Page g • Friday, August 23, 2002 The Pendulum The Pendulum Established 1974 Involvement is the key to finding your niche at Elon After two days of moving in and getting oriented, that whole “col lege thing” is starting to set in. It may have been an intangible concept before, but it’s starting to seem like it’s really going to happen. You’re really here and your parents have really gone home. Believe it or not, the decisions you have made in the last year just to get here have really just begun. People have been giving you college advice for months now—don’t sign up for any 8 a.m. classes, don’t date people on your hall, wear flip- tlops in the shower and avoid the dining halls at all costs. But there’s one salient point that should rise above the rest—it’s not where you go, but what you do when you get there. Soon, the rest of Elon’s student body will arrive and the .sea of friend ly faces will grow. Along with those faces come mottos, slogans and Greek letters that help identify those people. Soon, you will decide whether these mottos or letters will become part of your identity. On Aug. 30, Elon’s brick paths will be lined with tables from more than 140 organizations that thrive on this campus. The opportunities will be overwhelming. Elon is one of few institutions that genuinely function as a small family. No matter how farfetched your ideas may seem, there is always a campus leader, a suitemate, a professor or another faculty member who will believe in your idea as much as you believe in it. If you don’t know what you believe in, start dreaming. Just because you weren’t a star quarterback does not mean you wouldn’t be the MVP of one of Elon’s intramural teams. Just because you never tried making a movie doesn’t mean you won’t love it. And if you can’t find the per fect fit in your search to get involved, start your own club. In an environment that nurtures creativity and leadership as much as this one, you can make anything happen, and you should. And although four years seems like a long time, it will fly by faster than anyone can tell you. In the words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while... you might miss it. The Pendulum Jennifer Guarlno, Editor-in-Chief Crystal Allen and Katie Beaver, Managing Editors Erin Cunningham, News Editor Eric Hall, Opinions Editor Andl Petrlnl, A & E Editor Lindsay Porter, Features Editor Colin Donohue, Sports Editor Tim Rosner, Photography Editor Samlha Khanna, Chief Copy Editor/Graphics Editor Annette Randall, Business Manager Matt Ford, Online Editor The Pendulum Is published each Thursday of the academic year. The advertising and editorial copy deadline Is 5 p.m. the Monday before publi cation. Letters to the editor and guest columns are welcome and should be typed, double-spaced, signed and Include and telephone number for verifi cation. Submissions are also accepted as Word documents on disk or by e-mail. The Pendulum reserves the right to edit obscene or potentially libelous material. Lengthy letters or columns may have to t>e trimmed to fit. All submissions become the property of The Pendulum and will not lie returned. To reach The Pendulum at 233 Moseley Center, call 278-7247 or fax 278- 7246. Contact The Pendulum by e-mail at pendulum@ek> Visit our Web site at Each Individual is entitled to one free copy. — Opinion Allow the wave of change to carry College is a time of self-discovery Christian Wiggins The day has come and you are finally here. Welcome to college! You have carried over stuffed boxes into your resi dence hall, dec orated your room with pic tures of family and friends, I purchased] over-priced books, stood in line for your Phoenix Card and scouted out the campus. The wave of change has begun. The waves of the ocean can either knock you down or they can carry you to a new destina tion. How you respond to the force determines your success. You can fight the changes that are happening around you and struggle to keep your head above water. But life will be easier if you accept these changes and use them to propel you through challenges. One of the trials you will face is adapting to the academic requirements of college. In high school, you were expected to learn what the teacher presented in class. In college, your pro fessors will expect you to take an outline of materials present ed in class and research your own conclusions. Over your college career, you should begin to seek out information that is important and interesting to you. You have a unique oppor tunity to take learning to the next level and challenge your self and those around you. As you begin this process of acquiring new knowledge in your new environment, don’t forget the people and experi ences that have brought you here. Thank your parents for helping you move-in, but more importantly for bringing you to this point in your life. As you transition to college life and adulthood, you may begin to see that your parents actually do have some good advice. You might even find that your par ents are among your closest friends. Grow in the relation ship you share with the people partially responsible for your success. No matter where your expe riences take you within the next few years, you will begin to question and redefine the prin ciples that guide your path. At the beginning of my senior year, I’ve found that the only con stant in my life is the change that my mind and spirit is expe riencing. Sometimes in the wave of change we find our true direc tion. Elon has helped me find who I am and where I am going. Over three years, I have moved closer to being the person I want to become. I became clos er to my family, gained lifelong friends, learned from my suc cesses and failures and recog nized more of the opportunities life offers. While you are laboring over the decisions you have to make, such as what classes to take, where to spend your time or what organizations to join, be sure to slow down and enjoy the moment. You only get to live today once, so make the most of it. To make each day count, take advantage of the little opportu nities that present themselves. Speak to the person sitting next to you in class. Stop to talk to your professor at College Coffee. Remember peoples’ names, including the staff mem ber who cleans your building. Say hello when you pass others on campus. Make a list of things you would like to accomplish while you are at Elon and then do them. Good luck and may you let the wave of change guide you. Christian Wiggins is a guest columnist and SGA President. Contact him regarding this col umn Lauded & Applauded Inspected & Qejected Wal-Mart ❖ The crowd at Wal-Mart La Fiesta ❖ Harden Cook Out milkshakes ❖ Downtown Burlington West End Cinema ❖ West End Cinema is the only 0’Charley’s theater The Pendulum ❖ Colonial Mail North Carolina weather ❖ Two sets of police: town and Blockbuster campus Books-A-Million ❖ Big Lots f