnings. For spiri tual renewal, go back to a favorite place by water on Thursday or Fri day. Hearing favorite water music could work, too. Fire dominates Saturday and Sunday. An older person will be feeling feisty. Don’t take a thoughtless re mark too seriously. Leo (July 23-Aug, 22), Do the work and make lots of money on Monday, Let a partner carry more of the load on Tuesday and Wednes day, He or she can accomplish something easily that you find way too difficult. Pay off a bill Thursday and Friday, and discover new freedom, A physical adventure is accompa nied by a mental one this weekend. You’ll have to be jammin’ to keep up. Virgo (Aug, 23-Sept, 22), You’re lucky in love Monday morn ing, Schedule your time accord ingly. Study complicated technical material Tuesday and Wednesday to improve your work skills. Go along with your mate’s fantasies on Thursday, Provide common sense to someone who needs it on Friday. Play with your budget this week end and you’ll find lots of things you can cut. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Find the funding you need from a pri vate source on Monday. Make a commitment with your sweetheart on Tuesday. A barrier Wednesday morning will be overcome by that afternoon, through love. You’ll find the per fect gift Thursday morning. Con centrate on your work that after noon and Friday. Let your mate drag you off on an adventure this weekend. Scorpio (Oct, 24-Nov, 21), Something you learn from a friend Monday can help your partnership prosper. Consider a change that needs to be made at home on Tues day, Make the decision Wednes day morning. If you’re going after new love, ask Thursday morning. If it’s old love you’re after, you can wait until that evening, Friday’s excellent for planting a garden and for romance, too. You’ re going to have to work this week end, so you might as well enjoy it. Give it your full attention to avoid accidents. Sagittarius (Nov, 22-Dec, 21), On Monday, ask your boss for a raise, or your mom for an increase in your allowance. Study compli cated technical subjects on Tues day and Wednesday, Also, fix household appliances or buy new ones. On Thursday, make time for a roommate with a problem. Offer words of wisdom and hugs. Entertain at home on Friday, Love blossoms anew over the week end, Allow yourself to get outra geous, in a healthy manner. Capricorn (Dec, 22-Jan, 19), You’re lucky, strong and wise on Monday. Go for it. Money ’ s coming into your account Wednesday or Thurs day , Use it to buy electronics. You ’ 11 learn best by working with a master on Thursday and Friday, Don’t ask many questions, just watch and listen. And practice. Stay home over the weekend and take care of household matters, Sunday ’ s good for entertaining controversial conversationalists. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb, 18), You may feel like somebody ’ s lean ing over your shoulder Monday, watching your every move. Don’t let the kid behind you copy off your paper! You’ll be in total control Tuesday and Wednesday, except for a little flak from a loved one at home. If you buy something he or she is nagging you for on Thursday, Friday will be much more enjoy able. Catch up on all your reading over the weekend, and your exer cise program, too. Pisces (Feb, 19-March 20), Heed an older friend’s advice on Monday. A neighbor can help you through a bureaucratic maze on Tuesday and Wednesday, Once that’s done, you’ll have more time to play together. Devote Thursday and most of Friday to that. Also, call your sister or brother. Shop over the weekend for things you need to further your education or update your skills. If You’re Having a Birthday This Week... Born April 28: Make travel and games a part of your business and succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Born April 29-30: Once you learn how to run the machinery, you’ll get promoted to the next level. Study. Born May 1- 2: Your friends are there when you need them, and you’re good sup port for them too. Together, you can make a big difference. Born May 3-4: This year is about finish ing up past commitments. Just take them one at a time. This will be empowering, (c) 1997 Tribune Media Ser vices, All rights reserved. Botontolpn •$8 Haircuts •Clipper cuts a specialty 131 W. Davis St. Burlington, NC 910*226*7656 Tues.-Sat. 7 a,m,- 5:30 p.m. $9^.. large 2-topping pizza & 1-2 liter of coke Coupt)ti not valid wilh any other offer. Offer valid with coupon only. Valid at participating stores only.' Prices may vary. Customers pays sales tax where applicalbe. Our drivers carry less than $20. dj799 kP / +tax medium 2-topping pizza & 2 bottles of coke Coupon not valid with any other offer. Offer valid wilh coupon only. Valid at participating stores only. Prices may vary. 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