4 Februaury 12,-1998 Letters SGA member upset by use of funds Student Government to use activities funds for Haggard Ave. sidewalk To the Editor: I am writing this letter in re sponse to the Student Government Association decision to give away $7500. The money was taken from the overdraft of student activities fee and will be used to have the sidewalks on Haggard Avenue ex tended from East Campus apart ments to Ashley Oaks apartments, with a crosswalk somewhere in the middle. Don’t get me wrong, the idea is a noble one. The problem is that the Student Government used stu dent activities fees to pay for this project. The student activities fees are there to fund organizations on campus, period. Furthermore, I feel this was a very rushed decision by the Stij- dent Government. The Student Government had no prior notice or information about the proposal that was being represented last Thurs day. I felt there needed to be more information present for the Senate to vote on the current project. The only information that was presented was the cost of the project and a map on a wrinkled piece of paper showing where the sidewalks were to be located. It was a rushed decision made by the Student Government Asso ciation. I also think a lot of senators were confusing the issues and many felt it was their job to provide safety for students on this campus. It is not SGA’s job to provide safety for the students. It’s to represent the students. The issue is the improper use of funds by the Student Govern ment Association to support a project that had nothing to do with any organization on this campus. I would just like to reflect back to the students for a moment. This money is “your” money, not Elon ’ s money or even the Student Government’s money. I hope you enjoy wasting it on sidewalks which should be funded by Elon College. Moreover, this decision puts a tremendous amount of stress on the budget committee. How is the bud get committee ever going to be able to cut organizations wanting more money for this semester? I just have to say to all the organizations, if you want your money, now is the time to get it because Student Government is just giving it away. How can any orga nization be denied money after the Student Government Association gave money for sidewalks. They really cannot. Finally, I would just like to say to the town of Elon College, I find it absolutely ridiculous for the town to only have to pay one-third of the money. The town has plenty of money to fund this project but they won’t. It just goes to show where students really rank in the town’s pecking order. Sincerely, Matthew D. Belardi 'Best of 1997' omitted athletic achievements To the Editor: I was veiy pleased to see the section in the last printed Pendu> lum about the “Best of 1997.’’ It was a great piece that was put to gether by your staff. 1 was very upset after going through the whole article once again, only to not see anything about the baseball and golf teams who worked extremely hard in post*season play. Do not g0t me wrongs I am very happy that you did your piece about the basket ball team, they deserve it but you seemed to have left ojff twoteams who went further in play, I worked withthebaseball team last year, and believe rae, if you were not at ev«y game and every practice^thenyoudo notknowhow hard tiiese men worked. For those of you who do not know, while everyone else was cramming for exams or partying hard, the baseball team was on a plane to Alabama. 'Hie golf team was also on a plane to Arizona. The baseball team went to Alabama and played the best games of their lives, win ning against one team who went on to play in the World Series. And they were giving Elon College the recognition that they so well de serve. The basebsdl team finished the season second in the region and fifth in the nation. So to all the guys tiiat were on last year’s team, THANK YOU for giving me the best of 1997 and giving me six months of fun, laugh ter and tears. You guys deserve the best out of everything. When you do not thinfcanyone is in youf comer, I want you to always remember that I am and I saw all the work that you did ac complish. And to all the athletes, you all deserve my congratulations forthe five years that you have given to me, I have worked widi all of you in some form. Keep your heads up and keep going strong in Division ■■III* Sincerely, Brandy Norris Mad about something^ Write a Letter to the Editor Welcome Back Elon College Students FEBRUARY PIZZA PEALS! LARGE 1 Topping Pizza $6.99 LARGE 1 Topping Pizza & 2 20oz Dmnks $7.99 LARGE 1 Topping & Bnead Sncks $8,99 LARGE 1 Topping & Cheese Sncks $9.99 2 LARGE 1 Topping $12.99 We at Papa John's value your feed back. Any concerns, suggestions, or if you are interested in joining our team, please call us: